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Revert the nerfs to staff mirage


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You ought to be more specific. What do you mean, the ambush from clones , Chaos Vortex alacrity duration?

To recap:


Chaos Vortex
June 08, 2021  When cast by a clone, the duration of the applied confusion condition has been reduced from 8 seconds to 3 seconds in PvE only.
May 25, 2021 Reduced alacrity applied to nearby allies from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds in PvE only.

Winds of Chaos
May 25, 2021 When cast by a clone, the durations of applied torment and confusion have been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds in all game modes.

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For me:

- First, bring back the 3 seconds of alacrity so i can use two different set of weapons with full alacrity as play with two staffs for get it is really boring . I don't play that type of build due to that.

- Then, if possible,  increase the duration of torment and confunsion from clones enough time to reach a competitive dps.  


But i don't have hopes on it.  The Chronomancer's IP was only a spaghetti incident...

Edited by Zoser.7245
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4 hours ago, Stavros.8249 said:

We must have a chance to compete with alac renegade.

i meaaaaaan

to be fair

not really

not "must"


revert the alacrity part entirely, along with the nerfs 

mirage needed its own identity

give the time mage the time magic 

mirage should have never had this 

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3 hours ago, Alpha.1308 said:

i meaaaaaan

to be fair

not really

not "must"


revert the alacrity part entirely, along with the nerfs 

mirage needed its own identity

give the time mage the time magic 

mirage should have never had this 

The devs clearly don't know their own game. Alac mirage is one of the weirdest changes to the game.

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5 hours ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

The devs clearly don't know their own game. Alac mirage is one of the weirdest changes to the game.

I feel for the new players being excited to roll chronomancer only to learn it is a pure dps spec and that’s it in most game modes. Meanwhile renegade and mirage are using time magic - mind blown

Edited by Mik.3401
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16 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You ought to be more specific. What do you mean, the ambush from clones , Chaos Vortex alacrity duration?

To recap:


Chaos Vortex
June 08, 2021  When cast by a clone, the duration of the applied confusion condition has been reduced from 8 seconds to 3 seconds in PvE only.
May 25, 2021 Reduced alacrity applied to nearby allies from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds in PvE only.

Winds of Chaos
May 25, 2021 When cast by a clone, the durations of applied torment and confusion have been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds in all game modes.

Revert all the nerfs. Staff mirage did like 30k dps. It was broken in 2 bosses with the old confusion. Now it will be fine.

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9 minutes ago, Stavros.8249 said:

Revert all the nerfs. Staff mirage did like 30k dps. It was broken in 2 bosses with the old confusion. Now it will be fine.

It now deals 30k dps without confusion and 40-45k with confusion oriented bosses. By auto-attacking. No offense but staff mirage is the last thing that needs to be buffed imo.

Edited by Kondor.2904
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18 hours ago, Stavros.8249 said:

We must have a chance to compete with alac renegade.


almost nothing can compete with an renegade. 

Imagine an celestial alac renegade ,that does more healing, cc, dmg and unique boons than its counterpart in any variation. 


Renegade is an completely overtuned espec ,like firebrand.

Edited by Virdo.1540
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21 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

From the PvP side staff mirage could use those reversions specifically because of the confusion change i currently run condition mirage in rampagers this change will definitely hurt alot, i already take for ever to kill most classes with the confusion nerf its gonna take even longer.


At this rate i might have to drop blink and run signet of Dom And Mantra of Distraction to hopefully get a kill because at this very moment i need to use pistol 5, signet of dom, and chaos storm to interrupt enough to get a kill and prohibit the heals mind you this is with my OPP using skills under confuse and not cleansing, if cleansing and playing correctly it may take me 3-4 mins to kill some one even if i'm clearly the better player. In 5v5 mid situations you just do not do any damaging pressure to do much of anything out of CC'ing something and calling a target and then blowing a 40second cd to stomp.


This is going to be a seriously damaging change for staff users in pvp shatter 2 is going see no use at all either, i guess they didn't like the few condition mirages left and forcing them into power. Yeah the staff nerfs need to be reverted for sure the consequences in PvP are wild, this is forcing me to run another CC instead of escape Mesmers cannot bunker making it harder and harder for my class to disengage isn't cool.

