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Is the turtle really worth the "grind"?


I know that the expansion was supposed to give you access to the turtle and some of you out there had this mount in your mind when you bought this expansion. Sure, it's not like you've bought the expansion solely for the turtle, but it surely influenced your decision. Yet there is so much this expansion can offer, so don't force you into getting the turtle now, especially cause it's not necessary to have it. 


I've got the turtle 2 days ago and it's not something that I'd be using everyday. Memes? Sure, drifting with it, walking under water and covering a lot of other players screens is a good source of entertainment. But other than that? Yes, can fly for short distances, but who the hck is buying a tank to fly?


Like all the mounts in this game, the turtle has its gimmicks. Damaging mobs is meh... it's much less dps than anyone with a semi-semi-decent build would do. The gimmick lays in the SIEGE DAMAGE. That is the one that makes all the difference. It deals a kitten tone of siege damage. Rocks, gates, shields that would otherwise take no damage from normal skills, get obliterated by the turtle.... BUT, and this is a big but... those things can take a lot of damage from Remote charges as well. As of right now, I've seen siege damage being utilized only in meta events like Dragon's End, Drizzlewood, where there are gates and fortresses. On those maps, there is a tone of players doing the metas, being able to use Remote charges from the United Legions Waystations to blow 'em up. Those things are really easy to get if you have IBS unlocked. Yes, this would require you to get IBS and play IBS, but could save you the time, energy and mental sanity you would throw out the window by playing the current DE meta.


Now, some people being new and having EoD as their only expansion and not having access to IBS, I could see this as being problematic, ONLY if ANet has some plans, in which future living world seasons would need people to use things like turtle or remote charges for siege damage. BUT, as this meta has proven, there are A LOT of old players who got IBS and can buy the charges, destroy walls, rocks, w/e and proceed with the metas. There are so many people throwing bananas at the walls, that it doesn't even matter that the majority of the players don't have the turtle or can't buy bananas


You want to defeat the boss just for the sake of getting it done now? Ok, you do you. But for those of you who just want the turtle, understand that this mount is totally unnecessary right now. Please, play the game for fun and if you want the turtle, wait for better times when the meta will be more accessible. 

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Please explain to me.  Do you find any of the things list below "fun"


1) clicking to join a full map instance for hours and hours.  And still not manage to get into the map.


2) wasting hours and hours of time.  Run the meta 11 times with the best group one can find.  But still fail at last 5-15%.  Recieve no reward, no turtle.


3) doing anything and everything but still cant complete meta.  People on forum just told you get gud..



Personly i dont find any of these fun


P.s. gw2 open world have always been casual.   Do you suggest all casual player should euther go hardcore or find another game?  Turtle is not necessary.. What is?   It is a game, we are suppose to have fun..not trying needlessly to join a full instance

Edited by decease.3215
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Honest to gawd, I don't want this turtle. 

I find it really immersion breaking seeing them in core maps, the skiffs not so much, but the turtles... they block your view, kind of problematic in fights. 

If only Anet had gone for Dwarves. Everyone would be happy. Maps would be full. Chat would be spinning. Every spec would be engaged. You could see for miles. Oh well...😔

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It's up to you if it's worth the grind. Me, I'm fine with not getting it. Skipped the Skyscale too, since I tried it and like my griffie better (and I left boring grinds behind long ago). Also, I find that seeing players with a mount I don't have is actually pretty cool, and I would be totally fine with ANet making more hard(er) to get mounts.

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4 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Zero interest in the turtle itself, but I like maxing out the yellow mastery number, so I'll eventually get around to it. Hopefully by then the process will have been nerfed a bit.

Just quoted you so we have exactly equal posts ; - )

Ah crap, +1 now ; - )

Edited by Goettel.4389
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The Turtle is just a fancy toy to mess around with and dress up with expensive skins eventually. If you're someone like me who plays the game mostly as a solo individual, then the Turtle is half useless already. Only reason I want it is because it came with the expansion, and it's the final mount I need in the collection. The meta though is making me question whether it's even worth trying for right now; 7 fails and I don't really want to waste more time.

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3 hours ago, decease.3215 said:

Please explain to me.  Do you find any of the things list below "fun"


1) clicking to join a full map instance for hours and hours.  And still not manage to get into the map.


2) wasting hours and hours of time.  Run the meta 11 times with the best group one can find.  But still fail at last 5-15%.  Recieve no reward, no turtle.


3) doing anything and everything but still cant complete meta.  People on forum just told you get gud..



Personly i dont find any of these fun


P.s. gw2 open world have always been casual.   



