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Does Anet Support and Empower Online Bullying as Long as They Get Paid? Opinion Piece.


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I Believe So and Here is Why using the many encounters with 3rd party users in WvW for my reasoning.


An Online Definition of Bullying:

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening.

Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records).


Attach that definition to the many people using 3rd party programs in WvW. 

Cheaters derive their power via 3rd party software that is used to giver them capabilities/skills that otherwise they would not have.


  • (1) There are people like myself who play more, or have come back to the game due to the pandemic and use this game as a means of escape to destress. We fight others in WvW knowing full well we may lose at some point. Part of the enjoyment is the competition and trying to figure out how to perform better.   

.......... Very recently I came across a ranger who did so much damage it took the 8k from my mount and another 18k from me before I had a chance to heal and fight back. He never fully defeated me, but I fought him 2 more times to see if there was any weakness to exploit. That is part of the fun. Cheaters take that away.


(2) 3rd party software is incredibly easy to spot. I have literally been in stealth behind someone and threw scorpion wire at point blank range aaaannnd.... miraculously the enemy has dodged, or suddenly thrown up a shield. I have even fought one 3rd party user 3 different times just to get combat logs as evidence. Another way to pick out the cheater is to really watch the perp when multiple abilities are being fired at them. With one player I was fighting, I watched the 3rd party software break the animation of one defensive maneuver asa it fired off a second. The result was a bizarre little shuffle dance of the cheaters avatar in one spot as they avoid all damage. I have seen this occur a fair number of times. 

If I can spot it 30 seconds into a fight, then why is Anet oblivious?


(3) There are many people who use online gaming as a means of socializing. For example, those with agoraphobia. If they are unable to physically leave their home, they can easily socialize from the safety of their own bedroom.... but then is it safely when they can be targeted by online bullies who only want to ruin the fun of others? Normal people are powerless against cheaters.

(4) They cannot be stopped. Even if they get run off briefly, they always come back which leads to the bullying via cheating being repeated again and again.

(5) Some of these bullies stream their bullying as a means to empower themselves and demean those they bully.


Resulting In:

(1) Legit Players leaving areas where they want to play due to online bullying. So yes, bullies are determining where other people can enjoy the game. This is 100% bullying.

(2) Legit Players turning the game off due to the frustration of cheaters being allowed to play without consequences. So Yes, bullies are forcing fair players to turn off the game.

(3) Legit Players quitting a game they purchased just because Anet does not have the testicular fortitude to hold online bullies accountable. This part confuses me. How is the money paid from online bullies worth more than money paid by people who just want to escape real life and enjoy a game? Or is it because Anet likes the free publicity from cheaters streaming as it could result in other cheaters buying the game to join in on the bullying fun.


The lack of action by Anet  supports the idea that those whose goal is to bully others without fear of reprisal.  In real life I once had a bully physically attack me. I knocked some of his teeth out and he never tried to bully me again. Anet can easily knock their digital teeth out by banning them, but Anet does not. Why? Is it because they support online bullying as long as it means revenue?


In my opinion of course.


It reads rough. I have been awake almost 24 hours and am pretty tired but need to remain awake for 5 more hours. Hence I am writing this as I just left the game due to encounters with multiple cheaters. I did report but of course Anet will do nothing. 


It is too bad though. I enjoy the game but all I want to do is roam WvW and always coming across cheaters roaming defeats any enjoyment I should be having.


Anyway. Have a good one. I am curious to see if Anet will ban someone for speaking out about online bullies using gw2 as a platform to target others.

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You are using the word bullying in the wrong place. those are call hacking, botting, cheating.

But, I do agree, in game bullying exists.  Hence why I have my guild name and tag changed to Bullies Stick Together and [Lie] 

BTW: why do you have weird blocky white background thing? its so bright, and hard to read.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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hello , you made a really appreciable summary.

I didn't have this kind of experience in the game...... maybe because I try and pay attention usually to friendly people ..... and I try to avoid rude and toxic as much as possible.

after all it is a game ....... I just want to play and have fun.

I imagine and I still hope that anet performs the checks that are reported ...... in our interest and in the interest of anet.

especially if they are aware of malicious third-party software.