The change is PvE only...🙄

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14 hours ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

The devs clearly don't know their own game. Alac mirage is one of the weirdest changes to the game.


Alac mirage let the otherwise dead PvE weapon of mesmer staff at least have a viable build. I like being able to use staff as mesmer.


Perhaps what should happen is for the alacrity to be moved from the staff ambush skill into chaos storm and chaos armor (chaos armor now shares by default to 10 people) so all staff variants can maintain alacrity for the group and provide some support.


The problem then is that staff mirage still has less CC than renegade by a mile, and not enough a DPS adavantage to compensate anymore.


They need to make confusion deal 85-100% of bleed damage for the passive ticks for the confusion changes to not be a total gutting of the spec.

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8 hours ago, Stavros.8249 said:

Yet Anet reverse the nerfs, especially for mesmer with chrono shatters. 

That was a change so they could use the "lack of feature" in Virtuoso, and we still didn't get distortion back. Idk if I'd call that a "reverse" :^)

Side note: Notice how virtuoso gets neither Distortion or IP? lol

Edited by Daishi.6027
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3 hours ago, Stavros.8249 said:

The dps is 26.4k now. Also why can i have a easy mesmer spec?



I like how people make very confident claims while being heavily misinformed or not up to date. You might wanna check the dates on both confusion patch and this bench. Confusion change buffed both staff mirage and axe mirage golem bench. 

Nothing wrong with having an easy build but staff mirage already deals very respectable dps and has a built-in permanent might and alacrity uptime for 10 people coming from a single button. 

Edited by Kondor.2904
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On 9/6/2021 at 12:35 AM, Stavros.8249 said:

Now that the confusion was nerfed, i supose that the nerfs to staff mirage should be reverted.

We must have a chance to compete with alac renegade.

Where do you compete with alac renegade? You have some golem hitting competitions  in mist?

Edited by Junkpile.7439
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2 hours ago, Kondor.2904 said:

I like how people make very confident claims while being heavily misinformed or not up to date. You might wanna check the dates on both confusion patch and this bench. Confusion change buffed both staff mirage and axe mirage golem bench. 

Nothing wrong with having an easy build but staff mirage already deals very respectable dps and has a built-in permanent might and alacrity uptime for 10 people coming from a single button. 



lol, confusion change was a buff on golem benchmark and a nerf everywhere else. I love how people like you claim others are misinformed when it's you lacking the proper context. 100cm performance in particular was gutted with the confusion change.

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1 hour ago, Zenith.7301 said:



lol, confusion change was a buff on golem benchmark and a nerf everywhere else. I love how people like you claim others are misinformed when it's you lacking the proper context. 100cm performance in particular was gutted with the confusion change.

The OP was using golem bench as their proof of staff mirage performance and a justification of the proposed buffs. I simply pointed out that you gotta be more informed about something you use as your main proof or buffs justification. I don't see any real logs from the op, or any real arguments about staff mirage real performance on different bosses, hell, I don't even see mentions of the game mode mirage is supposed to "compete" with alac rev. 

How am I lacking context within this particular conversation ? And how exactly you figured I am misinformed about the actual mirage dps numbers ? Maybe next time try not to project your own self-made context onto others, ty. 


Edited by Kondor.2904
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On 9/5/2021 at 11:32 PM, Infusion.7149 said:

You ought to be more specific. What do you mean, the ambush from clones , Chaos Vortex alacrity duration?

To recap:


Chaos Vortex
June 08, 2021  When cast by a clone, the duration of the applied confusion condition has been reduced from 8 seconds to 3 seconds in PvE only.
May 25, 2021 Reduced alacrity applied to nearby allies from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds in PvE only.

Winds of Chaos
May 25, 2021 When cast by a clone, the durations of applied torment and confusion have been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds in all game modes.

Revert Confusion back to burning.  I'm fed up of them forcing confusion onto every Mesmer spec.

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