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Race or Relax?

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Normally I’d take many weeks to go through it like I did with hot and PoF. This time I am restricting my time due new life balances so I may blitz it so I can get back to my other hobbies and projects

They won’t empty for many months if not years so it’s no biggie if people take it slow. I suspect the avoidance of spoilers will be the only concern

Edited by Randulf.7614
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I'm going to take it slow, I'd have to make a concious effort to rush through a game and I think that would make it even less enjoyable. I'm very interested in the story but I'm fully expecting to get completely side-tracked as soon as I get into the first new map, and repeatedly after that. But that's a lot of the fun of games for me, being able to just wander around and see what happens without any of the things which make it impractical (or boring) to do that in real life.

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Relax, because that's apparently my default way of playing games. No matter how eager I am to see the story, to try out new things...I will inevitably fall back on leisurely strolling through whatever experiences come my way.

Case in point: it's taken me four years to get through GW2's story so far - and I'm still somewhere in LWS4. 😂 I keep getting distracted. At this rate, I'll end up finishing EoD's story in 2025.

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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

The way anet said we had to finish the story arcs to unlock the strikes so yes you do.

4 strikes and 4 maps so seems kinda like a no brainer.

Finishing a story isn't "rushing the expansion content", for a lot of people it's the first thing they do with anything new released in pve anyways.

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Finishing a story isn't "rushing the expansion content", for a lot of people it's the first thing they do with anything new released in pve anyways.

How is it not rushing you will rush through the maps to finish said story.

It is not like living world where you get 1 map each 3 months.

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

How is it not rushing you will rush through the maps to finish said story.

It is not like living world where you get 1 map each 3 months.

When you follow the story, it usually guides you through some parts of the map, it doesn't in any way require you to rush through the whole content those maps provide. I usually start with the story and treat it as an introduction to/around the new maps for the expansions/lw seasons. By far completing the story isn't even close to being anywhere near done with the content or the equivalent of rushing it. Honestly, I don't know what you're going at here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take it slow.  On launch day a lot is happening for me, so I won't be able to go far.  But, I do have a battle strategy

  1. Unlock the new elite specs.  This should be easy, since I have 400 hero points on each of my toons.
  2. Do auto attack tests and simple rotation tests on the raid golem with the new specs.
  3. Do the same on the old specs to compare the baseline damage output.
  4. Report my findings on the forums in an awkward manner.

I did a bunch of tests like this in the past, largely to win an argument, but it ended up helping plenty of people out with how they played the game.  I'm going to do the same with these new specs, but without a particular goal in mind.  My only apprehension with all this is that, since spirits and banners are being changed, the numbers will only stay completely accurate for 6 months.  The numbers will stay relevant in relative proportion, in spite of not being true anymore.  

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24 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

When you follow the story, it usually guides you through some parts of the map, it doesn't in any way require you to rush through the whole content those maps provide. I usually start with the story and treat it as an introduction to/around the new maps for the expansions/lw seasons. By far completing the story isn't even close to being anywhere near done with the content or the equivalent of rushing it. Honestly, I don't know what you're going at here.

Yes exactly you are not rushing through the content you are infact not even doing the content.

You are rushing through the small parts the story takes you to to finish said story.

That in my mind is rushing through map inspite of all the content get to the end and then complain there is to little new content, like the content locust do as an example.

And sadly that is what Anet is encouraging some people to do when locking the strikes behind story steps.

Relaxing would be exploring the maps fully while doing the story.


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9 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes exactly you are not rushing through the content you are infact not even doing the content.

Cool, re-read OP now. I'm so confused about your responses to me here.

9 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

That in my mind is rushing through map inspite of all the content get to the end and then complain there is to little new content, like the content locust do as an example.

This is trying to suggest that people go through the story and are immediately done with the expansion/lw when they finish the story. This is really far from being factual. If someone does that, they're in absolute minority and most probably aren't doing it for strikes anyways, but instead just to see the story and hop to another game. This doesn't seem to have a lot to do with what this thread or my response were aiming at. Finishing a story isn't "rushing content". I hope we can move on from this now.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Definitely relax, story in this game is not my cup of tea so I will just do a bit of it every so often. I will just unlock the specs with the WvW scrolls continue on roaming trying to find new builds. This is the main reason I think I will buy it at the end at the end. I’m hoping tsome of the new specs will give some space to work with. Notably I just want to roll with my thief wielding a scepter lol.

Edited by Mik.3401
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58 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Cool, re-read OP now. I'm so confused about your responses to me here.

This is trying to suggest that people go through the story and are immediately done with the expansion/lw when they finish the story. This is really far from being factual. If someone does that, they're in absolute minority and most probably aren't doing it for strikes anyways, but instead just to see the story and hop to another game. This doesn't seem to have a lot to do with what this thread or my response were aiming at. Finishing a story isn't "rushing content". I hope we can move on from this now.

I admit,  I stumbled alot in or conversation chain.

Maps are content sure but story is content too.

To unlock other content you can do daily aka strikes you have to rush past content the maps to finish story content. ( you dident have to do anything to unlock the 5 man content fractals as an example)

So yes to open strikes you have to rush past content as well as through content.

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