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skiffis and fishing looks amazing and that aproblem?


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1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Sure, let's hope for the best. I love the game. I'm just past the amount of copium one has to take to blindly have faith in every kitten we get presented.

So many games are failing, not just one or two. Lots of games. WoW had a bad expac and every other MMO profits. Bless fell short of expectations. Maybe New World will be next.  And so many returning players.  I think you're worrying too much.

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Just now, Cyninja.2954 said:

Sure, let's hope for the best. I love the game. I'm just past the amount of copium one has to take to blindly have faith in every kitten we get presented.


My advice is to just wait and experience the content once it arrives. MMOs have created a very stressful environment where players always worry about them “dying”, and this is not a healthy way to spend one’s free time. If ANet has miscalculated and things get worse, it’s unfortunate, but there’s literally nothing we can do to help them since we don’t have access to their internal financials and business models. It’s also not our job, and we have to trust that they can continue providing us with the experiences we’ve grown to love.

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3 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Lol WoW and FF14. I'm not even aiming that high.


Try Aion, SWToR or ESO first revenue wise. Would be nice to at least stay ahead of those, not to mention literally any other NCSoft MMORPG, some of which are way older than GW2.


Running a business is very hard and stressful work, I can’t imagine trying to armchair run a business. I get the sense it’s done out of love for the game, but it sounds even more stressful because you have no agency in the matter.

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Guild Wars 2 has always advertised in a bubble. Always.  We had five years before we got our first mount. Most MMOs launch with mounts.  Have you looked at GW 2 advertising.  It's pretty basic.  Guild Wars 2 has been advertising via word of mouth for ages.

And you know, this is a 9 year old MMO.  I'm relatively sure that the vast majority of MMO players that wanted to try it have tried it already. They're not going to jump ship from their MMO to come to ours based on fishing, that's true. But I don't think many more people would have come for anything else that's left.  I don't think Tengu would have brought more people to the game. The possible exception is Housing, the one big MMO feature we don't have that frankly only some people care about.  

People think Guild Wars 2 is competing with WoW.  Or FF XIV. It's not. Oh some of them same people will play it, but those games are hard focused on PvE raid end game. This game isn't.  And if you want a game that does open world stuff right, there aren't many better games to turn to.


What do you think Anet could have added that would pry people away from games they're already invested in?

Well i dont know? Massive boss fight ? Some thing that actully will make me eager to see the area , have you seen hot trailers?

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9 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


Running a business is very hard and stressful work, I can’t imagine trying to armchair run a business. I get the sense it’s done out of love for the game, but it sounds even more stressful because you have no agency in the matter.

Well you did ask where my concern was coming from. I replied.

You can pout it off as whatever, doesn't change that this game does swing any where near the ballpark of WoW or FF14.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 minutes ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

Well i dont know? Massive boss fight ? Some thing that actully will make me eager to see the area , have you seen hot trailers?


I saw those trailers and they were cool. They didn’t keep me playing consistently, collections, Legendariea, and WvW did. I still watch WoW cinematics and I haven’t been subscribed for years. Marketing can only do so much, and if you have limited resources, you have to be efficient.

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2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Well you did ask where my concern was coming from. I replied.

You can pout it off as whatever, doesn't change that this game does swing any where near the ballpark of WoW or FF14.


I’m not trivialising your concern, just suggesting it may not be something you have enough data to either be concerned about or fix. I doubt they are going to see this thread and think “Oh dear, we’d better add more features to our expansion”. They likely made these decisions months ago based on what they could do with the resources they had, or they know something about the playerbase we don’t know.

Edited by shrew.3059
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6 minutes ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

Well i dont know? Massive boss fight ? Some thing that actully will make me eager to see the area , have you seen hot trailers?

HoT was a badlly received, overhyped expansion that got a lot of negative publicity at launch.  PoF got far less publicity and had a better launch. Do you know how many people complained that HOT only had 4 zones? That $60 wasn't worth it.  This game is half the price hot was at launch. And we don't know enough about it to judge it.  So what's your point?

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34 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I'm not against it. I explained clearly what my issue is with putting fishing as primary expansion feature into the spotlight.

You might want to rain back your raid hate though because it is clouding your judgement and arguments. We know how little resources raids took up. No point in making up stuff on your part. We also know what other content was released with HoT which was significantly larger than EoD currently seems to be (be it mastery lines, new tech, firest time implementation of elites, etc.).

