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How far away is the Alliance system?

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Hi folks,

I started recently to play WvW and it's a blast (often literally). Now, I met some cool folks on Abaddon but the server is full, so I can't join them. Does anybody know how far away the Alliance system is so that I can know whether it makes sense to wait it out or to just go and look for another server and (sadly) another guild?

Thanks in advance!

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30 minutes ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

Hi folks,

I started recently to play WvW and it's a blast (often literally). Now, I met some cool folks on Abaddon but the server is full, so I can't join them. Does anybody know how far away the Alliance system is so that I can know whether it makes sense to wait it out or to just go and look for another server and (sadly) another guild?

Thanks in advance!

Abaddon is german language, german school is on holydiays atm     ->    more playing atm


You can check the server history here: Aba is mostly open for transfers

https://gw2mists.com/worlds/Abaddon's Mouth


Last server link was end of march. Servers get relinked only every 2 months. That would give you another 6 weeks (on Kodash it seems) that you will be linked to Aba.

Edited by enkidu.5937
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28 minutes ago, enkidu.5937 said:

Abaddon is german language, german school is on holydiays atm     ->    more playing atm


You can check the server history here: Aba is mostly open for transfers

https://gw2mists.com/worlds/Abaddon's Mouth


Last server link was end of march. Servers get relinked only every 2 months. That would give you another 6 weeks (on Kodash it seems) that you will be linked to Aba.

Thank you, and yes I play on Kodash. I have an eye on server openings and also thought about asking Support but apparently they can't or won't help you in these "social emergencies". Guess they still get asked 1000 times a day. 😄

Oh, and thanks for the welcome. I guess if you take it not too seriously you can have a lot of fun there... 🙃

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3 hours ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

Hi folks,

I started recently to play WvW and it's a blast (often literally). Now, I met some cool folks on Abaddon but the server is full, so I can't join them. Does anybody know how far away the Alliance system is so that I can know whether it makes sense to wait it out or to just go and look for another server and (sadly) another guild?

Thanks in advance!

It is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very far away . 

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3 hours ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

Hi folks,

I started recently to play WvW and it's a blast (often literally). Now, I met some cool folks on Abaddon but the server is full, so I can't join them. Does anybody know how far away the Alliance system is so that I can know whether it makes sense to wait it out or to just go and look for another server and (sadly) another guild?

Thanks in advance!

it's really impossible to say. anets communcation about it is quite blurry. and considering alliances was first thought of in 2017/18, it may as well take another two years...


"cornerstone" wvw is basically that one stone that fell from the stone delivery cart and sunk onto the ground of the nearby pond.


then again, i didn't even move my 2nd account, bc it's not really like there's any server that has a way better stand than others. all are a complete mess currently. most have far too many ppt bots who cannot press a single button during fights. bad habits like blobbing into pugs or hiding behind a billion of siege has become way too common. Wvw isn't in a good position overall.

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Optimistically any further testing (as opposed to release) would come with the summer balance patch.

edit: see https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-the-future-of-guild-wars-2/
WvW betas and bonus events will be announced once their dates are locked in.

and "We’ll be releasing some PvP and WvW balance changes in the March 29 update, and our first major profession update will drop on June 28."

Edited by Infusion.7149
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On 4/9/2022 at 7:10 PM, Infusion.7149 said:

Optimistically any further testing (as opposed to release) would come with the summer balance patch.

edit: see https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-the-future-of-guild-wars-2/
WvW betas and bonus events will be announced once their dates are locked in.

and "We’ll be releasing some PvP and WvW balance changes in the March 29 update, and our first major profession update will drop on June 28."

that's btw why i call anets annoucing "kryptic" ... like we had pretty much every year one or two "bonus event" weeks, where some special condition like "no downstate" and/or WXP or sth like that was active. that isn't really new, surprising or anything


nobody really cares about this balance stuff, alliances is what they should focus on. unless the aim is to make everyone rq before ...


yeah, how many more betas we'll need is the question. but since there ARE more beta to come and they seem to not be coming before their mid summer update, the chance for alliances to come this year is probably 1% at best


@Hollowhisper.1093 just be warned, national servers have usually a very low player quality. if u look for a real combat based aspect, you're probs not gonna learn anything there.

