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Is it crazy to request legendries get a pvp variant called Antiques?


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These would be skins only, so no actually switching stats like the real things. They would be a re-color of the ones that exist to ensure the current ones do not loose price. Players like me who enjoy pvp and quite good at it, would be thankful. Yes i can do tournaments are maybe get that box thing, but that is very stressing and requires as much pvp grinding as pve grinding.


I am talking about creating a new reward track- make it 20X longer to get points wise, but make it have a guaranteed drop of the one you want. What do you all think? Seems a fair compromise to me and other pvp players. If you occasionally do pvp- my game tag is @AusarViled- do other pvpers agree? Lets discuss it

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I don't think this would work; if you put any kind of unique skin behind PvP, people who prefer other modes will be unhappy. Not to mention if you release variant legendaries, those who made the originals would also be unhappy if they viewed the new method as less work for the same reward (even if it's just a skin). A path to legendary stuff via PvP might be worth talking about for those who genuinely don't enjoy PvE or WvW, but at the moment there's a huge bot problem to contend with on top of whatever other challenges there might be.

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Am I missing something here? Genuinely asking because I really don't PvP much.

If you want a legendary skin what makes it harder for you to work towards over a PvE player? If anything picking the right PvP reward tracks would make earning the mystic clovers easier for someone who does a lot of PvP content verses someone that is exclusively PvE.

Yes I get that you would have to do map completion (but so would a WvW exclusive player) and complete the Gift of Battle reward track in WvW ( but so would a PvE exclusive player) - both of those things aren't difficult to do over a period of time.

The rest is just materials and gold, or is the issue that you don't get enough of that if you PvP only?

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3 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I don't think this would work; if you put any kind of unique skin behind PvP, people who prefer other modes will be unhappy. Not to mention if you release variant legendaries, those who made the originals would also be unhappy if they viewed the new method as less work for the same reward (even if it's just a skin). A path to legendary stuff via PvP might be worth talking about for those who genuinely don't enjoy PvE or WvW, but at the moment there's a huge bot problem to contend with on top of whatever other challenges there might be.

There already are PvP exclusive skins and legendaries, there's a full set of armour (which shares it's skin with the precursor but both are still exclusive to PvP), a legendary backpack which is the cheapest and possibly quickest to get of the 3 and a legendary amulet. It's even possible to get legendary weapons from PvP, but only by winning certain tournaments.

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5 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I don't think this would work; if you put any kind of unique skin behind PvP, people who prefer other modes will be unhappy. Not to mention if you release variant legendaries, those who made the originals would also be unhappy if they viewed the new method as less work for the same reward (even if it's just a skin). A path to legendary stuff via PvP might be worth talking about for those who genuinely don't enjoy PvE or WvW, but at the moment there's a huge bot problem to contend with on top of whatever other challenges there might be.

You mean PvE crowd. PvE crowd will be unhappy.


No one cares when a PvE item is locked behind exclusive PvE content, no one cares that PvP people or WvW people are unhappy about that. All everyone ever cares is how PvE people won't be able to get that. 


So for people like OP that mostly PvP, or others that exclusively do WvW, screw them right? Who cares that they might be unhappy that they have to do PvE for Aurora, it's the PvE people that we have to take care and god forbid that they should have to do some PvP or WvW for soemthing...


Sarcasm obviously, but the point is made. 🙂


Besides, i don't think anyone would really care that much. You need to do WvW for basicaly every legendary anyway, and there's already skins locked behind PvP and WvW that you have to sink significant time into to get, and no one complained about those.


Just having a modified versions of Legendary skins without the functionality wouldn't detract anything from the real ones.


It would be kind of like having a bootleg Nevermore that you got on craigslist or from some shady guy in the back alley that's adorned with pigeons instead of ravens and has a grey glow instead of blue. 😄 You know, still legendary, but something's not quite right! 😄


I like OP's idea, i think PvP and WvW modes need more prestige items. Maybe lock the skins behind a certain rank requirement, kind of a higher one, like, 1500 WvW rank or idk what the equivalent PvP rank is, and make the reward track longer and GG...


It's a 👍 from me OP! 🙂 

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The only parts of this I disagree with are making them recolours of existing legendaries and giving them a different name, that seems unnecessary. If they're not getting new models why not just make them the same as the existing ones? I would have thought that would actually lead to fewer objections because then it's another way to get the same thing rather than something which is only available from PvP (although as I said those already exist too). I also don't see any reason to call it something different, that seems like trying to make it into a bigger deal than it actually is, or it would just be confusing.

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I am new to the game, so i am not sure how the conventions work- from most MMOs pvp is kind of an after thought. I have been doing pvp in Spvp and average about 18-35 kills [downs] but yes i noticed a lot of bots which seems strange. 


They always run in straight lines, do not turn their camera dodge on scan not on read aka i see them dodging before the animation even begins to play or they dodge spam and run out of stamina and are free kills. Why do people even bot in pvp? i have done one ranked match and got 60% of the way from one win, versus doing hours of runs for what? i guess eventually you would save up enough points to get from the tracks. Still feels weird in comparison to ESO pvp. 


