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Are Warrior Mains Masochistic?

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42 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524

  1. Ranger - Lightning Reflexes, remove the kitten damage proc from LR, ty.

Not even a week ago you wanted buffs for ranger. 😛


33 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It's a buff to him. LR's damage procs the stun from shocking aura and stuns the ranger. Use a different stun break tbh.

That's pushing it.

Go look for a real buff suggestion, not a QoL that should have happened in year 1.

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Personally I think strength-spellbreaker is a gold-standard for PvP. The issue being other meta-speccs break that standard.

Spb is "honest" in most, if not all, of it's mechanics. And that makes it fun to fight as, and against, imo. Also I would argue it's the easiest MU to learn because of that.

It doesn't have many "training wheel" mechanics and is very dependant on the player.


In higher level of play, or mATs, I can only assume there are other issues since playerskill level is high. But with a skill level below plat 2, then there are more forgiving meta builds to play.

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Warrior is in dire need of reverting some CD's to their original states. Balanced Stance, Shake It Off and Dolyak Signet really, same for Elementalist with Arcane Shield and Armor of Earth.


Ranger never had theirs changed which still baffles me to this day for how low they are. That's just one thing in the pile of exceptions it keeps getting.


Revenant had it's energy increased which I always agree'd with while most hated me for even agreeing but Riposting Shadows was stupid OP.


Then there's Poison just being plain overpowered because Resistance/Resolution doesn't stop Healing debuff, currently as it's stand being the only condition that has only cleansing as a counter.

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


That's pushing it.

Go look for a real buff suggestion, not a QoL that should have happened in year 1.

You want this change because the damage part of it currently reveals rangers in stealth if using it while an enemy is nearby and because you can get stunned again in specific cases like if using it near someone using static shield or static aura.

This is not a quality of life change, it is a buff in these circumstances. A quality of life change is something that makes gameplay easier to use and/or understand without having actual impact on performance, but this case does have an influence on performance.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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56 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

You want this change because the damage part of it currently reveals rangers in stealth if using it while an enemy is nearby and because you can get stunned again in specific cases like if using it near someone using static shield or static aura.

This is not a quality of life change, it is a buff in these circumstances. A quality of life change is something that makes gameplay easier to use and/or understand without having actual impact on performance, but this case does have an influence on performance.

Now imagine if every skill in the game had some real weird unintuitive drawbacks like this that dealt out punishment in ways that felt like unintended design or even a bug. Do you think that would be quality game design?

And furthermore, the only reason you're saying any of this is 1) Both of you were looking for some kind of adolescent way to argue with me over something that doesn't even have anything to do with the topic of this thread because you can't help yourselves. 2) You know I'm a Ranger main so you will intuitively, in your quest to argue with me no matter what, will disagree with literally anything that I say at all. 3) I am guessing you don't play Ranger at all, otherwise you would realize how dysfunctional all of the passive CC in this game has made Lightning Reflexes, in conjunction with skills like Fear Ring which also funks up its use for so many reasons. What you're not understanding is that Lightning Reflexes comes with great penalties that are becoming too heavy lately, and for all of the wrong reasons. It should be a skill that when you use it, it works, like anything else in the game.

Look man, there are a lot of things that are debatable to change, and then there are things that are flat out stupid that really need to be changed. Things like 300s ICD on War skills, Binding Chains Dwarf Taunt randomly causing about half the stun breaks in the game to not work against it, and Lightning Reflexes dealing 30 damage when you use it for absolutely no reason other than to cancel its use. Some of this stuff is just bad design and it needs to be fixed. WE CAN ARGUE about how a skill should be, what buffs or nerfs it needs, after sheer flat out bad design is corrected.

Removing the 30 damage off LR isn't going to buff Ranger into a meta spec that everyone uses in the MAT, not by a long shot. It's a QoL change man, something that needs to happen. If I wanted to suggest a buff to Ranger to fuel some kind of SUPER SECRET AGENDA to buff my own class, I would definitely do it in different ways, such as suggesting that some Longbow skills should be ammo based or that Druid CA Kit still needs buffing and Ancestral Grace needs its evade frame back.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


You can do it on any class at any time while roaming. If you watch my wvw footage of Ranger play as example, if I approach a Necro, as example, I swap to Sic Em One Wolf Pack Soulbeast. If I approach a Condi Mirage, I swap to Cele Druid. If I approach a 1vX situation I swap to Soulbeast with Gazelle if I want to disengage and run or I swap to Cele Druid if I want to stay and engage. If I join a Zerg I swap to Cele Druid if I want to roll with them "literally" or need to command, or I swap to Soulbeast if they need backline sniping. It's just all situational.