if ur just in Wvw for some pvE karmatrains and other smaller content, it ofc does not matter


https://gw2mists.com/matches/eu kinda gives some overview

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@Kamikhazeeh you should pay more attention to Josh Davis' (the Grouch) posts and interviews.
It has been repeatedly stated despite the doomsaying that WvW activity is on the rise. It is quite clear that any outstanding 300s cooldowns from Feb 2020 are a priority along with alliances. Anything else from players is opinion or rhetoric.
The opinion that scrapper passive sustain was oppressive was likely also held by Arenanet devs, however, since they did tweak Purity of Purpose , MDF (medical dispersion field), Kinetic Accelerators quickness duration (something I personally thought was odd unsplit), and superspeed in general once more post EOD. In PvP balance they have stated they (Arenanet) want options besides core guardian such as tempest or warrior (bladesworn is common now but spellbreaker used to be more common). So expect more changes to achieve greater parity between supports.
Note the same balance patch dated March 29, 2022 also increased warrior shout heal scaling as well as elementalist offhand dagger healing and competitive modes' transmute aura cooldown.



Based on what I've seen of the community reaction, End of Dragons release has been mostly positive among the game's players. Aside from some discourse around the difficulty of the expansion's final meta event, the main gripe I've noticed is about profession balance—a frustration that often seems to stem from the community not understanding why ArenaNet is making the changes it does.

In the post, ArenaNet announces a commitment to regular profession updates—announcing a new quarterly update cycle, with smaller releases in between as the meta around each patch takes shape.
I ask what sort of scope players can expect from these. "The quarterly professions update will be focused on revisiting one element for each profession; a weapon, a set of utility skills, or a selection of traits that are key in defining certain builds or functionality in PvE, WvW, or PvP," says Davis. "The extent of the changes will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Some might need minor number tweaks to be viable, and others might need a functional overhaul."

"In the last year we've significantly expanded the array of professions and builds which have access to key boon support roles and intend to continue doing so with future updates. The end goal is that a player can play whatever profession they enjoy the most and consider their 'main' in any content, and that they'll have a specialization and build available on that profession that can fit a role needed by their group. When one specialization (or build) ticks too many boxes in a way where it stifles what is seen as broadly viable (or worse, creates an environment of peer pressure to play a profession you don't enjoy, just because it's seen as more optimal for the content), we have to get at the root of the problem causing that pressure, and make changes to keep it from constricting the overall metagame.

The first major profession update will go live on June 28, although an earlier update targeting PvP and WvW balance will launch on March 29.


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3 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

@Kamikhazeeh you should pay more attention to Josh Davis' (the Grouch) posts and interviews.
It has been repeatedly stated despite the doomsaying that WvW activity is on the rise.


  1. The opinion that scrapper passive sustain was oppressive was likely also held by Arenanet devs
  2. In PvP balance they have stated they (Arenanet) want options besides core guardian
  3. Note the same balance patch dated March 29, 2022 also increased warrior shout heal scaling as well as elementalist offhand dagger healing and competitive modes' transmute aura cooldown.
  4. (Article) "the main gripe I've noticed is about profession balance—a frustration that often seems to stem from the community not understanding why ArenaNet is making the changes it does."
  5. (Article) "The end goal is that a player can play whatever profession they enjoy the most and consider their 'main' in any content"
  6. (Article) "In the post, ArenaNet announces a commitment to regular profession updates—announcing a new quarterly update cycle, with smaller releases in between as the meta around each patch takes shape"

Before I begin to mention some counterpoints: Do note that I do agree with you or the message of your post. Grouch has done a somewhat assuring analysis of the state of some content and has made good posts about it. There are also alot of situations where players (in general) may take perspectives on balance and development without the realities of development in mind.

However, that should not be mistaken for assuming that players do not understand development in general by virtue of being just players. The thing that looms over many of these comments and the game or this mode overall is also not that they say bad things but that they do bad things or simply do not do things that they say.

1. With that said, let's examine these select comments: I think the passive sustain changes are merely a compromise of something that looks like enough of a blow to onlookers but does little in practise. In fact, for all classes affected by these changes it mostly affected outlier builds while the impact on common builds was negligable at best. I think everyone who plays in groups alot know exactly where the strength of each of these builds come from should the developers be interested in delivering a serious blow to their popularity (note: it is not things most people here believe, eg., the root appeal in Scrappers lie more in their kits than their gyros etc.).

2. The issue with Guardians is a long standing and common topic here. The main problem with it is that people mistake importance with potence (and popularity or perceived popularity; eg., they hear tags constantly ask for more HFB but can not tie that to having trouble convincing people to play support or the critical mass of needing X amount of support to have the bare minimum to play or reason to put up their tag). Stab has always been incredibly important and the Guardian is a very interesting class overall to look at with regards to its design, mechanics and balance relation to that boon (no need getting deeper into that discussion here). The bigger, more interesting discussion, beyond it though is the balance of how self- and crowd control, how bogged down overall movement should be in the game.

