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Why is the griffon so expensive?

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I was trying to save for working on a legendary and now I gotta choose between that and this 250g on top of the rest of the collection. First you send me on an easter egg hunt, then I realize the easter bunny is gonna come knocking asking for its cut, that's messed up. Blink twice if you're being held hostage by the easter bunny mafia for gambling debts, Anet. I will send a crack spec ops team of my best 1,000 skritt to come rescue you.

I just wanted to fly and swoop and dive and zoom around like I've seen in a video of what this thing can do if you use it cleverly. T_T I think 50g would be much more grounded and reasonable. It's not really a free flying mount anyway, right, so the prices soaring so high is a bit on the unreasonable side. The next highest I'm aware of in Path of Fire is 20g for the Jackal, so since this a special hidden mount, I think 50g would be ok for a jump up, good for a dive from 250g. And then you can refund the people who paid full price for it already.

Like I said tho, LMK if the easter bunny is holding you hostage. I won't be able to help if you're being held in a roost somewhere cause I don't have a griffon, but I can offer my sympathies.

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Do you have the Skyscale mount yet? It can fly. From experienced with both, the Skyscale can gain altitude better, but the griffon can maintain altitude over a distance. Though the Skyscale can grab walls and charge her altitude bar so losing altitude over a distance isn't much of a hindrance. Griffon has it's uses but I haven't used mine much since I  got my Skyscale.

For pricing, I think it's just 42 gold you need for a Skyscale. Though it can be sped up by buying certain things from the trading post so you might pay more.

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6 minutes ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

Do you have the Skyscale mount yet? It can fly. From experienced with both, the Skyscale can gain altitude better, but the griffon can maintain altitude over a distance. Though the Skyscale can grab walls and charge her altitude bar so losing altitude over a distance isn't much of a hindrance. Griffon has it's uses but I haven't used mine much since I  got my Skyscale.

For pricing, I think it's just 42 gold you need for a Skyscale. Though it can be sped up by buying certain things from the trading post so you might pay more.

I do not. Haven't gotten to that part of LW yet, still catching up on content. But maybe I'll go for it first then, thanks for the insight.

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The griffon was the second expansion's "end game" secret item, so was meant to be a gold sink means of attaining something cool.

They should really tone down the price now it's old, but Anet has a history of ignoring old parts of the game in favour of "whatever they're doing now".

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I got the Griffon wayyyyy before the SKyscale and I love it. Its worth every penny, the speed you can fly is amazing, can go across entire zones in seconds. 

It was also a secret mount that they had not advertised, and it was a special thing. Its not hard to save up the requirements, there is a lot of stuff you get daily via logging in and it all starts to stack up. Just playing the game nets you a lot of gold with the rewards from story quests. Its a really good mount, and it can be slowly paid off. 

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I see people complain that the turtle is locked behind ED meta event.
I see people complain that the skyscale is locked behind an awful collection.
And today I see someone complain the Griffin is locked behind 250 gold. 


250 gold isnt really hard to get. Some daily logins gives you MC that sells for roughly 1.2 gold/coin. Dragonstorm gives 2 gold and 5 memories of Aurene which also sells for roughly 1.5 gold/piece. Daily T4 fractal can easily gives you 20 gold if not more. I know Drizzlewood is very rewarding but I havent really checked how rewarding. Anyway point is it is just gold. 

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1 minute ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

I see people complain that the turtle is locked behind ED meta event.
I see people complain that the skyscale is locked behind an awful collection.
And today I see someone complain the Griffin is locked behind 250 gold. 


250 gold isnt really hard to get. Some daily logins gives you MC that sells for roughly 1.2 gold/coin. Dragonstorm gives 2 gold and 5 memories of Aurene which also sells for roughly 1.5 gold/piece. Daily T4 fractal can easily gives you 20 gold if not more. I know Drizzlewood is very rewarding but I havent really checked how rewarding. Anyway point is it is just gold. 

Could you farm the 250g for me then? Thanks.

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Just now, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


Only if you give me a reason why I should farm gold for you and not for my legendary I am crafting

You shouldn't, I was just trying to make a point. I am in a cheeky mood. Gl with your legendary crafting, sincerely.

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Just to comment on those saying Skyscale is better, that's really subjective.


I've found all of the mounts have specialised roles that make them better choices than others in certain scenarios, with the possible exception of the Bunny, which is made almost completely irrelevant once you have the Skyscale.

At that point, the Bunny's only good for two things:

Its heavy breakbar damaging dismount.

Its fast stamina recovery, which makes it worth switching to during races to recover stamina faster.


The Griffon is by far an away the fastest mount in the game, being significantly faster than even the Beetle.

It's also one of the most satisfying to learn to use properly, chaining dives and climbs to gradually gain altitude before finally intiating that one dive that'll allow you to cruise the entire map in seconds.


