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Please delete trapDH.


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31 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

You claim it was one button while also admitting to it ACTUALLY  being a combo of 4 buttons.


And you are still falsely claiming the attack does 20k damage and "one shots" people which is again  objectively false hyperbole 

The buffs before do not count they are buffs they do not have a margin of error you dont have to set them in the right place they can't accidentally the popped by the enemy to protect or some one from the traps, you don't have to worry about peoples defensive cds pressing them you can't miss your self nothing your enemy is doing is stopping you from pressing those buffs even DH traps have to abide by certain rules of movement even DH's have to worry about ranger pets or mesmer clones ruining traps, you don't have to use combo fields and spend multiple skills getting there. They are just 3 individual buttons you can use when ever you want to before any skill because they affect only you.

Your right i was being hyperbolic your one button combo is too easy to do. Next time ill do better i promise.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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40 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

The buffs before do not count they are buffs they do not have a margin of error you dont have to set them in the right place they can't accidentally the popped by the enemy to protect or some one from the traps, you don't have to worry about peoples defensive cds pressing them you can't miss your self nothing your enemy is doing is stopping you from pressing those buffs even DH traps have to abide by certain rules of movement even DH's have to worry about ranger pets or mesmer clones ruining traps, you don't have to use combo fields and spend multiple skills getting there. They are just 3 individual buttons you can use when ever you want to before any skill because they affect only you.

Your right i was being hyperbolic your one button combo is too easy to do. Next time ill do better i promise.

You're putting arbitrary rules on what does or doesn't count towards a combo just to spin the narrative to fit your objectively false claims


You keep calling it a 1 button combo, but how is it both 1 button and a combo at the same time 🤔


Its extremely obvious that you have a disdain for revenant, any of your posts that mention revenant come with a heavy dose of salt flavored hyperbole 

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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1 hour ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

You're putting arbitrary rules on what does or doesn't count towards a combo just to spin the narrative to fit your objectively false claims


You keep calling it a 1 button combo, but how is it both 1 button and a combo at the same time 🤔


Its extremely obvious that you have a disdain for revenant, any of your posts that mention revenant come with a heavy dose of salt flavored hyperbole 

The guy you're arguing with is pretty well known for not knowing what he's talking about. The combo he's talking about is Phase Traversal, s3 with Impossible Odds up. 


He's lying about the damage.

He's lying about it all being unblockable because only 2 hits of s3 are unblockable after Phase Traversal. 

He's wrong about it not being affected by outside sources like he whines about with DH traps: the example here being that multiple targets will split the attack up and neuter the damage, like ranger pets and Mesmer clones. 

He exaggerates it tracking through walls being excessively strong when Guardian also has skills that do this very thing, and let's not even talk about thief. 


Idk if it's hatred of rev, but he definitely doesn't know how the class works because he thinks it beats thief because it has, in his words, "2 reveals" despite only having one. 


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1 hour ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

The guy you're arguing with is pretty well known for not knowing what he's talking about. The combo he's talking about is Phase Traversal, s3 with Impossible Odds up. 


He's lying about the damage.

He's lying about it all being unblockable because only 2 hits of s3 are unblockable after Phase Traversal. 

He's wrong about it not being affected by outside sources like he whines about with DH traps: the example here being that multiple targets will split the attack up and neuter the damage, like ranger pets and Mesmer clones. 

He exaggerates it tracking through walls being excessively strong when Guardian also has skills that do this very thing, and let's not even talk about thief. 


Idk if it's hatred of rev, but he definitely doesn't know how the class works because he thinks it beats thief because it has, in his words, "2 reveals" despite only having one. 


Lol when have i whined about any skill in the game.
Please do not project your beliefs on to me I actually learn to cope with things in this game instead of coming here to nerf things.
No im not wrong about the Rev damage.
No its not hard to buff for an attack everyone does it this all the time you learn this in PvE this is not an inherit hard thing to do this is something everyone learns in PvE.