M8, you are so mad at this meta, that you didn't even try to understand what I was saying. I am not trying to imply that the event doesn't need fixing and you should just forget about it and its rewards. On the contrary, I think the meta should be tweaked as fast as possible. But that has been discussed in many other topics and I didn't want to bring that here too. 



Do you suggest all casual player should euther go hardcore or find another game?  Turtle is not necessary.. What is?   It is a game, we are suppose to have fun..not trying needlessly to join a full instance


The turtle is necessary because you want it, not because it is necessary to play the game. I'm just saying that this expansion has so much more to offer other than one particular meta and a mount hidden behind it. This meta and its rewards are 2% from what this expansion can give you, and I'm just saying that we should enjoy the remaining 98% of it, 'cause it's pretty... "fun". Just don't put yourself through more of the pain that this meta is... and enjoy the rest of the expansion. It's hard to separate the meta and the turtle from the expansion in your mind, but please do, until the meta gets better... or a successful meta is no longer necessary for obtaining the turtle. That's all...

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1 minute ago, DarkXi.3289 said:

The turtle is necessary because you want it, not because it is necessary to play the game. I'm just saying that this expansion has so much more to offer other than one particular meta and a mount hidden behind it. This meta and its rewards are 2% from what this expansion can give you, and I'm just saying that we should enjoy the remaining 98% of it, 'cause it's pretty... "fun". Just don't put yourself through more of the pain that this meta is... and enjoy the rest of the expansion. It's hard to separate the meta and the turtle from the expansion in your mind, but please do, until the meta gets better... or a successful meta is no longer necessary for obtaining the turtle. That's all...

Makes no point doing anything in EoD until it is changed though, if only they could just hide the Turtle Mastery Line until you properly unlock it, so we can continue to earn the Spirit Shards for the Events, while this massmessfest is situated.

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4 minutes ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

Turtle is a mount only useful and good for people who play in a party. Other than that, nah. 

I mean would be useful to actually carry your newcomers friends to the end of the world while they are level 10 so you could grind the exp for them without them being demolished by a mob 50-70 levels higher. xD

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15 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

I mean would be useful to actually carry your newcomers friends to the end of the world while they are level 10 so you could grind the exp for them without them being demolished by a mob 50-70 levels higher. xD

And unmount them in a group of pocket raptors and run, lol. 

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3 minutes ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

And unmount them in a group of pocket raptors and run, lol. 

Trust me I have tried and jumped off a cliff with a friend (during the 4th BETA), they died midway through the fall.
We don't even have right to a big "KUHBRAHAM" *smh*.
The Passenge have to YEET out before we hit midway otherwise RIP.

Also I run mobility Daredevil a pack of Pocket Raptor is eating my dust! 😄

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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5 hours ago, DarkXi.3289 said:

Is the turtle really worth the "grind"?

Well, technically it's not a grind IF you have 1) CMDR who knows the mechanics and works well with others 2) VoIP/Comms 3) Know your build enough to have DPS>CC>Revs + recognize tells & can see markers + know how to dodge + know to split and tackle individual targets then return to main 4) know the mechanics of the meta, the phases, the prime targets. Then you should not have any issues and already have your turtle.


On the other hand there are still the bugs and other issues. For instance I never ONCE saw any of the memories your supposed to get when you get knocked off and turned into a sprite. So I just WP back and returned to the fray. 🤔 I wonder if that is causing a fail to happen? I wasn't the only one either My wife also had the same problem and others in our map reported the same thing.


Is it worth it? It can be it helps with the meta, It's fun and it's part of what I paid for. It appears to be a main selling point too according to marketing art. So it must be worth something!


But no for us it's not worth getting, it has been the single most disappointing problem with the release. especially since it is supposed to have been easier and faster to get than the Griffon or Skyscale! I call that a fail. But it is what it is. We will just keep messing with maps as we do other achieves there and not participating in a meta we won't succeed at, oh well. I didn't want to be labeled a leecher but then I also see there are plenty of others trying the same only intentionally.

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18 hours ago, DarkXi.3289 said:

Is the turtle really worth the "grind"?


Short answer: no. You dont really need it for anything, its not better than any other mount.

My suggestion is that either you try to do the meta with a organized group from time to time, or just wait till they nerf/or move turtle elsewhere.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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Ahem... From the patch notes yesterday:

  • Fixed a bug in which the final boss of the Battle for the Jade Sea meta-event was performing its bite attack more often than intended, including potentially chaining multiple bite sequences in a row.

So, there will be less RNG involved so the event will be easier and less of a grind.

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I didn't care for the turtle and got it unlocked during my first week of playing (including the follow-up collection), so it didn't feel like a grind to me at all. I had fun and am still doing the DE meta when I have the time (for the loot and other related achievements, plus I'm enjoying the challenge).

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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