I wish you many good things ...... and see you in the game.

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I don't believe Anet is purposefully ignoring cheaters.

I think Anet is trying to be careful to not step on any privacy infringement toes by scanning for running processes, and to avoid cheater-generated negative publicity by not punishing anyone for botting/hacking unless they have rock solid evidence. But their process to observe potential cheaters and gather such evidence is extremely ineffective. This might be due to lack of interest, lack of capabilities, or lack of personnel.

Anet has active devs in game regularly. Anet also has trusted player/partners whose reports should carry a certain degree of weight. IF Anet were truly focused on eliminating hackers in real time, all it would take is a report system that authorized devs could look into as reports ocurred.

Most games have some form of moderators, as forums do (which BTW Anet does police with significant zeal, applying bans to people for simply not being nice even when not directly attacking someone), so why do PvP and WvW not have any form of Real Time Moderation?


It's a mystery.

Edited by Ged Kealmen.7210
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I suppose next there will be a convoluted argument to show that cheaters are also nazis which makes anet fascists. The mental gymnastics here is both painful and unnecessary given the TOS. It also minimizes and detracts from cases of actual online bullying.


If the dev isn't addressing cheating to your exacting standard, I suggest try to play some other game like most people do rather than trying to turn the issue into some existential morality crisis intended to shame the company into what you want them to do.  It's weird, man.  Just weird.  And that's my opinion.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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8 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

You are using the word bullying in the wrong place. those are call hacking, botting, cheating.

If you actually read closer, he's angry because of a normal pewpew soulbeast and enemies with good situational awareness anticipating his thief attacks he probably repeats in the same way every fight. 

I am fairly certain there is no 3rd party app that can literally predict an incoming projectile from an enemy before that enemy even use the skill because that would be some magic. 

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11 hours ago, Ged Kealmen.7210 said:

I don't believe Anet is purposefully ignoring cheaters.

I think Anet is trying to be careful to not step on any privacy infringement toes by scanning for running processes, and to avoid cheater-generated negative publicity by not punishing anyone for botting/hacking unless they have rock solid evidence. But their process to observe potential cheaters and gather such evidence is extremely ineffective. This might be due to lack of interest, lack of capabilities, or lack of personnel.

Considering there are videos out there showing how thieves get into towers using staff (and is not solved as I saw just the past week), I guess they simply don't care.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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15 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

It is too bad though. I enjoy the game but all I want to do is roam WvW and always coming across cheaters roaming defeats any enjoyment I should be having.


You came back in October after a 5 year break. Just because you lose doesn't mean someone was "cheating". 


Example, you complained about not being able to stealth...


 Target Painter Trap - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


Veteran Guard - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)



Sentries constantly apply  Marked to players in a large radius around them."


Marked (Sentry) - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


"A sentry has marked you. Red Team is tracking your movement. Stealthing for long durations will cause you to be revealed.
A sentry has marked you. Green team is tracking your movement. Stealthing for long durations will cause you to be revealed.
A sentry has marked you. Blue team is tracking your movement. Stealthing for long durations will cause you to be revealed."


Schematic: Watchtower - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


"Applies  Marked to players in range. Effect is removed once players are out of range, whereas the range may differ between different towers."



...You probably didn't know about any of this, and didn't bother to look it up, so you just defaulted to "player must be cheating".


You've been gone for 5 years and there are hundreds of "roamers" who will outplay and kill you easy, and they don't need "cheats" to do it. You should accept your losses and use them to get better, not make excuses.   

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16 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

If you actually read closer, he's angry because of a normal pewpew soulbeast and enemies with good situational awareness anticipating his thief attacks he probably repeats in the same way every fight. 

I am fairly certain there is no 3rd party app that can literally predict an incoming projectile from an enemy before that enemy even use the skill because that would be some magic. 

Three things here.


(1) Bullying was used in the proper context. Bullies will use tools if need be and in this case the game itself satisfies the means to bully others.  In other words the game is being used as a "means to an end". A means to bully with the end result of creating a negative atmosphere for others. Simple logic.