By comparison, the Skyscale's a great "all-terrain-vehicle", and quite often a better choice than Skimmer or sometimes even Raptor or Jackal.


But it's simply not as fun as the Griffon, Beetle, Raptor or Jackal.

There's a reason there's no Skyscale races in the game. The skill ceiling is a LOT lower than almost all of the other mounts.



I feel both the Bunny and Skimmer require some love. Skimmer could do with underwater speed being the same as surface speed, and being slightly faster in general. Otherwise more often than not, the Skyscale's the better choice.


And Bunny needs something to make it more appealing to use than Skyscale in certain scenarios. But as to what that something should be, I'm at a loss and open to suggestions.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
its not it's
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Griffin is pretty good, the only reason the skyscale can beat it is because it can cling to walls to regenerate stamina which makes it easer to climb stuff even when compared to the bunny. 

In terms of long distance flying the skyscale sucks, it is even possible gain altitude with the griffen and or not lose it over huge distances with level 2 speed and constantly flapping your wings. 

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5 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

I see people complain that the turtle is locked behind ED meta event.
I see people complain that the skyscale is locked behind an awful collection.
And today I see someone complain the Griffin is locked behind 250 gold. 


250 gold isnt really hard to get. Some daily logins gives you MC that sells for roughly 1.2 gold/coin. Dragonstorm gives 2 gold and 5 memories of Aurene which also sells for roughly 1.5 gold/piece. Daily T4 fractal can easily gives you 20 gold if not more. I know Drizzlewood is very rewarding but I havent really checked how rewarding. Anyway point is it is just gold. 

Welcome to every game-forum in the INternet~.


For me personally, the griffon looks better than the Skyscale, but i could never botter to learn it, which is why the adventures on my old accaunt where all done by my Ex. Same with the beetle. I'm not a fan of this fast-speed Mounts most of the time.

I mean, the Scyscale is pretty grindy, even with the return-events and the chance to get the currency whitout grinding the maps.
Some people like to name the Griffon and Skyscale Legendary Mounts, for reasons.

Both have there apeal, and both have there grind to get. The Griffon Collection is super easy, even now(i did it with this account in a few days) but is somewhat expensive.
The Skyscale collection is pretty Grindy, but much more affordable. So, you can desicde, grind for the collection or grind for the money.

And about the money, as you would say in Rl Work smart, not hard x3.

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I still don't have my griffon either. But I just got to the part where you have to feed the newly hatched skyscale for a few days. I have everything ready, all the currencies etc.


Would it be worth it to get the griffon after I get the skyscale? Or should I save my gold and come back to it when I have legendaries and stuff I need? 


I think you should start on the skyscale collections. It will cost you a bit of gold. 35ish? I think


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I gotta agree with Mugrul. 

The Skyscale is indeed a very handy mount, but unfortunately it stops there. 

Why I think the 250 gold is worth it: (Not my video) 

Few fun facts: 

- Griffon is the fastest mount ingame. About 10 to 15% faster than the Beetle.
- When fully mastered and practise to fly it, you will be able to maintain and even gain altitude.
- Same as Skyscale: Griffon Endurance bar is filled by flying through volatile magic
- Most topscores on Beetle Races are actually done on a Griffon.

Edited by Tuna Bandit.3786
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19 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I was trying to save for working on a legendary and now I gotta choose between that and this 250g on top of the rest of the collection. First you send me on an easter egg hunt, then I realize the easter bunny is gonna come knocking asking for its cut, that's messed up. Blink twice if you're being held hostage by the easter bunny mafia for gambling debts, Anet. I will send a crack spec ops team of my best 1,000 skritt to come rescue you.

I just wanted to fly and swoop and dive and zoom around like I've seen in a video of what this thing can do if you use it cleverly. T_T I think 50g would be much more grounded and reasonable. It's not really a free flying mount anyway, right, so the prices soaring so high is a bit on the unreasonable side. The next highest I'm aware of in Path of Fire is 20g for the Jackal, so since this a special hidden mount, I think 50g would be ok for a jump up, good for a dive from 250g. And then you can refund the people who paid full price for it already.

Like I said tho, LMK if the easter bunny is holding you hostage. I won't be able to help if you're being held in a roost somewhere cause I don't have a griffon, but I can offer my sympathies.

TLDR: I want the thing. I don't want to do the thing to get the thing.

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11 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

No one uses the griffon nowadays


I would like a proof to back up that claim because it is simply wrong.


Comparing Skyscale to Griffon is like comparing a helicopter to a jet. Skyscale is indeed arguably better for exploration since you can glide and climb but Griffon is much better at traversing map when starting from a high ground.  So yeah, you will not see people use the skyscale when all they have to do is glide a bit and climb some rocks. But if you have the high ground and you have to reach a location very fast, Griffon will be used over Skyscale.


Plus Skyscale isnt really fun to use. It does its job perfectly but it isnt fun. Griffon on the other hand is fun to use

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