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I guess I'm not going to get the siege turtle.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

If we are down to childish examples my parents would whoop my kitten if despite them allowing me to eat less of the "vegetables" I'd still demand more sweets.

Yes, but you were a kid then and nobody cared about your opinion. And i doubt anyone actually thought you will ever get to like veggies that way.


Anet lowered the difficulty of the meta to the point where pug groups succeed, now you get the chance to just bypass the meta people were putting effort into succeeding while many people stood on the sidelines complaining.

I have seen full raid squads failing on that meta with great regularity, while much more casual squads succeeded by lucking out with mechanic spawn rates, so i'm still highly dubious about that "rewarded for effort" narrative some try to push here.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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3 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, but you were a kid then and nobody cared about your opinion. And i doubt anyone actually thought you will ever get to like veggies that way.

I have seen full raid squads failing on that meta with great regularity, while much more casual squads succeeded by lucking out with mechanic spawn rates, so i'm still highly dubious about that "rewarded for effort" narrative some try to push here.

And at this point Anet shouldn't care about people complaining about the Strike being a requirement. The early complaints about the meta were fair, but people complain about a Strike that is easier than the meta is right now. 

Anet increased the duration on Exposed after CC, limited the time that can be wasted on greens, decreased the side swaps and tails. If a squad still fails at this point it's their fault.

Don't try to tell me raid squads failing the meta after the nerfs.

At this point it's not RNG anymore, you no longer have to do the meta once today's patch arrives, you will still have to do a simple Strike and an event, if that is difficult to a person then the only thing I could say is "get good", even though I hate saying that.

Also, you can see who I'm quoting. If I'm not quoting you I'm not writing that part to you.

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1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

You still need to do the strike mission. The egg is only to start the collection.


Which isn't an issue at all. I only did the mission once so far out of curiosity... turned out the party was a super-safe comp with 3 healers (and two rangers dealing 3k dps while claiming to be dps, but that's another story) and many first timers, resulting in a 15-20 minute encounter with 6 ppl dying over the course of the fight and only one player actually doing dmg. And it still was a success. So Kaineng Overlook on normal mode is definetly beatable for the average-joe.

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3 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Since when did GW2 become a single player game ?

Since day 1, it was an option to play it that way (you own way) if one wanted to. The group that has taken over development and design have completely abandoned that aspect of the game.

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2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

And at this point Anet shouldn't care about people complaining about the Strike being a requirement. The early complaints about the meta were fair, but people complain about a Strike that is easier than the meta is right now. 

You know, that works with kids because (barring extreme cases) kids have no choice but to do what their parents tell them to, regardless whether they like it or not. That's what made your original argument so weak - it never works, it's always the "strength of authority" behind it that works. Trying that with adults however is not very succesful in general, because they can decide to just not listen and/or walk away. Your ability to just force them to do things is much more limited, after all.


Also, you can see who I'm quoting. If I'm not quoting you I'm not writing that part to you.

Fair enough, should have noticed that you started responding to someone else. At least this explains why i got confused there. Will edit my post with that in mind.

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If its really that bad for you, you can likely find a raid group in LFG that is selling any encounter. I see those occasionally under the raid section.

It probably won't be cheap (I doubt the sellers would care the strike is not hard content), but its likely the easiest option for someone who absolutely doesn't want to bother with instanced content.

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20 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

By doing what, promoting group content ?

Yep!!! and I'll complete your sentence also.  "By doing what, promoting group content' at the expense of other aspects of the game that people have come to enjoy."


Edited by Blude.6812
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11 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

it has always been optional.

You would make a good insurance broker. Or let's better say: a successful one. The way Anet sold us the turtle as an expac feature surely was on the darker grey side of a sales talk. You're absolutely right, they never said, it wouldn't include a mandatory strike mission. And assuming one would get the mount in roughly the same way we got every other mount before was grossly negligent by us consumers, not Anet as the seller.


5 hours ago, Blude.6812 said:

Since day 1, it was an option to play it that way (you own way) if one wanted to. The group that has taken over development and design have completely abandoned that aspect of the game.

Correct. In contrast to other games in the genre GW2 never forced you into instanced group content... Well, actually not entirely true: GW2 at launch had its finale in Arah set up as group content. We had exactly the same discussions back then until Anet admitted defeat (they took their revenge in a wicked way, though: this caricature of a boss fight it became nobody wanted either).

Edited by yoguil.7320
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12 hours ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

You tried 2 times and already claim that you will never be succesful. 


Where is learning? Where is motivation and not giving up? What is happening with people all around the world having the feeling that everything should be easy and with every obstacle they give up. 

Come on man. You can do it. Learn the behavior of mechanics and most of all don't give up. 

I have the siege turtle. So I am not saying this from a position of spite.


But I can understand where the OP is coming from. If you are not a Instanced PvE player, you may feel very uncomfortable being forced to do these specific hostile/toxic community breeding feature, 

especially if your lack of skill in that area could hamper 9 other player's progression. 

For the humble players, this can wear on your conscious. 

Now on top of this, you want that same player to repeat this behavior multiple times, being a burden to 9 other players that are trying to progress, just so you can learn how to play. 

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5 hours ago, Blude.6812 said:

Since day 1


It always required cooperation for a lot of stuff and all instanced play. The level of coordination required and DPS checks were just below WoW LFR level so you might've never noticed. E.g. none of the open world metas are "solo content", neither are the most beloved HoT HP (although they can be done solo with specialized selfish builds).

