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Hidden Arcana story mission is horrible


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19 hours ago, Baroquen.2748 said:

I can't put into words how much I loathe this scenario. Everything I hate about GW2. I am seething over this garbage. And can't proceed until finishing this. UGH. Makes me want to shelve the game. 


(Like to say I feel better after venting, but no.) 

Helps if you actually talked about what part of it you don't like. Your post as is basically offers nothing.


For me (and this is true for much of Season 2), had to do with how tedious it was to get back to certain story areas for achievements. Hidden Arcana was certainly one of those areas.

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20 hours ago, Baroquen.2748 said:

I can't put into words how much I loathe this scenario. Everything I hate about GW2. I am seething over this garbage. And can't proceed until finishing this. UGH. Makes me want to shelve the game. 


(Like to say I feel better after venting, but no.) 

The trick is that the sections before the bosses teach you the mechanics. 

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On 9/6/2021 at 11:37 PM, Baroquen.2748 said:

I can't put into words how much I loathe this scenario. Everything I hate about GW2. I am seething over this garbage. And can't proceed until finishing this. UGH. Makes me want to shelve the game. 


(Like to say I feel better after venting, but no.) 


This is one of the most beloved story missions for a reason (lore-wise). I can't relate to your outrage and have no idea what about the mission might be causing it.


Are you having trouble with the mechanics? They are pretty simple once you understand them. The Wiki entry might be of help: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#Domain_of_Strength


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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The amount of people in this thread being obnoxiously obtuse when they know fine well why people will dislike this story is pretty pathetic.


The fight for newer players is absolutely dreadful, the fights are extremely vague to learn the mechanics on your own and could have been substantially better explained, then for the main boss : the fragile effect being constantly planted on aoe patches, the random knockback effects that can knock you onto the patches, the instant phase changes where the purple field can instantly spawn on top of you and immediately kill you, the fact that you don't really actually fight the boss other than repeat these mechanics over and over again.


If you're acting like you cant understand why some people would be frustrated by that then you're only making yourself look stupid rather than succeeding to belittle those who are being frustrated by it.


Not to mention the frequent cinematic bug which causes you to have to redo the entire story again because you got disconnected, forcing you to sit through a rather long and boring slog of the same story rp and busy work you've already done just to get back to the same point you were at before and hope it doesn't bug out this time, before reaching the aforementioned annoying boss.


People on this forum can be so pathetic sometimes, put yourselves in the shoes of a new player trying this stuff out with little to no knowledge. This story, and season 2 in general is pretty bad for newer players it's actually made someone i brought to the game almost outright quit from frustration thinking the rest of the game is as frustrating and tedious to navigate around. 

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...I didn't have problems the first time I, as a new player, went through LWS2. I was also playing on a class I still didn't get the hang of (thief, at the time), and wouldn't for a while. I still got through it with minimal difficulty.

That and it's been a long while since I played it, so my memories of the actual fights (mechanics, etc.) are slightly fuzzy; I just remember that I didn't have problems getting through it. Hence why asking what specifically OP is having problems with.

No, not all of us long-time "veteran" players are just deliberately being obtuse and condescending with no idea what sort of struggles new players go through. We do genuinely want to help, but we can't if people just complain and don't tell us what they're dealing with.

Edited by Batel.9206
Giant spaces between paragraphs. When did that start happening?
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9 hours ago, Healy.9537 said:

The fight for newer players is absolutely dreadful, [...]

"Absolutely dreadful"? Well, we all used to be new to the game and all had to face that challenge - and guess what, it wasn't dreadful, it was challenging.

To some, a good challenge is fun, believe it or not. :classic_rolleyes: Having everything served on a silver plate is pretty boring. I miss the good old challenges in story missions (like the Balthazar fight in PoF, which was also "absolutely dreadful" the first time around).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait till you try the Centaur CM fight, half the wind alls go invisible inside the ground, and since they insta-kill you it's just this frustrating, boring fight were you just die over and over again without any way to avoid it.

These other instances are challenging in a good way at least (Hidden Arcana, Dragon Fight in last episode, both Balthazar fights, Mordremoth fight, etc) puzzle fights that you have to figure out how to do it, it's kinda long yeah, but the fights are straight forward, and the best part, zero bugs, dying to bugged mechanics is just terrible.

One of the worst experiences i've had with this game, Wicked Rodeo, Salt on the Wound and the teleport achievement in Foreward is Forewarned.

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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I gobbled up every other part of the "Return to..." scenario without a thought on my second main character . Most of it was fun, but this is without question the single worst instance in GW2. Without genuine rewards, I just can't care enough to finish it. I'm not a masochist.

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i took a look at the wiki, and im glad, that i quit the game before reaching this point.

added it to favorites, so i can show it to all my buddies too. this is hilarious.

i still feel the urge to log in and play with some low level toons, but then i remember 

what it leads to. 

