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Who would you like to see as a Legend ?


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- King Adelbern

- Jadoth -> Legendary Zealot (Magonite)

- Vizier Khilbron -> Legendary Lich (Human?)

- Ameyalli -> Legendary Huntress (Hylek)

- Oola -> Legendary Golemancer (Asura)

- Oratus -> Legendary Slaver (Krait)


- Hanasha coralfin -> Legendary Priestess (Naga)

- Ministry of purity -> Legendary Minister

- Urgoz -> Legendary Warden

- Kanaxai -> Legendary Nightmare


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On 10/13/2021 at 10:59 PM, genjonah.1253 said:

Razah and Arachnia


but have you considered- Thorn. Swells of madness, unpredictable effects, chaotic. And one of the trait lines better offer increased speed called Swift as Gumdrops!!!

Gumdrops Charge or Gumdrops Trample -broadly similar to most charge or 'move in a line attacking all along that line' skills. Uses the animation for riding a raptor, but the mount is invisible.

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Perhaps I'm an odd one but a legend/e-spec that focuses on bringing out the legend you're channelling to maximum extend - removing/changing invocation a different legend into a periodic proc/increased energy based on current focus

Reducing energy cost/CD/gain boon/conditions output based on legend focus.

Sorta a call back more forthrightly to the ritualist (of sorts) was based of (with my minimal knowledge of gw1) and it would also give each legend a little more meaning of how and why it's played;

Eg. Banish enchantment may become a tyrannically rebuked blessing/corrupting curse based on lore - giving a little more range or extra conditions or perhaps generate energy/health/barrier based on outgoing conditions/boons converted to conditions 

I'm unsure of what legend would be appropriate as I am very unread with GW lore but I am sure someone who is could direct me to whom would best fit.

I guess it's play style first with lore/legend to match 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pyre Fierceshot : Longbow- Legendary Archer
(Alternate: Bonfaaz Burntfur/Hierophant Burntsoul : Scepter- Legendary fire caster)

Asgeir :  Axe main hand - Legendary Defender
(Alternate Svanir - same weapon - Legendary Berserker)

I'd like to have an Asura in there so...

Snaff : Rifle(?) - Legendary Golemancer


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32 minutes ago, Dawanarth.4601 said:

Wouldn't that be quite similar to the Renegade already ?

It doesn't have to be. It could be about 1200 range combat or phantom arrows that boon allies I don't know. That's the nice thing about Revenant, the weapons are a focus, what they do depends on the mists. ( points at long range hammer  as an example )

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As a general observation:


While I think it would be nice to see a norn-themed legend and an asura-themed legend to fill out the representation, outside of that what I'd really like to see is more legends that aren't just a humanoid fighting with humanoid tactics. Take Vindicator, for instance - bouncing between Kurzick and Luxon skills does make for an interesting mechanic, but it could just as easily have been a Guardian spec and a Warrior spec inspired by those figures, even down to the colours. When you look at Glint and Mallyx, though: those are powersets that you're not going to get to mimic simply by becoming really good at the same profession that the legendary figure had in life. Those are concepts that needed the revenant profession to become a playstyle available to players.


It'd probably require a bit more work, particularly since in GW1 most monsters used player skills anyway, but imagine if instead of the vassal states duo they'd figured out a way to make Zhu Hanuku a legend, possibly drawing on the Jade Leviathan in the fractal as well as the GW1 fight. Or they could have used Zunraa, while still having a skill-flipping mechanic between Zunraa's pure state and a corrupted kirin state that has offensive skills. Moving into future regions, they're not going to be able to go "here's a familiar entity from the lore of the region you're going into" - so future legends will either need to draw on the history of established regions, or the legend itself might be our first taste of something important about the history of the region we're going to.

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On 10/26/2021 at 1:05 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

As a general observation:


(BIG SNIP)- so future legends will either need to draw on the history of established regions, or the legend itself might be our first taste of something important about the history of the region we're going to.

Wich  is interesting cause the gw1 area is now complete  with factions,  still Vekk can be a  candidate as an asuran with  specters  probably, can be related towards  LS that leads to a new  whole land as well.

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5 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Wich  is interesting cause the gw1 area is now complete  with factions,  still Vekk can be a  candidate as an asuran with  specters  probably, can be related towards  LS that leads to a new  whole land as well.

I'd go with Zinn if I was going to go with an asura. Vekk was just an elementalist who worked with the GW1 PC, and I don't know of anything significant he did since, so he both runs up against the 'why him and not the GW1PC' problem as well as the 'wouldn't that just be copying an existing profession' problem.


Zinn, on the other hand, had a legacy that significantly impacted HoT and Season 3, and from that and his appearance in GW1 there's a lot of material that can be drawn from for legendary skills - golem bombardment, that area infusion-plus effect at the Battle of Lion's Arch, terraforming, druid confinement, the Rata Novus defences, and harnessing ley lines. There's a lot more potential there to devise a unique playstyle. Furthermore, if the Fahrunar research base was linked to Zinn, they could also find a justification for him to also have had an impact wherever the expansion after EoD goes.

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On 10/25/2021 at 2:25 PM, Harak.8397 said:

I'd like to have an Asura in there so...

Snaff : Rifle(?) - Legendary Golemancer


I thought about this too, translating what Snaff was into in-game mechanics seems to result in what we have with Mechanist.


Maybe something that works with more indirect combat via golem summons, with Big Snaff being the elite maintain skill.

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1 hour ago, Raarsi.6798 said:

I thought about this too, translating what Snaff was into in-game mechanics seems to result in what we have with Mechanist.


Maybe something that works with more indirect combat via golem summons, with Big Snaff being the elite maintain skill.

id gladly give all that to revenant. no problemos

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You can make a second Golemancer work on an other basis, like instead of having a permanent pet (which doesn't work with the Energy system) you could turn it in:

  • Tablet:

When you enter Legendary Golem stance you spawn a Golem on your location (passive energy cost ?)

6: Like for the tablet you can use it to move the golem, granting an aura of Protection

7/8/9: Normal abilities set around the Golem

0: (if Golem is destroyed) Call back Golem, (if Golem present) Big attack that destroy the Golem

  • Summon:

Skill that summon some Golem (May be too close to Renegade)

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Gotta admit, my reaction to golem revenant is 'sure, you could, but why would you when another profession is already doing that?' Even if we were to presume that switching between a core legend and a MM legend was a valid playstyle difference over a mechanist or untamed, does the summon really need to be a golem when we could have, say, Lord Odran summoning something funky from the Mists?

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4 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Gotta admit, my reaction to golem revenant is 'sure, you could, but why would you when another profession is already doing that?' Even if we were to presume that switching between a core legend and a MM legend was a valid playstyle difference over a mechanist or untamed, does the summon really need to be a golem when we could have, say, Lord Odran summoning something funky from the Mists?

Golemancer doesn't really have a place on Revenant thematically, it's way too high tech. Same with firearms.

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2 hours ago, Elric.4713 said:

Golemancer doesn't really have a place on Revenant thematically, it's way too high tech. Same with firearms.

Eh...yes and no? There's no thematic reason why revenant can't be high-tech (by GW2 standards, anyway) if there's a suitably impressive legend as a source (and the vassal state duo lowered that bar). The only limit is that any such legend would have to be relatively recent. Which limits the pool but doesn't eliminate it entirely (Cobiah Marriner is probably a legitimate choice for a legend if the vassal states duo are, for instance, and I'm pretty sure he used firearms.)


The bigger problem would be the 'carbon copy of another elite specialisation' issue. While some revenant legends certainly have similarities to other professions, they do at least have significantly different aesthetics.

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