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Well they've added a Turtle Egg to a vendor in Dragon's End. 200 Writs of Dragon's End required. 

The merchant is SE of the Jade Quarry Waypoint.

I guess that the raw economics that only a relatively small number of players would be purchasing their turtle skins may have been a factor......

Edited by Andy.5981
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"Options are awesome!", I always say. I too would be happy to complete something like the Roller Beetle collection again (even though it was kind of a pain to find people to help kill that beetle...).


Effort? No problem!


I'm just not going to do things with my leisure time, in a computer game, that I don't enjoy, let alone that find actively irritating and obnoxious.


It's like with the story: it sure would be nice if there were a non-combat or limited combat option, even if there weren't any rewards. Everyone KNOWS that the Commander is going to win, so I'd rather not spend 40+ minutes plodding through the boring combat/puzzle sequences to get there. If I want to do combat, I know where to find that all over Tyria...

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13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:


What is happening with all the people that feel that things should be hard just for the sake of being hard? It's a game, and entertainment media. And i sure as kitten do not feel entertained.

No i dont say it needs to be hard. 

Ever played board games? 

Chess. Monopoly. Tainted Grail or Catan. Dude. Its not fun when you dont know the rules. Its fun when you know the rules. Learn the rules. And yes. Thats not always easy and sometimes some rules are hard. Learn them anyway. Sometimes it takes a minute. Sometimes it takes 2 hours. There is not a single mmo where you dont need to learn the mechanics. 


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11 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

Ever played board games? 

Chess. Monopoly. Tainted Grail or Catan. Dude. Its not fun when you dont know the rules. Its fun when you know the rules.

Hmm, I don't think your analogy is on the point.

Let's stay with chess. Knowing the rules is mandatory to play the game at all, otherwise you're doing checkers or something like that. Knowing the rules is enough to play chess with some friends, other casual players every now and then. But it won't help you much if you're suddenly forced into taking part in a tournament of some sort. Especially if it's a tournament set up not for single players, but teams to compete. Now imagine it's a team of random players mixed up by the organizers, all depending on each other for success. And you only know the rules (as you claim should be sufficient, right?)...

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3 minutes ago, yoguil.7320 said:

Hmm, I don't think your analogy is on the point.

Let's stay with chess. Knowing the rules is mandatory to play the game at all, otherwise you're doing checkers or something like that. Knowing the rules is enough to play chess with some friends, other casual players every now and then. But it won't help you much if you're suddenly forced into taking part in a tournament of some sort. Especially if it's a tournament set up not for single players, but teams to compete. Now imagine it's a team of random players mixed up by the organizers, all depending on each other for success. And you only know the rules (as you claim should be sufficient, right?)...

My problem is with OP saying he tried it 2 times and claiming he will never succeed. 


Its like saying he will never win a game of chess after only played it twice..

I dont claim that whatever the reason is he wont succeed is easy or hard. Maybe he is right that it is insanely difficult. But how can you know after 2 times? 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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10 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Since when did GW2 become a single player game ?

Since launch to be honest, you could always play GW2 solo and have fun, fashion wars, some people get to LA and stay there all their life. People all play GW2 differently, that is what made the game great in the first place, that it does MMO differently to all other mmo's. 

Until EoD released that is. But hey, we still have 9 years old older better content at least. 

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7 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I feel like people have completely forgotten just how difficult HoT was...and even still is, lol.

Pocket Raptors are and will always be the best surprise for any new player entering those maps.


Edited by Sleepwalker.1398
Added death stats :)
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1 hour ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Pocket Raptors are and will always be the best surprise for any new player entering those maps.

Well, I like pocket raptors and HoT content. There are a couple of HP's I still struggle to solo on most classes, but waiting a couple of minutes to do it together with one or two other players isn't a big thing. Sure, I'm not the fastest, most efficient player, doing mediocre dps on my usual builds, but I get open world and story stuff done.*

I'm with the OP, I probably won't get the turtle. I've tried the meta once, was extremely shocked by the toxicity in map chat and never touched it again since, paying DE map only brief visits to complete the story (twice up until now). Since I've learnt there's a strike mission included as well, buying the egg isn't an option any longer. I don't do instanced group content. Full stop.

I'm not a toddler you or the devs could pester to do things he doesn't want to do. And the more pressure exerted, the more stubborn I become. Ok, just like a toddler I guess 🤪

* Edit: Confusing without context, I get it... I'm in a 9-to-5 job. My team is a bunch of kitten. We play pvp in real live, one against each other. Year after year we have to get more work done with less people - the loosers in the pvp game get fired. Efficency is top priority. Maximum gain from minimum effort, get it? Why I'm still doing this? They pay kitten good money. And it's only a few more years till retirement.
From 5 to 9 I want something else. Relaxing. Explicitly not efficient. Not a bunch of kitten I have to deal with in some group instance. No pvp either, of course. Fun is priority. Being forced to do something, forced to do in a specific way or at a specific pace isn't fun, it's work. Up until now GW2 was fun, other games felt more like work. Up until now.

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1 hour ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

My problem is with OP saying he tried it 2 times and claiming he will never succeed. 


Its like saying he will never win a game of chess after only played it twice..

No. It's like playing chess with your friends on a casual level, and then playing against a professional chessmaster twice, and realizing fast that getting to that level is unrealistic for you.



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