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Too unbalanced

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On 11/19/2021 at 8:53 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

Due to the overly generic nature of the post, I suspect this is a bot or spam account posting to build up a history.

I've seen similar stuff on many forums over the years.

And what would be the benefit for such a bot? It's not like having an active forum profile bring any benefit in game xD

Edited by Raizel.1839
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Confusing AF thread. Maybe english is not his first language(same as I).

But in WvW having supports("defense classes"ahahahahha) can flip tides of the blops even if that group has less players. Now if you think you can roam like a support or totally defensive you will get down by other roamers that has roaming gear/builds.

For PvP is more about what can you bring to your group that can lead to a win more than healing or tanking. Every single class has support/defensive builds but that doesn't mean they will shine in every single game mode.

Then again if you still thinking of posting something along the lines of: "no you wrong, I right. FIX THIS"(without any more clue or itineration or logic) there is no reason to even try to comprehend you and your gibberish.😄

Edited by Howluffu.7259
better structure to make it easier to read
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If you're dps and go down easily that's just normal because for those juicy benchmarks you need to sacrifice self defense. But you can still solo everything with a full dps meta build intended for raid content (even though you're missing out on specific perma boons like alacrity from alacrens or boon chronos and other stuff like constant healing from healers of a good and recommended composition tailred for specific bosses and wings). I only play raid builds and I solo everything except the 10 man stuff because that's obviously not intended to be soloed and more intended to be done in under 3 minutes (or even less if you have actually good players with you who know their stuff). I used to clear every wing (back when only 4 of them were released) each week in 1 to 2 hours. Also a mraid meta build is very useful for occasional group events like metas and world bosses because 95% of all people (at least the other fellow veterans playing since launch) play (or should play) snowcrows meta anyways so it synergizes well and you'll usually be looked down on or insulted if you're not playing by that. 
So if you have a dps build and have a hard time either get a healer or just git gud. It#s not like the game is hard or anything ^^

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On 11/21/2021 at 7:12 PM, yann.1946 said:

The complete opposite is true though. If anything the defensive utilities of some classes are completely overpowered. Fb for example can migrate so many mistakes. And necro is a whole other can of worms

Well necro is just like ranger. The best option for new players and the reason why we kicked people from dungeons back then. Also necro is complete easy mode yolo roll face on keyboard while ranger is just pew pew from a distance while the annoying bear holds off everything and is very annoying in group content because rangers still don't know what pet on passive is and that the tank should pull stuff. Also arngers use the knockback far too often when it's not needed knocked mobs out of the burst damage stack point instead of using it properly on bosses with a cc bar. Both necro and ranger require zero skill at all. 

(and to refer to your signature. Failure is not okay and no option. If you get wipe in content like raids chances are 99% that you'll get kicked instantly 😉 That's why I avoid failing and groups that fail a lot as those usually end up in people leaving all the time or people insulting eachother)

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14 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

(and to refer to your signature. Failure is not okay and no option. If you get wipe in content like raids chances are 99% that you'll get kicked instantly

That's just not true in most cases.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's just not true in most cases.

Well, then you might be joining different groups that usually have a fail rate of 80% due to them being training but even training runs can kick you. However I'd advise to not kitten up and at leadt have 95% of the snowcrows benchmark or chances you'll be kicked are very high. ^^ 
Also the quote function can put in the full quote, for your info 😉

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6 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Well, then you might be joining different groups that usually have a fail rate of 80% due to them being training 

No. Maybe you just exclusively join top end (and by "top end" I don't just mean "experienced") squads and then pretend on the forum that "kicking for any failure is the norm", but it just isn't.


However I'd advise to not kitten up and at leadt have 95% of the snowcrows benchmark or chances you'll be kicked are very high. ^^ 

Again, that's just false. I don't know where you get your informations from, but what you wrote here is simply not the norm.


Also the quote function can put in the full quote, for your info 😉

I didn't see anything relevant in the rest of the post. Not interested in commeting on bowbears or you "avoiding groups". The focus was solely on your false claim. Thanks for the info though? 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No. Maybe you just exclusively join top end (and by "top end" I don't just mean "experienced") squads and then pretend on the forum that "kicking for any failure is the norm", but it just isn't.

Again, that's just false. I don't know where you get your informations from, but what you wrote here is simply not the norm.

I didn't see anything relevant in the rest of the post. Not interested in commeting on bowbears or you "avoiding groups". The focus was solely on your false claim. Thanks for the info though? 😄

Well, call me an elitist then but some of us want to get stuff like that done properly and fast instead of waisting time which could be spend for work, sleep or drinking. Also I have an insecurity which leads to me always having to proove and declare my skill because I feel like a failure all the time and usually give myself the fault for every group failure even though nobody thinks taht way at all but my anxiety and paranoia constantly make me feel everyone's judging me. 
Dude, girl, or whatever you identify as (I don't care but you might correct me if you want because I'm respectful on that sensitive matter), you didn't need to quote the entire thing but you cut out my ending a bit and tailored it for your own means. When you're refering to something, then at least don't cut out the whole sentence. That's what I meant. It completely cuts off the context and distorts the original. 
Have a nice day though

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18 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Well, call me an elitist then but some of us want to get stuff like that done properly and fast instead of waisting time which could be spend for work, sleep or drinking. Also I have an insecurity which leads to me always having to proove and declare my skill because I feel like a failure all the time and usually give myself the fault for every group failure even though nobody thinks taht way at all but my anxiety and paranoia constantly make me feel everyone's judging me.

Why would I call you anything?

