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I'm leaving PvP and never coming back, here's why you should do the same


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So I know most of you will think I am some salty silver player, so let me start off by saying I am not a beginner anymore. I have reached plat several times, and normally I hover around mid-high gold (multiclass). So i guess that makes me the average GW2 PvP player, but now I have to cut the chord with this game mode. The more you play PvP, the less fun it becomes, because the glaring faults in it's design become apparent to you. I don't like losing, but winning is also not fun anymore. Let me explain:
-First off, the conquest mode itself doesn't fit with the combat system. Gw2 combat is very mobile, and this game mode forces everyone to stay within a tiny circle. This in itself is already extremely annoying.
-Naturally, the most effective strategy is to have some extremely high-damage Aoe Spam class and or an unkillable bunker. This has spawned all kinds of abominable builds, just look at the games'history with Scourges, Holo's and Burn DH being overpowered. Now with EoD, it's the same mess, but with different classes. Now we have power DH, Harbringers and Mechanist bringing the cheap thrills. AoE damage in itself is not bad, but in this game mode, where everybody is cramped up in a tiny circle, it just becomes overpowered. Due to all the visual clutter plus the bonus CC spam, you can't even dodge it properly. So the game devolves into some kind of brainless AoE and CC vomiting contest. Yikes.
-Third, the team creation. So you can't cue up in a 5 man team. This means, we are all forced to play with randoms. This is terrible, because you can't actually build an effective team in terms of classes, and second you end up with players that you don't get along with. So in every game, it's like pulling a lottery ticket and hope everything works in your favor. In other words, whether you win or lose a game is more or less out of your control. Team balance is already a joke, so at least give us premade's, that would actually be fitting for a game mode called ''STRUCTURED'' PvP. You say this would be unfair for the randoms, well this would actually force randoms to organize themselves into a proper team. When I played Gw1 PvP, nobody complained about the need for a team to play the game mode. And if people want to play alone, why not give us an actual duelling mode? But eh, I am digressing...
-Fourth, the toxicity. It happens pretty much every game, sometimes it works for and sometimes against you. When I win a game because someone in the enemy team decided to afk, that win feels meaningless. And when I get a teammate that AFKs or is just useless in general, I feel robbed of a victory. All of this makes me not care anymore whether I win or lose, and so the mode loses all sense of competitiveness for me.
-Last,but not least is the gear/amulets and skill changes: So GW2 is not an e-sport, then why is it pretending to be one? The Amulet system (especially with the removal of some like celestial) feels extremely restrictive and pidgeon-holes the game into a handful of viable builds and playstyles. Wanna play an Ele with Cele stats? Nope, sry. Wanna tailor your build to your personal build/playstyle? No sorry, just pick one of the amulets. Same problem with the Sigils. Also the skill changes make no sense to me. 75 seconds cooldown on Mist Form? For real?

Overall, the only thing that really kept me going in PvP was the Champion Title Achievements and the Gold/Rewards you get. But over time, even these really great incentives couldn't keep me in this game mode. Because in the end, it's about the gameplay, and not the rewards.

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On 4/1/2022 at 7:56 PM, Lysico.4906 said:

Dude. This is not an airport.   You don’t have to announce departures.     

 maybe but he is right. PVP is trash and that because Anet left the mode years ago. Full with wintraders and other toxic behavior. And he is pretty right that GW 2 has a great combat system but the whole game is played on a Square. It is no excuse that after 10 years there is still only Conquest in this game with the same boring maps. It is really time for more Modes and a better moderation of PvP (where is Team Deathmatch or the yolo FFA?).


And a player who write such a big text really do care about the game but become more and more frustrated like many other comrades. For a Company this is an Input which is important.

Edited by Grebcol.5984
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Totally agree especially about aeo damage. Their personal ability is low but spamming aeo and invincibility around them and everyclass teleporting to you like a thief outnumber you and kill. Also i saw many times tp hack and speedhack. They dont get ban. I lost likely 200 rank sinse eod. Everywhere is full of harbinger.

Edited by Murat.7802
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On 4/1/2022 at 11:44 PM, Grebcol.5984 said:

 maybe but he is right. PVP is trash and that because Anet left the mode years ago. Full with wintraders and other toxic behavior. And he is pretty right that GW 2 has a great combat system but the whole game is played on a Square. It is no excuse that after 10 years there is still only Conquest in this game with the same boring maps. It is really time for more Modes and a better moderation of PvP (where is Team Deathmatch or the yolo FFA?).