Warrior has even more specs for template swapping to play an even deeper game of rock/paper/scissors in wvw. It is a part of class balance as template swapping before engagement is very real in wvw. A very underlooked build for Warrior roaming right now is cele with longbow. <- This is virtually unkillable and will win vs. you in time unless you are running a top stat attribute tweaked top roam like Mirage/DruidSoulbeast/Ele also abusing Cele boon durations and expertise. That build is mainly why I say Warrior/Spellbreaker is a top roamer. I think most people who are reading this are only pvp players and are unaware of how ridiculously strong cele war longbow is in wvw.

I don't need to watch your WvW footage, I have ranger friend that swaps build on the fly frequently and it's funny af to see him go from survivable condi, to insta delete soulbeast, and delete annoying thieves that don't want to leave(must be nice to having that  much range damage that can blow people off their mount and still delete them.)

You don't have to tell me about cele warrior, I play it from time to time(I'm a psycho who has 7 Warrior alts with different builds), funny enough you're not unkilliable to people that know how to play the game and know your class, it lacks the things like frequent access prot, and vigor(unless you want to take 300 ICD trait for vigor on stances, over condi clear on burst), and active defenses, if it's the core defense, tactics variant, you've got no real kill potential either. It also scales poorly with more people that get into the fight. If you're talking about Vallun's build with cele spb, that build isn't unkillable, it's basically Strength Spellbreaker with Sword and Bow, and using condis you get to flip it back on people for more offensive pressure. It makes Full counter a lot more dangerous for eating it. 

Cele itself is a strong stat set after the buff, you can point to Warrior saying it's a strong , but compared to how it stacks up compared to, engi, ele, rev, ranger, guardian? There's still a lot to be desired. I'm also certainly not a Spvp only player lol so you can leave me out of that assumption. 

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

- you would realize how dysfunctional all of the passive CC in this game has made Lightning Reflexes, in conjunction with skills like Fear Ring which also funks up its use for so many reasons. What you're not understanding is that Lightning Reflexes comes with great penalties that are becoming too heavy lately, and for all of the wrong reasons. It should be a skill that when you use it, it works, like anything else in the game-

Removing the 30 damage off LR isn't going to buff Ranger into a meta spec that everyone uses in the MAT, not by a long shot. It's a QoL change man, something that needs to happen. 

Digression, but Reckless Impact is countered by shocking aura too, and warriors are forced to take it if they use the strength line, so strength warriors have to keep this in mind before evading anything that would trigger shocking aura, then have a plan for reacting to that as well. 

I don't think I disagree with you objectively, but it feels strange to see someone who says this about a skill with a cd of 30 seconds baseline (that doubles as an evade):


Lightning Reflexes comes with great penalties that are becoming too heavy lately

also say this


War/Berserker/Spellbreaker is a precision class that requires knowledge & experience to understand how to wield

and not like... come to some kind of obvious realization that maybe warriors need a bit more mitigation when the warrior's stunbreaks for reacting to passive cc





Just admit warriors need mitigation too and we can talk about LR. I don't think a mitigation change will


 buff [Warrior] into a meta spec that everyone uses in the MAT.

You cannot hold the opinion that warriors are fine and shouldn't have some QoL/adjustment on their mitigation because one of them is played at a very high level (using specifically spellbreaker) despite them lacking mitigation, then hold the opinion that LR is needlessly punishing because its damage packet frustrates very specific matchups despite its cooldown escaping the megapatch  being 30 seconds at the same time. Pick one. 

If those few matchups that frustrate LR warrant a change, then warrior's mitigation needs to be looked at as well, because all the strength warriors are forced to have that interaction on dodge. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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10 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Oh please. Keep the trolling coherant.

Can you even quote the last time I said ANYTHING at all about buffing a Ranger?

Go ahead, give it a shot, scroll back through the pages and try looking for it.




10 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Warrior too OP, very stronk, makes Ranger seem bad. Ranger need big buff to stand up to OP war daddy.

Found it! These are 100% your actual words and not edited in any way shape or form, you can totally trust me, I never lie. Ever. 😉 

Edited by oscuro.9720
This was a joke just incase anyone is that dense.
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15 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You guys need to back up and read the first 3 times I specifically mentioned that I did not say "Warrior is ultimate meta power class" I said that "Spellbreaker is not nearly as weak as people claim that it is." I said that "Spellbreaker is middle tier as worst." I did also say that Spellbreaker is a top roamer, and it is. It may be at the bottom of the list of the top roamers, but it's definitely one of the top roamers.