Yeah multiple targets will split the damage so what you think everyone is running around squished up together to get cleaved by everyone? Dumb take seriously might be the dumbest excuse i've ever heard of the first thing people learn is not to stack to get cleaved.

Seriously this is what you wanna defend and you want to complain about DH traps?
So explain to me how is it harder to land shiro + 3 vs any other burst combo in the game

Pick anyone of them.
Chrono mantra distraction into GS nonsense.
DH traps into pull.
Ranger push back shot into rapid fire.
kitten even reapers gotta plan ahead.

Just because you say im well known for not knowing what i am talking about doesn't mean its true and smearing people because your rev feelings were hurt isnt cool, i know you wished your class was exciting and hard and i thought it was till i played it.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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2 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Lol when have i whined about any skill in the game.
Please do not project your beliefs on to me I actually learn to cope with things in this game instead of coming here to nerf things.
No im not wrong about the Rev damage.
No its not hard to buff for an attack everyone does it this all the time you learn this in PvE this is not an inherit hard thing to do this is something everyone learns in PvE.

Yeah multiple targets will split the damage so what you think everyone is running around squished up together to get cleaved by everyone? Dumb take seriously might be the dumbest excuse i've ever heard of the first thing people learn is not to stack to get cleaved.

Seriously this is what you wanna defend and you want to complain about DH traps?
So explain to me how is it harder to land shiro + 3 vs any other burst combo in the game

Pick anyone of them.
Chrono mantra distraction into GS nonsense.
DH traps into pull.
Ranger push back shot into rapid fire.
kitten even reapers gotta plan ahead.

Just because you say im well known for not knowing what i am talking about doesn't mean its true and smearing people because your rev feelings were hurt isnt cool, i know you wished your class was exciting and hard and i thought it was till i played it.

Hes right.


You consistently have bad takes and make posts that show you dont know what you're talking about all the time


This thread was about trapper DH and you threw out a random complaint about revenant damage , (which is still btw 100% false, the damage you claim rev sword 3 does even with the combo of impossible odds shiro heal and phase traversal is nowhere near "20k" in spvp.) Presumably because you play trapper DH and dont want to see the build nerfed and/or you get farmed by revenant players frequently 


I dont even think trapper DH is OP, i just see it as just one of many cheesy gimmick builds like rifle warrior or p/p thief that does 1 thing and that one thing is get cheesy low effort kills but is overall not that good.


Also if you played revenant much at all you would know how unreliable unrelenting assault is as a "burst combo" in a majority of situations, the range where it starts hitting other targets is actually huge, if there is more than 1 person anywhere near your target its pretty much guaranteed to split its damage, not to mention a huge amount of the builds being played in the game right now have some kind of pet/minion or other targetable entity that will soak up hits. Most of the time unrelenting assault is used as a defensive cooldown/filler for the evade frames to wait out your ACTUAL  burst combos like sword 4/5 and 2 or your glint abilities coming off cooldown. 

And of all the "burst combos" in the game unrelenting assault is one of the most telegraphed and easily mitigated attacks, unlike the many from-stealth combos such as trapper DH pull cheese

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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11 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

You are completely missing the point. 

I'm saying that revealed should be applied when the skill is being cast. 



This^ tbh. 

For example of why I think the current implementation is unhealthy I'd like to look at two examples. One which got changed in a healthy way, and one that got overnerfed after the Feb Patch. 

Binding Shadow exemplified why current stealth is unhealthy. It's a long channel and a fairly obvious tell (when the particles don't fail to render due to stealth lag but that's a different topic). The trade-off is that it's very powerful when it lands. It's a knockdown and an immob so you have to burn a stunbreak that also cleanses to get out of it. If you don't have one of those, you'll have to burn two cooldowns.

Obvious tell, big pay-off when it lands. 

... Then you hide that tell with stealth. 


Suddenly this skill gets a lot more unhealthy. You have to predict when it's coming and random dodge. If you were focused on something else like... I don't know... a 1v1 with the enemy side noder and a thief comes up on you in stealth and drops this, good luck surviving that encounter. 

