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The opposite of reporting - Praise


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First of all I would like to apologize for any language mistakes but I am self-taught

Hi, my topic will be quite long so here is tl;dr for you: AN, please add honor option 🙂


Let's begin.


We all know games like Dota, Overwatch or even Leauge of Legends, what they have in common (except for toxic players)?

They have an honor system. This system give players who are nice and are trying to help feel that their work was not in vain but how? By simple icons or pop ups - "GJ you are honorable player!"

Do you already know what I'm getting at?


In Guild Wars 2 we very often meet good commanders (like that friendly mesmers who teleport you to end of messy jumping puzzle, or mentors who just shows you event on maps) who are  very helpfull. All they got for helping so many people is "tyvm".

This idea was born in my head a long time ago but only today I want to share it with you. Every player would have option "Honor" or "Praise"

You ask why? Because in my opinion good commies who lead events or do 3 hour HoT HP runs should be awarded. Personaly I send them some food and small ammount like 50 silver in mail and simple "Thanks you".

Spending own time and energy to help ~40 people and only one writes "tyvm"

Don't you find that depressing?


Here are some ideas how to get it into the gamehow to

1. Above minimap

When you are close for etc. 5 minutes or doing something what comm/mentor doing like attacking same target would pop up a shiny star and option to honor comm/mentor

2. Commie squad

After you leave commie squad you would simply have option to praise him

3. Praise everyone!

Every player would have option to RMB him and praise him (to stop abusing here is idea: one prise from account for 3 months, daily max 50 praises)


Ideas for rewards

1. Magic find rewards

10 praises - 10% magic find boost for 30 minutes

20 praises - 15%.... 30-20% 40-25% 50- 35%

2. Bonus award for map completion

10 praises -3% ---> 50 praises - 15% map completion

3. This is add for Commie squad leaving, when you leave you simple can send him any item

4. After 10,000 praises title like "Soul Spirit" "True Commander"


Reward after Randulf.7614 and AgentMoore.9453

No in game reward like mf, map completion, items, mats but...

1. simple tiny heart pop up above head of person who is thankfull


2. Heart/Shiny aura for 30 minutes


What you think about it? Let me know if you like this idea or not.

But deep in my heart I think we all want good commanders to be recognized for their hard workwe all want

Also feel free to give you ideas 🙂


Edited by badyl.5831
don't know how end topic
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I like the idea. I don’t like the idea of an actual reward. Even with you limiting it for abuse, an actual virtual reward defeats the point. Most commanders do it for the community and the fun. Def against any kind of reward.

I love the idea of a temporary shiny notification showing say number of thanks for that event or so,  but that would - or should - fulfilling enough.

Or people could just say thanks more often. That works too

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I appreciate the spirit of your idea, OP, but I think that if a reward system is put in place for commanders, it will be abused. Earlier threads suggesting a rating system for commanders met with similar concerns, even though the intention of the idea was innocent.

The current system doesn't reward commanders (apart from WvW pips/skirmish stuff for commanding a squad which I think is already a thing?), but the option is still there for anyone who wants to send them some kind words or a physical reward.

Most commanders become well-known through persistent play rather than through the use of a rating or reward system, and I think I'd prefer it stayed that way.

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Has been suggested many times and is usually met with the argument of abusability. Any system that will reward extras will be abused in some way shape or form. The "system" we have now, called "decent human behavior that still sometimes exist even in an online game environment", is working just fine. Good commanders in WvW get rewarded by random gifts, praises in mapchat and sometimes with the priviledge to lead regular runs or with guilds. Good mesmers or guilds like [PINK] on EU that do daily ports and the likes, get rewarded by gifts and by reputation/clout and of course praise in chat. If you want to support players for being helpful, just do so(as you are doing if I understood that correctly) but don't make it a system in the game. I doubt it would change much for the better.

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I like this idea, the praise notification, not so much the rewards with the potential for abuse.  A buff might be nice though, just some little extra karma for 15 min. or so.  

And definitely remember to say thanks at the very least to your comms, even when it's mutually beneficial for all or just a quick drop in. 

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I help a lot of people, it's currently my main activity in game. Every day I help at least a couple of people but usually more. I even have a character named New Player Helper.  I don't do this for rewards. I don't like the idea of being rewarded even.  I return tips if someone tries to send me a tip, because most of the time I have far more gold than the people I'm helping and they need that gold far more than I do.


I help people because I believe in community and because of that, when I help people I feel rewarded. I don't need a tip, or a symbol (though a ty is nice obviously) but none of those reasons are the reasons I help people. I help people because I find the activity itself rewarding.

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The only reward that someone helping others, unless specifically asking for tips, should desire is the satisfaction of helping others. There is nothing depressing about receiving another player's thanks.

