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For the people who don't read the front page - Anet Studio Update


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we are really happy to see your communication. I am happy to know that the arenanet machine works and that its gears turn well.

it's nice to know that you have a positive feedback on our population, and it is important that a company sets itself long-term goals and challenging goals. if you want to get to the top you have to look up.

I am also happy for the good intentions of your punctual and periodic communication to your community. has probably picked up some suggestions here.

good job to all.

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I seriously wonder how they gonna break a 4 year long meta. 

Especially when the power difference between current meta builds and the second best options is this massiv. 

They either need to nuke Firebrand, Scrapper, Scourge etc from Orbit or make the biggest buffs in history to some builds. 


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I seriously wonder how they gonna break a 4 year long meta. 

Especially when the power difference between current meta builds and the second best options is this massiv. 

They either need to nuke Firebrand, Scrapper, Scourge etc from Orbit or make the biggest buffs in history to some builds. 


Imo from all those scrapper is the one that is most overperforming, reaper has amazing damage and sustain but the wrong nerf on it m8 put that elite spec in danger spot(and changes of balance should be trade off based not nerfs unless its super broken just how scourge and hammer rev was on the beggining) since Anet stated class was suposed to be stronger when facing several enemies wich is a complete lie.. for that reaper should be very dependant of vampiric for sustain on several enemies and damage and that's not how the class works...Anet failed on that as well..... Scourge  it was awfully designed for the game making alot of awfull players getting carried(just like Rev on HoT with the hammer 2  30kx5 aoe's) and was a very broken spec it still can carry in alot of situations, the shade system needs to be completelly discarded wich imo is where Anet dont know what to do nor balance arround its mechanics, or end being useless or way to strong/effective with low effort.

Scrapper needs to loose  dome and stability at the same time... on toolbelt, and need to loose the  convert condis to boons(remove condis or certain condis while aplying minor heals on others), nades damage is ok'ish since theres plenty of team counters  but nades need more spaced ICD between its throws.

Reaper needs reduced damage but increase vampiric damage and health siphon from it and needs to be balanced for PVP, Anet stated in the past they wanted this class to be stronger/resilient when facing several targets, its just pure damage with 2nd life bar atm... and maybe increase the CD on reaper shroud... reaper need to be stronger outside reaper shroud and RS is to strong atm so it need to loose damange there in trade of vampiric mechanics.

Scourge,   more towards control and  a single aoe controled zone, controlling the flow of condis and boons, while providing barrier, temp imunity to burn while boosting its green fire, imaging pulling burn from alies to itself could improve barrier or burn output damage.


FB idk what they can balance the class more  to avoid stacking overperformance :) besides remove minstrell from game, the class seams very very fair atm in terms of support.

For Fb i would love the changes:

Mantra of Lore, remove the regen and made the condi removal would also damage enemies arround that target or inflict burn for each conditions cleansed.

Mantra of solace: add for the next 1 sec target receives more 10% inc heal.

Druids need to get into the meta since they are the only class that can support 10 players and imo this should be the strong point of the druid at least on avatar form.

Changes i would request for druid would be more heal towards alies rather itself similiar to ventari healing ouput.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Imo from all those scrapper is the one that is most overperforming

Scrapper needs to loose  dome and stability at the same time... on toolbelt, and need to loose the  convert condis to boons(remove condis or certain condis while aplying minor heals on others), nades damage is ok'ish since theres plenty of team counters  but nades need more spaced ICD between its throws.


Yeah scrappers are broken op providing way too much of everything on low cooldowns.

Purity of purpose makes them top tier for cleansing.

Their sneak gyro makes them top tier for stealth.

Medkit makes them top tier for healing.

Superspeed is broken op.

They have dome shield with stability on pve cooldown of 25s instead of pvp 40s cooldown.


Anet made the mistake of sticking everything on one class and not taking care of the others that could be used for other support parts. Druid should be competitive for healing, tempest should be competitive for healing or cleansing, mesmer or even thief should have been competitive for mass stealth (also it's a massive joke how much better specter wells are compared to chrono), ventari.... they need major buffs. Each of these support should be good at least one thing so players have a choice to run their groups a certain way, not just forced into boon spam ball.


Honestly I would be happy if they even only touched purity of purpose, make it self only like the scourge one, or on a 5s cooldown.