Anet nerfed this in an intelegent way. They made it reveal on cast. This should, frankly, be the standard because there's a lot more examples of big tells being hidden by stealth than just binding shadow. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For an example of a nerf done wrong, I'd like to look at Prime Light Beam. 

I used to cheese people by hitting them with this from stealth all the time, and that was a big deal back when it was a guaranteed crit for over half your hp. It wasn't healthy, and people would still complain about it today if it didn't have it's co-efficient nerfed to nothing. 

0.001 coefficient on a big tell is an example of a nerf done poorly. (Also see Backbreaker). This really should have just revealed on cast. You can't tell me you're being stealthy with a massive holographic flashlight. Someone is going to notice. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Trapper builds like DH would be a lot less obnoxious if you didn't have to contest with True shot from stealth, Spear from stealth, entangle from stealth, ect. 

Other example of unhealthy gameplay from stealth was one shot core mesmer back before it got nerfed into the ground. It was pure cheese when they 100-0'd you from stealth, but you could play around it if you were paying attention when they were visible. 

Instead of nerfing or deleting these builds. We should impliment reveal on cast. A lot of these get a lot less frustrating/unhealthy when you can react to the important tells. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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The only issue I personally have with trapper rune DH is spear of justice being unlockable AND being thrown from stealth. Sure, in a 1v1 if you see them stealth you can somewhat consistently time a dodge on it. A big part of fighting DH is not getting hit by the spear. Trapper runes though almost guarantee that it lands. The only way to counter that is;

1) Predict it, which isn't an entirely reasonable thing to expect players to be able to do all the time when having to do it when the enemy is stealthed.
2) Also stealth, which not all classes can do and not to the degree trapper runes give DH.
3) Burn dodges/evades until they are out of stealth, which is not ideal because then you're down on defensives while they still have their whole kit up
4) LoS, which means you lose node and will continue to lose node because as soon as they drop stealth and start taking node, you re-engage through their  traps to push them off/kill them then they will just burn blocks/defensives while you take damage and then re-trap and re-stealth to get a spear if they haven't already. Also, even if you LoS they can still get LoS on you in that time because they also have super speed and you have no idea if you're actually LoSing them or not. 


So, is there counter play? Yes, there is always counter play to any build but is the way you counter play it equal to the investment the DH puts into it vs what most classes have to do to counter it? Not in my opinion. Overall it's just unfun to play against. My suggestion and only change I think is need to balance while keeping trapper runes the same is to put a 5 second reveal on spear of justice as soon as the ability is pressed. This will make throwing it from stealth a little more countable but still fairly strong, as you'll have a split second window to read the animation before you get hit and it will punish them for doing it and missing, making them unable to re-stealth for a bit. It'll still be strong being thrown from stealth as when you reappear players still only have a short window to predict what you're doing, but it gives them some sort of window to counter play it consistently. 


Personally I would rather they redesign trapper runes. Maybe they can replace it with;
When you place a trap gain 3 seconds of super speed, opponents who are damaged by your traps are immobilized for 1 1/2 seconds (15 second cooldown on immobilize).

This would still be fairly strong as it would allow you some lock down into your traps and even if the traps don't get much damage off in that time it allows for follow up on it if they don't cleanse. It also gives some mobility to classes running traps. Thematically it makes more sense to me too as the idea behind traps is to zone an area and punish your opponents for entering that area. 

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On 1/5/2022 at 10:31 AM, Genesis.5169 said:

Rev Shiro + sword 3 way easier to do and it takes all your dodges and is unblockable. It's a literal One button 20k damage unblockable nuke that follows you and can teleport through walls.


This is the real deal. DH doesn't even compare to it.

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9 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

You claim it was one button while also admitting to it ACTUALLY  being a combo of 4 buttons.


And you are still falsely claiming the attack does 20k damage and "one shots" people which is again  objectively false hyperbole 

Is he talking about core rev? or herald? cause max i saw herald do with single attack was like 6-8k aoe.

