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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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Take siege turtle riders on her platform and stay alive and stay ranged. keep ammo up and nuke her during siege phases, also works on bubbles and whirlpools.

always kill her tail to remove her armor buff (in blue) as it reduced incoming damage

CC her during spear phase (blue swirly around platform)

get 10% buff as it increases your damage by 20% and also get offensive / defensive buffs


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Is it just me or does it seem like a large group of players on the forum just want face roll content.  There's more enjoyment in having a new mount if it was not easily obtained imo. And the DE meta is not even that difficult. Just needs for time

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12 minutes ago, Kromie.8930 said:

Is it just me or does it seem like a large group of players on the forum just want face roll content.  There's more enjoyment in having a new mount if it was not easily obtained imo. And the DE meta is not even that difficult. Just needs for time

There is less enjoyment in having the new mount if you have pulled all your hair out for 5 days previously to earn it.
Even if you yourself have done PERFECTLY.

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18 minutes ago, Kromie.8930 said:

Is it just me or does it seem like a large group of players on the forum just want face roll content.  There's more enjoyment in having a new mount if it was not easily obtained imo. And the DE meta is not even that difficult. Just needs for time


It would not be that difficult if it was an instance and a well organized group like in a raid. but this is open world content and organizing people who are casual, might not be doing the meta but doing story/map completion and some do not even speak English to understand what the Comm is asking of them, and that the final encounter is semi luck based due to RNG.

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They locked the turtle behind the meta because they knew from the start that meta would be unpopular and only a very small fraction of the playerbase would bother doing it. So they decided to force the content down everyone's throat. It seems to be backfiring on them. I have warned my gaming circle to not buy the expansion and those who pre-purchased should ask for a refund while they still can. We are instead waiting to see what Arenanet does. If the event doesn't get significantly nerfed or they don't implement an alternative method of obtaining the turtle then we will stay away. It's not just about the turtle itself but rather the message the company is sending to its customers which currently seems to be "My way or the highway, buddy." and we're too old to bother with that. Life is short and there are more options for entertainment than ever. 

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6 hours ago, Kromie.8930 said:

Is it just me or does it seem like a large group of players on the forum just want face roll content.  There's more enjoyment in having a new mount if it was not easily obtained imo. And the DE meta is not even that difficult. Just needs for time

Sounds like you haven't actually done the meta if you think the issue is "it just needs time". 

This meta doesn't need more time, it needs a consistent pattern that people actually need to learn. RNG attacks on an AI =/= difficulty. When you actually have a consistent AI pattern, this Meta can be done more consistently even with the time allotted. At that point if people fail, then it's on them. 

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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10 hours ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

Seems like they're looking at balancing it so that eventually it'll be done everyday like Chak Gerent.   Chak Gerent didn't end the game, so I don't see why everyone is up in arms about this.

They have a history of having poorly balanced metas on release, but all those eventually got balanced and there's nobody complaining about the difficulty now.

chack gerent wast requirment for nothing in HoT, except few AP points. basically only completionists cared about.

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Up until now I was a defender of the current situation, but I just completed another fail with an extremely well coordinated and prepared pug.  It appeared to have failed simply due to a couple people just not fully paying attention (missing a breakbar by a few %, a few too many folks getting smashed at once).  That's forgivable honestly, because barely anything is predictable in this fight!

The tolerance on this fight is too much.  It's asking too much.  When you manage to get the whole map fully prepared with most of the buffs, full buffs and legion stations aplenty, commanders doing callouts, that should be a guarantee that you're going to clear the fight.  You're doing everything that the map suggests you should do.  Anything else is just not giving people their due diligence.  It's insulting their time.  It's 2 hours of people getting in the correct headspace, and the fight just says "no." 

The one thing I'm gathering is that the success of this encounter hinges on having voice communication.  Straight up.  I haven't done it with, but it's probably a hilarious joke with people that can accurately and swiftly communicate outside the chat window.

I'm no longer as firm a defender of this particular fight.

Edited by Borked.6824
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2 hours ago, Whine and Spirit.4359 said:

To each their own, but I doubt this is what Anet had in mind for their big finale. Hardcore and casual players seem to have fundamentally different visions of what GW2 is about, and I don't think that's necessarily a problem. The problem is how Anet wants to bridge these communities: by locking desirable casual content behind hard metas and strike missions. It's a recipe for conflict.

if that was the case, whoever came up with this idea is completely deluded or has never tried to join a group to do raids/strikes that have requirements.