I am not so optimistic towards warrior as you are, but I would generally agree actually, spell breaker is mid tier. In the right hands, it can compete with a fair number of meta classes due to a high skill ceiling, but most warriors you can walk over in wvw. However, I wouldn’t personally call it a top roamer. IMO it’s a mid tier roamer, and markedly below the “top tier” roamers, and holds this spot solely by its virtue of having a high skill cap as a duelist. It needs some love though. Granted that’s just my opinion, so it’s not really right or wrong. You are free to disagree 🙂 

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19 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Spellbreaker is a top roamer in wvw with pve gear/consumable options and wvw skill splits.

And herein probably lies the answer as to why they don't buff anything in pvp, because it's already strong in wvw.

Maybe the real problem is they removed too many damned options from pvp, making the game much too different in spvp than in wvw, which obviously would make it difficult for them to balance anything at that point without continuing to do skill splits, further exasperating the problem.

Ahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaaha. This is the funniest kitten I've read all month.

I was willing to go with "spellbreaker in spvp ...", because in spvp there is the circle and reduced stats choices which go a long way to cover for spellbreakers massive shortcomings. That, and its mobility actually plays a role in the game mode. The balancing is overall also different.

But this I can only laugh at. Any good power SB, herald, thief, holo will mop the floor with you on spellbreaker; you will be kited and killed by anyone at your skill level, and you will be demolished by anyone above your skill level. You know, cause those are the actual top roamer specs.

Anything that uses  celestial stats takes 3 years to kill, if you can even kill it. Anything using trailblazer you have to dance around for 2 years, instead of 3, and maybe you can kill them. Or maybe you had to stunbreak once half a minute ago and 1/3 of your condi cleanses are gone, and you die.

2v1 I won't even go into, where some specs can kite and deal insane damage, you run and hope no one mounts to chase you down.

At the duel spot warrior is the rarest sight. I wonder why?

You also seem to think that having one spec you can play is somehow good enough. I main guard, and I can tell you, it isn't.

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I'm finally in a better financial place to be able to spend money on gems, so I finally got the extra character slots to make a Warrior. 

I like complex, high APM classes hence why my two most played proffessions are Engineer and Ele, so I expected Warrior to feel simple and dull to play. 

To an extent, it is simple, but I can see why people enjoy it. The animations are mmmf *chefs kiss*. Seeing my charr cast decapitate is the most brutally satisfying thing ever. The combos feel good to execute. The class feels like it has tools to handle any situation, but nothing that feels unfair or bs, so wins feel earned and if you lose it feels like you could have done something better. 

Berzerker, as bad as it is, is a blast to play. You have zero sustain, but the combination of lock down and burst is satisfying to pull off. 

As spellbreaker, the spec is very straightforward to play, but there is a high skill cap that comes from proper use of full counter, inturrupting, ripping boons. It punishes you for spamming and rewards you for tactical, mehtodical use of your abilities. And I can definately say that I'm a bit guilty of mashing after so many hours of playing weaver and core condi engi. 

If i had to sum up why I personally have started playing warrior. The class is satisfying. You're rewarded when you play well, and punished when you don't. The buttons feel good to use, and the lack of bs means that kills feel earned. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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18 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I'm finally in a better financial place to be able to spend money on gems, so I finally got the extra character slots to make a Warrior. 

I like complex, high APM classes hence why my two most played proffessions are Engineer and Ele, so I expected Warrior to feel simple and dull to play. 

To an extent, it is simple, but I can see why people enjoy it. The animations are mmmf *chefs kiss*. Seeing my charr cast decapitate is the most brutally satisfying thing ever. The combos feel good to execute. The class feels like it has tools to handle any situation, but nothing that feels unfair or bs, so wins feel earned and if you lose it feels like you could have done something better. 

Berzerker, as bad as it is, is a blast to play. You have zero sustain, but the combination of lock down and burst is satisfying to pull off. 

As spellbreaker, the spec is very straightforward to play, but there is a high skill cap that comes from proper use of full counter, inturrupting, ripping boons. It punishes you for spamming and rewards you for tactical, mehtodical use of your abilities. And I can definately say that I'm a bit guilty of mashing after so many hours of playing weaver and core condi engi. 

If i had to sum up why I personally have started playing warrior. The class is satisfying. You're rewarded when you play well, and punished when you don't. The buttons feel good to use, and the lack of bs means that kills feel earned. 


Welcome to why warrior mains are sticking to it. It does have a good chassis, it does handle well, for the most part the skills feel good (not you rush), and there isn't any BS.

