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List of banned players


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There is no list, because there are no perma-bans.   If someone actually got caught cheating, botting etc.   he/she will most likely gotten a temporary ban for    maybe a month? or less.


Banning 1thousand people for 1min would still be "Banned 1000 people"


Also banning people in PvP isnt much of a thing, since a new account is up almost instantly  and asc gear or smthg isnt needed.

Edited by Virdo.1540
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9 minutes ago, Virdo.1540 said:

There is no list, because there are no perma-bans.   If someone actually got caught cheating, botting etc.   he/she will most likely gotten a temporary ban for    maybe a month? or less.


Banning 1thousand people for 1min would still be "Banned 1000 people"

A list would be nice, but its not like its really needed. Have to imagine that a good chunk of those 83 accounts were alt accounts since alt accounts get used in match manipulation all the time. 

Unless you knew who's alt was who's, then a lot of that information would just be useless. 


I will note that some top player streamers have been noticeably absent today though 😏

And that the post specifically says "Permanently banned" this time and not temporarily, unlike when they tried the first time.

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im not ashamed to say when people have been rude to me ive just stopped playing mid game but with that said I tried up till the point the toxicity and bullying started... at that point id rather just let the team lose for being so rude, the toxicity makes pvp alot less fun, ranked also just seems so superficial , with that all said im pretty much done with pvp forever now i never win traded or just afked right from the start and i tried to the point it was clear we were going to lose

if I was honest the outlying issues with pvp begins with wintraders at the higher tiers but doesn't stop their

the devs need to target

  1. Bots
  2. wintraders
  3. toxic players (its gotten so bad I just block everyone preemptively even if they could be lovely i just don't wanna deal with that kitten after a hard day at work where customers feel like they can kitten on you)
  4. I also think the reward system needs to be reworked because Byzantium grinding by bots and afk is way to prominent
    (i think either making it contribution driven or something else i don't know might help, people don't like my opinion on removing the gold reward even though i think the legendary gear and gear you get is rewarding enough but eh thats just my opinion)
  5. last thing is the match making is kinda broken i feel 8 out of 10 games end in 50-500 or 500-100 I dont see how that is a fun match when your on a losing team or when your fighting a team doing so bad, i legit feel bad when a teams losing so bad and which is so overwhelmed by the other... I have been playing alot more strong holds because even if the teams are un matched if you can strategize the matches a more evenly match in score, dont get me wrong you get those flawless victory and insane losses but it just feels like a single skilled player can make a difference 

    I really used to love pvp but between toxicity and 50-500/500-50 games it just feels gross, Id rather lose every match if they were close games 450-500 sorta matches its but the ones where your losing so bad or winning they dont feel fun and the losing team devolves in he said she said bs which isnt fun... in the end hopefully we get a bot ban soon aswell because silver is full of them 

    also just a word of advice I was in lockdown for abit and was doing 11 hour grinds of pvp a day to get my legendary armor... my advice is dont do that it really is a sure fire way suffer burn out... 25 days with 11 hours a day.... dear god the salt and toxic players was so bad i really understand why people refuse to do spvp now
Edited by Shogen.5071
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10 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

i think main accounts got banned too, just a guess tho. there isn't really anything keeping them from trying again, they know anet only does a big blanket ban every once and a while. all we can hope for is the ban was a mood killer, pvp is already small and getting smaller and they might say f it to the whole thing and move on to another game.


12 hours ago, TheDarkness.6947 said:

I say kudos to Anet for pulling out the ban hammer.  Better late than never.  And kudos to those in the community who brought the issue to light.


My question is this though.  PvP is free to play right?  Even ranked and ATs?  What keeps the accounts that got banned from having a fresh account ready to go at it again tomorrow, essentially risk free?

Some of them invested thousands into it and to be banned would be to basically throw away all that money and time invested.


Unless they were filthy rich, I don't see them risking a permaban.

But that would require Anet to keep on doing this. They should.

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2 hours ago, Virdo.1540 said:

There is no list, because there are no perma-bans.   If someone actually got caught cheating, botting etc.   he/she will most likely gotten a temporary ban for    maybe a month? or less.


Banning 1thousand people for 1min would still be "Banned 1000 people"

Except they didn't say they "banned xx people", they said "we permanently banned 83 accounts", so not sure where you're going with your weird "it's surely just semantics" take.