Edited by battledrone.8315
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While I can understand that some professions would have more difficulty with this mission than others, I am not sure I understand why it would be so hated that it is a singular reason to quit the game and warn others away. That seems...extreme.

This mission is 100% driven by mechanics and avoidance. It is not one where running in hot and DPSing like there is no tomorrow will do much good at all.  In fact, my main issue has been with the achievement where you need to kill one of the bosses quickly. (I have never been great at high DPS builds, so achievements like this usually mean getting a few other players in there with me to run it. 🙂)

As others have said, this isn't trying to minimize the problems some players have with this mission. Just another post pointing out that it might be in how the fights are approached. It can still be difficult, but if you like the game otherwise, I don't think it should be a reason to leave. (If you are not having fun with the rest of the game anyway, then yeah, GW2 might not be for you. In which case, I hope you find another game that is fun for you.)

Anyway, if you find you are REALLY stuck on this mission, I'll throw in an offer to assist. Can't promise when I'll have time, but even if I'm not around when you need, you may be able to find someone else in the game or maybe even in your guild willing to help you through.

Good luck!

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thats mighty nice of you Tanek, but i will never touch a story mission in this game again. (unless they make some hefty changes)

gaming to me is about freedom and choices.. this mission is a chore list you have to work through.

and pretty much every mission ät end game is like this. BTW, why are they calling it "story" version, when its still full of mechanics?

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3 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

thats mighty nice of you Tanek, but i will never touch a story mission in this game again. (unless they make some hefty changes)

gaming to me is about freedom and choices.. this mission is a chore list you have to work through.

and pretty much every mission ät end game is like this. BTW, why are they calling it "story" version, when its still full of mechanics?

I would not say every mission is like this, but yeah, some of them do involve some mechanics and dancing through circles. And they aren't "story" versions basically because there isn't really another version (unless you consider the challenge modes; I'm not sure whether they were used in the story after Season 2). Even the "story" version of dungeons has boss mechanics to deal with.

Either way, though, if you don't like it you don't like it. If PvP, WvW, or other non-story parts of the game are more your thing, go for it! As someone who likes the jumping puzzles, I'm used to people not enjoying some parts of the game I like. As long as other parts give enough that you do like and where you can have fun, I hope you stick around for those. Otherwise, have fun wherever you land after GW2. 🙂 

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5 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

thats mighty nice of you Tanek, but i will never touch a story mission in this game again. (unless they make some hefty changes)

gaming to me is about freedom and choices.. this mission is a chore list you have to work through.

and pretty much every mission ät end game is like this. BTW, why are they calling it "story" version, when its still full of mechanics?

Why play a game when expecting a movie?

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On 9/11/2021 at 4:21 AM, Healy.9537 said:

The amount of people in this thread being obnoxiously obtuse when they know fine well why people will dislike this story is pretty pathetic.


The fight for newer players is absolutely dreadful, the fights are extremely vague to learn the mechanics on your own and could have been substantially better explained, then for the main boss : the fragile effect being constantly planted on aoe patches, the random knockback effects that can knock you onto the patches, the instant phase changes where the purple field can instantly spawn on top of you and immediately kill you, the fact that you don't really actually fight the boss other than repeat these mechanics over and over again.


If you're acting like you cant understand why some people would be frustrated by that then you're only making yourself look stupid rather than succeeding to belittle those who are being frustrated by it.


Not to mention the frequent cinematic bug which causes you to have to redo the entire story again because you got disconnected, forcing you to sit through a rather long and boring slog of the same story rp and busy work you've already done just to get back to the same point you were at before and hope it doesn't bug out this time, before reaching the aforementioned annoying boss.


People on this forum can be so pathetic sometimes, put yourselves in the shoes of a new player trying this stuff out with little to no knowledge. This story, and season 2 in general is pretty bad for newer players it's actually made someone i brought to the game almost outright quit from frustration thinking the rest of the game is as frustrating and tedious to navigate around. 

There are people (on this forum) that will always, without fail, white knight on behalf of Anet. Somehow for them, any criticism of the game is seen as a personal insult. 

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3 hours ago, crewthief.8649 said:

There are people (on this forum) that will always, without fail, white knight on behalf of Anet. Somehow for them, any criticism of the game is seen as a personal insult. 

Having a different opinion from someone doesn’t mean that they’re white knighting. 

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5 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

Having a different opinion from someone doesn’t mean that they’re white knighting. 

Thank you for this enlightening post. If it didn’t apply to you, then disregard. If however, you find yourself becoming emotional when someone criticizes GW2, well… 😉

Confused emoji’s are confirmed white knights tbh. 

Edited by crewthief.8649
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2 hours ago, crewthief.8649 said:

Thank you for this enlightening post. If it didn’t apply to you, then disregard. If however, you find yourself becoming emotional when someone criticizes GW2, well… 😉

If however, you find yourself becoming emotional when someone disagrees with you on the forums, well… 😉

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