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Dragon's End Meta = I'm Done

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1 hour ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

Does that mean you're deleting your account and never coming back, or that you're just doing the normal thing, and taking a break, because you own the game, and it has not subscription? 

Someone on an extended break is still someone not buying gems.

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13 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

its funny, because they actually had to nerf both of those examples SEVERAL times. 

and most of the players, who bought hot wanted more core game

but please continue, ncsoft have plenty of experience in dealing with hardcore games


And the nerfs were entirely needless. The areas were fine. They designed for players to work together, something that most respondents in this thread are apparently allergic to. I did the HoT hero points in TD solo the other day using an alacrity support renegade, they were a joke. Game developers should not design mechanics around people who refuse to learn; it's a lost cause, and diminishes the quality of the game. Threads like this do not necessarily reflect the majority opinion of players, they are an echo chamber.

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1 hour ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:


And the nerfs were entirely needless. The areas were fine. They designed for players to work together, something that most respondents in this thread are apparently allergic to. I did the HoT hero points in TD solo the other day using an alacrity support renegade, they were a joke. Game developers should not design mechanics around people who refuse to learn; it's a lost cause, and diminishes the quality of the game. Threads like this do not necessarily reflect the majority opinion of players, they are an echo chamber.

no amount of nerfing will ever make hot "fine" for casual players, and the same goes for orr. 

and "echo chamber" is really ironic, considering that most hardcores ONLY plays with the same group of people.

they are totally out of touch with the common players, and casuals are often called "crybabies" etc

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4 minutes ago, battledrone.8315 said:

they have scrapped pretty much everything else to please you, and now you dont even want to pay them?

you do realize, that they have to EAT, right?

Well, I've bought gems. And I prepurchased the deluxe (or whatever it was called) EoD. But WvW is still the same, which is what I primarily do. So, no more gems from me. I've taken multiple, extended breaks from the game, recently in fact. Haven't played since Sept, but started EoD. After I finish (or at least try to finish) the personal story, I'll be on another extended break. Probably  longer than before.


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So I have actually reached and did it I can say its not even close to the end of the world people here make it out to be. Like it most often is on this forums with all the drama queens.

The meta is hard compared to similar content but it has easy fall back mechanics so its quite forgiving. Its tight, maybe will be adjusted in the future but I dont think it needs to really be by much.

Also I think generally people can cope with the mechanics suprisingly well. And Im not talking about some organised discord groups. Just randoms, many that were there for the first time. Yeah some get down plenty and get lost and have plenty of downtime but thats understandable if they never saw the fight before. This will improve a lot in the future. This will get natural to players, similar to Dragon Stand tower phase.

I think metas like this are actually good for the game. Just not enough of them and players are not used to it. I only see here and at TT when people are really happy when the fight is won. With all other metas, its just get reward and on to the next check point in the train, gotta keep up the GPH. 

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4 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

Well, I've bought gems. And I prepurchased the deluxe (or whatever it was called) EoD. But WvW is still the same, which is what I primarily do. So, no more gems from me. I've taken multiple, extended breaks from the game, recently in fact. Haven't played since Sept, but started EoD. After I finish (or at least try to finish) the personal story, I'll be on another extended break. Probably  longer than before.


i know the feeling bro and it sux. some have done over 40 tries without any luck, thats over 2 weeks of work.

"casual...respects your time"....lol

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Mapping is a big issue now, and its not just dragons end but the other meta map as well. We have half our squads stranded and cant get into any map. I thought with cloud we were beyond this map full fiasco .   I have no issue with the meta being hard, minus some rng mechanics of the boss. My issue has always been linking the turtle to an extremely hard to complete meta. Once the turtle is unlinked it should allow most people to get one. 

But yeah map issues are becoming a nightmare. Did they not account for a lot of player activity in these zones? I mean most maps are full, so maybe up the server counts, but does that apply to cloud?

Edited by Artemis.8034
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14 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

So I have actually reached and did it I can say its not even close to the end of the world people here make it out to be. Like it most often is on this forums with all the drama queens.

The meta is hard compared to similar content but it has easy fall back mechanics so its quite forgiving. Its tight, maybe will be adjusted in the future but I dont think it needs to really be by much.

Also I think generally people can cope with the mechanics suprisingly well. And Im not talking about some organised discord groups. Just randoms, many that were there for the first time. Yeah some get down plenty and get lost and have plenty of downtime but thats understandable if they never saw the fight before. This will improve a lot in the future. This will get natural to players, similar to Dragon Stand tower phase.

I think metas like this are actually good for the game. Just not enough of them and players are not used to it. I only see here and at TT when people are really happy when the fight is won. With all other metas, its just get reward and on to the next check point in the train, gotta keep up the GPH. 

yep, just like the good old champ trains....oh wait, they were too popular, so they just HAD to go.

instead we got this...basically the same, but only for the select few

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Someone gave me their stuff, (me and other people in LA), and said they were done. I said, 'please don't quit', but this kind of stuff makes me see why they did. My memory gets dull, after I become one of the 'Haves' and not a 'Have Not', but this is a reminder. And yes, I got my egg from the meta; Only thanks to an excellent commander who never gave up, but it was like getting teeth pulled, with no pain meds. Zero fun. Even if I don't quit myself, I can still honestly say, I am not a bit sad to see the backside of that meta. If it was a person, I'd flip it off as I left.