But that's the problem, just about every other class has BS gimmicks to deal with. The closest thing warrior has to that is FC, and that can only carry Spellbreaker. So while warrior feels good to play, and every kill feels like you earned it, in comparison it's like fighting with a handicap.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Welcome to why warrior mains are sticking to it. It does have a good chassis, it does handle well, for the most part the skills feel good (not you rush), and there isn't any BS.

Rush feels great at high ping. Warrior was desperately missing a shadowstep anyway. 😆

1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

But that's the problem, just about every other class has BS gimmicks to deal with. The closest thing warrior has to that is FC, and that can only carry Spellbreaker. So while warrior feels good to play, and every kill feels like you earned it, in comparison it's like fighting with a handicap.

In PvP, its the old strength builds that feel like handicaps. Strength dagger was always incredibly satisfying and was a very good if not the best sidenoder with easy to read combos, but high-damaging and satisfying combos when they landed. 


Now if you run demolishers, you can tickle a 1v1 to death if they have no sustain over the course of about 5 minutes, or a quarter of a match. 

The old and true Bull's Rush into 100b, feels like going at someone with one of those handheld spray fans. Its like "Oh boy, big 3k damage incoming so long as they don't stunbreak straight away."

That's how it gets to feeling like a handicap.


On the flip; if you build to be as tanky and disruptive as possible at the expense of all damage, that's where Warrior is good now.

But it isn't satisfying to play that way at all, for anyone. I imagine most of us would prefer the disadvantage.

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3 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:
9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Warrior too OP, very stronk, makes Ranger seem bad. Ranger need big buff to stand up to OP war daddy.

Found it! These are 100% your actual words and not edited in any way shape or form, you can totally trust me, I never lie. Ever. 😉 

Yeah very funny. I never said that quote. That's just false propaganda.


3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Digression, but Reckless Impact is countered by shocking aura too, and warriors are forced to take it if they use the strength line, so strength warriors have to keep this in mind before evading anything that would trigger shocking aura, then have a plan for reacting to that as well. 

I don't think I disagree with you objectively, but it feels strange to see someone who says this about a skill with a cd of 30 seconds baseline (that doubles as an evade):

also say this

and not like... come to some kind of obvious realization that maybe warriors need a bit more mitigation when the warrior's stunbreaks for reacting to passive cc





Just admit warriors need mitigation too and we can talk about LR. I don't think a mitigation change will

You cannot hold the opinion that warriors are fine and shouldn't have some QoL/adjustment on their mitigation because one of them is played at a very high level (using specifically spellbreaker) despite them lacking mitigation, then hold the opinion that LR is needlessly punishing because its damage packet frustrates very specific matchups despite its cooldown escaping the megapatch  being 30 seconds at the same time. Pick one. 

If those few matchups that frustrate LR warrant a change, then warrior's mitigation needs to be looked at as well, because all the strength warriors are forced to have that interaction on dodge. 


I don't know why you keep going so so so deep into things I did not say at all, or even anything near what you're suggesting. All I said, is that Warrior/Spellbreaker is not as weak as everyone claims it to be and that it is middle-tired at worst. I've agreed in several other threads that there are QoL updates that War definitely needs.

But to be honest with you, I'm a fan of nerfing OP things, rather than buffing middle tiered things. We just don't need power creep in this game again. It needs to stop.


2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You also seem to think that having one spec you can play is somehow good enough. I main guard, and I can tell you, it isn't.

My previous post quite literally stressed the importance of using build templates for build swapping.

Some of you guys, in your zeal, neglect to pay attention to what you're reading before you make posts.




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23 hours ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

War is alright, it has alot of great things going for it. Its 1v1 potential is still one of the best in the game, and it matches up well enough with most sidenoders to where you're not at a huge disadvantage for playing it. It goes without saying War is great in 2v2s and bigger fights, even with its sustain being a bit on the lower end right now.

Ironically enough the main thing Warrior struggles with right now are the Roamers. Mirage, Daredevil, Herald, and Holo(flashbang) all win the matchup vs Warrior pretty easily. 

Wars main value is when its in a 1v1, you know that 1v1 is going to end much faster, and CDs will be forced much faster than any other duelist would win it/lose it or force CDs. Thats very valuable in a situation where your team understands that and capitalizes, not so much in Ranked which is a big hit to its viablity and effectiveness.

Edit: War also debunks the best out of every sidenoder rn, theres a reason why Prot Holo never saw play on EU, War could kill it, War could kill Water Weaver, War is the bunker buster on the sidenodes


War has one of the best matchup spreads in the game when it comes to dueling things on a node. Even some matchups that win vs warrior on paper have to play well otherwise they get mega punished (ie fire weaver). But you have to get in and actually hit stuff to unlock your kit and most of your sustain is active so if you can't hit stuff you lose. War is just really honest compared to what other classes can do. But I think bladesworn will fix a lot of those issues.

