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Scrapper Impact Savant 15% to 5% nerf


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  • Hpez.2908 changed the title to Scrapper Impact Savant 15% to 5% nerf


  • Flamethrower—Napalm: Burn duration applied per pulse decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.


  • Impact Savant: The percentage of strike damage dealt that converts to barrier on yourself has been reduced to 5% in PvE only.


These changes feel so unnecessary. Nerfing napalm... why? It's not like napalm is broken, and I rarely even see any Condi engis/holos these days. Scrapper definitely felt beefy with Impact Savant, but was it so broken that it needed to be nerfed down to 5%? I am so tired of these arbitrary balance changes that seem to be only implemented for the sake of change and not to address the actual balance issues that Engineers have.  

Edited by ejax.5170
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Impact Savant was necessary for the scrapper playstyle and one of its core mechanics . You need to be constantly hitting and rushing to keep barrier up because the class is squishy without it. You still get demolished quite fast from hard hitting enemies because you can't face tank them and while evading, you don't generate barrier. Barrier only lasts for a few seconds too.. so yeah. This nerf was just random and suddenly reducing it to 1/3 is no joke.

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The Scrapper nerf is very disappointing. Maybe to make Mechanist look more desirable? I dunno. It was already desirable. I hope this is a typo. It makes Scrapper very squishy. I can see some potential value in a raid environment, but this hurts the 90% for the 10%'s sake.

Engineer didn't need nerfs to builds that work, it needed some buffs to things that don't. Make the rifle a useful weapon! Bomb kit autoattack shouldn't be twice as much damage as a full rotation with the rifle.

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1 hour ago, ejax.5170 said:


  • Flamethrower—Napalm: Burn duration applied per pulse decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.


  • Impact Savant: The percentage of strike damage dealt that converts to barrier on yourself has been reduced to 5% in PvE only.


These changes feel so unnecessary. Nerfing napalm... why? It's not like napalm is broken, and I rarely even see any Condi engis/holos these days. Scrapper definitely felt beefy with Impact Savant, but was it so broken that it needed to be nerfed down to 5%? I am so tired of these arbitrary balance changes that seem to be only implemented for the sake of change and not to address the actual balance issues that Engineers have.  

Napalm was the first thing I read. First I thought they buffed it since you know... its just a small field. Why nerf it? Scourge and firebrand are still the same in single target, why nerf something which is never really played anyway?

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Yep Scrapper has been gutted with this nerf.  All in an effort to make the new elite specs look better.  GG anet.

Was hyped for EoD and this nerf is so meh it has left me less than impressed.  Killing what little sustain this build had to almost nothing.  What is the point of a hammer if you can no longer stay in range to use it?  Switch to rifle?  Sure uh huh....  There is always the mortar that makes for exciting gameplay.

GG anet.  Take that how you want it.

Edited by Sticky.2653
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With this nerf, i literally will never touch Scrapper.  What is the point?  Without barrier conversion, the spec is super squishy for no reason...


Not sure flamethrower condi needed a nerf.  I already deal less condi damage than my fresh to 80 weaver.  

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I remember when they changed Scrapper...

07/16/2019—July 16 Release Notes
Scrappers are seeing a comprehensive rework in this update... These changes aim to refocus the scrapper as a tank-like character that utilizes personal barrier applications to stay in a fight. The reworked Impact Savant trait links barrier with dealing damage, making the scrapper a durable combatant as long as they can keep dishing out damage. 

It took me a while to accept, adapt, and learn the new way to play the Scrapper. And then they just throw it away. It would be one thing if they decided on another rework and added buffs in other areas to replace the barrier nerf but nope.

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I just spent some time on my Scrapper and it's worse than I expected. Not sure if it's bugged but barrier is near non-existent. In my humble opinion, the whole point of this so-called tank playstyle is dead. I've been playing MMOs long enough to understand these things happen. It makes me sad but I'll just find another class to play.

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26 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

I just spent some time on my Scrapper and it's worse than I expected. Not sure if it's bugged but barrier is near non-existent. In my humble opinion, the whole point of this so-called tank playstyle is dead. I've been playing MMOs long enough to understand these things happen. It makes me sad but I'll just find another class to play.

Sad. I'm in the same boat as you. Really liking the keep on hammering the enemy to stay alive style and then this nerf drops. If barrier generated is permanent then 5% would be acceptable, but nope, barrier only lasts for 5 seconds anyway. If you need to avoid some mechanic, it's really hard to get a respectable amount with just 5% now.

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Anet Can you buff it to 10% at last? 5% is tot harash and destroy whole concept of bruiser that did less dmg for having good sustain

with only 5% the -180 vitality is not even worth it anymore and scraper became to squishy now

Can't even survive medium pulsing arena on trening golem


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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2 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I guess Anet really wants us to us Bulwark Gyro...

Anet really wants you to drop scrapper and play mechanist. Unfortunately, mechanist is flawed as hell, so they had to make extra sure that scrapper is hot garbage so you try out the new spec.

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So napalm nerf to nerf core condi, and power scrapper nerf (with similar changes across classes)?

All just casually dropped in without official motivation afaik?


This smells the same as that mystic coin change (i say as someone not playing much cm). It's bad faith changes to push people into buying an expansion which feels like they lack confidence in. 


It is funny to have gone:


-"Of course i will prepurchase a gw2 expansion set in cantha."

-"Okay this reveal seems pretty lacklustre, let's hold the purchase until they have had a chance to reveal everything."

-"Best wait until launch."

-"Let it be out for a month or two to get things in order."


And now:

-"Maybe sometime."


Of course we shouldn't be prepurchasing stuff in the first place, but it used to be that the gw franchise was my weak spot. Glad i didn't purchase this. The more revealed the worse it got.

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I couldn't believe it when I saw it in the patch note like wth.... -180 vitality and now only 5% damage being converted to barrier (which only last few seconds). I don't even see that many scrappers in PvE, with this change I think I will see even fewer of them.


Mechanist... is kinda meh to me (for now), losing the whole tool belt for a stupid mech that randomly stuck somewhere 😐 even died unexpectedly (bug?) when I was gliding from one place to another

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