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13 minutes ago, SimulationOfLife.4657 said:

Someone gave me their stuff, (me and other people in LA), and said they were done. I said, 'please don't quit', but this kind of stuff makes me see why they did. My memory gets dull, after I become one of the 'Haves' and not a 'Have Not', but this is a reminder. And yes, I got my egg from the meta; Only thanks to an excellent commander who never gave up, but it was like getting teeth pulled, with no pain meds. Zero fun. Even if I don't quit myself, I can still honestly say, I am not a bit sad to see the backside of that meta. If it was a person, I'd flip it off as I left.

when they actually give their stuff away, then it isnt just a rage quit, its bound to be permanent.

and you can bet, that he wont tell rosy stories about the game either. i havent heard about how 

about how hard eod is for actual NEW players, but it doesnt look good

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I meaan...ok the meta is kinda difficult to do,you have to be organized and actually have to pay attention 
E V E R Y  S I N G L E  T I M E half of the players can't even dodge the 2 aoe the boss does or jump over the wave.
Which is fine if it is the first time right?! Totally normal and understandable.
But then,when i see people die MULTIPLE TIMES on the SAME AOE: it is just being lazy.

The encounter is difficult but there is ALSO so much LAZYNESS going on aswell

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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10 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I meaan...ok the meta is kinda difficult to do,you have to be organized and actually have to pay attention 
E V E R Y  S I N G L E  T I M E half of the players can't even dodge the 2 aoe the boss does.
Which is fine if it is the first time right?ITotally normal and understandable.
But then,when i see people die MULTIPLE TIMES on the SAME AOE: it is just being lazy.

The encounter is difficult but there is ALSO so much LAZYNESS going on aswell

lazy people dont sign up for a 2hr long meta with very low chance of success.

maybe theyre just farming the currency for the turtle?

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This is not the players faults. Trying for a meta over 30 times is not' lazy'. I saw a raid team, darn good comm, (no we weren't invited, understandable, but we have eyes) lose this meta; Oops, forgot main rule with debate, stick to provable facts, but then again, anyone watching these forums has seen the truth.

Edited by SimulationOfLife.4657
Right, no nice stuff
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The meta also destroys your frames unless you turn everything down and there's a bug that turns the encounter into a powerpoint presentation. It can be hard to see AoE (let alone dodge it) when you have a bazillion effects and nameplates blocking your view and the game decides you don't really need all those frames. And that's not taking latency into account.

It could also be people think dodging/aegis will work on that attack as they work for dang near everything else in the game. Or they're animation locked and can't get out of the AoE in time.

There's plenty of reasons people can go down to the same mechanics other than "being lazy". Like it was said, lazy people don't do a 2 hour meta and they won't waypoint enough to go down a second time. (And if you're in a group that prioritizes ressing dead players instead of doing DPS on a DPS race boss where a free WP is right there, the problem extends past people being hit by the same attack multiple times even if they are lazy)

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You guys are so dramatical....
"this is not the player fault"
"im not gonna financially recover from this"
"im done"

I said many peopla are lazy:it's a fact u can check on every single meta event,im not talking about bigfoot.
And when i see 10 people die on the same attack 3,4 times in a row,cos they didnt bother to dodge roll away from the BIG BAD red cicrlce...it's not just cos the meta is hard.

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If someone wants to see players, spending many, many hours of their life to try for this meta as 'Lazy', or not having the right gear, or being sh*te at playing, or wev, then that's what they will see. What I see is very good players doing the meta dozens of times, and losing. So, while I can't tell anyone what to think, numbers don't lie.

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2 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I said many peopla are lazy:it's a fact u can check on every single meta event,im not talking about bigfoot.
And when i see 10 people die on the same attack 3,4 times in a row,cos they didnt bother to dodge roll away from the BIG BAD red cicrlce...it's not just cos the meta is hard.

Well, what's your conclusion then? Should all those people stop playing GW2? Should they stop playing the game the way they want, probably like, definitely are used to? Because from now on there's only one play style allowed, guild membership is mandatory, log in and out in the game on a given schedule, taking breaks only allowed after talking to your guild officer?

As I've read in map chat yesterday, "please press alt+f4 and go play minesweeper"... I'm more and more inclined to do something like that with all this "git gud or bunk off" attitude, just because it alienates me, it annoys me more than anything else about this meta. I don't want to be part of that kind of community.

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48 minutes ago, yoguil.7320 said:

Well, what's your conclusion then? Should all those people stop playing GW2? Should they stop playing the game the way they want, probably like, definitely are used to? Because from now on there's only one play style allowed, guild membership is mandatory, log in and out in the game on a given schedule, taking breaks only allowed after talking to your guild officer?

As I've read in map chat yesterday, "please press alt+f4 and go play minesweeper"... I'm more and more inclined to do something like that with all this "git gud or bunk off" attitude, just because it alienates me, it annoys me more than anything else about this meta. I don't want to be part of that kind of community.

Again,u guys are OVERREACTING too much.

Jesus lol,i only said that many players are lazy,which is a fact btw.
Did i implied all that wall of text you posted? No,cos YOU came up with those drammatic conclusions.

Once again.


25 minutes ago, SimulationOfLife.4657 said:

BTW, how is the DE meta going after the update ? Some people were saying it's been nerfed, others not.

Stop being lazy and try it for yourself lol

see...lazy people 😛


Edited by ilMasa.2546
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