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Blade sworn looks TERRIBLE.


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I mean, i just dont get how they could possibly get it this WRONG.


1- Main class mechanic for the class, forces me to build adrenaline, then channel it for 5 seconds then it kittenING ROOTS ME, then i have to hit with a melee skill while rooted. 




2- 25 SECONDS COOLDOWN on basic weapon skills because they have ammo and because i might a 1 of charge every what 45+ seconds? are you INSANE?


GSs 2 and 3 Have 8 and 10 seconds CD, this has 25 because i get 1 free every 45+? did you run the math on this? in a 40 seconds fight i get 3 casts vs 4+, it gets worse the longer the fight goes...


GS skills have 8, 10, 15, 20

Axe skills have 8, 12, 15, 18

Gunblade Skills have 25, 35, 40, 40 seconds cd


GS AXE has much better damage than any combination of them and Gunblade.


3- Gun blade being pure power means we are locked out of Celestial stats AGAIN, we are again going to be paper thin with no healing and marginal extra strike damage at the cost of NO CONDITION DAMAGE. it also removes SWORD as a weapon choice.


4- Pistol 5 pushes you back. ON A MELEE class.


5- The utilities ALL look terrible, i would use NONE OF THEM, physical and shouts already use ammo and they are all better.


Edited by Apolo.5942
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6 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

Yes, it does. I actually thought the spec looked pretty cool. I dunno…

No it does not, it gives you 1 charge AND it will have a 45+ second CD on pvp/wvw.

This is an attempt to make Discipline trait line useless because why do i care about having a 5 second weapon swap if all the skills im swaping to that weapon for have a 25+ seconds cooldown.


I honestly dont understand how they could come up with this elite after all the complains on this forum. 

Edited by Apolo.5942
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Just now, crewthief.8649 said:

I mean, you don’t know what the CD will be, so… You haven’t even played this thing yet, I don’t get the drama queen thing you got going on here, bro.


Dude the CD on screen was 30s and they specifically stated that they are "scared of it" and that it would be longer in pvp/wvw, what you think its going to go from 30 to 35? get real, this is one more in the long line of warrior screw ups.

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7 minutes ago, Apolo.5942 said:


Dude the CD on screen was 30s and they specifically stated that they are "scared of it" and that it would be longer in pvp/wvw, what you think its going to go from 30 to 35? get real, this is one more in the long line of warrior screw ups.

I don’t know. That’s the point, we don’t know what we don’t know. Play the spec next week and give them feedback after the event concludes. It’s all we can do. I’m just looking forward to playing something new, to be honest.

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39 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

I don’t know. That’s the point, we don’t know what we don’t know. Play the spec next week and give them feedback after the event concludes. It’s all we can do. I’m just looking forward to playing something new, to be honest.

This honestly. They might be scared of the power they put into Dragon Slash, but if it truly is not feasible in competitive play, then be honest in the feedback. They want it to work right (at least I hope so anyway). If the CDs even with the elite are too long, say so. If a fully charged Dragon Slash is too hard to pull off (get a mesmer, thief, or scrapper friend) for the damage that it does, then say so. Cal did say that the charge time would be lower in competitive play, I'm thinking 3s. That and you can tap it. If the tap damage is too small, say so. It may well be that they need a different 'scaling' function  for competitive play to balance the risk/reward of it.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

This honestly. They might be scared of the power they put into Dragon Slash, but if it truly is not feasible in competitive play, then be honest in the feedback. They want it to work right (at least I hope so anyway). If the CDs even with the elite are too long, say so. If a fully charged Dragon Slash is too hard to pull off (get a mesmer, thief, or scrapper friend) for the damage that it does, then say so. Cal did say that the charge time would be lower in competitive play, I'm thinking 3s. That and you can tap it. If the tap damage is too small, say so. It may well be that they need a difference 'scaling' function  for competitive play to balance the risk/reward of it.

See, I am also thinking that tapping Dragon Slash will be what you do in most situations, and I also think the damage will be pretty good (it is replacing our burst skills after all). A full-charge Dragon Slash will be used sparingly but payoff quite big. 

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5 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

This honestly. They might be scared of the power they put into Dragon Slash, but if it truly is not feasible in competitive play, then be honest in the feedback. They want it to work right (at least I hope so anyway). If the CDs even with the elite are too long, say so. If a fully charged Dragon Slash is too hard to pull off (get a mesmer, thief, or scrapper friend) for the damage that it does, then say so. Cal did say that the charge time would be lower in competitive play, I'm thinking 3s. That and you can tap it. If the tap damage is too small, say so. It may well be that they need a difference 'scaling' function  for competitive play to balance the risk/reward of it.

