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so unbalanced


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36 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

Nah, no one wants to deal with the obnoxiousness of Mag on ebg. Its less impressive when you realize nothing is contested...

These dead servers are just textmanders leading pugs on their daily quests.  There's like one actual group that uses comms but they are half greenhorns too.


No afk farming for the puggies so sad.  You guys missed the days of actual WvW guilds.  It's not coming back.

Edited by displayname.8315
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5 hours ago, Raykiu.7841 said:

Unbalanced? nah


I see we might be in the same match up this week! Can't even flip camps anymore, lol. I have similar screenshots from Saturday evening and Monday afternoon. I took this Monday evening. The strangest part is my server is "Full" xD


Edited by WeightTrainer.3219
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59 minutes ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

I see we might be in the same match up this week! Can't even flip camps anymore, lol. I have similar screenshots from Saturday evening and Monday afternoon. I took this Monday evening. The strangest part is my server is "Full" xD


Dont worry just run straight out of EB spawn while flailing your arms. I hear thats the best way to beat spawncampers.

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4 hours ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

I see we might be in the same match up this week! Can't even flip camps anymore, lol. I have similar screenshots from Saturday evening and Monday afternoon. I took this Monday evening. The strangest part is my server is "Full" xD


please arenanet consider redoing your balance algorithm. give us 3 teams with the same number of players and as close as possible numerically.

do not use the variables time, commander etc to define the number of players but make the variables work on the war points.

if we still use this logic to build teams even with alliances we will have the same problem.

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7 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

please arenanet consider redoing your balance algorithm. give us 3 teams with the same number of players and as close as possible numerically.

do not use the variables time, commander etc to define the number of players but make the variables work on the war points.

if we still use this logic to build teams even with alliances we will have the same problem.

Wouldn't change anything for this specific situation. Can't speak for DH but FA has the numbers, they just don't want to go to EBG. 

The time we took back our 3rd of the map, we did it with 30 and a 15 queue because map was still full with afk pugs. So even if a group wanted to fight back against mag, they can't get close to getting the numbers because of the trash on ebg. 

Neither server was going to beat Mag in PPT, so a fully red EBG doesn't really matter score wise. 

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1 hour ago, Zikory.6871 said:

Wouldn't change anything for this specific situation. Can't speak for DH but FA has the numbers, they just don't want to go to EBG. 

The time we took back our 3rd of the map, we did it with 30 and a 15 queue because map was still full with afk pugs. So even if a group wanted to fight back against mag, they can't get close to getting the numbers because of the trash on ebg. 

Neither server was going to beat Mag in PPT, so a fully red EBG doesn't really matter score wise. 

The randoms are mostly bots and the guilds are hidden tag emo's.  Nothing to do but wait for the servers to be nuked at this point.

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16 minutes ago, displayname.8315 said:

The randoms are mostly bots and the guilds are hidden tag emo's.  Nothing to do but wait for the servers to be nuked at this point.

You aren't wrong. Pessimistic trash complaining about how guilds don't provide the content they uses to but also aren't good enough to do what mag does and to worthless to organize anything themselves. 

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10 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

please arenanet consider redoing your balance algorithm. give us 3 teams with the same number of players and as close as possible numerically.

do not use the variables time, commander etc to define the number of players but make the variables work on the war points.

if we still use this logic to build teams even with alliances we will have the same problem.


I am not on Mag nor teamed with them currently. Mag plays just EB, that's it. Doesn't matter what algorithm Anet would use because Mag likes EB and will fill it, always. Now will Alliances impact this, yes unless Mag forms a Mag Alliance these players will still probably go EB but they may be scattered on different shards unless they take steps to stick together. So using them in whatever is the actually issue the OP had, s till not clear there, using Mag as an example isn't the best test case when you use EB. How were all the other maps? Depending on the linked server they may not have been that out of balance unless the other server likes to defend the borderlands. The real issue with the algorithms as will be the issue with the Alliance ones until they address it is coverage wars. Last posting I saw they didn't have that logic in there and that will still be an issue unless individual Alliances take it into account themselves. Hence again the stronger Alliances will be the more organized ones that strive to pull in that coverage themselves versus leave it to chance random grouping.

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1 hour ago, Zikory.6871 said:

You aren't wrong. Pessimistic trash complaining about how guilds don't provide the content they uses to but also aren't good enough to do what mag does and to worthless to organize anything themselves. 

Right?  A group of 30+ hiding from some EB roamers and thinking they are "special mag".  Why even be in a guild at that point what trash lolol.

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1 hour ago, displayname.8315 said:

Right?  A group of 30+ hiding from some EB roamers and thinking they are "special mag".  Why even be in a guild at that point what trash lolol.

"Some" EB roamers?  How many exactly is "some" to you?

Edited by Chaba.5410
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On 2/1/2022 at 2:42 PM, Ubi.4136 said:

People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.  Occasionally, bored comps will try and fend off another one, but usually say "I can't get on the map with all of my blob" so they don't bother to defend.  Which is good, I guess, cause Anet has shown they don't really want people defending anyway.

Its not balanced, , nothing is....but there should be mechanics to improve a balanced means. Problem is there is only poor mechanics for balance. Poor spread of gameplay elements and objectives outside zerg play.

