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Initial impressions of EoD

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4 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Question for people who have played EOD outside of the story.
I myself do not own EOD yet, but I know through a friend that the art team has once again done a masterful job.
But I don't want to pay 30€ or more just for beautiful graphics and details.

Therefore, my question, how is the replay value of the maps?
More like POF, meh? More like HOT, yeih? Or more like IBS, good but super looooong?

Far too early to say. Shing Jea is designed as a relaxing map. The rest most people won’t have reached yet, although you can go to Kaineng early if you choose. Give it a week or so and then people can answer.

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2 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Question for people who have played EOD outside of the story.
I myself do not own EOD yet, but I know through a friend that the art team has once again done a masterful job.
But I don't want to pay 30€ or more just for beautiful graphics and details.

Therefore, my question, how is the replay value of the maps?
More like POF, meh? More like HOT, yeih? Or more like IBS, good but super looooong?

Is day one lol nobody can actually give a honest answear to those questions

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Well, well, well... Being back in Shin Jea after a hundred and more years you can still feel the air of Mhenlo and Master Togo breathing through the old monastery. It really fealt heartwarming to be back and I was so sorry to hear that today the monastery only breeds bureaucrats. There are many kind nudges to the old GW game and I am really looking to exploring all those easter eggs they allegedly planted. Chapeau ArenaNet!

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Honestly I find this xpact to be very underwhelming. Everything is 1980's random Asian flavour architecture which I've already seen in other MMO's, so nothing sticks out as unique. HoT is still the most visually stunning and technical feat of MMO's, I don't think they can top it. Everything so far is very much.. Human stuff, bad guys, blah blah fill hearts, follow story, get things. Eh. I'm only interested in the strikes and raids; everything else is very much the same. Icebrood was far more engaging to me.

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Looking good so far.
Little question, it is just me or do you all also feel like every trash mob have way more health than other expansion ? Some fight take a while, not very fun after few, I mean hard fight with danger are fine, but long fight with 0 danger is just lame.

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1 hour ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Question for people who have played EOD outside of the story.
I myself do not own EOD yet, but I know through a friend that the art team has once again done a masterful job.
But I don't want to pay 30€ or more just for beautiful graphics and details.

Therefore, my question, how is the replay value of the maps?
More like POF, meh? More like HOT, yeih? Or more like IBS, good but super looooong?

Very balanced, its seems their learned their mistakes.

Theres times metas(one big mistake of POF launch, is theres no timed metas).


but if don't like HOT, POF, IBS, whatever u like so? core Tyria?

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Right now I've just reached the Echovald Wilds. No idea on how long the story is, but I'm already 10 Chapters in (Prologue to Chapter 9) but I've only just started Act 3 according to the achievements tab, so this story seems to be going strong in terms of length compared to HoTs and PoF.  

This is only me focusing the story right now so I've not properly done the map metas and explored everywhere, but I've genuinely enjoyed my time so far. Gonna be interesting to see the rest of it once I've actually finished the story.


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22 minutes ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Very balanced, its seems their learned their mistakes.

Theres times metas(one big mistake of POF launch, is theres no timed metas).


but if don't like HOT, POF, IBS, whatever u like so? core Tyria?

Where did i say i don't like any of this?

I actually just prefer HOT, because of its replayability the most, this is why i ask. Because at the moment i can't afford EOD so easily, because of moving-issues so i just want to know if it's worth buying for me, or if i wait ^^.

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How nice to have flight right away in the new zones. Unlike other MMOs. And lots of free HP and MPs all over the place. And I stumbled on a portal to NKCity in the ocean to the NE of the SJ Island.  So I'm rock'n a roll'n after one story part - wild and crazy, but fun - and got my skiff. Never crashed. Only saw one glitch where a raptor showed for a Rescue Target for the skiff heart.

10 Thumbs Up.

Edited by windyweather.1238
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1 hour ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Where did i say i don't like any of this?

I actually just prefer HOT, because of its replayability the most, this is why i ask. Because at the moment i can't afford EOD so easily, because of moving-issues so i just want to know if it's worth buying for me, or if i wait ^^.

HoT is grindable u mean,

well i was there when AB run give tons of gold, 

EoD is a mix of HoT/Pof.


i didnt have enough to analisy economy, wheres replaybility lies, apparentely the map currencies seems balanced.

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That first story quest jump ability was so bugged it was hilarious. Hey Aurene, you need to work on your trajectory, I clicked to land there, not spin around on the spot and fall off! 


Disappointed that its the 2 blandest characters so far with us, Majory and Kas are super boring. Hopefully Gorrik gets more limelight then them. Not sure why they picked the worst members of Dragons Watch for the expac 

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I'm really enjoying it. Feels like they gave the difficulty a bit of a nudge upwards which is welcome. Just finished chapter 4 and thought it was one of the better fights i've seen in the game, so really looking forward to what follows. Playing willbender and everything feels much, much smoother from beta, they really turned the animations and feel of that class around. Its been a good launch, fair play to all the devs.

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I had fun with it this morning. Will go back after lunch.  It is a lovely area, looks better than I expected. 

So far I am enjoying the starter area, I have not progressed beyond it yet.  The 'training' was easy - even for a button mashing casual player like me.  I was sad to see fishing got turned into a mini-game.  I love fishing in other games (particularly Ultima Online).  I do not want to  use any skill buttons while fishing, that takes all the relaxation out of it. Oh well... such is life. 

I have not gotten to the skiffs yet, and so far my ranger has not found any new pets, but as I said I am still in the first area. 

