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Hello dear people,

in the German forum some users report that they were banned for a few hours after using Yolomouse.


My question is, does the program violate the terms of use?


I don't see where Yolomouse would give an advantage to a player, except that you can see the cursor better.


ArenaNet has not yet managed to offer ingame custom cursor + colors. I want to point out to ArenaNet that there are people who are color blind and can't see yellow over green background well (me for example). Also there are older people who don't have good eyes anymore. The game pops effects on the screen where it often happens that you can't see the cursor anymore and that for young, healthy people.


In addition, I find it really funny that programs like Arc DPS, taco etc. are allowed but Yolomouse where you can just change the cursor (size, shape and color) leads to a ban.


Can someone from an official position to this topic? There are just a few customers really afraid of being banned. 

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Anet's response to this, in the past - I think it was Gaile, which shows how long ago it was - is that third party programs like Yolomouse are fine. You still have to do something ingame to get rewards, etc, and it isn't loading their servers because it's a local overlay.


There is a history of players giving wrong information about why they were banned/suspended.

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I've been using YoloMouse for more than a year after a tip from well-know GW2 Youtuber AyinMaiden.

It's probably fine but ArenaNet never gave a list of programs that are safe to use. It's probably too dangerous for them to do so legally. It's in the same category as ArcDPS and Radial Mount Menu.

Here is Ayin using it as she has for years.


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Never had a problem.

Also, once I had to contact support for a DX11 problem, where they clearly saw by themselves, multiple times in both videos and software logs that I'm using Yolomouse.

So I really doubt is ban reason. Sounds more like a different problem or an automated ban.

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The part where it gets sketchy is that literally any 3rd party tool you use to make life easier in a game gives you an advantage, you wouldn't bother using such things if it did not, and if someone uses one third party tool there is an high likelyhood that they will start using more.

Generally you would want zero tolerance on 3rd party tools because it becomes a sort of arms race to see what people can get away with without triggering action.

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10 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

The part where it gets sketchy is that literally any 3rd party tool you use to make life easier in a game gives you an advantage, you wouldn't bother using such things if it did not, and if someone uses one third party tool there is an high likelyhood that they will start using more.

Generally you would want zero tolerance on 3rd party tools because it becomes a sort of arms race to see what people can get away with without triggering action.

If being able to see where your cursor is on your screen is an advantage, that speaks to how badly designed the visuals are in the game.

Edited by Hesione.9412
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2 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

If being able to see where your cursor is on your screen is an advantage, that speaks to how badly designed the visuals are in the game.

If you accept a cursor improvement to see better in the game then you would also accept a 3rd party tool that shows a massive out of place blue square every time an important skill was being used... the concept is exactly the same, visibility.

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I also use yolomouse and never had issues with it. While ago I was playing without it, meant just quickly do some stuff but got into meta and lost my cursor 4 or 5 times during the fights. Had forgotten how annoying it is.

Many players use other tools like TacO which has lots of markers to make life easier. Anet has said all 3rd party tools are in the 'use at your own risk' category but they made the API which enables these tools to work in the first place.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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7 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

The part where it gets sketchy is that literally any 3rd party tool you use to make life easier in a game gives you an advantage, you wouldn't bother using such things if it did not, and if someone uses one third party tool there is an high likelyhood that they will start using more.

Generally you would want zero tolerance on 3rd party tools because it becomes a sort of arms race to see what people can get away with without triggering action.

This is just slippery slope reasoning. Raiders commonly use addons in MMOs to track DPS. Do they then get into an arms race of more and more addons? No.

3rd party tools that break intended game mechanics or otherwise change how your character works in a way that is reflected in the live world are where I would expect most MMOs to draw the line. Things like speed hacking or whatever. I forget which term it is offhand, client or server, there's one of those you usually don't want to cross the line on. Think it might be server, like if you are crossing that line, you're messing with how the game operates in a way that can be perceived by other players and can impact them, not just doing client QOL stuff on your end.

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Are they sure they were banned for using Yolomouse? Or were they banned shortly after they started using it and assumed that's the reason?

Bans in GW2 aren't automatic, they happen because someone at Anet has seen a report of something a player was doing, decided a temporary (or permanent) ban is an appropriate punishment and banned them. So it can come quite a while after the action they were banned for. (Also I think when they're banning accounts for things like botting they wait to find as many as they can using the same method and then ban them all at once so they don't know they've been caught until it's too late.)

If they were banned for using Yolomouse it's pretty unlikely it would happen the first time they logged in using it.

Also a lot of software can fall into a grey area for what's allowed and what isn't. For example I've been using the official software which comes with my Logitech mouse for years to bind skills to the extra mouse buttons and never worried I'll get into trouble because I'm not doing anything wrong. But the same software can be used to create and run some fairly complex macros and scripts which would be literally botting and therefore would get me banned.

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2 hours ago, bluberblasen.9684 said:

I am using Yolo mouse for over 10 years..

I think im still using the beta one.

No ban.