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4 minutes ago, eksn.7264 said:


War has one of the best matchup spreads in the game when it comes to dueling things on a node. Even some matchups that win vs warrior on paper have to play well otherwise they get mega punished (ie fire weaver). But you have to get in and actually hit stuff to unlock your kit and most of your sustain is active so if you can't hit stuff you lose. War is just really honest compared to what other classes can do. But I think bladesworn will fix a lot of those issues.

I very much doubt Bladesworn will fix anything about Warrior.  But even if it does, it still leaves the rest of the profession (Core, SpB, and Berserker) behind.  Meaningful reworks/buffs of Warrior need to come in a way that the entire profession can benefit.

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

On the flip; if you build to be as tanky and disruptive as possible at the expense of all damage, that's where Warrior is good now.

But it isn't satisfying to play that way at all, for anyone. I imagine most of us would prefer the disadvantage.

So what you're saying is I'm not a bad person for playing this.

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15 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I very much doubt Bladesworn will fix anything about Warrior.  But even if it does, it still leaves the rest of the profession (Core, SpB, and Berserker) behind.  Meaningful reworks/buffs of Warrior need to come in a way that the entire profession can benefit.


  • has more chase and is harder to chase
  • has good range pressure as opposed to none
  • has multihit skills with backloaded damage so you don't have to worry as much about random blinds or aegis
  • has dragonslash, movement skill with good damage that stuns through blinds and blocks
  • overall sustain doesn't rely as much on landing hits
  • trades more efficiently with more things
  • isn't as hard CC dependent to lock down targets because of better range pressure and chase

Not saying it's perfect or that it's better than spellbreaker in all situations but it's pretty clear to me that ANet has some good ideas here. For example I think bladesworn wins vs thief in its current state which is a pretty big deal. I think with proper balance it could be the best pvp option for warrior.

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I don't know why you keep going so so so deep into things I did not say at all, or even anything near what you're suggesting. All I said, is that Warrior/Spellbreaker is not as weak as everyone claims it to be and that it is middle-tired at worst. I've agreed in several other threads that there are QoL updates that War definitely needs.

I hear that, but I still don't like the energy in the adjacent comments. Let me explain. 

I don't think anyone in this thread thinks spellbreaker is trash tier. Even the OP noted that it performs ok vs some matchups. It is evident that spellbreaker specifically is serviceable, but difficult. That is not what the entirety of the thread is about, though. It encompasses all of warrior (including core and berserker) and a lot of the pain points that those two experience are shared with spellbreaker anyway. 

At the end of the day, even if the capability of warrior is summated as "Spellbreaker is ok", warrior as a whole needs mitigation buffs so they can do something other than tank hammer, and berserker needs (a miracle). 

Not to mention that at the outset of this thread, Genesis was like "Every warrior spec is good" and you were like "yuh huh" and only specified that you only were talking about spellbreaker sometime later. I'm taking that into account as well. If I'm being too cagey about this, fine; but your argument objectively sounds like you want to say warrior as a whole (including its other two specs) doesn't need mitigation work, unless someone scrutinizes it at which point it is only Spellbreaker that doesn't need the mitigation work. 


But to be honest with you, I'm a fan of nerfing OP things, rather than buffing middle tiered things. We just don't need power creep in this game again. It needs to stop.

I would in some cases agree with this approach, but not in this instance. I would not wish to subject people that play some of the other classes to what warrior has to deal with. Even though Necro is currently overperforming, it was in the meta garbage can before the megabalance brought everything else down, and that is not a feeling I'd like to perpetuate for necro or any other class. It would be easier to just buff warrior so it can compete in the current meta. That way, if anything goes wrong, we have a narrow scope to evaluate as opposed to nerfing everything else. 

1 hour ago, eksn.7264 said:

But you have to get in and actually hit stuff to unlock your kit and most of your sustain is active so if you can't hit stuff you lose.

This. Which is why I keep pointing to slight cooldown reductions for mitigation options. they need options to assist in attempting that slightly more frequently than once every 40-75 seconds. 


[I was writing this post and got a tingle of "who really cares about this, anyway" so I truncated it and am gonna go do something else now. I don't think explaining this further will do any good. Tl;DR spellbreaker ok maybe but spellbreaker isn't all of warrior, Warrior stuck playing 0 damage hammer tank to annoy people, berserker needs defib, fight me.] 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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