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Mechanist: Sanctuary Runes + Compounding Chemicals + Channeling conduits+Juggernaut = perma alac & stability... OP!!!!


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Firstly, thank you Anet for listening to feedback; shift signet feels good and the rebalancing of the stats inherited on the Mech now feels realistic and not overpowered. 

Please investigate the interaction between Runes of the Sanctuary + Channeling Conduits + Compouding Chemicals. 
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Compounding_Chemicals (Heal when you gain a boon)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Sanctuary (Gain Barrier when you Heal)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mech_Frame:_Channeling_Circuits (Gain Alacrity When you Gain Barrier)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut (Gain Might + Stability Every 3 seconds Passively) 

This means in PvP and WvW you can have:
Permanent Stability,
Permanent Alacrity,
Good uptime on might, all passively.... 

I am not sure if this interaction is intentional, but it ridiculously overpowered; you cannot be cc'd, and all of your cooldowns are permanently reduced by 20%... 
This is really toxic in WvW, especially if you run full condition damage.. it is the most passive, brain-dead, kitten build the roaming/dueling community has come up with thus far form EoD. 

Class is amazing, but compounding chemicals should not interact with Sanctuary Runes. 

Kind regards, 



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Everything works as intended as it seems here. I don't think that it really is that problematic considering that this is HEAVY investment all together.

You are forced into 3 trait lines (firearms, alchemy and mechanist are all required for this to work), you have to take specific runes (without rune of the sanctuary, the whole combo falls apart), you invest many traits for these interactions to work.

Honestly, if you are dedicating your entire build to this stuff, I am fine with this granting permanent alacrity, stability and might.

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Sanctuary runes do not interact with: 
Nil to healing signet
Nil to restoration signet 
Nil to Boon Regen
Nil to Steadfast Rejuvenation
Nil to the majority of passive necromancer heals. 

It would seem that given how strong alacrity is, this interaction may have been an oversight with the implementation of channeling conduits, and due to it being a beta it ought to be investigated. 

If it is working as intended, then I suppose it will be what it will be, but our job to to report such interactions to ensure unbalanced are checked before launch. 

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This means in PvP and WvW you can have:
Permanent Stability,
Permanent Alacrity,

Man that would be such a good build if half your skills weren't missing because you don't have a toolbelt anymore XD


No point having increased cooldowns if you don't have any skills to cool down, know what I mean?

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You are forced to use the flamethrower kit if you want the perma stability and the flamethrower alone isnt going to really win you any fight against a half decent oponent.


The passive healing from the boon generation is nothing. It will not really save you from other condi or power build. At best it will helps against those small bleeding proc caused by a power build.


This is very gimmicky and I'm dont even think it is that good


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19 minutes ago, InsaneQR.7412 said:

Sanctuary runes should not interact with traits as they also do not interact with scourge traits. This should be an unintended interaction.


Am I missing something? There isn't a single trait in the scourge line which heals so it could trigger sanctuary runes to begin with.

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25 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:


Am I missing something? There isn't a single trait in the scourge line which heals so it could trigger sanctuary runes to begin with.

Before it usee to interact with the trait that gave you might and condi cleanse when you received a barrier giving you permanent 25 might and making you impossible to stick conditions on if the scourge was also running blood magic.


What the OP is talking about is a similar interaction which is not as broken but does make a lot stronger an already very cheesy build to begin with.

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7 minutes ago, YaminoNakani.7083 said:

Before it usee to interact with the trait that gave you might and condi cleanse when you received a barrier giving you permanent 25 might and making you impossible to stick conditions on if the scourge was also running blood magic.


What the OP is talking about is a similar interaction which is not as broken but does make a lot stronger an already very cheesy build to begin with.

Ah, I see.

But as you mention, it is on an entirely different power level. Being virtually immune to conditions is not the same as just getting permanent access to 1 boon.

And considering that the only new addition of this interactions is permanent alacrity... is that really problematic? Renegades were able to keep up permanent alacrity by just picking a single trait since PoF, why is it problematic if mechanist does it with way more build-around?

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22 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:


Am I missing something? There isn't a single trait in the scourge line which heals so it could trigger sanctuary runes to begin with.


