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PVE legendary armor


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Keep the current set for raids. This allows raiders to keep their exclusive prestige look where they worked for.


Make a new set for open world and story and solo PvE and/or PvE achievements. This allows General PvE players to have a way to legendary armor when they don't play raids, PvP and WvW.


In the mean time, I would give the current PvE players the consideration to go for the WvW legendary armor. You can play WvW by focusing on PvE tasks like capturing towers, camps, using sieges, killing dolyaks. Drawback is that you're PvE-ing in a hybrid PvE/PvP environment so you will get killed by enemy players.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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3 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Keep the current set for raids. This allows raiders to keep their exclusive prestige look where they worked for.

Make a new set for open world and story PvE and/or PvE achievements. This allows General PvE players to have a way to legendary armor when they don't play raids, PvP and WvW.

Nah, leave the optional prestige rewards in end-game content where people need to learn the game more than just spam 1 while zerging metas. The complaint here was that "if they want me to play older content, I'll just keep sitting on ascended items" and that's a weird ""threat"" to make, seeing how playing with ascended items is perfectly fine if that's the choice someone decided to make.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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14 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It was the answer to what you wrote. You're not entitled to any reward in the game, it's as simple as that.


8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nah, leave the optional prestige rewards in end-game content where people need to learn the game more than just spam 1 while zerging metas.

There is no prestige on elitism. Also, the main selling point of Gw2 is that the game is casual friendly, and raid is the complete oposite.

You show that on your own answer, you just DON'T want anyone else get some variant of this reward, even if they keep your, eh... "prestige".


And, just in case, why do you care so much if it is that "optional"? 😉

11 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Keep the current set for raids. This allows raiders to keep their exclusive prestige look where they worked for.

Make a new set for open world and story PvE and/or PvE achievements. This allows General PvE players to have a way to legendary armor when they don't play raids, PvP and WvW.

Now thats a quality suggestion. I'm 100% with the idea of keeping the current armor set tied to raid and preserve their prestige, but also making another armor for PVE open world/achievements.

Edited by Peter.3901
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21 minutes ago, Peter.3901 said:

There is no prestige

"Pretsige items" aren't a new concept in games and it definitely is a thing, so whether you like it or not -wrong. How much value one puts into them is subjective, but that doesn't change that they are a thing.


Also, the main selling point of Gw2 is the casual friendly, and raid is the complete oposite.

And you don't need raids, nor you need legendary items whether you play casually or not. What point are you trying to make here? "Since it's casual friendly, I deserve everything by default"? No, you don't. That's not even what "casual friendly" means in the first place.


You show that on your own answer, you just DON'T want anyone else get some variant of this reward, even if they keep your, eh... "prestige".

No, that's not what it is. Please re-read. (actually I've spelled it out for you again in this post above this quote)


And, just in case, why do you care so much if it is that "optional"? 😉

What do you mean I "care so much"? Them being optional is just a fact and you seem to understand that, seeing how you keep beating around that fact and never address it directly 🤷‍♂️ 



Responding to the edit made above after I've already sent this post:

21 minutes ago, Peter.3901 said:

There is no prestige

21 minutes ago, Peter.3901 said:

I'm 100% with the idea of keeping the current armor set tied to raid and preserve their prestige

So are you changing your mind within the same post, "argue just to argue", or maybe you'll write anything as long as it means you could possibly get easy "engame" rewards regardless of what you're saying being factual?

Personally, I think it's the last one, but I'd rather ask in case I'm misinterpreting something here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

"Pretsige items" aren't a new concept in games and it definitely is a thing, so whether you like it or not -wrong. How much value one puts into them is subjective, but that doesn't change that they are a thing.

Legendary armor set aren't just for prestige, you know? they are legendary for one reason.

15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:


And you don't need raids, nor you need legendary items whether you play casually or not. What point are you trying to make here? "Since it's casual friendly, I deserve everything by default"? No, you don't. That's not even what "casual friendly" means in the first place.

What i need or not is up to me to decide. You don't paid for my dlc,gems,gear to decide it for me and you can't speak by other players.

15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, that's not what it is. Please re-read. (actually I've spelled it out for you again in this post above this quote)

I'm starting to believe that you are just a troll.

