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I'm tired of 2 years necro meta


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EoD is behind the corner, everyone is complaining how poorly designed are the new specs, some look and can be very fun, like specter, but they don't bring anything new to the table, they have zero role identity and they will be outclassed by the current builds without contest.

I'm totally okay for expansion specs not be exactly a powercreep of core ones, but a variation, but the kitten that core necros bring in every match it's just stupid.

It's too easy to play, too little effort with too high reward, spammy playstyle, hybrid damage, tankiness, range pressure, area denial,mobility as well (saying necro is the worse mobility profession is old and doesn't apply anymore), filling multiple roles without drawbacks, hard and strong CCs attached to unblockable skills.


I'm okay with reaper if they nerf that kitten licht elite.

I'm so tired of playing this garbage meta with double necro every single match.

Gut it to the kittening ground, every profession had meta shifts, now it's time for necro hoping it never returns.

Edited by grx.8714
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Honestly, a lot of people are frustrated with the meta... but " Gut it to the kittening ground " is how we got here in the first place.


You know...you would think that, given the popularity of Attack on Titan...people would understand by now the cyclical behavior of human...uhh hatred i guess you could say. Or understand Just a bit more how in tuned Isayama is with his relationship to Eastern culture and philosophy.


Like...the main theme of the show right...is that its all just one big circle of people killing each other in an eternal cycle because of well... no real reason..."because you killed my parents..." "because you enslaved our race for 100 years..." "because you are devils and monsters..." because because because...because everyone's got to be drunk off something.


So is it really so difficult to see...that this is the same situation here...of nerfing this, nerfing that, nerfing this and nerfing that...is what literally got us here in the first place...and your solution is to nerf it some more?... can't you see this is not the right solution? That it just continues on and on until the world is a flat wasteland?


It's Sunday if you are wondering why I even brought it up here...but it just seems so obvious to me. I can't be the only one that feels that these kinds of posts are people just behaving like one of the pawns in that show...you got your reason to hate the other guy so you are willing to sack the world to keep what you love....and likewise someone else has a reason to hate you and sack you to keep what they love.


What will it take to realize that what (nerfs) are doing is just destroying the game? Causing more frustration?

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In my theory crafting brain, I'm already expecting some new EoD specs to upset the meta. 

Catalyst is actually a stronger than people think, but I would not bother running hammer unless side noding. 

Vindicator is quite good with the right set ups. I would not sleep on scavenger burst. Might, fury, quickness, and a small amount of endurance and burning with a low energy cost (20 energy is very low by rev standards). Now that you can use this without being forced to flip over expect to see revs making good use of this skill. 

Mechanist is definately going to be strong... up until the part that people whine about the mech and/or boon uptime and Anet nerfs it into the ground like they did with turrets, but definitely enjoy that while it lasts. 

Can't say about the other specs since I didn't spend as much time with them, but I did hear of someone playing a valk untamed build and melting face with maul + tail swipe. Turns out being able to control when the drake does the swipe and having a way to port it onto the target is very strong. 

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12 hours ago, Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

Good way to balance core necro and reaper is to reduce their life force pools by 50% to look balanced to harbinger's blight effect, otherwise core and reaper will be ultimately dominant and superior. 

Rather than reducing the Life Force pool, Core and Reaper Shroud should simply not double as health pools, just like Harmbinger Shroud doesn't work as an extension to the health pool.

Blight should stay exclusive to Harmbinger though.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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9 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

In my theory crafting brain, I'm already expecting some new EoD specs to upset the meta. 

Catalyst is actually a stronger than people think, but I would not bother running hammer unless side noding. 

Vindicator is quite good with the right set ups. I would not sleep on scavenger burst. Might, fury, quickness, and a small amount of endurance and burning with a low energy cost (20 energy is very low by rev standards). Now that you can use this without being forced to flip over expect to see revs making good use of this skill. 

Mechanist is definately going to be strong... up until the part that people whine about the mech and/or boon uptime and Anet nerfs it into the ground like they did with turrets, but definitely enjoy that while it lasts. 

Can't say about the other specs since I didn't spend as much time with them, but I did hear of someone playing a valk untamed build and melting face with maul + tail swipe. Turns out being able to control when the drake does the swipe and having a way to port it onto the target is very strong. 

I've got my fingers crossed for a support-y roamer in specter. It may not give boons and be a little weird in a teamfight, but having decent damage, mobility, and raw healing will be interesting. A chunky AoE heal/barrier may be able to mitigate the lack of boons such as stab. Meta? Probs not, but I'm gonna do it anyway.


4 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Rather than reducing the Life Force pool, Core and Reaper Shroud should simply not double as health pools, just like Harmbinger Shroud doesn't work as an extension to the health pool.