Imagine the interest in 'having a bridge' of those who create the LFG selling raid or kick without batting an eye on those who don't have the right build.

I remember one time I was in a group doing Cold War strikes, the commander was kicking, without even asking, who used ranger with longbow, and then making fun of "legolas cosplayers".

I have the impression that their image from Top Raid players/organizers is based on youtubers/content creators, not the real 'community'. if they are expecting pop out lots of TeaPots with this, making videos how fun they beat "challeging content", .. well i have very bad news....

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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Tried 6 times, and all 6 failed. Not sure what goes wrong as each fight is different. 

The mechanics are fine,and everyone should know what CC is and  what skills use it, there are the training sessions in area 1 to help. The bigger attacks are mostly easy to dodge and get out off.

Though confused about the crystal phase, seems impossible to stay alive when your in the crystals, though it says they are they to protect you? 

Mostly it seems you run out of time. The fight is very random with something happening in a different way  each time it seems. 

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7 minutes ago, John.8507 said:

Tried 6 times, and all 6 failed. Not sure what goes wrong as each fight is different. 

The mechanics are fine,and everyone should know what CC is and  what skills use it, there are the training sessions in area 1 to help. The bigger attacks are mostly easy to dodge and get out off.

Though confused about the crystal phase, seems impossible to stay alive when your in the crystals, though it says they are they to protect you? 

Mostly it seems you run out of time. The fight is very random with something happening in a different way  each time it seems. 

The crystal part is when green circles show up everyone stand inside them, if younget turned into a Wisp you get pushed down to the bottom of the tower. From there you keep jumping up while hitting floating power ups that give you more jumps. When at the top you hit 3 and get your body back with a big buff.

The crytals themselves tou stand behind when soo wan does a full aoe attack so you don't insta die 

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4 minutes ago, White Knight.5970 said:

The crystal part is when green circles show up everyone stand inside them, if younget turned into a Wisp you get pushed down to the bottom of the tower. From there you keep jumping up while hitting floating power ups that give you more jumps. When at the top you hit 3 and get your body back with a big buff.

The crytals themselves tou stand behind when soo wan does a full aoe attack so you don't insta die 

Yes, I mean all the mobs inside the crystals wipe everyone out while your waiting for the count down to end, and the wave. 

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This excludes at least 75% of current builds and likely 90% of everyday PVE'rs and that's a major damned problem. This convoluted crap should have been in a raid or strike mission and sure as kitten not been tied to the Turtle. Dress it up anyway you like it was a horrid idea for Anet to do this and no video guide makes up for the shear idiocy of this meta design.

Edited by Vlad Morbius.1759
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The video (as I commented) also does not explain how to deal with the bad RNG.

With 6 and a half minute on the timer, 20% after last set of champs, over 5 minutes of tail straight only... 

Not even Teapot would've won that situation.

I stand by what someone else earlier said.

You lost Muk, you lost the game, you failed. PERIOD!

There can be only 1 solution: the VAST mayority is between casual and tryhard... you risk loosing them if you do not correct this in a timely manner. Plain and Simple.

I started playing 4 years ago, got 11k hours in at this moment and love the game...

But now... after Dragon's End... tired... in pain... The once handicapped friendly game LITTERLY broke my hands in Dragon's End... Fun taken out of it... and so much locked behind this... RNG Joke.

Edited by Tuna Bandit.3786
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The problem with this fight doesn't lie in mechanics. They are great, they are not too hard to understand/remember and they are fun.


What ISN'T fun and is also stupid, is deciding to put all of the boss actions on an RNG roulette and let it decided which skills to use. 


HOW did Anet manage to let out a meta event in which boss can go throught the entire fight with ONE CC PHASE and like 40 PLACE SWAPS? 


I'm sorry, but WHO thought that was a good idea?


Solutions to the problem are easy:


1. Reduce the boss health by around 10% (all the runs I've been part of failed at the health being around 10%) 

2. Give players few more minutes to fight

3. REMOVE THE RNG of swap places/go cc from the boss.


You do any of those 3 things (preferably the third one) and this meta will me 10/10.

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3 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

Take siege turtle riders on her platform and stay alive and stay ranged. keep ammo up and nuke her during siege phases, also works on bubbles and whirlpools.

always kill her tail to remove her armor buff (in blue) as it reduced incoming damage

CC her during spear phase (blue swirly around platform)

get 10% buff as it increases your damage by 20% and also get offensive / defensive buffs


But see that doesn't make sense to have a mount that is instrumental in the fight locked behind winning the fight.

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