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I am being stalked!

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1 hour ago, kuku.2054 said:

You may be laughing at this matter, but for others it is a real issue.


A psychological issue which involves harassment.


How come is the predator allowed to add you to his list, and you are not allowed to say no?

Block is there and you can also play in invisible mode.

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So they're actively, literally stalking you? Following you around by running behind you? Harassing you in whispers?


Then they're people who have you on their friends list, because they think you're cool/awesome/nice/helpful/friendly/interesting and would maybe like to run into you again one day. That's literally all the "followers" tab is for. It's a compliment. If you add someone as a friend, but they don't add you in return, you show up on their followers list. If they add you as a friend in return, they and you show up on each other's friends list. That's all.

If you don't want that, then, as others have said, block them and set your account to "invisible."

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22 minutes ago, kuku.2054 said:

You seem not to understand me.


I am not interested in any of your help or suggestions how I am supposed to react/act.


I would like to an option in game how I can remove those followers.

Well your only option is to never open that tab out of sight out of mind.

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10 hours ago, kuku.2054 said:

I have 8 folowers. I dont know any of them. They never speak to me. It makes me feel cringed.


For my better well being I would like an option that I could make them stop following me.



oh nvm lol

Edited by Mil.3562
changed original post
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6 hours ago, kuku.2054 said:

You seem not to understand me.


I am not interested in any of your help or suggestions how I am supposed to react/act.


I would like to an option in game how I can remove those followers.

Block them, as several people have already said. Then not only will they not appear on that list but they won't be able to contact you in-game either.

(Although I do recommend double checking the names first, especially if there's anyone in the game you're friends with or play with regularly. As various people have explained if someone adds you to their friends list they'll appear there until you also add them to your list. If you block them you'll be unable to contact that person, so make sure you're not accidentally blocking actual friends as well.)

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Most of the time, if ppl add you and you dont know them, it is because they tried to join your instance while you was in the squad, happens by accident. Or you just helped them, they are not "stalking" you. 

But lets pretend they are, in that case your option is to go invisible which means they will not see you online. Blocking them will not help, they will still see where you are, just wont be able to message you. 
So being invisible is the only way but keep in mind that once you go online again, to chat with your friends and guild, dont look behind because your stalkers will be there and watching.....

Also, making this topic did not really help you, why? Everyone know your account name now so it can only lead to even more "stalkers".....enjoy the run.

Sarcasm but because it is ridiculous. Look arround you in real life, you will be surprised how many ppl are watching you in the store for example.

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I'd actually prefer if there was a real "friend" list. Not just following, being followed - and blocking. Do not really need the info about people that follow me. But mutual maybe should considered "friends" (if they follow you back) - in an extra list.

Then again: Not really paying attention to those lists. Only every now and then I need to block someone in PvP. Other than that no need for the list - I am mostly solo player. 😄 My guess is that some people from the forums followed me - do not have many followers. 5 or so and only 2 of them are online regularly. (1 even more AP than me.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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The option to remove them is already in game, and it's called Blocking. They wont see where you are or what you say. Followers is just a list for Your information on whom has added you to their friendlist on their side. You may block those users to negate any information regarding you to them.

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I feel like if you thought you were being stalked you'd have more indications of seeing that person in the same area as you, whispers, mail, etc. 

GW2's Friend's list operates as weird 1 way streets. People you add as friends may or may not have added you back and vice versa. Some people like to have friends.

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Trying to be sensitive but I honestly don't get the issue?
Is the word "follower" triggering to you, whereas you'd prefer something like "friends request" ?

Being at least a lil social is core to MMOs. If you have massive social anxiety, maybe offline games would stress you less?

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I agree with you that the follower panel is weird, and wish Arenanet would just do what almost every other online multiplayer game does and have people either reject or accept friend requests in real time. I don't expect this to change, though. Its been this way since the game launched and doesn't seem to bother most people.


OP, these followers are just trying to add you to their friends list. Presumably because you encountered each other in game and they thought you were someone they may want to play with in the future. That's it. People casually add each other all the time in MMOs.They probably added you and then never thought about it again.


Block them if you don't want to interact with the people who added you. Or add them to your friends list. Adding them to your friends list means you are following each other mutually. You can also set yourself to "Offline" if you never want another player to be able to see what you're doing in game. You can still play in "offline"/"invisible" mode but other players that add you to their friends list will see you as offline and not be able to whisper you.


If someone is actually harassing you report them in-game.



Edited by Dovienya.6597
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