Your insecurities are your insecurities. Your "need to prove yourself" doesn't make your previous claims true and they're still not really the norm.


Dude, girl, or whatever you identify as (I don't care but you might correct me if you want because I'm respectful on that sensitive matter), you didn't need to quote the entire thing but you cut out my ending a bit and tailored it for your own means. When you're refering to something, then at least don't cut out the whole sentence. That's what I meant. It completely cuts off the context and distorts the original. 
Have a nice day though

I don't see how the ending of that post changes/distorts the meaning of what I quoted? As far as I understand, it's just a follow-up about your preferences in regards of choosing the squads based on the previously made claim. Adding "this is why I avoid groups that fail" (which would be squads with lower requirements allowing newer players in, right? Because what other way you'd have to tell before they actually fail?) doesn't change anything about trying to pretend that people always keep getting kicked for not having 95% benchmark dps or for making mistakes. I had the pug squads where someone failed/died, the rest of the squad completed the encounter and we just... continued. Nobody cared. Doesn't mean nobody will ever care, since everyone's different but what you wrote in your previous posts still isn't the norm and as such -it's just false. That's quite literally the type of fearmongering that stopped me from even trying raids for a pretty long time in the past.


Aaand I just noticed that it's some solid derail based on you responding to someone's signature 😄 Failing is ok, even if only since without failing you won't try new things and won't get better in the first place. Then if you make a choice to pack yourself exclusively in top squads expecting perfection, you shouldn't pretend that this is what every player should expect, since it just isn't.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 11/20/2021 at 2:03 AM, dokkebeee.2815 said:

ok.. DPS exist in the game... so you just came in here to troll?

I am sorry to say this, but everything you keep posting in this thread appears like trolling. What are you up to?

1. Each profession has self-heals.
2. This game was deliberately designed to not require people filling the role of a supporter/healer as everyone can heal themselves by design (with the exception of Raids and Strike Missions, which came 3+ years after the game's release). Is that "shortage" of required support roles (and elite specs who can fill those roles if needed) what you perceive as "unbalanced"?

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10 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I am sorry to say this, but everything you keep posting in this thread appears like trolling. What are you up to?


Indeed. OP's first language is clearly not English, and even worse it appears logic is also not a language OP is familiar with either. Based on the username I'd assume they're a native Korean speaker trying their hand at English here.

OP harps on about "casting time" for "defense" moves, but it's not clear if they're talking about the actual casting/animation duration, or the cooldowns. Either way, if I had to guess, I think @dokkebeee.2815 is ultimately complaining that defenses are not fast/strong enough to effectively counter incoming damage. As @AliamRationem.5172 already noted above, those things are entirely irrelevant to effective defense. It's about knowing how your class survives damage, what abilities to use against what types of damage, how to chain things together or predict bursts, etc.

I refuse to do any more work on behalf of OP though, and I thoroughly disagree with what I guess is the thread's premise.

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1 minute ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Indeed. OP's first language is clearly not English, and even worse it appears logic is also not a language OP is familiar with either.

Language barriers don't explain why the OP keeps making double-posts or seems incapable of using the forum's quote function. There's something peculiar about their posts in general...

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1 hour ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Well necro is just like ranger. The best option for new players and the reason why we kicked people from dungeons back then. Also necro is complete easy mode yolo roll face on keyboard while ranger is just pew pew from a distance while the annoying bear holds off everything and is very annoying in group content because rangers still don't know what pet on passive is and that the tank should pull stuff. Also arngers use the knockback far too often when it's not needed knocked mobs out of the burst damage stack point instead of using it properly on bosses with a cc bar. Both necro and ranger require zero skill at all. 

As a ranger main, I find this anecdote to be rather incorrect.  Not all of us rangers play like this.  Granted, new ranger players often times perform in these manners.  I only ask that you not paint with such a broad brush.  There are rangers, like me, who know what we're doing.  🙂

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7 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Well necro is just like ranger. The best option for new players and the reason why we kicked people from dungeons back then. Also necro is complete easy mode yolo roll face on keyboard while ranger is just pew pew from a distance while the annoying bear holds off everything and is very annoying in group content because rangers still don't know what pet on passive is and that the tank should pull stuff. Also arngers use the knockback far too often when it's not needed knocked mobs out of the burst damage stack point instead of using it properly on bosses with a cc bar. Both necro and ranger require zero skill at all. 

You mean require zero skill to survive, or zero skill to preform well? 

7 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

(and to refer to your signature. Failure is not okay and no option. If you get wipe in content like raids chances are 99% that you'll get kicked instantly 😉 That's why I avoid failing and groups that fail a lot as those usually end up in people leaving all the time or people insulting eachother)

I have not experienced this type of group. But you are also exactly the type of person this signature is for, so let me clarify. 


It's absolutely okay to make mistakes from time to time, we're only human after all. It's how we deal with our failures that matters. 



Also, on a smaller note, most mistakes don't lead to wipes. 😄 And my statement is about more then just the game. 

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6 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I am sorry to say this, but everything you keep posting in this thread appears like trolling. What are you up to?

1. Each profession has self-heals.
2. This game was deliberately designed to not require people filling the role of a supporter/healer as everyone can heal themselves by design (with the exception of Raids and Strike Missions, which came 3+ years after the game's release). Is that "shortage" of required support roles (and elite specs who can fill those roles if needed) what you perceive as "unbalanced"?

Technically you also don't need healers in raids/strikes. As most classes can have hybrid sustain/dps builds. 

Having a specialized healer just makes thing easier. 

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