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On 1/6/2022 at 4:51 PM, Kayberz.5346 said:

Objectively false

I can attest, all alone without any outside source of vulnerability or might, the most UA + Impossible Odds with Daggers can do is around 14k and that's if all of your hits crit and don't get scattered around because of other targets.

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15 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

This^ tbh. 

For example of why I think the current implementation is unhealthy I'd like to look at two examples. One which got changed in a healthy way, and one that got overnerfed after the Feb Patch. 

Binding Shadow exemplified why current stealth is unhealthy. It's a long channel and a fairly obvious tell (when the particles don't fail to render due to stealth lag but that's a different topic). The trade-off is that it's very powerful when it lands. It's a knockdown and an immob so you have to burn a stunbreak that also cleanses to get out of it. If you don't have one of those, you'll have to burn two cooldowns.

Obvious tell, big pay-off when it lands. 

... Then you hide that tell with stealth. 


Suddenly this skill gets a lot more unhealthy. You have to predict when it's coming and random dodge. If you were focused on something else like... I don't know... a 1v1 with the enemy side noder and a thief comes up on you in stealth and drops this, good luck surviving that encounter. 

Anet nerfed this in an intelegent way. They made it reveal on cast. This should, frankly, be the standard because there's a lot more examples of big tells being hidden by stealth than just binding shadow. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For an example of a nerf done wrong, I'd like to look at Prime Light Beam. 

I used to cheese people by hitting them with this from stealth all the time, and that was a big deal back when it was a guaranteed crit for over half your hp. It wasn't healthy, and people would still complain about it today if it didn't have it's co-efficient nerfed to nothing. 

0.001 coefficient on a big tell is an example of a nerf done poorly. (Also see Backbreaker). This really should have just revealed on cast. You can't tell me you're being stealthy with a massive holographic flashlight. Someone is going to notice. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Trapper builds like DH would be a lot less obnoxious if you didn't have to contest with True shot from stealth, Spear from stealth, entangle from stealth, ect. 

Other example of unhealthy gameplay from stealth was one shot core mesmer back before it got nerfed into the ground. It was pure cheese when they 100-0'd you from stealth, but you could play around it if you were paying attention when they were visible. 

Instead of nerfing or deleting these builds. We should impliment reveal on cast. A lot of these get a lot less frustrating/unhealthy when you can react to the important tells. 

The problem I see with this idea is that Anet will NOT distinguish which skills should reveal, and a blanket reveal on cast wouldn't work in the same way blanket 0 damage CC doesn't work. Any stealth attack from thief should reveal, but casting something like Infiltrators Arrow or a heal and getting revealed doesn't make sense and would just be extremely clunky and frustrating. 

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18 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Lol when have i whined about any skill in the game.
Please do not project your beliefs on to me I actually learn to cope with things in this game instead of coming here to nerf things.
No im not wrong about the Rev damage.
No its not hard to buff for an attack everyone does it this all the time you learn this in PvE this is not an inherit hard thing to do this is something everyone learns in PvE.

Yeah multiple targets will split the damage so what you think everyone is running around squished up together to get cleaved by everyone? Dumb take seriously might be the dumbest excuse i've ever heard of the first thing people learn is not to stack to get cleaved.

Seriously this is what you wanna defend and you want to complain about DH traps?
So explain to me how is it harder to land shiro + 3 vs any other burst combo in the game

Pick anyone of them.
Chrono mantra distraction into GS nonsense.
DH traps into pull.
Ranger push back shot into rapid fire.
kitten even reapers gotta plan ahead.

Just because you say im well known for not knowing what i am talking about doesn't mean its true and smearing people because your rev feelings were hurt isnt cool, i know you wished your class was exciting and hard and i thought it was till i played it.

I never mentioned a thing about DH traps, just not letting you say nonsense about something unrelated that isn't true. 