3. The improvements to things like Ele, while welcome (I like them), says quite alot about the whole situation as well. As far as a small, incremental and possibly iterative change I don't mind it. I think it is good. However, it should also be noted that it was perfectly servicable before and much of the opinions people have of builds and meta (that they are not apart of establishing) has a very chilling effect on things. It is hard to convince or appease people who follow trends and opinions with responsible changes like that. That goes back to the "players understanding devs" thing or the passives changes. Following trend or opinion would be examples of when players do not understand devs, but there are also situations when players understand well enough and where devs make uninformed changes or appeasing ones - that do not act for greater good or show better understanding. You balance potence, not popularity. The developers have a track record of often being out of touch with the mode as they do not pay enough attention to it, let's not forget that. The whole trust the professional spiel has alot more to it.

4+5. That involves the comment about playing what you want too. In most cases in this game you can play what you want. The gatekeeping that goes on is rarely about what is possible and usually rather about what is best, easiest or perceived so. That goes for all game modes. Heal Scourges in PvE were perceived as hot garbage until they were perceived as required. Heal Tempests are going to be perceived as bad until they are perceived as required (as was Scrappers). This goes for almost everything. I said in a recent thread here that most things that have edged themselves onto recent meta has often been played for up to two years before. Underrated before and overrated after. That's the nature of it.

6. Let's bring this back to the top: The issue with this comment is that we have heard it before. They said exactly the same thing with the now infamous feb 2020 initative. That wasn't the first time either. They have been saying the same thing with regards to World Restructuring. At this point it has nothing to do with saying the wrong things or presenting the wrong plans. It has to do with being unable and unwilling to deliver.

The same good point expressed by Grouch about balance cadence was also coupled with beliefs of having World Restructuring done before EoD (not necessarily done as complete in all regards; but certainly going from alpha, to beta, to running beta to running live) and they are still essentially in Beta 1. I'm not saying that to be faecetious, I'm sure they have learnt tons from the betas as devs and I and everyone else can appreciate that things may not have been as simple or ready as first anticipated and what that does to resetting expectations. However, they are still effectively in delivering just Phase 1. Beta 2 was a repair of Beta 1 and Beta 3 was likely just a for-appearances rerun of Beta 2 given what we know now about how resources were pulled from WvW to EoD (the "short" 4-month break).

It is also the same Grouch that hinted at post-EoD hiring specifically for WvW and that things would be refocused on WvW after EoD or that indepth feedback from Beta 2 would be posted four months ago. Instead, we now have delivery dates for LWS1 and absolute silence about WvW. They say things, they say the right things and they speak of priorities. However, they do not do things, do what they say and they clearly do not prioritise. Balance was a priority in feb 2020. The guy working on it was then announced moved to EoD and balance suspended for over 6 months.

Those of us who have been around for years (for a decade) know that this is just the same old. They can never change it without putting money and resources in first (and be transparent with that). LWS1 delivers because it has money and resources behind it. Strikes deliver because it has money and resources behind it. This also goes for that final comment about WvW. What Grouch said was that WvW was healthy (in a vague comparison). That is easily just a restatement of everything we know and can see for ourselves: That WvW has proven the test of time and stands more healthy than other more volatile content types that they have wasted time, money and resources on. With that in hand, one would assume that they would spend time, money and resources on WvW rather than just continuing to take it for granted. It is healthy in the sense that it is more healthy than it has any right to be, thanks to us, players.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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28 minutes ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

WvW has proven the test of time and stands more healthy than other more volatile content types that they have wasted time, money and resources on. With that in hand, one would assume that they would spend time, money and resources on WvW rather than just continuing to take it for granted.

this is an excellent consideration.

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4 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

Before I begin to mention some counterpoints: Do note that I do agree with you or the message of your post. Grouch has done a somewhat assuring analysis of the state of some content and has made good posts about it. There are also alot of situations where players (in general) may take perspectives on balance and development without the realities of development in mind.

However, that should not be mistaken for assuming that players do not understand development in general by virtue of being just players. The thing that looms over many of these comments and the game or this mode overall is also not that they say bad things but that they do bad things or simply do not do things that they say.

