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Everything posted by Perisemiotics.4579

  1. oh, I dig lip rings! but here, let's find some middle ground *sneezes*
  2. ...actually - and according to the most recent data-mining we have - there's also going to be a belly button ring; the text files are not 100% clear on this but some veterans and youtubers[source missing] have speculated the belly ring will have between 40% to 80% more stats than the nose ring. Tidbits of lore have emerged from those files as well, but we don't yet know for sure if such rings will originate from a spin-off Olmakhan sect or what the files appear to reference as a Rata Sum gang of disillusioned progeny, although upper-ear rings, shafts, pendants and what have you cannot be substantiated by the data so far. The image files from that batch however seem to suggest very, very different torso tattoos than the ones currently in-game -which by the way will also support ray-tracing (primarily in a beta phase tho) - so don't be surprised if there's a new "gear" slot for "holo-tats" or w/e. Overall it's safe to say - until stuff gets announced and/or leaked - the next xpack will lean heavily on body art in its multiple applications and expressions but which new stat combos will arise from them remains to be seen.
  3. Didn't have any issues with any of these except for #4 (Broken Bridge), which the Wiki lists as #16 (Waterfall); after reading here about them being swapped, I did - or redid? it's been months now so i don't remember... - the one overlooking the Waterfall and finally got credit for the broken bridge one.... so yeah, they're swapped in-game.
  4. We still don't have them for Bags of Loot from the Treasure Hunt at the Labyrinthine Cliffs (I just deleted a bunch of stacks instead of clicking through them); also the Baubles from the HI node, I get that it's part of the SAB mechanics as players have an expandable limit on how many they can carry but outside of the SAB levels - or at least when the festival isn't active - we could do with an option to convert a full stack into a Bubble, and then add Bubbles to the material storage PLEASE.
  5. I'm 45 but I was told the other day I look like I'm 35 *wink*
  6. Tangled Depths is still my favorite map; the bewilderment of going into Verdant Brink for the first time is unforgettable. Hopefully you didn't use mounts or at least stopped using them soon enough in order to fully take in the experience. However PoF was very special as well - certainly not as challenging or innovative but in terms of map art and design I'd argue it's even superior to HoT - The Dwarven Ruins in the Highlands or the Branded wasteland in Vabbi never get old.
  7. I liked the PoF screen the best with the pyramids and the flowing sands; music I wanna say HoT but PoF music was also so very good.
  8. Why, though? you don't wanna know when Hotteee sleep Bay? Seriously though it's a good one especially if you like WvW plus it comes with its own JP if you enjoy those as well =P
  9. I used to do that years ago... aren't those ones that give back boxes? I don't wanna be opening more and more boxes lol - that's exactly what i don't want to do, to spend time managing and meta-managing inventory. for items I have no use for anymore. Even if occasionally I get some T6 mats from them, i don't need them or want that. This kind of pointless looping ANet does with these boxes within boxes and boxes from "reward" items... the root solution is simple, give me an option not to drop the thing from which they've had to artificially create "converters" for.
  10. I'm gonna hijack this one and ask if there'd be a way for us to opt out of getting bloodstone dust (a.k.a "the red thing") as well as "the purple thing" and "the yellow thing" - yes they're depositable and used for a lot of things but even so I've run out of uses for them a long time ago and the cluttering and inventory management derived from their existence, even on a maxed out material storage, is beyond annoying. At this point I've placed their stacks in shared slots so I can deposit mats without having to clear out dozens of stacks of them at a time from my storage every so often.... still annoying but moderately less annoyingly so. I'm not asking to have them removed or anything, just code in a couple lines that give us the option to stop getting them altogether, pretty kitten please ❤️
  11. Yeah the battle pass isn't as bad as in other games but OP has a point, namely, what exactly is this for a paid... something... expansion? I don't even see this as a mini expansion to be honest. I have no idea what this "patch" is gonna be about really... Something of Obscure. What is clear though is that it feels much too underwhelming - these blog posts and trailers keep showing two relatively small sky-island maps full of HoT leylines and saying "come get your skyscale" - wait, what "Skyscale"? the one I got in Dragonfall, when was it again... 4 years ago? I've seen a lot of rehashed models and props in these previews, so all in all in terms of actual content we're getting a new weapon per profession and some story - and seeing how the stories from the actual expansions prior always wound up feeling a little short, I'm almost certain this one will be much too short. Plus all the things that "will come soon(TM) after release"... man, no. Bottom-line: it isn't about how friendly the new daily system is or will be, but that it isn't content. I'm not counting on all the new skins and armor sets either, I have plenty of gen 1 and 2 legendaries still to play for if I want cool skins, so no, skins as mere rewards (unlike some of the leg. questlines) are not content. Speaking of "friendly" and "content," I think this Wizard's Vault thing just helped me decide to invest my time in Baldur's Gate 3 for now, a game with a crapton of actual content that I can play without even going online - how's that for "friendly" or "alleviating my anxiety"? Best of luck to the team though and I hope I turn out to be wrong but after EoD I personally feel this type of release model is the last thing this game needed, but what do I know. And before you bring up "quarterly results" as an argument, please understand those results are only the consequence of a lackluster expansion. Have fun, guys.
  12. I'll just say it made me wish (more) that mock xpack page made by fans about a supposed underwater, Largos expansion had been real. So many good ideas there without trying to reinvent the wheel but... still during the IBS days ANet made the Skimmer also a "diver"... that was to me the beginning of the End - quite literally, you see...