Why is mass invis at 75s cooldown while sneak gyro is 60s?(and laughably it started at 20s, then 40, then 45, then 60, it's like they don't even check other similar skills when they make stuff, hi that's part of the balancing process anet).

Time warp an elite skill is laughably at 120s, meanwhile scrapper can spam superspeed/quickness with gyros.

This should be in a balance thread, but we know they ain't gonna look at anything in these forums anyways, and nothing really going to change with the meta, just move some numbers around. They pushed themselves into a corner going the boon combat way, they would have to break classes now to fix it and the guilds will probably rage at them for it.

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22 hours ago, Shroud.2307 said:

I don't mean to be a doomer, but this post alarms me.

ANet is usually very secretive and bad at communicating, and now they're confirming a 4th expac a month after the 3rd? Feels more like panic to me. Like sales were not good and they're just trying to ensure they can keep the players they have by making long term promises.

Like I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but it hasn't felt like the game has become significantly more active to me at all. I just get very strong vibes of "oh kitten, we're losing people and we hardly gained any. Quick, tell them something exciting!"


Exactly my feelings here. Have we actually seen the population not just increase, but double in size? They had to increase the wvw server cap size awhile ago now, long time before EoD release, and yet, if it had doubled now that would mean the new cap would be reached and all servers would be full again. 
Instead on the day of release the first complaint I saw was how empty the maps were. And now, so soon after a new expansion release which should tie over pve players for a good 2 years or so, they are telling us about future content releases. It is rather concerning. Ah well, as long as we get some wvw updates eventually. 

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51 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

problem is, firebrand scrapper and scourge are the only thing that stop a lot of unfun cheap memebuilds from beeing kitten all over the place. whatever anet plans, it's a very thin ice they trample on

But what stops those unfun cheap fb, scrapper, scourge boonballs from being kitten all over the place?

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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5 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:


Exactly my feelings here. Have we actually seen the population not just increase, but double in size? They had to increase the wvw server cap size awhile ago now, long time before EoD release, and yet, if it had doubled now that would mean the new cap would be reached and all servers would be full again. 
Instead on the day of release the first complaint I saw was how empty the maps were. And now, so soon after a new expansion release which should tie over pve players for a good 2 years or so, they are telling us about future content releases. It is rather concerning. Ah well, as long as we get some wvw updates eventually. 

My assumption of their playerbase doubling is coming from internal metrics like active players in the past 1 year period as of the post.  Which just makes sense, considering they just released an expansion that is likely to bring the most players back for a brief period.  If player numbers drop so shortly after a huge expansion release, that's when you know your game is basically doomed.

The verbiage they used reminded me a lot of what's written by companies undergoing some serious restructuring after a bad few financial quarters more than anything, as a sort of memo to investors saying "Yes, we have a plan at least."

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58 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Your response does not make sense. You don't fight fire with fire.

If its a forest fire you do.

But either way thats not going to nerfed. Boon balls have been completely out of control for a looong time and instead of fixing it Anet quadroupled down on it with EoD.

This is the way now.

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How big of an update will we see next week though we have no preview so it cant e that major.

I hope they nerf scraper super speed duration, bring tempest in wvw to the curent spvp level (stronger aura heals stronger endurces healing from vigor apply and ammo on the fire shout), DH traps "seem" to do way too much dmg due to there high target caps it needs to be droped some, and if posable add in more boon strips to all classes in some way other then just an hard cc sigil.

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7 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

How big of an update will we see next week though we have no preview so it cant e that major.

I hope they nerf scraper super speed duration, bring tempest in wvw to the curent spvp level (stronger aura heals stronger endurces healing from vigor apply and ammo on the fire shout), DH traps "seem" to do way too much dmg due to there high target caps it needs to be droped some, and if posable add in more boon strips to all classes in some way other then just an hard cc sigil.

Tempest isnt fun to fight either. Auras are basically aoe invul

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4 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Tempest isnt fun to fight either. Auras are basically aoe invul

Well tempest is the most glassy class in the game out side of core ele ppl tend to build it tankly for that reason. The point would be to make tempest more able to go glassy and bring more support with it. That and the "tankly" tempest dont realty do any thing. If they are they are looking at supporting ppl so giving up self support during it. I suggest rooting them and covering the root with other condis. Paired with hard cc you should make short work of them. Or just ignore them and take out ever one else arond them leaving them truly alone hehe.