Blight should stay exclusive to Harmbinger though.

Removing necro's core defensive mechanic with no compensation is ludicrous.

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10 minutes ago, Curennos.9307 said:

Removing necro's core defensive mechanic with no compensation is ludicrous.

Currently, semi-decent core Necromancers are too bulky to take down for a handful of solo-queuers (which are the vast majority of the remaining players in sPvP), so taking a hard shave at its survivability is justified.

The least they ought to do is split the  damage Necromancers receive between Shroud and actual health, instead of letting Necromancers simply remove 50% of it from the game.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Currently, semi-decent core Necromancers are too bulky to take down for a handful of solo-queuers (which are the vast majority of the remaining players in sPvP), so taking a hard shave at its survivability is justified.

The least they ought to do is split the  damage Necromancers receive between Shroud and actual health, instead of letting Necromancers simply remove 50% of it from the game.

No, this is 99% just a symptom of anet nerfing damage a bunch, promising to follow it up with more changes, and then failing to follow up. Everyone lost large chunks of damage both on skills and on CC abilities - once these things are returned (less than before, I imagine), then the necromancer issue will shrink significantly. 


I think a lot of people also just don't know how to kite and may be dumping their damage into shroud when they should just...run away a little bit. What's the nercro going to do? Chase you? Lol.


A decent amount of necro 'issues' also stem from outside enabling factors - boons, the amount of projectile denial in teamfights, etc. Nerfing necro before adjusting these factors is likely pointless, or at least premature. I imagine once things settle, shroud may need a miniscule nerf, if anything,

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3 hours ago, Curennos.9307 said:

No, this is 99% just a symptom of anet nerfing damage a bunch, promising to follow it up with more changes, and then failing to follow up. Everyone lost large chunks of damage both on skills and on CC abilities - once these things are returned (less than before, I imagine), then the necromancer issue will shrink significantly. 


I think a lot of people also just don't know how to kite and may be dumping their damage into shroud when they should just...run away a little bit. What's the nercro going to do? Chase you? Lol.


A decent amount of necro 'issues' also stem from outside enabling factors - boons, the amount of projectile denial in teamfights, etc. Nerfing necro before adjusting these factors is likely pointless, or at least premature. I imagine once things settle, shroud may need a miniscule nerf, if anything,

necros have 2 ports and perma swiftness, reapers leap has a very short cd, staff and axe cannot be reflected, and they have more cripple and chill than almost any other profession 

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1 hour ago, Rider.6024 said:

necros have 2 ports and perma swiftness, reapers leap has a very short cd, staff and axe cannot be reflected, and they have more cripple and chill than almost any other profession 

I'm not saying 'necromancers have literally zero mobility' or 'necromancers have zero ways to cut movement speed'. Obviously.


They have these things and they are considered the slowest class. And, even if (or in some cases when, if the nec is being baited) they do catch up, they can be out of position if their team didn't follow, etc.


While you may be factually correct here, you totally ignore HOW these things are used and where they come from. There's a reason necs don't use their kitten slow wurm cast to chase anyone, lmao, and spectral walk can't be used for it because it returns them to their starting point. Why even bring these up? I can bring 'thief has ~16k health with marauder amulet' into conversations about teamfights but it doesn't mean anything.





Edited by Curennos.9307
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Reaper Shroud is fine since they can be kited easily.


The problem with the Core Necro Shroud is the 50% damage resistance. Instead of absorbing damage entirely Core Necro Shroud should only absorb the damage it protects against, leaving half of the damage to go through to the Necro's Vitality pool instead of their Life Force pool


In exchange you could allow Necro to receive 50% heals from allies in Shroud, instead of none.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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It's quite funny to me in all honesty, history has repeated itself lol

I was a Necro main back in Gw1 and oh boy did Necros get so much hate in the early days.
People hated Necros and considered them a garbage profession that was good for nothing.

Few years later, Necros were praised as one of the best classes in the game xD

Gw2 had more or less the same experience.
People didn't like Necros much in the early days, considered them selfish, weak and good for nothing.

Now Necros are recognised as one of the best classes in the game, and Scourge is just flat out broken in raids and stuff lol

I like irony, it's fun ^^

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On 2/13/2022 at 11:03 PM, grx.8714 said:

they will be outclassed by the current builds without contest.


Harbinger will wreck scourge and probably reaper.

Vindicator most likely will wreck every revenant build.

Once Untamed drops you'll never see a core ranger again.

Personally I didn't play it, but I've seen lots of people complaining about Mechanist being OP.

And since elementalist players metric about their class is "downstate meta" I wouldn't believe all that talk about Catalyst being useless.

And prepare to see a competent Thief teamfighter.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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