15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What do you mean I "care so much"? Them being optional is just a fact and you seem to understand that, seeing how you keep beating around that fact and never address it directly 🤷‍♂️ 

Is not up to you to decide what is optional or not, you don't play for everyone, everything on this game can be "optional", you can play with only one bag of 6, you can play without mounts and even play without a weapon, what is optional or not is up to you, but just for you.

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16 minutes ago, Peter.3901 said:

Legendary armor set aren't just for prestige, you know? they are legendary for one reason.

"Aren't just for prestige" is different than "there's no prestige".


What i need and don't need is up to me to decide. You don't paid for my dlc,gems,gear to decide it for me and you can't speak by other players.

Yes, as I keep saying since the beginning, you're free to make your own decisions. I don't know why you think I need that pointed out, since... again, pretty clearly that's what I already keep writing. If for some reason now suddenly you need raids, then go do them. If you need legendary items then go get them. But you don't NEED them to normally play through any content in the game, because ascended items will achieve same numbers in anything you play. Hopefully it's clear enough this time, but in case it isn't, ask away.


Is not up to you to decide what is optional or not,

It's not up to me, but up to the devs and the way they made the game. It's absolutely clear that legenary items are optional and you're right in that it's not my decision.


you don't play for everyone, everything on this game can be "optional", you can play with only one bag of 6, you can play without mounts and even play without a weapon, what is optional or not is up to you, but just for you.

By saying "it's optional", it means you're not losing any power. For example I wouldn't exactly call ascended optional when compared to exotics, because you actually lose power. On the other hand you're free to craft/drop/otherwise get however many ascended items you want and you'll be perfectly fine playing any content in the game. I know, because I did it and it's not an issue at all.

Playing with 1 bag would make it nearly impossible to realibly farm anything.

Playing without mounts at all will make it nearly impossible to keep up with any other player or group of them (and still loses power when coimpared to playing without mounts btw).

Playing without a weapon, just like above, very clearly loses a whole lot of power, so again, that's not even close to what I mean when I say "it's optional".

It would be nice if instead of repeating "you're not deciding for me!!", you'd actually start responding to what I'm saying. Otherwise it will just start looking like you understand I'm correct, but since you dislike the facts laid out, it somehow makes me "a troll" (and while we're at it, spare me these cheap insults).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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IMO I dont think the issue is locking PVE legendary armour behind raid. The issue is how hard it is for a new player to do its first raid and well advance through raids.


There are no T1 raid like a T1 fractal where you can learn the boss mechanic, get used to positioning and so on. It feels like you're just thrown into the game and everyone expects you to know all the rotation and mechanic from the get go. And no, reading guide and watch video alone will *not* really help you if you cannot try it for yourself. 


Terminology aside, what I see the most in the raid LFG are people selling raid or accepting people with X LI. So not only there are some word I dont understand but the only few group that seems legit are locked behind proof that you're not a noob in raids.

Edited by Alcatraznc.3869
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Too may trolls trolling my posts here. I said what I said.  I will leave I suppose since my theory is just so hated amongst so many here. I regret coming back to the forums lol.

I honestly can't tell who's joking or serious and no one responds back to me about what I said. Can someone let me know what was wrong?

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13 minutes ago, Ogwom.7940 said:

Too may trolls trolling my posts here. I said what I said.  I will leave I suppose since my theory is just so hated amongst so many here. I regret coming back to the forums lol.

I honestly can't tell who's joking or serious and no one responds back to me about what I said. Can someone let me know what was wrong?

Don’t take it too seriously. I see you’ve been responding to confused emojis on a few of your posts, but by and large no one is confused. People use it in place of a thumbs down because it’s the only negative emoji we have.

As to your suggestion maybe there’ll be a new path to leggies with strike EOD strike missions… could be. Though it seems a similar crowd will do the challenge strikes as do raids, so not sure that would change much.

Maybe you didn’t get much response because there wasn’t enough in your post to nitpick at for the forum lawyers. So people just emoji and move on.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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13 hours ago, Ogwom.7940 said:

I am thinking they might release a new PvE legendary set with their new EoD strike missions.

I could be wrong.