(2) I always love it when someone says "you don't understand what you read" when the whole time they didn't have a clue. 


At night point did I complain about the soul beast. I did state I fought the person a total of 3 times (the initial plus two more) trying to find a weakness and that sort of stuff is part of the enjoyment of the game. I had had zero experience fighting that profession and the only way to l2p is to keep at it.


(3) The 3rd party is not "predictive " it is reactionary.  All it needs to do is be set to have defensive measures set for when any damaging or cc ability that is not the auto attack is targeted against them.  There is always that fraction of a second between skill activation and contact where a human is unable to respond but the software can. This sort of stuff has been around for a long while and it is incredibly naive to suggest it does not exist here. 



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12 hours ago, Swagger.1459 said:


You came back in October after a 5 year break. Just because you lose doesn't mean someone was "cheating". 


Example, you complained about not being able to stealth...


 Target Painter Trap - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


Veteran Guard - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)



Sentries constantly apply  Marked to players in a large radius around them."


Marked (Sentry) - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


"A sentry has marked you. Red Team is tracking your movement. Stealthing for long durations will cause you to be revealed.
A sentry has marked you. Green team is tracking your movement. Stealthing for long durations will cause you to be revealed.
A sentry has marked you. Blue team is tracking your movement. Stealthing for long durations will cause you to be revealed."


Schematic: Watchtower - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


"Applies  Marked to players in range. Effect is removed once players are out of range, whereas the range may differ between different towers."



...You probably didn't know about any of this, and didn't bother to look it up, so you just defaulted to "player must be cheating".


You've been gone for 5 years and there are hundreds of "roamers" who will outplay and kill you easy, and they don't need "cheats" to do it. You should accept your losses and use them to get better, not make excuses.   

Why do people automatically assume the wrong thing.


1st) I was surprised the first time I seen the marked from a sentry so I looked into it. I am totally ok with an upgraded tower or keep marking and I would be ok with a sentry marking as long as that mark is dropped when the sentry dies but it does not go away on death. Just being in proximity of a sentry gets me marked for almost 30 seconds (when I look at the timer it says 27 seconds). 


Add that sentry marking to the ranger skill, the necro skill, the guardian skill, the many people I see in WvW that throw reveal painters.... it gets stupidly ridiculous. And I have been in fights where 3 people are throwing reveals at me. 


No sentry targets any special skills of any other profession for 27 seconds. No tower or keep does either. Nor is there a single trap or painter that hurts any other profession like they do to the thief stealth. 


Reveal is definitely for far overdone  and Guaranteed though.... if melee skills or ranged skills were targeted to make them mostly useless then the people who rely on them would be here and unhappy as well. 


I think the whole heart seeker black powder stealth should  be removed from the game instead of making any other thief stealth useless.


EDIT "It is extremely rare that I come across anyone who can give me a run for my money. When it happens I check my combat log to see what skills were used, what rotation they were used snd then I figure out a means to beat that person. That one soul beast I met was the only one I couldn't find a weakness as pertains to my preferred skills and weapon sets.


For example. Almost every necro profession I meet is over confident and are never prepared for getting pulled to their enemy. That gets them killed very quickly. 

I will deliberately take damage by letting a ranger start his skill rotation then pop dagger storm when I know they are so committed that they are caught off guard and they almost kill themselves.


Same with the Deadeye. You see the line before they snipe, count down the timer in your head, pop a reflect ability, and booom. They kill themselves. It is literally that easy. 

If you are fighting a permanent stealth thief and you see them black powder to stealth use a pull ability.  Even though they stealth, you have with high likelihood pulled them to you so just obliterate the space in front of you with damage and kill the thief. I've done that many many times. 

It is all part of the game. Figure things out and sometimes the evidence overwhelmingly points to cheating. And when I suspect a cheat I fight that person multiple times and use different skill rotations just to see if it makes a difference. Even a simple 16 seconds of stealth where throw scorpion wire. If they dodge my wire every time then hands down they are cheating. 

We all need to l2p in some way or another but not everyone takes the initiative to do so.