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1 hour ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Its not balanced, , nothing is....but there should be mechanics to improve a balanced means. Problem is there is only poor mechanics for balance. Poor spread of gameplay elements and objectives outside zerg play.


I may be making the wrong call here, but the reason I am looking for end of week rewards is to help balance zerg play versus havoc/solo. Its also why I think PPK should aid more in personal reward but PPT should reward the server. The side that should win shouldn't be the side with more, but the more efficient side that does the best with what they have. Zerg play should pay the players but the side that spreads out and holds more should win the week and get paid. Risk versus reward. Now the counter argument here is stacking, but if the Alliance system address this then it comes down to organization. Coming at this from a roamer/havoc I am still good with giving this extra incentive to win because those that organize better and spread out and are effective should take home the prize for winning in the end. Again say this even as a roamer/havoc player versus and organized or large guild player. Pay people for their performance as the go, but target the server rewards for the server effectiveness. Did they take and hold. Just my 2 cents....

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


I may be making the wrong call here, but the reason I am looking for end of week rewards is to help balance zerg play versus havoc/solo. Its also why I think PPK should aid more in personal reward but PPT should reward the server. The side that should win shouldn't be the side with more, but the more efficient side that does the best with what they have. Zerg play should pay the players but the side that spreads out and holds more should win the week and get paid. Risk versus reward. Now the counter argument here is stacking, but if the Alliance system address this then it comes down to organization. Coming at this from a roamer/havoc I am still good with giving this extra incentive to win because those that organize better and spread out and are effective should take home the prize for winning in the end. Again say this even as a roamer/havoc player versus and organized or large guild player. Pay people for their performance as the go, but target the server rewards for the server effectiveness. Did they take and hold. Just my 2 cents....

We've been through this so many times.

You cannot "get paid" for winning the week because all that lead to is 2/3rds the player base having kitten rewards relative to winners and 1/3rd being stacked just to win.

What we have today in the mostly passive reward system is the reason WvW survives as a 24/7/365 constant war mode. At least its not burning out due to reward chasing (like we saw with the tournaments). 

Btw, PPK helping personal reward... last time I checked zergs got alot more kills than the average roamer in an evening. Like, *ALOT*. I'm not sure you intended to make everyone zerg for rewards and kitten over roamers/havocs but that would be the result (well, even more than now).

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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On 2/8/2022 at 1:04 AM, Zikory.6871 said:

Nah, no one wants to deal with the obnoxiousness of Mag on ebg. Its less impressive when you realize nothing is contested...

Why not?

we on nsp we used to have fun againt mag, but i guess that is the past then... (btw we are on this match, thing is most nsp crew actually abandoned the gameover time there just some few try harders nowadays).

And relly on DB for something.. i dont need to explain :)

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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I'd say this is an example of poor time zone distribution and inevitable inertia. 

I think in matchups like these players log on and see their side has nothing in EBG and...go play elsewhere (PvE or whatever). It's actually counter productive for Mag, or any other server, to full cap EBG and then spawn camp because it results in fewer really fights as all they can do is kill disorganized pugs at spawn. 

Now, I will say that I was able to break out of their spawn camp this week. There were a few covering the side exits but it mostly was workable. Once I got to the rest of the map it was dead. Even when I saw people they just ran past on their way back to the spawn camps. 

So I did the only logical thing. I kept SMC contested for over an hour (literally no one tried to stop me). Another person did the same for their keep. And, naturally, our team finally started to make progress on taking our side of the map again. 


If anything is "a problem" with EBG it is how SMC helps to promote spawn camping in certain niche situations. It's a smaller map and the extra waypoint really helps encourage that kind of behavior when a death isn't such a big deal for the spawn campers. It's easy to contest SMC but not when 90% of average players can't make it out of spawn. 

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If your getting hit by 50 ppl there no balancing that can fix that, the maps them self where not made in mind with glinding and mounts so the maps CANT be balanced any longer.

What anet can do is balance the classes to fit in wvw better. To only have one class giving out stab support in a real way is NOT balanced. To have perma effects of any type is NOT balanced. To have classes not part of the content of boon strips is NOT balanced. To have classes unable to be part in siege content due to ranged of attks is NOT balanced.

There a lot wrong with wvw balancing right now but the truly unforgivable part is the lack of real updates for classes that are missing effect and there by left out of content of wvw.

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On 2/8/2022 at 12:28 AM, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

I see we might be in the same match up this week! Can't even flip camps anymore, lol. I have similar screenshots from Saturday evening and Monday afternoon. I took this Monday evening. The strangest part is my server is "Full" xD


This looks like your fighting Mag which is fair. You can't win vs mag in EB with small Roaming groups...you just can't they will just run you over.  You can beat the mag cloud on EB if you get a guild group on map and forms up a proper zerg, but even then, fighting that cloud under a thousand pieces of defensive siege is annoying.

But let me ask you,  you do know there are 3 other maps you could go to right.   Mag has EB covered for sure but thats all they do. In every match they queue that map and barely even care about the others.  go have your fun on the other 3 BL's and let the mag cloud do a circle kitten with themselves in their EB.  

Edited by BloodRavenz.6084
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Fear not lowly scrubs, for the Holy Restructuring System will save us all...  The hour of our Keep Lord is at hand! 


Seriously though, we had hints in the beta that this problem will persist even after it's implementation. A better solution could be dynamic handicapping, but Anet are dead set against it, sadly. 

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