It would be great to give pvp exclusive skins- that or if ArenaNet was to create their own stand alone battle royal like Over watch with a proper full pvp game with seasons- i would buy that DAY 1. That is a different discussion. I appreciate all the replies none the less. Would be great if some community dev could let us know what the team would think on this- since GW2 may need some ideas from pvp folks 

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If it is skin only then it is not a legendary so right off the bat you aren't making any sense.

PvP only skins already exist. Should we get more? Yes. Will we get more? Probably.

The crux of the problem is this question: What is the point of a set of skins that are based on existing designs as opposed to a set of new and independent design?

Edited by Khisanth.2948
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5 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

You mean PvE crowd.

No, I mean what I said. People who don't PvP would be unhappy about it - and are about the things that currently are gated behind PvP.

5 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

No one cares when a PvE item is locked behind exclusive PvE content

Not true; people have been very vocal about their desire to obtain PvE (and other mode-exclusive) rewards through other modes. Personally, I think they're right and that more paths to the same rewards is a good idea. For something like the OP wants, I'd suggest any skin that gets added there also have a WvW and PvE acquisition method instead of being exclusive as was proposed.

7 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

There already are PvP exclusive skins and legendaries

Which I don't think is good, given that GW2 is primarily a PvE game with PvP elements. GW2 heavily values cosmetics as its endgame/reward, so game mode exclusivity with regard to cosmetics has always bothered me. Therefore OP's idea to make knock-off legendary skins and put them only in competitive content doesn't appeal.

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15 minutes ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

Why reskins only? I find it extremely annoying that there is no way to acquire legi weapons through sPvP or WvW, while pvers can pick and choose. What is it....is it the sound of..... "OHMAGAWD BUT the GIFT OF BATTLE" 😒🙄

The only choice anyone gets is when making gen 2.5 legendary weapons, where you can either map complete HoT or PoF. Other than that every legendary only has 1 method which is identical for everyone, no matter what they consider to be their main game mode.

2 hours ago, AusarViled.7106 said:

I am new to the game, so i am not sure how the conventions work- from most MMOs pvp is kind of an after thought. I have been doing pvp in Spvp and average about 18-35 kills [downs] but yes i noticed a lot of bots which seems strange. 


They always run in straight lines, do not turn their camera dodge on scan not on read aka i see them dodging before the animation even begins to play or they dodge spam and run out of stamina and are free kills. Why do people even bot in pvp? i have done one ranked match and got 60% of the way from one win, versus doing hours of runs for what? i guess eventually you would save up enough points to get from the tracks. Still feels weird in comparison to ESO pvp. 


It would be great to give pvp exclusive skins- that or if ArenaNet was to create their own stand alone battle royal like Over watch with a proper full pvp game with seasons- i would buy that DAY 1. That is a different discussion. I appreciate all the replies none the less. Would be great if some community dev could let us know what the team would think on this- since GW2 may need some ideas from pvp folks 

If you just want PvP exclusive skins then you've already got your wish. There's several armour and weapons skins which are exclusive to PvP or shared by PvP and World vs World (which is like Cyrodiil in ESO), including legendary armour sets and backpacks and the Mist Lord's and Obsidian weapon sets. It's also possible to get many of the PvE sets like the dungeon weapons and armour entirely in PvP (or WvW). There's also other PvP exlusive rewards, like mini pets and finishers, which aren't available in other game modes.

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40 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Which I don't think is good, given that GW2 is primarily a PvE game with PvP elements. GW2 heavily values cosmetics as its endgame/reward, so game mode exclusivity with regard to cosmetics has always bothered me. Therefore OP's idea to make knock-off legendary skins and put them only in competitive content doesn't appeal.

Just because the game "values cosmetics as its endgame/reward" doesn't mean everything should be available for playing anything. You should be rewarded for "branching out", you complete more of the game's content => you get more varied rewards.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

Why reskins only? I find it extremely annoying that there is no way to acquire legi weapons through sPvP or WvW, while pvers can pick and choose. What is it....is it the sound of..... "OHMAGAWD BUT the GIFT OF BATTLE" 😒🙄

You know what the T3 legendary weapons come in sets now in EOD, the glowy Aurene set, and pvp and wvw already have practical armor without the fancy skins, so why not PVP/Legendary weapons the Mist Lord seems like a good fit(maybe a little mist glow or something on the legendary). Trinkets are probably the biggest sore spot for wvw since it is the most build flexible mode, and the glow balls really do not help there since they draw too much attention, also getting them cuts into your WvW time, just functional trinkets with no visual stuff from WvW/PVP will be a godsend to people that WvW.    

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4 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

No, I mean what I said. People who don't PvP would be unhappy about it - and are about the things that currently are gated behind PvP.

Not true; people have been very vocal about their desire to obtain PvE (and other mode-exclusive) rewards through other modes. Personally, I think they're right and that more paths to the same rewards is a good idea. For something like the OP wants, I'd suggest any skin that gets added there also have a WvW and PvE acquisition method instead of being exclusive as was proposed.

