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Do you believe the devs are so disconnected with ele community to make ANOTHER melee spec?


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9 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Everybody and his dog was asking for a ranged elite! Where the hell do you see people celebrating on another mele elite? The whole ele community wanted a ranged spec!

No that's not true ... you have no idea how much of the community wanted a ranged spec. 

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Frankly, just wanted a longbow or rifle. Keep the name catalyst. Lore/explanation? You use quartz and charge it with cantha cardinals aka tortoise/phoenix/dragon/kirin or if you prefer earth/fire/water/air , put in on your bow/rifle and boom. (More longbow here, but rifle can be cool too).

In all possible choices, didn't expected ele, and more than all, didn't expected hammer. Especially after tzasing us that much with that floating orb, that is in fact nothing, like utility gyro. Not even punched toward foes. A pure waste, at this point, feels like the elite designers don't even do efforts. All the specs are melee, it is hard to give a ranged one? I bet all the specs trailers are in fact, already recorded, uploaded on youtube, and unlocked themselves the day that was programmed. At this point nothing will be changed sadly. I bet even engie trailer is already done and really hope it is a cool espec, not just another kit.

In the last round of specs, only liked warrior but it is because it has attack effects reminding me holosmith. In the first one, only harbringer. 2/6. But I expect a lot from round three, because I really need the three remaining ones to be cool. Especially ranger cause i hate druid, and not fan of soulbeast, currently playing core.

That new ele spec feels like a copy pasta of scrapper: wells, hammer, aoes, melee, useless floating thing near you. It is just that instead of using magnetism, you use elements. Very sad.

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1 hour ago, Vissarion.6509 said:

Are we? Didn't we play elementalist for the mage gameplay? We could go and play warrior or thief if we wanted to play melee.

I'd question if honestly we did.. i for certain did not.

NGL the games 9 years old, the playerbase at this point wont be the playerbase that started.. which means most players chose Elementalist seeing its current gameplay.. I.E Melee.

And those who did? Likely rerolled / quit already, so realistically the statement isnt so accurate. The game supports very Small amounts of ranged combat as it is.. without including viable ranged builds... there was equal yelling about giving ele Something less glassy and more survivable with aswell.. which hammer commonly does deal with well.

battlemages are a thing.. and generally pretty well percieved things at that, Saying "play a warrior or thief" seems like a ridiculous request given none of these play like current ele does realistically. i werent around for launch.. but i distinctly remember as far back as when i played GW2 Orginal prior HoT Cele Dagger Ele was the PvP Choice.. which is melee.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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Not to speak for anyone else, but I really hoped for a ranged elite spec. Hopefully it's a hybrid melee/ranged spec but the video itself explicitly said that it's a stable melee frontliner. 

Reserving judgement for when I actually see the class. Could still be cool.

Edited by HowlKamui.5120
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1 minute ago, HowlKamui.5120 said:

Not to speak for anyone else, but I really hoped for a ranged elite spec. Hopefully it's a hybrid melee/ranged spec but the video itself explicitly said that it's a stable melee frontliner. 

One may hope if that's the case, that the traits support survivability in Melee then, otherwise it's going to be same as weaver. A tanky non buff based elementalist Could be cool, but I'm in the camp of those who'd have really like a ranged hammer.

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Just now, HowlKamui.5120 said:

Actually, the Staff Weaver feels very sorcerer to me. Unfortunately, the staff really needs a buff outside WvW zerg groups. 

problem is Ranged Options have to be weaker then Melee Options for balancing reasons, being Ranged has to come at a DPS Cost in itself.

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Just now, Touchme.1097 said:

This game just doesn't have a real wizard/mage profession, that's all there is. Hammer on Ele only adds flame to the fire to prove it

This is really important ... because what's happening here (and often other places) is that players are projecting their own ideas of what should be to complain Anet is doing it 'wrong'. That's not the case. Anet defined what Ele is, or any other class they want. Sure, LOOSELY, ele is related to magic and casting ... but GW2 doesn't follow these archetypes in a strict manner. They do what they want, to provide an experience to people that is non-traditional and fresh. 

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1 minute ago, Daddy.8125 said:

I'd question if honestly we did.. i for certain did not.

NGL the games 9 years old, the playerbase at this point wont be the playerbase that started.. which means most players chose Elementalist seeing its current gameplay.. I.E Melee.

And those who did? Likely rerolled / quit already, so realistically the statement isnt so accurate. The game supports very Small amounts of ranged combat as it is.. without including viable ranged builds... there was equal yelling about giving ele Something less glassy and more survivable with aswell.. which hammer commonly does deal with well.


Can I also just say that Melee has been an option for Elementalist since launch too? This isn't something new that ANet is forcing on Eles. Dagger is a close range weapon (Air Whip, the best AA is 240 range everyone...) that was widely popular and praised at launch for being an interesting way to play Elementalist. Based on the way they are talking about Hammer being close to mid, its probably going to be in that boat of range anyway lol.

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I get the feeling a lot of ppl have given up on scpter and staff and just hope for anet to add in a ranged wepon to replace though weapons. Better to ask for a real update to scpter and staff then hope for a ever 3-4 year new weapons for replacement. Stop being so complacent with anet lack of updates for core ele effects and weapons its not going to fix it self. The ele community has it self to blame here more then anet.


Scpter and staff need massive buffs / updates we even still have water 1 on scpter to be a pure dmg skill that feels more like a place holder from the start of the game. If you just wave it off as if this is ok anet will never fix it.