Raids were niche content which got some advertisement pre HoT. Fishing is niche content which is sold as main feature.

I'm not hating on raids, I'm just comparing fishing to raids, as both content  types fill the same niche on their respective expansions: a feature that will be popular with their own niche.

Your subjective feelings for raids and for fishing are clouding your judgement as you're heavily downplaying what resources raids took up and exaggerating the ones fishing is getting.

Raids were sold as a main feature for HoT, just like fishing is for EoD currently, no need to downplay it. Fishing at its current state has had less advertisement than raids before their respectice expansion release.

They're just the same: niche content for a few players.

Edited by Raknar.4735
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7 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

HoT was a badlly received, overhyped expansion that got a lot of negative publicity at launch.  PoF got far less publicity and had a better launch. Do you know how many people complained that HOT only had 4 zones? That $60 wasn't worth it.  This game is half the price hot was at launch. And we don't know enough about it to judge it.  So what's your point?

Hot was criticize for hard contant ,but it was amazing, the amount of time and things to do in each map where great . When you said it was negtive well no its not.

What is my point? Hot was proud of gliding, raiding , elite massive boss fights and etc

Pof for mouns 

Eod for fishing and skiffs? Dont get me wrong im not heater , and i know we have much more like turtles and elites. But when you show how hard you work on skiffs and fishing which is side stuff it is not some thing thatraise my hype at all . Where is the fantasy ? Where are the stuff that will make me feel like child agian?

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2 minutes ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

Pof for mouns 

This remind me of a reddit post, imagine boasting a feature that other mmo already have, GW2 would get laughed out of the room until it show how mounts can be improved, i'm holding the same hope for fishing since i never touch it in other mmo.
In the end, you don't like fishing but other do

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8 minutes ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

Hot was criticize for hard contant ,but it was amazing, the amount of time and things to do in each map where great . When you said it was negtive well no its not.

What is my point? Hot was proud of gliding, raiding , elite massive boss fights and etc

Pof for mouns 

Eod for fishing and skiffs? Dont get me wrong im not heater , and i know we have much more like turtles and elites. But when you show how hard you work on skiffs and fishing which is side stuff it is not some thing thatraise my hype at all . Where is the fantasy ? Where are the stuff that will make me feel like child agian?

If you want to feel like a child again, have smarter expectations. Children don't need a lot to be impressed. They're impressed because everything is new to them. You hang around a while, you get to be an adult and suddenly things aren't new. There are only so many "big" expansion features out there, and this game has most of them already.  Anet can't introduce mounts again, because they're already in the game.  The only big MMO feature left is housing.


But you're confusing features with quality of content. HOT had a terrible launch. It was dreadful. You might not remember how bad that launch was but others do.  It was completely blasted on metacritic for example, by an organized campaign of people who gave it 0. 


There were complaints not just about hard content, but about needing to train poison lore to finish the story. Having to get every single HP in HoT to unlock your elite spec.  About the mastery point "grind".  

There are a ton of complaints about HOT, not counting the bug complaints. I guess you've never heard complaints about the last story of HoT. It still has some bugs but on release it was a buggy mess.

And there are lots of hyped games that came out to disappointing receptions recently. You want to feel like a kid, you need to find the joy in things, because hyping yourself up is not finding joy.  It's a false kind of excitement. Why is the hype more important to you than the game itself?

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34 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

And there are lots of hyped games that came out to disappointing receptions recently. You want to feel like a kid, you need to find the joy in things, because hyping yourself up is not finding joy.  It's a false kind of excitement. Why is the hype more important to you than the game itself?


I suspect we’ve been spoiled as players for so long, we have lost the capacity to appreciate what we have. Even if we had all the features people cried out for, there would be complaints about how it was implemented, how other games do it better, all the things that are still needed.


Beyond which, we expect MMOs to entertain us 24/7 and never be repetitive or boring. Games used to be one and done, but now we expect them to evolve with us, change according to our personal wants/desires, and do so quickly, cheaply, and without fail. This is not sustainable.

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5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I always love when people throw around the term actual content. Whether you like specific content or not, it's actual content. Collections are content for some people. World bosses are content for some people. Raids are content for some people. PvP is content for some people.


And yesterday I read the question how much gold per hour we think the fishing will add... I was cry laughing, because that is such a sad view on anything, really.