1. With that said, let's examine these select comments: I think the passive sustain changes are merely a compromise of something that looks like enough of a blow to onlookers but does little in practise. In fact, for all classes affected by these changes it mostly affected outlier builds while the impact on common builds was negligable at best. I think everyone who plays in groups alot know exactly where the strength of each of these builds come from should the developers be interested in delivering a serious blow to their popularity (note: it is not things most people here believe, eg., the root appeal in Scrappers lie more in their kits than their gyros etc.).

2. The issue with Guardians is a long standing and common topic here. The main problem with it is that people mistake importance with potence (and popularity or perceived popularity; eg., they hear tags constantly ask for more HFB but can not tie that to having trouble convincing people to play support or the critical mass of needing X amount of support to have the bare minimum to play or reason to put up their tag). Stab has always been incredibly important and the Guardian is a very interesting class overall to look at with regards to its design, mechanics and balance relation to that boon (no need getting deeper into that discussion here). The bigger, more interesting discussion, beyond it though is the balance of how self- and crowd control, how bogged down overall movement should be in the game.

3. The improvements to things like Ele, while welcome (I like them), says quite alot about the whole situation as well. As far as a small, incremental and possibly iterative change I don't mind it. I think it is good. However, it should also be noted that it was perfectly servicable before and much of the opinions people have of builds and meta (that they are not apart of establishing) has a very chilling effect on things. It is hard to convince or appease people who follow trends and opinions with responsible changes like that. That goes back to the "players understanding devs" thing or the passives changes. Following trend or opinion would be examples of when players do not understand devs, but there are also situations when players understand well enough and where devs make uninformed changes or appeasing ones - that do not act for greater good or show better understanding. You balance potence, not popularity. The developers have a track record of often being out of touch with the mode as they do not pay enough attention to it, let's not forget that. The whole trust the professional spiel has alot more to it.

4+5. That involves the comment about playing what you want too. In most cases in this game you can play what you want. The gatekeeping that goes on is rarely about what is possible and usually rather about what is best, easiest or perceived so. That goes for all game modes. Heal Scourges in PvE were perceived as hot garbage until they were perceived as required. Heal Tempests are going to be perceived as bad until they are perceived as required (as was Scrappers). This goes for almost everything. I said in a recent thread here that most things that have edged themselves onto recent meta has often been played for up to two years before. Underrated before and overrated after. That's the nature of it.

6. Let's bring this back to the top: The issue with this comment is that we have heard it before. They said exactly the same thing with the now infamous feb 2020 initative. That wasn't the first time either. They have been saying the same thing with regards to World Restructuring. At this point it has nothing to do with saying the wrong things or presenting the wrong plans. It has to do with being unable and unwilling to deliver.

The same good point expressed by Grouch about balance cadence was also coupled with beliefs of having World Restructuring done before EoD (not necessarily done as complete in all regards; but certainly going from alpha, to beta, to running beta to running live) and they are still essentially in Beta 1. I'm not saying that to be faecetious, I'm sure they have learnt tons from the betas as devs and I and everyone else can appreciate that things may not have been as simple or ready as first anticipated and what that does to resetting expectations. However, they are still effectively in delivering just Phase 1. Beta 2 was a repair of Beta 1 and Beta 3 was likely just a for-appearances rerun of Beta 2 given what we know now about how resources were pulled from WvW to EoD (the "short" 4-month break).

It is also the same Grouch that hinted at post-EoD hiring specifically for WvW and that things would be refocused on WvW after EoD or that indepth feedback from Beta 2 would be posted four months ago. Instead, we now have delivery dates for LWS1 and absolute silence about WvW. They say things, they say the right things and they speak of priorities. However, they do not do things, do what they say and they clearly do not prioritise. Balance was a priority in feb 2020. The guy working on it was then announced moved to EoD and balance suspended for over 6 months.

Those of us who have been around for years (for a decade) know that this is just the same old. They can never change it without putting money and resources in first (and be transparent with that). LWS1 delivers because it has money and resources behind it. Strikes deliver because it has money and resources behind it. This also goes for that final comment about WvW. What Grouch said was that WvW was healthy (in a vague comparison). That is easily just a restatement of everything we know and can see for ourselves: That WvW has proven the test of time and stands more healthy than other more volatile content types that they have wasted time, money and resources on. With that in hand, one would assume that they would spend time, money and resources on WvW rather than just continuing to take it for granted. It is healthy in the sense that it is more healthy than it has any right to be, thanks to us, players.

