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WvW is so nice :D


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i mean, u cannot kick (should not imho) people after afking 5-10 minutes since queues are a thing and irl exists.


some people even move while afking, so inactive-kicks aren't really a possible thing either.

(a "klick button to show u active" mechanics would be countered by putting a weight on your 1 key to autoattack into nothing, before anyone brings that on the table)


so, just don't be a unsporty person by afking for too long around if there'd be content on the map.


on dead maps, like EBG cloud fiesta without any coordination, as in the famous SM hillside clown-fiestas, afk running into some wall is pretty much the best u can do.


the only activity mechanics i could imagine to kill queues, is to enable a person to be kicked from the map if another one wants to enter it, if the to-be-kicked person didn't enter battle for 10 minutes. that should be mechanically doable and isn't likely for active players to happen. (still, macros on engi-turret or minionmancers might screw this attempt again)

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7 hours ago, paShadoWn.5723 said:

Getting constant stream of rewards for watching other players fight gates and walls!

It's like a mobile game where you get rewards for watching ads.


PVD is the ultimate achievement every Mist warrior reaches.... before  a game  break :)

If u r new to the game mode, u arrived in its worse state, but ill get better with Anet improvementes over time.

Maybe in future will have more pvp than pvd heheh

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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1 hour ago, paShadoWn.5723 said:

I didn't meant the afk, I meant following other players doing their Worlds vs Walls routines.

It is so relaxed, safe and profitable compared to sPvP and even PvE!

I don't know about the profitable part, but the rest is certainly true. I'm glad you are chilling out though. Some people get all high strung about the mode.

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6 hours ago, paShadoWn.5723 said:

I didn't meant the afk, I meant following other players doing their Worlds vs Walls routines.

It is so relaxed, safe and profitable compared to sPvP and even PvE!

i have zero clue what that even means. u mean karmatrains? smells like ur doing pvE in Wvw there. "relaxed and safe" .. i mean farming inexperienced players and ppt blobs filled with pvE potatoes surely is in fact that. probably not what u meant, i assume.

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about 270.000 kills happened since reset in EU matchups sofar. so idk, not directly dead.


those who karmatrain and pvE within the boundaries of Wvw regularly pay the Lootbag fee, so yeah. ppk still doesn't have the value it should have, ppt still means only something in weird para-realities of some player groups.

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20 hours ago, paShadoWn.5723 said:

I didn't meant the afk, I meant following other players doing their Worlds vs Walls routines.

It is so relaxed, safe and profitable compared to sPvP and even PvE!


roflmao.  You get way more stuff from pve than from wvw, especially in the newest zone.   The labyrinth is currently the best loot zone, for the next few weeks anyway.  WvW is not a very high loot  zone, and before you ask I’m a very high level player in wvw.  If you really want loot go pve.  

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10 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Don't let this guy fool you. Wvw totally isn't dead...

 This mode is a big WTJ fiesta. "All good" players stack on 1-2 servers and put YT videos on the internet how they can farm PVE bobs & Newbies. A complete Joke when u ask me. The gamers nowdays have no bite anymore.  Hopefully the alliance system will kill off this Pay to Win Manta and  manipulations. I do know 1 person who is personally (RL) a good guy. But he is a WTJler in person. He transfered roughly 50 times and everytime on a new hype server. I understand that many only can have fun when they are beeing carried. But for the others who stick to the team and give everything to become better is this mentality a clap in the face. It is also 1 big point why persons leaving the mode or the game. So i would say it is half dead. It is a joke like sPvP with their wintraders.

Edited by Grebcol.5984
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5 hours ago, Grebcol.5984 said:

 This mode is a big WTJ fiesta. "All good" players stack on 1-2 servers and put YT videos on the internet how they can farm PVE bobs & Newbies. A complete Joke when u ask me. The gamers nowdays have no bite anymore.  Hopefully the alliance system will kill off this Pay to Win Manta and  manipulations. I do know 1 person who is personally (RL) a good guy. But he is a WTJler in person. He transfered roughly 50 times and everytime on a new hype server. I understand that many only can have fun when they are beeing carried. But for the others who stick to the team and give everything to become better is this mentality a clap in the face. It is also 1 big point why persons leaving the mode or the game. So i would say it is half dead. It is a joke like sPvP with their wintraders.


you arent far from one of the many realities WvW has....

ive seen screenshots of a server tag blaming and cursing Anet due  enemy have a queue as well, and they wanted the extra queue also on map so they could be 2x the enemy queue to actualy engage them.

When the only thing one can do is putted in check.... cause one can only  do is stack minstell and condi tanks to beat smaller groups..  (some stats should have a sanity check from Anet)


This is actually the kind of players i hope that get really stresses on alliances sicne they have to fight more equal sized groups, ive seen guilds that even move server to fight empty zones, some even Ktrain EU night and some EU go to ktrain NA sleep time.

Still its a good gamemode just need alot of atention.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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8 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

When the only thing one can do is putted in check.... cause one can only  do is stack minstell and condi tanks to beat smaller groups..  (some stats should have a sanity check from Anet)

Wow that combo should indeed have a sanity check, no one in their right mind would stack minstrel and condi tanks, they stack minstrels and power dps.

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8 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Wow that combo should indeed have a sanity check, no one in their right mind would stack minstrel and condi tanks, they stack minstrels and power dps.

That deppends actually, its not that 1|0 situation, this days i even observerd  somewhat large groups of mostly condi bunkers actually and misntrells mesmers and warriors.

The only classes that they have DPS are reapers even arround 90% of thieves ic even DD and DE are condi builds, DH can vary from power +1(plus one'r) builds that cant do much alone but on ganking will do alot of damage also condi DH builds but those are more rare (i shall ignore the ones i saw using minstrell with traps ._.),,

When i say sanity check is to put in observation  why theres alot of overuse on minstrell stats mostly, cause in defensive stats that stat has everything and damage output went down so it will make  the stat quite tanky whem mass stacked, with 25 might a minstrell used still has 2k power or very close to it.


Bsides if Anet swaped toughness for precision there would be slightly more damage output in group fights.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny that you want to destroy minstrel, a statcombo needed for propper groupplay but not trailblazer, which combines tank and damage. I wish a power player could be that tanky whilst having that amount of damage. But thats obviously limited to those condition spam heroes.

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On 10/12/2021 at 5:23 PM, Grebcol.5984 said:

"All good" players stack on 1-2 servers and put YT videos on the internet how they can farm PVE bobs & Newbies.

All really good players have already quit the game in 2014-2016. When some low skill player is better then another low skill players, it doesn't make this player good or even average. There are almost no good players left in wvw sadly.

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