Edited by Jitters.9401
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4 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

It is extremely rare that I come across anyone who can give me a run for my money.

Ok, so you beat almost everyone, even after a 5 year break, so that obviously means we need to nerf thief real hard, right?. But those rare individuals that beat you are clearly cheating and using 3rd party programs to "bully you" to death? Or is it that there are tons of skilled players who live in wvw 12 hours a day and know how to fight, or they are just better at video games than you? 

Edited by Swagger.1459
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I do not agree that using 3rd party programs is the same as bullying. Cheating are done for many reasons, and I do wish ANet could do something about them, but bullying is not one of them.

All of the things I've read in your post are things I've seen or known other players to be able to do without any cheating programs. Similarly all the "bullying" aspects can thus be done with just the base game.

If you're going to go into 3rd party programs = bullying, there are plenty enough of players that are salty about discord/teamspeak and other voice-com, as well as websites for organising or information etc. And consider those to be unfair advantages and/or frustrating requirements they don't want to have to use. And thus try to label it as bullying to put it in negative light. This post ends up giving the same vibe even if I understand that's not what you intended.

The closest I could stretch that compare, is that players that feels they need to cheat in the first place, are likely salty over losing, and might feel like returning the favour to randoms. But that is still two very separate issues of Cheating on one hand, and Bullying on another hand (which in this case would be almost impossible to separate from a normal roamer/ganker anyways)

tldr: Cheating = Bad, not bullying.

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6 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

(1) Bullying was used in the proper context. Bullies will use tools if need be and in this case the game itself satisfies the means to bully others.  In other words the game is being used as a "means to an end". A means to bully with the end result of creating a negative atmosphere for others. Simple logic.

No. Equating cheating with bullying is wrong because you are causing confusion with the actual behavior of bullying. It isn't logic, but rationalization.  Your logic is that eating is bullying because bullies use food as a tool and restaurants empower and support bullying.  Nothing logical there.  Cheating isn't bullying and you're minimizing actual bullying by treating it so casually.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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 that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm

How are you able to see into their brains to determine their intent?  

I detest cheating, don't get me wrong.  I would support measures to stop cheats...as well as leeches running into walls, wasting supplies to weaken a side, pulling tactivators to weaken a keep, and so on.  I think all these things detract from the game mode.

But your long diatribe focused on bullying, which requires proof of intent.  You have no proof.

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On 11/29/2021 at 8:24 AM, Jitters.9401 said:
  • (1) There are people like myself who play more, or have come back to the game due to the pandemic and use this game as a means of escape to destress. We fight others in WvW knowing full well we may lose at some point. Part of the enjoyment is the competition and trying to figure out how to perform better.   

.......... Very recently I came across a ranger who did so much damage it took the 8k from my mount and another 18k from me before I had a chance to heal and fight back. He never fully defeated me, but I fought him 2 more times to see if there was any weakness to exploit. That is part of the fun. Cheaters take that away.

That is a known issue with how when you're dismounted it takes a split second for your armor stats to be applied, in other words for that split second you have base health. Rapid fire plus quickness and one wolf pack hit frequently enough to exploit this issue and do enough damage to your total % health in that split second that it does far more damage than it would have done if your stats were applied properly, although it is not an exploit in and of itself and more a result of how the code works. 



(2) 3rd party software is incredibly easy to spot. I have literally been in stealth behind someone and threw scorpion wire at point blank range aaaannnd.... miraculously the enemy has dodged, or suddenly thrown up a shield. I have even fought one 3rd party user 3 different times just to get combat logs as evidence. Another way to pick out the cheater is to really watch the perp when multiple abilities are being fired at them. With one player I was fighting, I watched the 3rd party software break the animation of one defensive maneuver asa it fired off a second. The result was a bizarre little shuffle dance of the cheaters avatar in one spot as they avoid all damage. I have seen this occur a fair number of times. 

If I can spot it 30 seconds into a fight, then why is Anet oblivious?

People can have situational awareness good enough to predict and counter stealth attacks based on when you last stealthed or off of audio cues, and it is possible to trim the animations of specific skills to throw off the timing of a good opponent. An example is when fighting a good thief who is looking to time his steal for the end of your dodge, you can use withdraw to trim the aftercast and throw off his timing. 