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2 hours ago, Shogen.5071 said:

im not ashamed to say when people have been rude to me ive just stopped playing mid game but with that said I tried up till the point the toxicity and bullying started... at that point id rather just let the team lose for being so rude, the toxicity makes pvp alot less fun, ranked also just seems so superficial , with that all said im pretty much done with pvp forever now i never win traded or just afked right from the start and i tried to the point it was clear we were going to lose

if I was honest the outlying issues with pvp begins with wintraders at the higher tiers but doesn't stop their

the devs need to target

  1. Bots
  2. wintraders
  3. toxic players (its gotten so bad I just block everyone preemptively even if they could be lovely i just don't wanna deal with that kitten after a hard day at work where customers feel like they can kitten on you)
  4. I also think the reward system needs to be reworked because Byzantium grinding by bots and afk is way to prominent
    (i think either making it contribution driven or something else i don't know might help, people don't like my opinion on removing the gold reward even though i think the legendary gear and gear you get is rewarding enough but eh thats just my opinion)
  5. last thing is the match making is kinda broken i feel 8 out of 10 games end in 50-500 or 500-100 I dont see how that is a fun match when your on a losing team or when your fighting a team doing so bad, i legit feel bad when a teams losing so bad and which is so overwhelmed by the other... I have been playing alot more strong holds because even if the teams are un matched if you can strategize the matches a more evenly match in score, dont get me wrong you get those flawless victory and insane losses but it just feels like a single skilled player can make a difference 

    I really used to love pvp but between toxicity and 50-500/500-50 games it just feels gross, Id rather lose every match if they were close games 450-500 sorta matches its but the ones where your losing so bad or winning they dont feel fun and the losing team devolves in he said she said bs which isnt fun... in the end hopefully we get a bot ban soon aswell because silver is full of them 

    also just a word of advice I was in lockdown for abit and was doing 11 hour grinds of pvp a day to get my legendary armor... my advice is dont do that it really is a sure fire way suffer burn out... 25 days with 11 hours a day.... dear god the salt and toxic players was so bad i really understand why people refuse to do spvp now

This list describes many things that can cause excitement of the mind. In fact, there is only one scenario how Anet can fix this whole list, except for bots and make pvp more populated. This scenario should increase the number of people playing in the conquest, with the expansion of card sizes or the use of other cards, as well as the addition of even more conquest conditions.

If we try to intuitively imagine what it might look like in the end, then most likely we can even see the chains of events. They look like this - duets are no longer scary, wintrading is much more difficult, jumps in points will not be so unpredictable. It also brings more game counter, as well as more builds, in addition to a future increase in specializations. Weak players will approach normal players, and the players who are carrying games now will not be able to carry them alone or with a duo, since more people will always create a more multifaceted reality, the reaction to which will not be as informed, as it has been for nine years, six years, four years. If we try to follow this chain of events further, then the benefits become obvious and this also in turn gives the possibility of a new springboard for 5vs5 deathmtach.

Therefore, it remains only to observe whether anet will choose this scenario or not and do they understand the possibilities of this scenario, as well as how many people to increase - 7vs7, 8vs8 etc, however, I like 10vs10.


Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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Well the top AP player that was accused in that video seems to have been removed from the leaderboards/banned.  So as far a list of names we know I guess one person.  I can only imagine all the thousands of hours it took to be at the top of the AP boards.  Now it was all wasted time for them.   Seems odd someone with that level of achievement would risk it all for a title and novelty.  But I guess they got what they deserved. 

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2 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

a lot of people would consider this behavior to be part of the problem

I just ignore the chat. I especially hate being on a team where 2 of my team mates are having a verbal altercation and being vulgar to each other or there's people who absolutely refuse to work together. I don't do PVP to get with players who are interested in just trolling each other and we lose because of them. It's a turn off. 

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3 hours ago, Sir Arigius.6294 said:

I just ignore the chat. I especially hate being on a team where 2 of my team mates are having a verbal altercation and being vulgar to each other or there's people who absolutely refuse to work together. I don't do PVP to get with players who are interested in just trolling each other and we lose because of them. It's a turn off. 

thats the solution, just turn off the chat. unlike you tho ima degenerate who loves that sort of stuff, the nastier they get the more amused and joyous i become. seeing a therapist would only ruin the fun, so no.

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15 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful that ANet banned those 83 accounts--thank you! This is certainly a step in the right direction.


But it raises some questions....

The forums have been blazing about this for just a few days. Teapot's video came out 3 days ago.  So in less than 72 hours, ANet cleaned house and found 83 accts to ban. This suggests that these were either particularly obvious/egregious cases of wintrading...or were known already.  If they were just obvious cases, why did it take an internet furor to get ANet to act? And if they were already known....wtf was ANet waiting for?


All this suggests that ANet really isn't paying much attention to the PvP scene, and that's deeply disappointing. And, as others have speculated, this is likely just the tip of the iceberg of the wintrading problem. The good news, I suppose, is there's still time for ANet to change course and put some much-deserved attention into PvP. And if they can find and ban 83 accts in just 3 days, imagine what they could do with a whole week or two!




Definitely raises some questions.

Honestly it makes it look like Arenanet allows these people to do what they do and they actually go out of their way to protect them, and the only time they ever take action is if something in the news is absolutely virally exposing the problem. Then in that case they must take action to make it "look like" they care.

It's actually insulting to the legit player base that they take action when Teapot makes it viral, but when the normal player base points this stuff out, it gets swept under the rug and we get suspensions for it.

It's actually very insulting.

As I said, they're going to need to do some work if they want to gain back any real repute with the community.

I want to love & support this game and this company, but it's awfully hard to do after all of this.

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