And a player who write such a big text really do care about the game but become more and more frustrated like many other comrades. For a Company this is an Input which is important.

At the start of the game we had team death match and it where rly greate and fun ( it eaven had some now removed maps with water and underwater combat ) 

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7 hours ago, Murat.7802 said:

Totally agree especially about aeo damage. Their personal ability is low but spamming aeo and invincibility around them and everyclass teleporting to you like a thief outnumber you and kill. Also i saw many times tp hack and speedhack. They dont get ban. I lost likely 200 rank sinse eod. Everywhere is full of harbinger.

Curious to know what is ur rank and since when u PvP. I bet 1000 golds that 90% of what you call tp hacks are just u being clueless about this game.

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On 4/4/2022 at 9:36 AM, chokela.4823 said:

Curious to know what is ur rank and since when u PvP. I bet 1000 golds that 90% of what you call tp hacks are just u being clueless about this game.

well hand over the money 😄 i have bajillions of people teleporthacking on Video. This is 100% a problem and its being abused in Ranked! When a Necro is teleporting from Close all the way to far within the blink of an eye.... i think thats pretty obvious. I record everything i do and i have seen and recorded over 5 people teleporthacking in Ranked in the last 3 months alone.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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I'm gonna level with you OP. I'm sure you got the spirit but Ill be kittened if I read that wall of text knowing it's likely a swan song. You gotta be brief with those or break them up with some whitespace or something. Put some poise in your leave posts. 


3 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Remember, save your rage for the steam release.

*Taps steel bat on the back of heel* You know it.


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 4/4/2022 at 10:04 AM, chokela.4823 said:

So, just show us here what u call tp hack? Spectral walk + flesh worm are basically 2400+ range tp back just in case.


I faced only 1 true tp hack player (a thief) for the last 3 months, playing a lot, and this one is well known by community.

I know what every class can do ty.^^ i am playing since almost 10 years now, no need to explain basicstuff. This necro was teleporting from home to far but made like 9 stops on the way. Blink-Blink-Blink-Blink-Blink-Blink-Blink-Blink-Blink..... I am pretty sure i can differentiate that from spectralwalk 😃 There is blatant cheaters in PvP and WvW, no denying that. And if you keep your eyes open you will see them on a regular. I am for real there are more then you might think, because most of them hide the Tphacks with stealth. All you can do is record and send it to Anet... Thats what i am doing atleast.

some people dont even care to hide it anymore, because they rarely get banned from what i have heard. Just look at the clip... He teleports OVER THE WATER and waits for me on the other side... He doesnt even care anymore.

Here i uploaded this clip to Youtube recently. It is not the pvp clip i talked about but its the only clip i have actually uploaded on Youtube atm. I am at work so thats all i have for you. But you can clearly see how he is teleporthacking. Its not just this one Thief... you see people like this every other week or so. Just keep your eyes open. You dont actually see his name in the clip so i think i am okay uploading it here. ESPECIALLY Sweaty thiefs in Ranked games use this. Dont be so naive. Cheating is a problem in Gw2.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 4/1/2022 at 2:01 PM, KeoLegend.5132 said:

See ya in a couple of months.

Stopped taking it serious when you called Power DH a threat

You guys needs to stop defending toxic builds lmao, just because something isn't op, doesn't means it's not bad for the game lol

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On 4/1/2022 at 5:44 PM, Grebcol.5984 said:

 maybe but he is right. PVP is trash and that because Anet left the mode years ago. Full with wintraders and other toxic behavior. And he is pretty right that GW 2 has a great combat system but the whole game is played on a Square. It is no excuse that after 10 years there is still only Conquest in this game with the same boring maps. It is really time for more Modes and a better moderation of PvP (where is Team Deathmatch or the yolo FFA?).


And a player who write such a big text really do care about the game but become more and more frustrated like many other comrades. For a Company this is an Input which is important.

Anet has tried death match and ffa turns out no one likes it

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8 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

You guys needs to stop defending toxic builds lmao, just because something isn't op, doesn't means it's not bad for the game lol

Translation: I'm tired of people proving  biased statements wrong, so I am going to shut down the conversation.

It's toxic so it shouldn't be viable anyway. Checkmate, any argument you make to the contrary just proves you like toxic builds in the game :)


You can justify nerfs to any build like this. If that build ends up unplayable after the nerfs. "It was toxic anyway it shouldn't be allowed in PvP."

What do you think happens to the population after this happens enough times? Some people will adapt, others will get frustrated and quit. Multiply this process over X patches. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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