There realty not that much time for a preview for this coming update in 4? days i cant think of what we would see for an wvw update other then the last spvp update just simply carried over to wvw.

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22 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Your response does not make sense. You don't fight fire with fire.

ppt blobs aren't fire. they're like a snails, sliming objectives in their trail. good groups wipe them with 20-25 players, opentags also have to carry weaker members of the servers to the fights, making it often necessary to bring 30-35.


one sleeping scrapper: dps or FB drowns in condis. one sleepings FB: everyone and their grandma gets pulled to narnia or 10 seconds cc'd and drowns then in condis or random pdps. sleeping scourges: enemy runs with tons of boons.


sleeping dps: .. yeah, nothing dies. who woulda guessed. it's when u fight a group for several minutes and the dps just fails to bomb on one point. the dps per hit is so very low that just not even downed will happen.

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On 3/22/2022 at 1:17 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

wvw and balance updates(which they plan to do quarterly, once again(remember when they use to do this back in 2013/14?))

Why would anyone believe this? They said the same thing after the disaster 2020 balance patch then went completely silent for 2 years. Other than that, they've always promised this and never delivered. And what they did deliver has been wildly incompetent. Why are you guys even still around lol?

Edited by mistsim.2748
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28 minutes ago, mistsim.2748 said:

Why would anyone believe this? They said the same thing after the disaster 2020 balance patch then went completely silent for 2 years. Other than that, they've always promised this and never delivered. And what they did deliver has been wildly incompetent. Why are you guys even still around lol?

Because I like the game and there isn't a better one? Just because the game is not perfect and we're not getting what we want doesn't mean you should quit.

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1 hour ago, mistsim.2748 said:

Why would anyone believe this? They said the same thing after the disaster 2020 balance patch then went completely silent for 2 years. Other than that, they've always promised this and never delivered. And what they did deliver has been wildly incompetent. Why are you guys even still around lol?

Are you implying that I believe they would do regular or competent balance updates? because... lmao, no one believes that around here, except for the one or two wknight that are too new and have no clue. 😆

Also I play wvw because it's my favorite mode in all of gaming. While this version of it is loaded with problems, well so is the other available options, unfortunately, basically it's the best of the batch. 🤷‍♂️

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my point is simply, i don't want them to make it worse. and they keep doing that, messing wvw balance up more and more because anet lacks insight on the meta. retaliation removing -> yolo rambos with longbows and weaver meteor glassbombers increased by like 2000%. go into any area, somewhere's some glasscannon firing its full bomb off and runs away.


absurdly, after talking big on harbinger for risk-reward... this doesn't count for all the other 20 glasscannon builds of various classes like ele, thief, rangers, etc have. nice job.


why we are around? stoicism i guess. many people aren't around anymore and it's not really getting better. probably ye, casual players flood in more. the karmatrains in EU have increased in a uncomfortable way.


it's not directly less players, but the quality drowned during the last years significantly

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2 hours ago, mistsim.2748 said:

Sounds reasonable. 

why do this since years, some people even since many years. i can really understand that year-long players may get annoyed by this at times. i mean anet kinda abandoned the mode pretty much since i play. most changes been plain nerfs.

2 hours ago, Telgum.6071 said:

WvW Subforum: Balance when???

Also WvW Subforum: Don't touch anything, you will make it worse!

some people have the illusion that anet is capable of balancing. me and many other don't have it. then again, many don't even care anymore. which is also legit, we cannot change these weird ways the anet balancing devs do their stuff. idk who they listen to, probably the casual thief gank player or the based basic tower ranger (because those unimportant classes for the largescale mode have gotten the least nerfing around and still to absurd dmg for a mostly dmg stripped format)

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1 hour ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

some people have the illusion that anet is capable of balancing. me and many other don't have it. then again, many don't even care anymore. which is also legit, we cannot change these weird ways the anet balancing devs do their stuff. idk who they listen to, probably the casual thief gank player or the based basic tower ranger (because those unimportant classes for the largescale mode have gotten the least nerfing around and still to absurd dmg for a mostly dmg stripped format)

This doesn't add up. If you don't believe nor want things to change I don't know what are you doing here besides writing the same reasoning over and over in every thread you step in.

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