Vielleicht haben die Leute im deutschsprachigen Forum noch andere Programme im Hintergrund am laufen gehabt und behaupten jetzt, es wäre nur Yolo mouse gewesen.... Wer weiß wer weiß


Glaube das kann schon sein.


But for me it would be nice when there would be a list for Programs which are allowed. Arc Dps, Taco, Yolomouse are programs which alot peoples use.



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Where are these threads talking about lots of players got banned for this?

I only found one, where it didn't say much about people being banned for it. Or I have not read correctly.
In the thread it was primarily once again about the spongy support that can not read properly and gives useless answers and the TE who had the opinion yolo-mouse gives you advantages over others. So the User was confused and all this stuff. Or was the other threads deleted?

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Playing this game better should not include knowledge about how to get external tools up and running.

So we dont need a list about what is „allowed“.

We need Anet to identify its customer requirements and get official ingame solutions to this.

The Dragons End Meta showed that we need movement on to help players play better.

WvW and pvp are in such a bad state because differences in gaming quality of its users and competitive game modes specially should not be decided by having advantage over your opponent by using external tools as well.

Edited by SlateSloan.3654
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1 minute ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

Playing this game better should not include knowledge about how to get external tools up and running.

So we dont need a list about what is „allowed“.

We need Anet to identify its customer requirements and get official ingame solutions to this.

I wait for over 4 Years now for a better effect-setting for player-skills.

And the thing we got after years was a monetized(totaly overpriced and with much less functions) build/armor-template ...

Yeah, i rather trust modders over anet.

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10 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I have never heard of yolomouse, but I recognize the cursor. A lot of GW YouTubers use it.  They do not seem to be banned... there may be more to the story? 

I also use yolomouse and link plenty of video clips here on the forums.  As far as I know, it's been a commonly used app for years and I've never heard of anyone getting banned for using it.  It's an overlay.  Overlays seems to be acceptable.

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24 minutes ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

Playing this game better should not include knowledge about how to get external tools up and running.

So we dont need a list about what is „allowed“.

We need Anet to identify its customer requirements and get official ingame solutions to this.

Very much that.  If there is a need for something, the devs need to add it in-game. I never heard of arc, except on this forum.  I also never heard of yolomouse...  And they look like things I would not be interested in.  I guess a different color cursor could be useful, but the big gold arrow we have is already pretty visible (to me, anyway).  I do not think I have ever 'lost' my mouse in GW2.  And each of my characters have one build. I have never had any reason for multiples. I did not know it was a thing... except on this forum. 


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32 minutes ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

We need Anet to identify its customer requirements and get official ingame solutions to this.


Apparently, Anet believes that everything a player needs to play the game and complete content is already included.  Seems to me that they don't view any needs for further "ingame solutions".

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1 minute ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Very much that.  If there is a need for something, the devs need to add it in-game. I never heard of arc, except on this forum.  I also never heard of yolomouse...  And they look like things I would not be interested in.  I guess a different color cursor could be useful, but the big gold arrow we have is already pretty visible (to me, anyway).  I do not think I have ever 'lost' my mouse in GW2.  And each of my characters have one build. I have never had any reason for multiples. I did not know it was a thing... except on this forum. 


It likely depends on how you play the game.  I mostly have right-click held down during combat to facilitate precise control of movement.  The cursor is only visible when I need to ground target a skill or if I need to click on an object/target.  In the visual noise of larger events it's very easy to lose track of the default cursor when it only becomes visible for as long as you need to locate it, move it to where you want it, and drop the skill.

I expect it's not an issue for some other control schemes.  For instance, if you click your skills rather than using keybinds, I expect you mostly have your cursor visible and you're actively tracking it so you can use your skills.

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28 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Very much that.  If there is a need for something, the devs need to add it in-game. I never heard of arc, except on this forum.  I also never heard of yolomouse...  And they look like things I would not be interested in.  I guess a different color cursor could be useful, but the big gold arrow we have is already pretty visible (to me, anyway).  I do not think I have ever 'lost' my mouse in GW2.  And each of my characters have one build. I have never had any reason for multiples. I did not know it was a thing... except on this forum. 


That'd be great.  I'd rather not have to find third-party solutions to things that should be basic UI elements.  However, GW2 has a weird fetish for their simple UI with few customization options.  I don't understand it, but at least they seem to be okay with overlays for players who want to use them.  It's better than nothing.

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6 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

I also use yolomouse and never had issues with it. While ago I was playing without it, meant just quickly do some stuff but got into meta and lost my cursor 4 or 5 times during the fights. Had forgotten how annoying it is.

Many players use other tools like TacO which has lots of markers to make life easier. Anet has said all 3rd party tools are in the 'use at your own risk' category but they made the API which enables these tools to work in the first place.

The API does very little to to help those tools. TacO relies most heavily on the MumbleLink API which was originally meant for positional audio. That is how TacO knows where your character is and where you are facing. It had additional data added to cover some UI states like whether or not your cursor is in the chat box.

The API is useless for anything that needs realtime information since most of it is cached for several minutes.

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