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Switching characters results in infinite load screen [Merged]

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1 hour ago, Nasbit.3240 said:

I wonder if its the amount of characters on an account.


I think it is related to the number of characters in some fashion. I have four accounts, one with max characters. It is only this one account that has the loading problem.

That also suggests to me that the idea it is internet latency is very unlikely. I had no problems loading maps before the patch, and now since the patch I have problems specific to one account.

Looking at Task Manager I can see the memory for each of my 4 accounts when running at about 2.5 GB and 24% load. When the I try to change maps on the account that has a large number characters the load measurement drops to 9%  and does not recover, ever.

While this is going on I did a latency check using a 3rd party tool. 24ms to NYC.

There is something wrong and it isn't internet latency.


Edited by Glass Hand.7306
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1 hour ago, Nasbit.3240 said:

I wonder if its the amount of characters on an account. Most people here stated they have a decent amount of characters. Sure some say its caused by EoD, cause alt-accounts without work fine - but I bet the alt-accounts don't have more characters than fit on the char-screen?

@mezuzel.4987May I ask how many characters your alt accounts have? (The alt account, that run in this issue as well)

  • Main account - HOT/POF/EOD - 30 characters - experienced the bug multiple times
  • Alt account - HOT/POF - 14 characters (which do fit on the same screen) - experienced the bug once
  • Third account - HOT/POF - 3 characters - not bugged
Edited by mezuzel.4987
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The first character I load after logging in works fine. As soon as I swap characters, I get an extremely long load time, and some things just never load. This screenshot (https://ibb.co/fps7c6p) is how it has looked for the past 10 to 15 minutes.

It doesn't appear at all to be an internet issue, as all actions I am able to perform have been pretty seamless. No skill lag or anything of the sort. Graphics/textures are not loading properly. I have gotten varying degrees of severity every time I switch characters, but the core elements of the issue remain.

This started occurring today after the patch. 

For reference, I have 40+ characters and all expansions.


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I only have one account.  I have 70 characters, and I have HoT, PoF, and EoD.

When I log in and select a character to play, everything works fine.  It is when I switch characters that I have problems, like everyone else in this thread.  This all began yesterday with the SAB update.

I highly doubt this has anything to do with my internet.

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2 hours ago, jdeshano.7592 said:

Well I went through a whole thing with Support. They had me download and run HiJackThis! first, went through all of their directions, responded back with the uploaded log information.

Next response I was to provide some more client side information and to download another tool called WinMTR and to run that for awhile with the game running. So I followed all of their directions again and did everything I was suppose to. Uploaded file to them.

The response this time is telling me that my issue is caused by high latency according to all the logged information I sent them, and to contact my ISP to have them work out my issues here.

Now I'm really confused. I have multiple alt accounts, with only HoT and PoF expansions, and all of them are running fine, I can switch characters fine, SSD loads them up quick.

My main account is the one with this issue. It has all expansions, 54 characters, and yesterday was the first time I've ever experienced such a noticeable load-in time, with graphical errors and missing inventory and skills bar and other weird actions, all from switching characters. I happen to notice my main account is also eating up my RAM when this is happening.

I don't understand how internet latency could affect this, let alone affect my main account and not my alt accounts, all ran on the same computer. Something's going on with my main account with all expansions due to the SAB patch, because it's the only account eating up all of my RAM. I have 8GB of RAM btw.

Does anybody else agree with their assessment and can shed more info on this?

Considering the sheer amount of people with the same issue - that all started having this issue after the SAB patch - it's safe to say that it's not on your end.

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2 hours ago, Nasbit.3240 said:

I wonder if its the amount of characters on an account. Most people here stated they have a decent amount of characters. Sure some say its caused by EoD, cause alt-accounts without work fine - but I bet the alt-accounts don't have more characters than fit on the char-screen?

@mezuzel.4987May I ask how many characters your alt accounts have? (The alt account, that run in this issue as well)

Sounds like it has more to do with accounts owning EoD

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12 minutes ago, Little Leota.5849 said:

I only have one account.  I have 70 characters, and I have HoT, PoF, and EoD.

When I log in and select a character to play, everything works fine.  It is when I switch characters that I have problems, like everyone else in this thread.  This all began yesterday with the SAB update.

I highly doubt this has anything to do with my internet.

Same for me, own all expacs, have 29 characters our of 31 slots. And yes, the relog seems to be the issue - sometimes even logging out and then trying to log back in on the same char breaks everything. I know people throw the phrase around a lot, but this is literally unplayable lol. Freezing the game and having to wait a while and then relaunch every time one logs out is no fun.

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3 minutes ago, emablackread.7246 said:

Same for me, own all expacs, have 29 characters our of 31 slots. And yes, the relog seems to be the issue - sometimes even logging out and then trying to log back in on the same char breaks everything. I know people throw the phrase around a lot, but this is literally unplayable lol. Freezing the game and having to wait a while and then relaunch every time one logs out is no fun.

A friend told me earlier when he logged in it went straight to an infinite load. He wasn't even changing characters.

I definitely agree with the literally unplayable bit. Can't log in means can't play the game lol. I switch toons for my frac runs each day, and my group was very confused as to why I was taking so long the first time until I explained.

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I already posted on another thread, but this is exactly what is happening to me. Have only one account with all expansions, 61 characters and can't swap between them normally. If I try, the char select screen is just black, no toons loaded, no background art also the UI is black. Now if I try and pick a char to play with it will end up in looooong loading screen, and when it does load - everything is just messed up. No actual character loaded, textures missing, checkerboards here and there, skillbar and UI have no art or icons. Inventory window and the hero panel are just transparent mess. I also can't move. Restarting the client lets me swap chars, but I'm not gonna do that 60+ times. I am a habitual toon swapper so the game is unplayable to me.

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Happening here too.

Noticed that loading characters from the same map seemed okay, then loaded a different map was okay, then the bug happens.

Not sure if this is helpful:  Loaded Ember Bay fine, next character Ember Bay fine, next character Crystal Oasis fine, and then the bug appeared and needed to restart the client.

Edited by Czymek.3798
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I have  30 characters on ember bay puzzle chest all got same problem , very  long loading screend and some textures are not load properly. Now i spend about one hour to grab chest not 8-10 minutes..... Fix this trash Anet!!!!


Edited by Deimos.7901
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6 hours ago, jdeshano.7592 said:

Got another response saying they're aware of the issue now and are working on a fix.

Small patch this morning raised my hopes .... but  - nothing fixed. - 2 character changes, Black screen - only 3 of 32 toons visible, plus the screen fading out to  black as usual.. Gotta love the tech support BS - but it sort of shows the level of quality control competence. Delay the angry customers while we furiously work and hope we find out where we screwed up..
Can't say how happy I am....NOT

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