Which I don't think is good, given that GW2 is primarily a PvE game with PvP elements. GW2 heavily values cosmetics as its endgame/reward, so game mode exclusivity with regard to cosmetics has always bothered me. Therefore OP's idea to make knock-off legendary skins and put them only in competitive content doesn't appeal.


2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The amount of threads about legendary Raid armour says otherwise.

Still, i am a great believer in there being many paths to legendaries, and so legendary SpvP/WvW weapons, for example, would be something i would support.

They'll never add more paths to legendary, 99% sure. 


But they can add more legendaries. Or skins for example.

I mean, there's already holographic skins in the game of almost every legendary, those don't devalue the real thing, so why would bootleg PvP skins be that outrageous? I hve the holographic bard, it's pretty cool. I still want the real thing. So if there's some similar skins to get in PvP without being the same legendaries, just skins and different - why wouldn't that appeal to someone? It appeals to me arleady, and i don't PvP at all. But that would maybe make me try it. 


Also, threads on the forum aren't a good metric on who really cares about legendaries... There's an odd "i want raid leggy without raiding" thread, but there's also tons of "we want GoB without needing to WvW" threads. 

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I'd be down for some recolours, would get me interested in spvp again. It'd have to require some minimum rank or something though, so that they cannot be obtained by simply grinding. This would be important for two reasons:


1. To demonstrate how awesome you are, and that if dueling *were* in game, you would almost certainly defeat whoever is checking our your sword right now.


2. It'd really kitten off the PvE crowd.

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10 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

They'll never add more paths to legendary, 99% sure. 


But they can add more legendaries. Or skins for example.

Oh, when i say "more paths to legendaries" i'm not specifically speaking about multiple paths to the same legendaries. Separate legendary weapon sets for SpvP and WvW would do just fine for that.


I mean, there's already holographic skins in the game of almost every legendary, those don't devalue the real thing

Holographic skins are for precursors, not for legendaries. And only for gen1 ones, which can be just bought out from TP by any player - including the SPvP and WvW ones.


Also, threads on the forum aren't a good metric on who really cares about legendaries... There's an odd "i want raid leggy without raiding" thread, but there's also tons of "we want GoB without needing to WvW" threads. 

Well, yes. You can't however ignore some threads while treating this one seriously.

Notice, btw, that if you were to open direct SPvP/WvW paths for gen1/2/2.5 legendaries, then, by extension, it would probably mean removing all the SPvP/WvW requirements from the current methods of their acquisition. And consequently, removing SPvP/WvW requirement from PvE legendaries would also necessitate introducing either alternate SPvP/WvW paths for them, or at least alternate SPvP/WvW legendaries of the same type.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, when i say "more paths to legendaries" i'm not specifically speaking about multiple paths to the same legendaries. Separate legendary weapon sets for SpvP and WvW would do just fine for that.

Well when people say multiple paths, i always assume they want idk, Raid armor, but want to do fractals for it or something.

Adding new legendaries is totally doable, and probably will happen. I just said that they're not going to change how the current ones are obtained probably.


(also, sorry for the edit, i just now saw your reply, idk why...)

4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Holographic skins are for precursors, not for legendaries. And only for gen1 ones, which can be just bought out from TP by any player - including the SPvP and WvW ones.

True, but would the legendaries be any less legendary if you had a holographic version? Especially if the bootleg ones don't come with special footprints and projectiles. Just the skin. I don't think it would detract from the real thing.

4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, yes. You can't however ignore some threads while treating this one seriously.

Notice, btw, that if you were to open direct SPvP/WvW paths for gen1/2/2.5 legendaries, then, by extension, it would probably mean removing al the SPvP/WvW requirements from the current methods of their acquisition. And consequently, removing SPvP/WvW requirement from PvE legendaries would also necessitate introducing either alternate SPvP/WvW paths for them, or at least alternate SPvP/WvW legendaries of the same type.

I'm not treating this one any more seriously than others lol.

I didn't say i wanted a direct path to get1 legendary through sPvP/WvW, i just would like a bootleg skin that's obtainable through only sPvP/WvW. Not the functionality. Skins and legendaries are not the same. 

If they add new legendaries (meaning, item - qol stat changes, the works) to only sPvP and WvW that's different. 

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18 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I didn't say i wanted a direct path to get1 legendary through sPvP/WvW, i just would like a bootleg skin that's obtainable through only sPvP/WvW. Not the functionality. Skins and legendaries are not the same. 


Technically, no, they're not the same thing however I would argue that the main driver behind people obtaining legendary gear is for the skin.

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6 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Technically, no, they're not the same thing however I would argue that the main driver behind people obtaining legendary gear is for the skin.

Maybe for some. But even then - i specifically said the skin would only mimic that of the legendary, not be the same, and have no effects like footprints etc. So getting a legendary skin would still have merit because of the added effects and the actual correct skin. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

If you're talking about reward tracks, sure, but that's not replacing the method used to obtain the final thing

But it replaces most of the PvE based acquisition process which is akin to making WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket based legendary crafting components readily available in PvE.

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