Your point about only one person saying "TYVM" begs the question, why would those not willing to say thank you do something more as a sign of thanks?


edit: Don't feel the need to apologize for your language. Your English is more than fine.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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LFG would get a new fake-category, where people sell praises for gold. (looking at multi-account users as well)

As long as the rewards are within reasonable ranges, that should not be much of a problem. The rewards you suggest, especially for the higher counts of praises, sadly can have a greater impact. So there is a higher chance to be exploited. Even if it is just cosmetics, keep in mind GW2 is fashion wars ^^.

Some people help for free and are happy when you are happy. There is no need for a reward. Some are even willing to refuse gifts multiple times. Having a visual indicator, telling others about their recent deeds, might make them even feel uncomfortable.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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People already do it without getting "praise".

In my opinion the helpful people and their nice actions would seem less sincere if it could seem like there was some motive behind it, like them grinding "praise", instead of them just doing it to help their fellow players.

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I am against this kind of reward systems, they only lead to abuse. 
It is already possible to show your appreciation to someone, send them some coins after they ported you through a JP or commanded a hero points  train. In WvW it is common to send the commander siege weapons. 
There is no need for a system for that. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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I'm happy when i can help, and even happier when i get a thanks for my ports and assistance. And i'm also happy when someone helps me and will always thank these people and sometime when i have the money, tipp.

But, if I have it right, a system which shows others how "helpful" you are, I find very ... daring.
Because not all help is the same.
Just because someone turns on his Commie, does not mean that he must have experience. Sure there are the HP-trains and WVW-commander who really give effort. But with most metas, the commies usually just run along. I mostly turn on my lamp, because otherwise people think the maps are empty and go.
This is quite a strange phenomenon in GW2. The majority of people know what they have to do, but if there is no commie, they look for another map, no matter if the map they are on is full ^^''.

Therefore, as is said, I think that could be more misleading than really help when people get rewarded from other Players.

Thank the people when you think they have helped you. That's something that the least do although it only takes a few seconds.

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I agree with everyone else, it's a nice idea and helpful people do deserve thanks for it, but a system like this is highly likely to be abused, even with the limitations you suggested.

People who want to thank good commanders (or anyone else) already can by sending mail with whatever message or gift they think is appropriate. The fact that they have to use their own money or items means it's not likely to be abused.

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I do not think any award system should be attached to the system.


I do agree that a positive reinforcement system is great for the game.  A simple system that is easy to execute for players is great and introduces additional positive stimuli to the game.  I believe this would be great for the emotional and mental health of the player base.  The concept that it would positively impact the emotional health of the player base is not without evidence:


A 2021 study analyzed the emotional benefits of socialization with individuals suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD) and concluded that "...even those with a mental illness defined by interpersonal distress can and do derive positive emotions from social interactions."

Fallon R Goodman et al.  Are people with social anxiety disorder happier alone?    Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Volume 34 Issue 1, Pages 216 - 236.    link to study

See also Todd B Kashdan & R Lorraine Collins. Social anxiety and the experience of positive emotion and anger in everyday life: an ecological momentary assessment approach.  Anxiety, Stress and Coping, volume 23 issue 3, pages 259 - 272.  electronically available here.  abstract found on National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine

See also Sheung-Tak Cheng et al.  Social exchanges and subjective well-being: do sources of positive and negative exchanges matter?    The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, volume 66 issue 6, pages 708 - 718.  electronically available through Oxford Academic

See also Todd B Kashdan et al. Distinguishing healthy adults from people with social anxiety disorder: evidence for the value of experiential avoidance and positive emotions in everyday social interactions.   Journal of Abnormal Psychology, volume 122 issue 3, pages 645 - 655. electronically available from the American Psychological Association (APA).  


Essentially, introducing another element of positive stimuli via socialization would help the community.  It also aligns with ArenaNet's core design philosophies of happiness to see other players and the cooperative environment of PvE.



Edited by Rogue.8235
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3 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Ugh, more hitting 'Likes' on everyone, that would just make this game Facebook 2.0.

This as well... If I get harassed after every meta and every evening of WvW with "HEY AND IF YOU LIKED THIS SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON AND ADD ME AS A FRIEND TO NOT MISS OUT ON MY MANY OTHER AWESOME ACTIVITIES, TIPPS HIGHLY APPRECIATED AND ALSO CHECK OUT MY INSTA, TIKTOK, FB, YT, TWITCH AND TWITTER XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO, SIMP FOR ME M8S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I want the option to downvote and dislike the account as well. But that would definitely not go down with the community, which is a good thing.

Edited by lokh.2695
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