  13. I think one's "best" or favorite game is objectively subjective inasmuch as one's point in their lifetime and journey. Often people will have as their fave their first, regardless of genre, of whatever genre they then and because of get attached to. Many people to this day will not think twice before claiming GW 1 is superior, far superior to GW 2 even-though it's objectively inferior mechanically, technically and graphically - this has less to do with the intrinsic virtues and faults of either game but rather connects to what GW 1 came to mean at the time it was, what it was, as a game in the broad industry and as an experience for each of those people in their particular walks and stages of life. That cool game that you discover as a youth, when life is opening up on multiple fronts, has a big chance to become your "best ever" because it irretrievably becomes part of that special, irreplaceable - nostalgic - period of your own life (even if it be undeniably a trashy p2w clunky mess). So, in trying to preserve a modicum of objectivity I won't go back too far to the days of Pitfall, River Raid and Enduro on the Atari; more recent titles like No Man's Sky, Hollow Knight and Cities: Skylines, which are each in their own niche, still closely relate to GW 2 in a remarkable freedom-of-way manner as all of them give me a lot of agency on how I want to do what I want to do and when. Disco Elysium is the best game I am yet to play =P
  14. It isn't just "a WvW mount," it's part of the whole WvW experience. I played this game for years without ever even checking WvW out. When the mount was introduced I felt it was the perfect excuse to give WvW a try and ever since it's become my favorite game mode =P so give it a try for what it is, not for what you want it to be, and you might find a new side to this beautiful game you didn't think existed.
  15. We need ANet to create a meta-API, easily embedded into forum posts, that shows the current ratio of players registered to gw2E versus total current players... I suspect less than half of total players have contributed their acct stats to gw2E. The issue however is the old "grind" misconception....... really, guys :) do you play a game to... "grind"? my personal view is that there is no grind at all in this game (except maybe if you're trying to rush a leggy), xp is showered upon us to the point it's trivialized, MPs in general are well balanced. Some people enjoy "grinding" for gaming, I won't judge - but those who don't, in the case of GW2, chances are you're probably approaching the game from a flawed perspective, or the game may not fulfill your idea of "gaming."
  16. One can only hope but given their record of "reimagining" old areas from GW1 and sticking to human-centered storylines (that, and Taimi) I don't expect much anymore. HoT was so good because on top of all the new features it was truly pushing the story forward and into new territory, figuratively and literally. PoF was back to GW1 fluff but the maps and mounts were good and that's fine... but now the cycle repeats after the big flop on the Norn and Charr (and Kodan, etc.)... I know nobody cares and ANet least of all but if the next expansion after Cantha or LW is just "reimagining" GW1 areas I'll be pretty close to being done.
  17. I will give that I agree to a certain extent, and after researching - at length - both the game lore and real-history parallels, I would suggest the following: Mesmer: CandyFiesta Necro: Junkier Guardian: Yee-Aww
  18. not just for a saga since it has broader repercussions going back to core maps, like gliding and mounts. Another such feature is the "jade technology," whatever that is exactly - devs said it'll be expansive to the whole world... we'll see.
  19. Fact: the leg. armory as implemented, doubling down on the abusive, obtrusive implementation (and monetization) of build and equipment loadouts, is a _major_ step back in terms of both "convenience" and "rewarding players for their legendary journey." You can twist it over and over any and every way you want, but the simple fact remains.
  20. naw, that one's one of the more relaxing, enjoyable JPs in the game 😉 just be patient with your debuffs and watch the lightning... that's it.
  21. Yeah that felt strange to me as well, they were so worried about reading the prompter it seemed, felt like a bad acting stunt... why not just have a laid-back talk and presentation in the format of Guild Chat? I miss those.
  22. oh my that one's the ugliest 😛 but respect for crafting it! hahah About the Aurene set, I'll wait to see the animations... since they share a theme the animations should more thna make up for it lol, and if I'm not mistaken Chelsea also did Exordium? so yeah, not all hope is lost yet...
  23. I was ready for ultimate pack but... idk, the way they talked about Jory and Kas coming to the front... nothing against them, it's just... I feel it's too darn old and repetitive. I like the stories about the Norn and even the Charr better, and not coincidentally both got shafted big with the saga debacle... and now we're back to those 2 humans one more time, really? It turns me off. I love the fishing and the skiff mechanics, events but other than that... it feels more like that Saga announcement with "assumed" xpack-lvl features than a proper expansion... more strikes, just one more guild hall (I was baffled they didn't try anything new with that and just repeated the failed formula). Probably too early to judge but I'm not feeling this one too much. Especially after IBS Champions 😕
  24. I won't even try, really. It's basically about the story - that's a common ground with GW2 but personally I prefer XIV's style of not giving in to over-quipping and keeping the focus on the big dramatic crisis at hand... while stiill being sensible to some sort of moral and ethic. Whether you just wanna blast through to the xpacks or take your time exploring and reading all the initial texts and side quests... that's at least a couple months' worth of your time. 🙂 oh but it is good, it's just... old? not to mention the remaking of it. Compare Core Tyria hearts, mechanics, etc. with any PoF map... same thing goes for every othe rgame I've played. Also, your mindset of boosting past the leveling process to get to "the good stuff" invalidates the notion of what an mmorpg should be about... I don't even like boosters or shortcuts, but that's another point.
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