Really? you are going to trust they can salvage the Elite, on them doing balance well, on warrior?.

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49 minutes ago, Apolo.5942 said:

Really? you are going to trust they can salvage the Elite, on them doing balance well, on warrior?.

Well, it’s an elite spec for an upcoming expansion, where they know that it’s (the expansion’s) success will hinge significantly on the viability of the aforementioned elite specs. They have motivation to get these specs right.

Edited by crewthief.8649
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To be honest I like the sheathing idea but the rest looks so convoluted that it makes me think its gonna be clunky and ironically have gbage FLOW and will probably end up ok in pve but useless in pvp. I hope I'm wrong tho as I'd be nice for wars to have something new and viable in pvp.

The very least tho anet at least tried somthing different which was nice to see.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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4 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

To be honest I like the sheathing idea but the rest looks so convoluted that it makes me think its gonna be clunky and ironically have gbage FLOW and will probably end up ok in pve but useless in pvp. I hope I'm wrong tho as I'd be nice for wars to have something new and viable in pvp.

The very least tho anet at least tried somthing different which was nice to see.

At the very mínimum flow channeling needs to go.

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Are you guys forgetting that giant dash and the ranged one that can stun and are unblockable with the trait? I beleave that is the one you are going to use in competitive plays.


Im just sad that it doesnt work as condi, I was hoping that we could do condi damage with the bullet part of the gunsaber, welp... at least berserker is very fun.

Edited by Mongk.2458
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49 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

See, I am also thinking that tapping Dragon Slash will be what you do in most situations, and I also think the damage will be pretty good (it is replacing our burst skills after all). A full-charge Dragon Slash will be used sparingly but payoff quite big. 

I agree, I know the “unblockable, unblindable stun” trait looks really good, but imo thinking that in competitive modes, the “limit to 5 charges and perform consecutive bursts” may work better, given there’s a variety of skill styles. For example, a 5 charge projectile followed by a 5 charge dash seems like it would be a pretty effective combo.

Additionally, a lot of people seem terrified of the root, but I don’t think it will be that much of a problem. As best I could tell, the actual activation of the attack is instant, so the enemy has to guess when you will actually attack. The threat of high damage output in melee range can be a decent deterrent (especially if it has the potential to instagib), the aegis and small port offer some flexibility (pretty decent forethought by Anet). The variability of timing and skill type has the potential to create a very fun play style imo. Granted I can’t say anything for sure until demoing it. 

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32 minutes ago, RiyazGuerra.9203 said:

Watch all the bladesworn go ham on those afks 😸


Jokes aside, that root is worrisome and I wonder how much of a liability it is going to be against a competent player.

Make friends with a thief, mesmer, or scrapper so they can stealth you. Use the port skill to reposition and use dragon slash from stealth.

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7 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Make friends with a thief, mesmer, or scrapper so they can stealth you. Use the port skill to reposition and use dragon slash from stealth.

Yeah, because that is what we all want out of our brand new elite specs, depending on another class for the main mechanic to be useful....

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45 minutes ago, RiyazGuerra.9203 said:

Watch all the bladesworn go ham on those afks 😸


Jokes aside, that root is worrisome and I wonder how much of a liability it is going to be against a competent player.


Not just the root but its the overall mobility. Spellbreaker has Dagger F1, and 2. Greatsword 3 and 5 and Bulls Charge and Shield Bash. That is 6 mobility abilities/skills. I think I only saw 3 on Bladesworn.

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10 minutes ago, sneakytails.5629 said:


Not just the root but its the overall mobility. Spellbreaker has Dagger F1, and 2. Greatsword 3 and 5 and Bulls Charge and Shield Bash. That is 6 mobility abilities/skills. I think I only saw 3 on Bladesworn.

Well, plus your weapon swap and you can still slot Bulls Charge. Also, the trait that grants swiftness on leap, so sword mainhand plus maybe Runes of Speed. 

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It can have sustain, but then you'd have to go shouts and time the barrier trait over and over (the stream shows it doesn't have an ICD? so managing the barrier on last ammo trait that has no ICD could be a thing, pray they keep it no-icd because it would still be reasonable then)


The problem is landing dragon slash in openfield, and how many seconds should it take until you fire dragon slash off for it to be reasonable. We'll see if its good enough or not on the testing, but from what I can say, it's not going to be good in solo roaming but kinda decent in group play.


Edited by BlackTruth.6813
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