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1 minute ago, fuzzyp.6295 said:

Can I also just say that Melee has been an option for Elementalist since launch too? This isn't something new that ANet is forcing on Eles. Dagger is a close range weapon (Air Whip, the best AA is 240 range everyone...) that was widely popular and praised at launch for being an interesting way to play Elementalist. Based on the way they are talking about Hammer being close to mid, its probably going to be in that boat of range anyway lol.

given we saw several ranged animations such as the one where he fired the 3 orbs into the enemy and more.. yeah hammers likely to have ranged elements to it realistically. this games never supported ranged gameplay tbh, im quite suprised people are still holding out for it :P.. games effectively in PvE Designed to be stacked in a Melee clump not Spread out or stood at ranged by default lol.

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Just now, Winterwrenn.9160 said:

Well, unless your a guardian, then you can wtflol at people all day from ranged

generally confused by this lol.

We talking DH Longbow in PvP?... because at best guard have a build that involves using a Sceptar in PvE 😛 and if we are DH longbow is a Meme... its Funny but it doesnt actually work in competitive SPVP.

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1 hour ago, Sylosi.6503 said:



Not really, if I wanted the sort of traditional very fixed classes like "wizard with staff", then I wouldn't play GW2, its not that sort of game and never has been. So maybe you should stop claiming to speak for the "community", because you certainly don't speak for me (favourite ele is d/d).

You’re definitely in the minority then. Most people play mage-like classes for mage-like gameplay. Stop acting like your unusual taste is anything remotely close to the norm.

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5 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

You’re definitely in the minority then. Most people play mage-like classes for mage-like gameplay. Stop acting like your unusual taste is anything remotely close to the norm.

Again ... anyone that has signed up for GW2 thinking they were getting traditional 'mage-like' gameplay from ele should have figured out after 9 years that's not what Anet is giving us. Ele is NOT your traditional spell casting, wizard hat, lighting from fingertips and fireballs from the sky class. It's just as weapon-and-armor based as any other class in this game. 

Players using self-derived expectations will ALWAYS be disappointed. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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4 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

You’re definitely in the minority then. Most people play mage-like classes for mage-like gameplay. Stop acting like your unusual taste is anything remotely close to the norm.


A small and extremely vocal few players on this fairly dead forum have levied a persistent campaign for ranged caster gameplay.  I don't think that justifies the belief that "most" players who play elementalist play it to throw fireballs and lightning bolts from range.  In fact, I think people play GW2 and enjoy its class system specifically because it doesn't lock players into strict archetypes.  It's a defining feature of the game.

I'd also add that we don't know that the Catalyst kit outside of hammer won't support a better version of the staff elementalist the "old-man-with-a-stick" crowd is looking for.  It could be as simple as the utilities being ground-targeted from range instead of centered on the caster (I haven't looked closely enough at the intro video to determine that).  We also don't know much about whatever other gimmicks Catalyst will have to differentiate it from other elementalist specs.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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9 minutes ago, Orack.9756 said:

Thief is my last hope, everything they show since EoD teasing was a disappointment to me..
Ele with another boring melee is really a sad joke..

Well, we pretty much know Thief is getting scepter, so not sure what you're expecting from Thief, but I'll at least give you a warning if you were expecting another weapon.  A few of us are expecting some form of support based Shadow Magic user.  Others are expecting a mid ranged condi dps spec, and others are expecting it to be melee.

As far as Ele goes, I am impressed with what I've seen and this is from a guy that liked Weaver because of the Sword and dual element aspects.  The few "new" Ele mains I found out about recently are all screaming with excitement about Catalyst.  One has been chatting my ear off about how they've wanted this since HoT and have had been collecting hammer skins just in case.

Catalyst is also the only of this beta group I'm remotely interested in, so I'mma be playing it all Beta and seeing if I can test a few builds to see if I want to change my Weaver to Catalyst come EoD release.

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No, 'we' aren't in charge. This isn't a BORG collective ... not everyone agrees 'we' didn't want another melee espec. 

Well, the people who asked for or wanted yet ANOTHER melee spec for ele need to either find a different class to play or just shut up at this point. Because they and Anet have turned a magic caster class into more or less a dedicated melee role and it has neither the armor or health pool to support that. Stop trying to force ele into something it was never fully designed for.

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3 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

You’re definitely in the minority then. Most people play mage-like classes for mage-like gameplay. Stop acting like your unusual taste is anything remotely close to the norm.

The weapon choice for any class in Guild Wars has always been about offering different utility and less about locking people into a certain play style. This is true all the way back into GW1 where casters would run off hand shields, Dervish would run staffs and Rangers run hammers. Lol

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2 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:


A small and extremely vocal few players on this fairly dead forum have levied a persistent campaign for ranged caster gameplay.  I don't think that justifies the belief that "most" players who play elementalist play it to throw fireballs and lightning bolts from range.  In fact, I think people play GW2 and enjoy its class system specifically because it doesn't lock players into strict archetypes.  It's a defining feature of the game.

When a stereotypical mage style class continues to be handed melee spec after melee spec, that is a problem though. Especially when the class has been suffering as it is because of it.

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4 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

Well, the people who asked for or wanted yet ANOTHER melee spec for ele need to either find a different class to play or just shut up at this point. Because they and Anet have turned a magic caster class into more or less a dedicated melee role and it has neither the armor or health pool to support that. Stop trying to force ele into something it was never fully designed for.

Anet has done nothing of the sort ... the idea Ele was a 'magic-caster' class doesn't make sense, because Anet never implemented as a traditional mage/spell casting class to begin with. Again, that's not how Anet has defined the ele class, so anyone expecting it or using that as a basis to complain ... is wrong. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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