ON the topic of DH trapper, it's a very simple and nigh guaranteed combo because it's from stealth. Unless someone gets a lucky dodge, has stab, or manages to stun break before hitting the traps, it's going to land and some builds can do nothing about it. If you can’t land this combo, it's 100% on you. 


Is it good? Not really. Is it cheesy and braindead? Absolutely. 

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3 hours ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

I never mentioned a thing about DH traps, just not letting you say nonsense about something unrelated that isn't true. 


ON the topic of DH trapper, it's a very simple and nigh guaranteed combo because it's from stealth. Unless someone gets a lucky dodge, has stab, or manages to stun break before hitting the traps, it's going to land and some builds can do nothing about it. If you can’t land this combo, it's 100% on you. 


Is it good? Not really. Is it cheesy and braindead? Absolutely. 

Just like sword 3 + shiro from rev but shiro + sword 3 in infinitely better.
Aslong as rev is in the game in this state no one has Business talking about DH period.

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16 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Just like sword 3 + shiro from rev but shiro + sword 3 in infinitely better.
Aslong as rev is in the game in this state no one has Business talking about DH period.

Both are cheese nobrain combo's. The fact that the revs abilities all shadowstep is just infuriating. There's no kiting that kitten. You're doing well, and making use of terrain to keep people off you? Nice! Oh wait.... hurr hurrr shiroport through wall and 50% of hp gone with unblockable, quickness amd shadow stepping attacks. 


DH is on the same level of cheese, but can at least be avoided more easily. Ngl a pull from stealth into traps while eating a 10k trueshot is not fun. I tried trapper dh to see what it was all about and it is easy as hell to pull off. 1st game on trapper dh I memed multiple people. Literally: place traps, pull, push, gg. Some people are even more cringe and use dragon's maw on top of their traps, which is one of these "you have no stab or ports, you are now dead" abilities. Luckily these dh are easy to kill cuz no RF.

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1 hour ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Just like sword 3 + shiro from rev but shiro + sword 3 in infinitely better.
Aslong as rev is in the game in this state no one has Business talking about DH period.

"Infinitely better"


Does less damage, is very telegraphed/no stealth, animation locks you, is made extremely ineffective if any other targets are nearby, doesn't CC at all, doesn't do any area denial on point


Ah yes "Infinitely better" indeed /s


Cry more


You still sticking to your story that you dont have a vendetta against revenant?  Because it sounds to me like a glass trapper DH is salty that his 11k hp pool makes him food for revenants when his gimmick is on cooldown

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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55 minutes ago, Koensol.5860 said:

Both are cheese nobrain combo's. The fact that the revs abilities all shadowstep is just infuriating. There's no kiting that kitten. You're doing well, and making use of terrain to keep people off you? Nice! Oh wait.... hurr hurrr shiroport through wall and 50% of hp gone with unblockable, quickness amd shadow stepping attacks. 


DH is on the same level of cheese, but can at least be avoided more easily. Ngl a pull from stealth into traps while eating a 10k trueshot is not fun. I tried trapper dh to see what it was all about and it is easy as hell to pull off. 1st game on trapper dh I memed multiple people. Literally: place traps, pull, push, gg. Some people are even more cringe and use dragon's maw on top of their traps, which is one of these "you have no stab or ports, you are now dead" abilities. Luckily these dh are easy to kill cuz no RF.

So farthe revs i've seen on twitch were heralds and i wasn't that impressed sure heralds hit hard but they can be killed and their attacks avoided. 

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Just change trapper runes to give protection or something instead of stealth and that solves DH being annoying. It will also make it so the only viable spec on guard is core support but there is still that meme core burn guard people can rely on too. Anyway the game has more pressing problems right now. 

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On 1/7/2022 at 8:57 AM, Genesis.5169 said:

Lol when have i whined about any skill in the game.
Please do not project your beliefs on to me I actually learn to cope with things in this game instead of coming here to nerf things.
No im not wrong about the Rev damage.
No its not hard to buff for an attack everyone does it this all the time you learn this in PvE this is not an inherit hard thing to do this is something everyone learns in PvE.