(3) There are many people who use online gaming as a means of socializing. For example, those with agoraphobia. If they are unable to physically leave their home, they can easily socialize from the safety of their own bedroom.... but then is it safely when they can be targeted by online bullies who only want to ruin the fun of others? Normal people are powerless against cheaters.

Nothing here to disagree with, but nothing here is relevant to hackers in particular. There are a subset of players that are abusive with or without hacks, hacking is sadly irrelevant to the discussion you have framed. 


(4) They cannot be stopped. Even if they get run off briefly, they always come back which leads to the bullying via cheating being repeated again and again.

(5) Some of these bullies stream their bullying as a means to empower themselves and demean those they bully.

Maybe they do. Thing is, most of what you've said can be explained by your fatigue (read below) and your opponent simply knowing how to fight thieves.


Resulting In:

(1) Legit Players leaving areas where they want to play due to online bullying. So yes, bullies are determining where other people can enjoy the game. This is 100% bullying.

(2) Legit Players turning the game off due to the frustration of cheaters being allowed to play without consequences. So Yes, bullies are forcing fair players to turn off the game.

(3) Legit Players quitting a game they purchased just because Anet does not have the testicular fortitude to hold online bullies accountable. This part confuses me. How is the money paid from online bullies worth more than money paid by people who just want to escape real life and enjoy a game? Or is it because Anet likes the free publicity from cheaters streaming as it could result in other cheaters buying the game to join in on the bullying fun.

Play condi. I'm not even joking, the majority of hackers and cheaters I've seen die horrifically to condi if you play well. Kill them again and again until they get the message. 


The lack of action by Anet  supports the idea that those whose goal is to bully others without fear of reprisal.  In real life I once had a bully physically attack me. I knocked some of his teeth out and he never tried to bully me again. Anet can easily knock their digital teeth out by banning them, but Anet does not. Why? Is it because they support online bullying as long as it means revenue?


In my opinion of course.


It reads rough. I have been awake almost 24 hours and am pretty tired but need to remain awake for 5 more hours. Hence I am writing this as I just left the game due to encounters with multiple cheaters. I did report but of course Anet will do nothing. 

As someone who works 24-30h shifts and mains thief, fatigue can affect my timing to the point where I'm basically unable to play thief after shifts and have to sleep first. Are you sure you're not just experiencing your brain lagging in between keystrokes? Seriously, it's a thing when you've had that little sleep. 



It is too bad though. I enjoy the game but all I want to do is roam WvW and always coming across cheaters roaming defeats any enjoyment I should be having.


Anyway. Have a good one. I am curious to see if Anet will ban someone for speaking out about online bullies using gw2 as a platform to target others.

Just because you're not aware of how someone did something, doesn't mean that thing was impossible. That's a logical fallacy that requires you have all knowledge about a subject. 

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
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This is quite entertaining the amount of naysayers.


(1) One person focuses on me being away for 5 years like that actually takes away from skill. WvW is like riding a bike. Make a few mistakes at the start then eazy peazy.  I only did WvW back in the day and almost WvW exclusively now. I only recently did some pve just so I could get the legendary Pistol HOPE. Otherwsise only WvW with a little pvp for an easy daily. I had to do the fractal urban battleground for HOPE. I solo'd it twice (first time I mistakenly hit ready and left before getting the piece I needed). PvE is just too easy. WvW is where the fun is at. 


2) The one person who cannot understand that cheating can go hand in hand with bullying. Get with the times. Online games are another form of social gatherings, social media etc. Just because it is a game does not change what it is used for when it comes to socializing. There are quite a few streamers online who only use games to create a toxic environment for others. Like the Battlefield games. I did Bf1 and tried BF5. There are many many people who were cheating not to be good but to ruin the fun of others and that happens in GW2 just as easily.