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19 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


I suspect we’ve been spoiled as players for so long, we have lost the capacity to appreciate what we have. Even if we had all the features people cried out for, there would be complaints about how it was implemented, how other games do it better, all the things that are still needed.


Beyond which, we expect MMOs to entertain us 24/7 and never be repetitive or boring. Games used to be one and done, but now we expect them to evolve with us, change according to our personal wants/desires, and do so quickly, cheaply, and without fail. This is not sustainable.

I agree. Maybe because I'm old and I grew up in a different time, I'm not expecting a 24/7 barrage of stuff to keep me occupied. I mean when I was young, no one binged watched anything, because we didn't have VCRs. If you were watching something, you'd watch an episode and have to wait till the next week to see the next one. Gave you time to think about it.  We were taught to make our own entertainment.

For me, my entertainment is my guild. My guild, to me, is infinitely entertaining. There's always something going on, and I jump into whatever I can.  Sometimes a party is full and I can't, but I get enough entertainment of this this game to make this the cheapest form of entetainment I've ever had.  Per hour, this is cheaper than Netflix for me.


It's just a different thought process that comes with having all these entertainment choices, so you're not entertaining yourself, you're being entertained. It's a very different thought process.

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1 minute ago, Vayne.8563 said:

It's just a different thought process that comes with having all these entertainment choices, so you're not entertaining yourself, you're being entertained. It's a very different thought process.


Yep! But you’d think with all the available options, it would be okay if one of those options didn’t fulfil 100% of your entertainment needs 100% of the time. I’m not saying people shouldn’t play GW2 8 hours a day 7 days a week (they probably shouldn’t though), but it’s weird to expect a game to able to sustain that amount of content.

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Personally, I don't see any issues with fishing and skiffs. If done right, they could be fun and unique like the mounts are. Also, the fact they got their own mastery tracks shows that there is depth to their design. Guess we'll see soon enough, but for now, I remain optimistic. 

Also, don't forget that we still have two features with their own mastery tracks we know nothing about. I look forward to finding out what they are in due time. 🙂

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8 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You're not going to like everything introduced in an MMO.

No, but the fear here is we will be forced to fish...incessantly. No one is forced to PvP. No one is forced to do Raids. But all we've seen of EoD, other than three Elite specs, is fishing and skiffs. There are those of us who are concerned that fishing will be mandatory for story progression somehow. I hope not, but you never know.

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39 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

No, but the fear here is we will be forced to fish...incessantly. No one is forced to PvP. No one is forced to do Raids. But all we've seen of EoD, other than three Elite specs, is fishing and skiffs. There are those of us who are concerned that fishing will be mandatory for story progression somehow. I hope not, but you never know.

It's possible. It is the 1st mastery we unlock. Then you do some heart and maybe buy a skiff. Then it should just be exp and mastery points and the ability to chose which you level or skip. Now if some reason you need level 3 mastery in fishing to unlock skiff like when we needed lvl 3 raptor to unlock bunny maybe. I just don't see the links and to be perfectly honest these 1st 3 masteries I could care less about but you have to assume they will link it to progression somehow or I would just skip the 1st 3. It could be you need skiff mastery 3 to get to a zone or turtle mastery 3 same thing. I wouldn't be surprised. Now if it's exp only from fishing to progress that mastery or a lot of mp are lock behind fishing achieves and you can't just gain exp and mp in cantha maps then yeah alot will be forced to level some up to progress.

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5 hours ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Fishing is for EoD what adventures and raids were for HoT. A side activity for a few people. Nothing wrong with that, and so far it looked good to me. I'm pretty sure fishing will also be more popular than the former two activities mentioned.

compare raids and fishing..there is only on this mmo that we can read such a thing,it's sad.


You can compare this content to adventures yes and even that was much more varied and innovative.

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2 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:

compare raids and fishing..there is only on this mmo that we can read such a thing,it's sad.


You can compare this content to adventures yes and even that was much more varied and innovative.

He's not comparing fishing to raids. He's comparing the small niche groups that raid and or wanted fishing

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3 minutes ago, Jilora.9524 said:

He's not comparing fishing to raids. He's comparing the small niche groups that raid and or wanted fishing


Normal that raids have become a niche content  since 90% of the content is reserved for players who love to spam 1 as fishing does again.

 The majority of HM content players left because arena wasn't giving them anything

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