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I just hope they don't turn the last remaining Elder Dragon into something generic with a copy-paste design and no personality but into some evil scheming monster that's been lurking in the depths of the ocean.

Would be a shame if they did that after all these years of hinting at the horrors and the mysteries of the deep sea... 

Can anyone imagine the dragon of the depths not having any character depth? I sure can't. kitten, IM HYPED.

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4 hours ago, Aznarb.6347 said:

Looking good so far.
Little question, it is just me or do you all also feel like every trash mob have way more health than other expansion ? Some fight take a while, not very fun after few, I mean hard fight with danger are fine, but long fight with 0 danger is just lame.

Havent notice that to be honest, I am playing some non optimal power Willbender build, but stuff still melts kind of fast, but I cant say for sure, its been almost 2 years since I last played the game...what kind of build you playing?

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Seitung province seems to have been designed to be a dead map after launch.   They talked alot about how they learned from PoF maps being dead after launch, but it seems like they completely forgot about it when they made Seitung province.   

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Extremely early first impressions for me after an hour or two spent playing on the first map:

Fishing:  Hated fishing in WoW.  So boring I couldn't stand it.  Your implementation of it is simple, but at least it has some sort of gameplay to it.  Will the novelty wear off?  Most likely.  But as far as fishing in MMOs go, this is an improvement for me.

Aesthetic:  I don't know what it is.  When I saw the previews I wasn't impressed.  Maybe it's just that I'm excited and this is all new, but the first map is just lovely.  I can't wait to see more!

Music: Okay, really loving this aspect of the first map.  The music is beautiful!  What more can I say? 🤩

Events: I guess it can't all be good news, can it?  I don't get it, guys.  You hit pure open world gold when you designed HoT with brilliant story integration and chain events with UI elements to guide players through and help them feel connected.  Then you threw it out the window with PoF.  So, imagine my surprise when I reach the first map of Cantha and it's...PoF all over again.  Just...why?  Seriously, SERIOUSLY hoping some of the other maps bring back that HoT magic.  Major disappointment here at first glance. 😞 

Underwater Combat:  It's a cool idea and always has been, but you guys really should have restrained your urge to push this.  Why?  Because you never finished it!  Too many skills don't work underwater and I really feel it's a straight slap in the face as an elementalist player that we have only 1 weapon to choose from and it's power-based.  Could you have at least taken a moment to update the single weapon we have to apply conditions for condi builds?  Just dumb.  Please fix.

To sum up my very early first impressions.  I think you've created a beautiful map here.  It's a crying shame that it looks so much like the missed opportunity the PoF maps were.  Really hoping the other maps are better.

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7 hours ago, piitb.7635 said:



Everyone is entitled their opinion but you're really complaining about not being able to dodge simple area attack in an area that is a throwback to the original Guild Wars?


I mean there is really no words.

You can literally sidestep for the most part xD

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3 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

That first story quest jump ability was so bugged it was hilarious. Hey Aurene, you need to work on your trajectory, I clicked to land there, not spin around on the spot and fall off! 


Disappointed that its the 2 blandest characters so far with us, Majory and Kas are super boring. Hopefully Gorrik gets more limelight then them. Not sure why they picked the worst members of Dragons Watch for the expac 

Ahmm...Cantha was for the last about 200 years an area exclusive for humans...just by looking at Jory you can see she has Canthan ancestry and Kas is another human that works close to Queen Jennah...it was expected that Kas and Jory would be the ones connecting Kryta to Cantha...specially given they are the only humans in Dragon's Watch.

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49 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Extremely early first impressions for me after an hour or two spent playing on the first map:

Fishing:  Hated fishing in WoW.  So boring I couldn't stand it.  Your implementation of it is simple, but at least it has some sort of gameplay to it.  Will the novelty wear off?  Most likely.  But as far as fishing in MMOs go, this is an improvement for me.

Aesthetic:  I don't know what it is.  When I saw the previews I wasn't impressed.  Maybe it's just that I'm excited and this is all new, but the first map is just lovely.  I can't wait to see more!

Music: Okay, really loving this aspect of the first map.  The music is beautiful!  What more can I say? 🤩

Events: I guess it can't all be good news, can it?  I don't get it, guys.  You hit pure open world gold when you designed HoT with brilliant story integration and chain events with UI elements to guide players through and help them feel connected.  Then you threw it out the window with PoF.  So, imagine my surprise when I reach the first map of Cantha and it's...PoF all over again.  Just...why?  Seriously, SERIOUSLY hoping some of the other maps bring back that HoT magic.  Major disappointment here at first glance. 😞 

Underwater Combat:  It's a cool idea and always has been, but you guys really should have restrained your urge to push this.  Why?  Because you never finished it!  Too many skills don't work underwater and I really feel it's a straight slap in the face as an elementalist player that we have only 1 weapon to choose from and it's power-based.  Could you have at least taken a moment to update the single weapon we have to apply conditions for condi builds?  Just dumb.  Please fix.

To sum up my very early first impressions.  I think you've created a beautiful map here.  It's a crying shame that it looks so much like the missed opportunity the PoF maps were.  Really hoping the other maps are better.

True that on the events, honestly they hit a gold mine with HoT maps and how each was designed. Maybe they figure it was all too rewarding? I mean unless they nerf Drizzlewood coast, are we stuck there now for the foreseeable future? 

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Already have seen both race and profession specific dialogue, I like this very very much. 

The maps are a huge nostalgia trip and I'm loving it.


How is underwater Mechanist not fixed? This is exceptionally bad and a blight on an otherwise excellent experience. Shocked this wasn't made a priority.

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