Yeah multiple targets will split the damage so what you think everyone is running around squished up together to get cleaved by everyone? Dumb take seriously might be the dumbest excuse i've ever heard of the first thing people learn is not to stack to get cleaved.

Seriously this is what you wanna defend and you want to complain about DH traps?
So explain to me how is it harder to land shiro + 3 vs any other burst combo in the game

Pick anyone of them.
Chrono mantra distraction into GS nonsense.
DH traps into pull.
Ranger push back shot into rapid fire.
kitten even reapers gotta plan ahead.

Just because you say im well known for not knowing what i am talking about doesn't mean its true and smearing people because your rev feelings were hurt isnt cool, i know you wished your class was exciting and hard and i thought it was till i played it.

If you can show me a screen shot of a combat log of unrelenting assault doing 4k damage per hit (5 hits for potential 20k overall) to a player in pvp, i will personally mail you 100 gold.

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2 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Just change trapper runes to give protection or something instead of stealth and that solves DH being annoying. It will also make it so the only viable spec on guard is core support but there is still that meme core burn guard people can rely on too. Anyway the game has more pressing problems right now. 

Or you could just let it be since it's meme mid-gold tier anyway. Annoying? There are many much more annoying builds out there - that doesn't mean they should be nerfed. 

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I run both Trapper rune and a burn build, by sacrificing some burn stacks for DragonHunter tree. Its super meme since its a combination of both of the most hated builds. I had some players literally tell me to "wtf stop" in /say in one matchup, then laugh when I apologised for being a meme princess.


In all seriousness, the problem with nerfing this rune is it leaves Trapper DH & Ranger with nothing in return.


Traps are already extremely underutilised in every game mode, and this is basically their only build. They're just too easy to avoid, even when you don't know they're there. All you have to do is stunbreak and then step out of them casually and the enemy's entire utility kit is wasted and they either run away or get easily beaten.


If you get lucky, maybe your enemy is a glass cannon and will actually die in 1-2 sec.


If anything the effects of the rune need to be made baseline. I would baseline the stealth to Ranger and baseline the Superspeed to Dragonhunter, then Traps will see increased play.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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13 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Just like sword 3 + shiro from rev but shiro + sword 3 in infinitely better.
Aslong as rev is in the game in this state no one has Business talking about DH period.

kitten dude, they're completely different builds that have nothing to do with each other, why are you so insistent on comparing the two? People don't have a problem with DH because it hurts, they have a problem with trapper runes carrying the entire spec; I play DH with Eagle runes and it's MUCH more difficult. 


Stop letting Revenant live rent free in your head when nobody was talking about it. 

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3 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

I run both Trapper rune and a burn build, by sacrificing some burn stacks for DragonHunter tree. Its super meme since its a combination of both of the most hated builds. I had some players literally tell me to "wtf stop" in /say in one matchup, then laugh when I apologised for being a meme princess.


In all seriousness, the problem with nerfing this rune is it leaves Trapper DH & Ranger with nothing in return.


Traps are already extremely underutilised in every game mode, and this is basically their only build. They're just too easy to avoid, even when you don't know they're there. All you have to do is stunbreak and then step out of them casually and the enemy's entire utility kit is wasted and they either run away or get easily beaten.


If you get lucky, maybe your enemy is a glass cannon and will actually die in 1-2 sec.


If anything the effects of the rune need to be made baseline. I would baseline the stealth to Ranger and baseline the Superspeed to Dragonhunter, then Traps will see increased play.

Well, where tf is the preparations rune and builds?

I bet you my account that in pvp preparations only see 1/100 or less of what traps see.

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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Well, where tf is the preparations rune and builds?

I bet you my account that in pvp preparations only see 1/100 or less of what traps see.

To be fair, Anet probably wanted to distance themselves from Preparations the moment they released them because they're just not practical from a mechanic aspect and most are not very good to boot. 


There's pretty much 0 reason to run Preparations unless you're Azure, and while nobody likes dealing with traps, they at least function.

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