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Mechanist Feedback Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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Played mech last week and here are some notes:

Mech (bot itself) does too much damage compared to necro minions or ranger pets. Id either lower mech damage or increase pet damage everywhere else. Ive literally been wrecking just about everything despite not knowing how to play it. low skill

The rifle changes are amazing. Love not being knocked back anymore when I use my CC skill. Makes rifle play more fluid. Synergizes nicely with the orbital strike trait (which does a TON of damage...maybe scale it back a tad)

Sigils are also amazing. Synergize better imo compared to ranger/guardian/ele. Maybe a rework of their sigils is in order as mech has it right.

I do agree there needs to be a "come here" button for the bot.


This is just my 2 cents from outside looking in 🙂

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Well if necs and rangers camp afk with their pets to farm thats also how braindead and broken the game is. Or those chest beamers that stuck half in the ground. Or a rev ghost spammer. Spam ghost -> kill everything -> move on


It is good if the mech is more powerful then the other pets because that what makes it unique to other professions. And if you want to press more buttons you can always use a kit or disable autoattack an press 1.


I like easier builds so I'm happy with it. And i still use the other skills except rifle 5.

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Can we please get a toggle for the default state (stowed/deployed) of the mech when spawning into a map or porting anywhere.  On my power mech build where I rely on Crash Down for damage and CC I am constantly having to stow my mech whenever I go anywhere.   Also, it would just be really really nice if the darn mech is not always in my face all the time.   Just a QOL that I would really like.


Edited by Drae.3189
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On 7/29/2022 at 12:23 PM, Ruisenior.6342 said:

When we will get mechanist fixed underwater? It's so frustrating to play it, also the aquatic weapon should get rifles treatment.

WHen I played mech, the underwater pull + the detonation skill thingy, I nailed ppl over 15k in 1 hit. Def doesnt need to be buffed xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/28/2022 at 2:12 PM, raubvogel.5071 said:

Well if necs and rangers camp afk with their pets to farm thats also how braindead and broken the game is. Or those chest beamers that stuck half in the ground. Or a rev ghost spammer. Spam ghost -> kill everything -> move on


It is good if the mech is more powerful then the other pets because that what makes it unique to other professions. And if you want to press more buttons you can always use a kit or disable autoattack an press 1.


I like easier builds so I'm happy with it. And i still use the other skills except rifle 5.

Yea no to all of this you're entirely missing the point. It's fine that the spec is very easy that's fine and not the issue the issue is the build is very easy AND does just as much if not more damage than than other builds that have to micromanage and work much harder to achieve half of what it so easily does.


Also being overpowered isn't a unique spec design that should be encouraged, there's a reason class changes are called balance patches not unbalanced patches. Also implying that people should just intentionally nerf their class fundamentally if they have issue with it being too easy and want to make it more difficult is just silly and disingenuous.


And I'm glad you like easier builds you should have them available to you however they should reward you the base amount of damage and effectiveness, enough so you're not ostracized from content but you're also not blowing it up. High skill should always reward high damage and high effectiveness it's a reward system for playing well and that's not happening with pMech right now thus everyone's issue with it.  

Edited by Atticus.7194
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I see a lot of people complaining about two things about Mechanist, mainly that it is:

1. Too simple, for being too strong

2. Requires no skill

3. Pet is too strong


1. I tend to agree, but the solution I'd say is not to nerf it to oblivion. At its current state Mechanist is nowhere near meta in PVP. I main a Mechanist in PVP and most Gold+ level players already know how to counter it, most of the complaints about mech power in sPVP comes from low level PVP ranks. So I disagree with nerfing, but would support some mechanics with higher skill-cap that would make it more competitive in higher levels of PVP


2. It actually does require some skill. I agree that it can be entry level decent even without skill, but reliance on the pet also requires good positioning and very good awareness of where it is as that can make or break usefulness in fights. In comparison guardians just sit on the points while playing piano with their keyboards. Which one requires more skill? I cannot say.


3. That's the whole theme of the specialization folks. A very strong, single pet at the cost of the pet actually being a liability as well. This is not the first game to have a class/profession like that. People mostly hate on the pet in PVP because a, they dont know how to avoid it b, they dont know that the mechanist itself needs to be pressured and/or if safe to kill its pet c, (and this is the biggest one) they get frustrated that a downed mech is still dangerous because of the pet - which I think it's a nice, unique mechanic. I've gotten a lot of hate from players who went all-in trying to down me and didn't count with the fact that the robot can still pew pew. 

PS. I used to play engineer in Anarchy Online and main pet there also got a lot of hate. People just hate the fact that there is an NPC-sort-of entity that are dangerous to them.

Edited by Sundoor.5630
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1 hour ago, Sundoor.5630 said:

PS. I used to play engineer in Anarchy Online and main pet there also got a lot of hate. People just hate the fact that there is an NPC-sort-of entity that are dangerous to them.

Only the Widowmaker Battle Drone had some resentment because it's a powerhouse accompanying an already capable owner. Carlo Pinetti wasn't as potent but the Crat itself had an overabundance of CC. The Rihwen was bad, and while the MP could potentially shut down someone hard, it was a low odds gamble.


As for Mechanist in PvP... it's eh tier really. I'm pretty sure that the majority of complaints is on the PvE side of things, but as a whole, pets with bad AI have a tendency to be a design trap as the easy solution is to overtune them to make up for that issue.

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I know somebody has already said it, but I want to join to the club,

I'd like to have customizzable or dyes or skins for the mech (it would be great to have it look like MOX for example)

It would be nice to have a substitute underwater o at least some tool belt skills

It would be nice to have more characters to name the mech and any pet in general, like bringing it to 25.


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On 7/28/2022 at 11:12 PM, raubvogel.5071 said:

It is good if the mech is more powerful then the other pets because that what makes it unique to other professions. And if you want to press more buttons you can always use a kit or disable autoattack an press 1.


There is a HUGE imbalance btw ranger necro pets in power!  Mech needs to be nerfed, 70 % people run mechs in wvw stupidly strong just disengage and let the mech do the damage.

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On 8/2/2022 at 1:09 PM, Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

WHen I played mech, the underwater pull + the detonation skill thingy, I nailed ppl over 15k in 1 hit. Def doesnt need to be buffed xD


Since what you're talking about is not mech specific, and can be done by any other engineer spec, it still puts mechanist as subpar in aquatic content where we get no toolbelt skills and no mech.


If depth charges had like a 5-10 second cooldown it might even things up.  More reasonably, I'd like to see each active mech skill have a depth charge equivalent.

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On 10/27/2021 at 12:01 AM, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

Let us know what you think about the mechanist! What do you really like? What needs to be improved or adjusted?

Found a bug? Let us know in the bug thread.

Are you still here, please step in and help us now!

1. I don't have time to smash the return key 100 times,  to tell my mech to get back to me even in passive mode.  Due to the nerf, the Mech just dies and is worthless in WvW.  Mech is on Range mode option and still tries to run up to the target and dies.

2. DPS is low in WvW.  10k-15k   Ele's are doing 29k  and Beserker War 25k.

3.  I had to complete redo my armor to even do any damage, now I am very squishy.  

4.  Give us more Health.

5.  Don't false advertise when purchasing jade bot on the TP, it doesn't say you can use it in WvW.  You have to be in WvW before you notice it now says it won't work here.  Scammed me out of a 200gold for my toons.  Trying to get a little more health.

6. I have yet to see anyone killed by a Mech alone.  Rangers get tons of buffs, 1500 range, swap pets.  We get nerfed. 



Edited by DtenCfour.3567
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