3) I also said I tested people I thought were cheating. There was one person saying just because I do not know something... Well DUH!!! (i think that talks to your level). Hence the testing. If I use shadow refuge and at 9 second of being stealthed and throw scoripion wire at point blank range and the opponent dodges, that is highly suspect. If I do it again, change the duration of how long I have been stealthed to say 14 second and point blank range throw the wire again and the person dodges then yes. There is nothing to figure out. Dodge is a key press, whether double tap or 1 key press and if there is no chance for reaction time yet the enemy is able to dodge each and every time then yes, there is something underhanded going on. But then, I will fight a person 3 different times to make sure. Liek 3 fully different fights not just one long one.


And I do play condition thief. I do not find BlackPowder HS into stealth fair play so I refuse to use it. My style of playing can be defined as "Reckless Abandon" which means "I am Going to do it Anyway".  I am always attacking 2/3/4/5 enemies. My goal for anything above 3 opponents is to down one and escape. If I can down one and live then that is a success to me.  If I fail, I find them and try again. I will actually keep going after a group just so eventually I will have downed each one. If I see two enemy blobs fighting I almost always steal into the middle of the fray the moment I activate dagger storm, then 3 death blossoms. If I do 2 death blossoms I am almost guaranteed to survive so I do 3 because it is much more dangerous.


But I digress and like I said, this is amusing. The naysayers. Just because you do not understand something does not make it imaginary, it just means you need to broaden your knowledge on how things work.

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2 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

2) The one person who cannot understand that cheating can go hand in hand with bullying. Get with the times. Online games are another form of social gatherings, social media etc. Just because it is a game does not change what it is used for when it comes to socializing. There are quite a few streamers online who only use games to create a toxic environment for others. Like the Battlefield games. I did Bf1 and tried BF5. There are many many people who were cheating not to be good but to ruin the fun of others and that happens in GW2 just as easily.

Please do not misrepresent what I wrote.  I am well aware that games can also be used as a tool by bullies, but that's not what you wrote.  You said that when you come across cheaters roaming it destroys your enjoyment of the game and that's bullying because you repeatedly run into them.  Then you suggested Anet supports bullying because they aren't doing much about cheating.  I'm confident that I interpreted what you wrote correctly.  Was that incorrect?

Repeated encounters with cheaters at random times is not bullying.  Someone who gets followed around from server to server and harassed in public chat by another individual via multiple F2P accounts is actual bullying. (True story.)  Learn the difference.

In conclusion, you ended up with a long-winded and distracting essay that was completely unnecessary and detracted from your message if all you meant to do was complain about Anet's lack of inaction on cheating.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Well, this was a trip.

Leaving aside the details, failure to punish wrongdoing should not be equated to supporting wrongdoing. It usually means there's a lack of ability to do so, or the evidence that it's occurred is not good enough.

In this case, it's the latter.

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Cheating/hacking is not bullying, conflating the two does no one any good and causes people to roll their eyes and not care about the actual wrong doing of cheating.

Cheating/hacking can be used when someone is bullying another, but that does not make cheating bullying. This comes from someone who has been banned here for posting video of a well known hacker using cheats to "bully" me in that they followed me around for days using teleport hacks to kill me. Anet never took action other than to ban me for posting video of them cheating here on the forums.


However, even with this horrible customer service, that does not make cheating bullying, they are not the same thing even though cheating can be used when bullying.

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I disagree with your premise that cheating is bullying.  Bullying is typically targetted and designed to harass and humiliate an individual.  There certainly have been episodes of bullying in this game but that is generally more in chat and I believe Anet does respond very seriously to that.


Equating anything that causes you stress or discomfort to bullying is a stretch in my opinion.  I’ve been in plenty of pvp or wvw matches where the outcome was not in my favor and I felt upset but I wouldn’t call it bullying.  I’ve had whole zergs of players in wvw chase me down to stomp me across half the map.  Frustrating but not bullying.


Secondly, I think you’re making assumptions about cheating.  There certainly exist balance issues in this game and they can be made even worse by gear differentials.  Rangers do hit hard, especially if you’re wearing low toughness gear.  Soul beasts / pets can also reveal you, I believe, or something along those lines, so that may be the reason he sees you.  

some classes in this game are very good at certain things and it can feel like cheating but it may just be skill or balance differentials 

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