They might, but that would be repeating the very same mistake Envoy set was.

I mean, if you were to introduce a second set of PvE armor (which should indeed happen), it should not be aimed at the same group of people Raid Armor was made for, but rather should be meant for the majority of PvE players that Raid armor acquisition design excluded.

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33 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

I don't know why people are so against there being another way to get this armour.  If you have a raid stuff, why does it even affect you? 


I don't know why people are so against raids to farm the armor. If you are not doing the content, thats fine. Also means no content rewards though. Dont let the envy affect you.


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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They might, but that would be repeating the very same mistake Envoy set was.

I mean, if you were to introduce a second set of PvE armor (which should indeed happen), it should not be aimed at the same group of people Raid Armor was made for, but rather should be meant for the majority of PvE players that Raid armor acquisition design excluded.

I 100 percent agree. If the add another pve legendary armour set, it needs to be cept out of instanced content. Otherwise it does not solve the "problem" it tries to address. 


A legendary Aquabreather though,that could be a cool strike reward 


Edit: I don't agree envey set was a mistake though

Edited by yann.1946
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9 minutes ago, Trondel.2508 said:

I don't know why people are so against raids to farm the armor.

That's most likely because the raids are too hard for them to be fun. Most people simply want to play the game with their personal builds and without organizing days in advance (at least that's what I assume how it is, based on my experiences from early WoW).

43 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

I don't know why people are so against there being another way to get this armour.  If you have a raid stuff, why does it even affect you?

Some raiders see that armour as some kind of status symbol and want to keep it exclusive for the sake of keeping it exclusive.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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25 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

That's most likely because the raids are too hard for them to be fun. Most people simply want to play the game with their personal builds and without organizing days in advance (at least that's what I assume how it is, based on my experiences from early WoW).

So they basically want the thing without doing the requirement for the thing. Sounds an awful lot like entitlement to me, sorry. And unless you join a static you definitely do not need to organize days in advance apart from the initial getting ready (read: build, rotation practice, looking at mechanics). Keep an eye on the LFG, there are actually more learning/low KP/no KP runs than you might think.

But I'll admit, it is indeed way easier to bash raids and the percieved entry barrier instead of actually trying it out and "putting in the work".


25 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Some raiders see that armour as some kind of status symbol and want to keep it exclusive for the sake of keeping it exclusive.

Well, no. They did the thing and do not see why now you should not be required to do the thing anymore in order to reap the thing's rewards. I mean sure, it would be nice to get everything by completing Queensdale exploration - for about 15 minutes that is. After that it'd be the realisation that you really don't need to do things in order to get rewards and woops, the boredome sets in.

Specific content always had specific incentives. And without it, most content would slowly die and fade into obscurity. GW2 with only open world press-1-and-win type content is a dystopian vision.

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Bearing in mind what we have to go through for one pve legendary amulet, i believe the time investment would be so astronomically high that the 'casual' playerbase would take years to get a new set of pve legendary armour.

Raids are not hard, you're just not used to them.

I wouldn't object to a lege aquabreather being locked behind challenge-mode strikes though 🙂

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23 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

That's most likely because the raids are too hard for them to be fun. Most people simply want to play the game with their personal builds and without organizing days in advance (at least that's what I assume how it is, based on my experiences from early WoW).

Some raiders see that armour as some kind of status symbol and want to keep it exclusive for the sake of keeping it exclusive.

I'm not asking for the 'raid armour' which means the skin if that's the route we are going down. This armour could just be an upgrade to the normal ascended gear, thus keeping that look. I'm just asking for a way to do this.

Judging from some of the comments i think i'll stick to PVP and get my 3rd set there.

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35 minutes ago, Trondel.2508 said:

I don't know why people are so against raids to farm the armor. If you are not doing the content, thats fine. Also means no content rewards though. Dont let the envy affect you.


I'm not asking for the envoy armour to be done a different way, so no it doesn't affect me at all.  sorry.

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34 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

I'm not asking for the envoy armour to be done a different way, so no it doesn't affect me at all.  sorry.

This I can agree. Pve Players should have a way to get legendary armor without doing any instance content. They can make even better looking armor as far as I am concerned but just like wvw, raid armor should be exclusive to the content.

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