There are other necro traits that triggered the rune due to passive health gain (minor signet of vampirism) which in term triggered the rune and then abrassive grit. This made scourges basically immune to condis. Its previous version also granted might on barrier gain which gave you 25 stacks of might.


Thats why abrassive grit does not interact with the rune. So making the engi traits not trigger from the rune seems to be the consistent solution.

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1 minute ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Ah, I see.

But as you mention, it is on an entirely different power level. Being virtually immune to conditions is not the same as just getting permanent access to 1 boon.

And considering that the only new addition of this interactions is permanent alacrity... is that really problematic? Renegades were able to keep up permanent alacrity by just picking a single trait since PoF, why is it problematic if mechanist does it with way more build-around?

The scourge required build around for the interaction as well.

Classes are designed differently and one specific interaction can make a big difference. Give necromancer permanent alacrity.

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I wouldn't call that broken because you'd need to camp flamethrower and the boon output is every 3s (mind you the alacrity is applied to you only). I'd classify it as an unintended interaction.

Also "full condition damage" on flamethrower camping mech is going to be weaker than a burn guardian since your mech gets zero condition damage while running alacrity trait.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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15 hours ago, UndefinedLime.2063 said:

Firstly, thank you Anet for listening to feedback; shift signet feels good and the rebalancing of the stats inherited on the Mech now feels realistic and not overpowered. 

Please investigate the interaction between Runes of the Sanctuary + Channeling Conduits + Compouding Chemicals. 
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Compounding_Chemicals (Heal when you gain a boon)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Sanctuary (Gain Barrier when you Heal)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mech_Frame:_Channeling_Circuits (Gain Alacrity When you Gain Barrier)
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut (Gain Might + Stability Every 3 seconds Passively) 

This means in PvP and WvW you can have:
Permanent Stability,
Permanent Alacrity,
Good uptime on might, all passively.... 

I am not sure if this interaction is intentional, but it ridiculously overpowered; you cannot be cc'd, and all of your cooldowns are permanently reduced by 20%... 
This is really toxic in WvW, especially if you run full condition damage.. it is the most passive, brain-dead, kitten build the roaming/dueling community has come up with thus far form EoD. 

Class is amazing, but compounding chemicals should not interact with Sanctuary Runes. 

Kind regards, 



It's not really the big deal you say it is. I mean, the addition of Alacrity here is nice but IMO, taking Mechanist is possibly a liability in WvW/PvP. Scrapper is way more broken with almost the same build. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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The mech is the majority of your damage so long as you take the ranged trait (otherwise you're playing it wrong). So essentially your job as the mechanist is simply to survive and CC for the mech. In that, it is similar to soulbeast where the smokescale does the heavy lifting and your job is just to live via blocks, leaps, stealth, evasion. 

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It's not as good as FT scrapper tbh. You need to camp FT for boons, but if you camp you'd just be wasting that cdr. With sanctuary rune you'd lack pressure. 

It's actually better to run a normal condition build since alacrity uptime is good without juggernaut.

It's a cool gimmick, but nothing that requires "fixing".

Edited by Kuma.1503
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12 hours ago, YaminoNakani.7083 said:

The mech is the majority of your damage so long as you take the ranged trait (otherwise you're playing it wrong). So essentially your job as the mechanist is simply to survive and CC for the mech


It will still lack damage. If you want the perma alac just like OP claims, you'll have to take the middle branch which doesnt increases your accuracy and ferocity and power mech is very underwhelming right now, even when properly spec.


At best you can be a sort of tank but you're not going to kill anyone with that. ... Or at least any decent player who dont waste all dodges, breakstun and stability in the first 5 secs

Edited by Alcatraznc.3869
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On 12/1/2021 at 3:12 AM, UndefinedLime.2063 said:

 it is the most passive, brain-dead, kitten build the roaming/dueling community has come up with thus far form EoD. 


I think that is the whole idea.  

Colin decided they needed a one button class so super casuals could drop in any time and mow down monsters in PVE, so this is it.



Edited by Jalad Lantana.3027
mystical incanations required at this point
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