Re #1: As part of a guild that runs heal scrapper ever since the 2019 gyro rework let me assure you it does make a difference. Your positioning especially on scourges is highly impacted with lower superspeed output. On top of that , your other superspeed options are on the order of 3 to 5s duration (glint elite on herald namely as well as tempest "Eye of the Storm"). That is what is meant by greater parity. In my prior feedback I have already stated that med blaster boon scaling was not split for WVW , whereas the primary portion of the heal is (if you think med kit is the only reason scrapper is strong, that loses sight of the overall picture since it wasn't used before gyro reworks).

Re #2 If you look back at Feb 2020 comments when the Arenanet devs originally planned to cut stability output by increasing WVW cool down on FB stab, I and many others all agreed nerfing firebrand stability without providing alternate avenues doesn't make the gamemode more fun in any way and just promotes pirate shipping. If firebrand healing were reduced (which is what Battle Presence passive sustain is, and was nerfed March 29, 2022 as well) it solidifies it as a stability producer and not so much as a main healing source. There were people claiming Arenanet should nerf firebrand to obsolescence but all that would do is make people run heralds for inspiring reinforcement , chrono boon rip for mantra of concentration, and heal scrapper has defense field already. Also, from looking at some comments and posts from people clearly without a numerical background (as well as PUGS using heal food on a DPS spec in squad sometimes) the vast majority of gamers are not very qualified to offer any opinion on balance.

Re #3 It is no surprise that they are trying to balance PVP first and foremost as the numerical disparity in terms of number of team members is fixed. In that sense tempest has been used at the highest levels of play in the mAT along with bladesworn. You cannot just think of this in a WVW bubble.

Re #5 : other than people running pet rangers (core/druid/untamed) in WVW most classes (not specs) have a role even if suboptimal in WVW. I've repeatedly stated that a major pain point in terms of the WvW community is when PUG rangers are kicked and refuse to acknowledge the reasons : oftentimes they provide zero to the squad while also actively trolling the commander by camping projectile weapons into reflect , not stealthing (see pet issue) when everyone else is, and not staying close enough for boons. This is something Arenanet could alleviate somewhat, as when I sometimes get on soulbeast for laughs I notice these problems as well (why you can't stow in combat and leave the pet health at the health it was before you stowed is beyond me especially on untamed in unleash ranger state).

Re #6 : you could be jaded and complain all day (many people on this forum are like that and post 9 pages of change requests), the fact of the matter is that Arenanet has had a dev team shakeup and a cash influx from a new expansion. The Grouch had a role when GW2 was trying to be an esports title. In addition to that I've seen Grouch first hand in WvW after they assumed the role of "live dev" or game director (one of those titles). In any industry you are more often seeing vocal complainers on their reviews or forums than the thousands of people that are perfectly fine using the product or service unless the survey/review form is given to every single user. In addition, any suggestions obviously need to fit their design vision : if you want to make an analogy in terms of a vehicle that is if you have a 4WD truck and someone using it suggests that it should have neon underlighting or a massive spoiler for "reasons". It's even worse when a person only plays one class or spec , there's a clear and obvious bias.

As far as alliances coding:  To be fair it is unlike PVE / PVP in those modes they can just copy paste code from other places. There aren't many places they will be able to salvage code for WVW alliances in particular. They can invest resources into balancing skills/traits and bugfixes more easily than pushing out alliances.

Are you familiar with AWS? The entire GW2 WVW system is based off week long map instances and there is a separate instance for load balancing. You can see the former Arenanet Stephen Clarke-Wilson, now NCSoft's Technical director presentation https://ubm-twvideo01.s3.amazonaws.com/o1/vault/gdc2017/Presentations/Clarke-Willson_Guild Wars 2 microservices.pdf




Guild Wars 2 World v World

● World vs. World vs. World maps have game state that persists for a week (or whatever you configure)

● The game state is stored in the load balancer and in the maps

● The load balancer can restart; and the maps can restart (e.g., when a new game build comes out); and as long as both don’t restart at the same time the state is maintained

● (The load balancer secretly keeps an emergency backup of the state but it is rarely used – maybe once every few years.)



See also https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/gametech/arenanet-guild-wars-mmorpg-migration/


Located in Bellevue, Washington, the engineering team at ArenaNet is responsible for building out the core gameplay systems as well as ensuring players can access the game anytime. They strive for 100% uptime which they achieved for three and a half  years starting in August 2017 until March 2020 when they had a 14-minute outage due to a configuration error.

So yes it's easy to complain and backseat develop a MMO but it's much harder in practice, especially one that has had close to no downtime and runs remotely off AWS. Moreover, if players aren't even willing to spend a modicum of effort to read dev opinions and rationale why do you think they will wade through encyclopedias' worth of player feedback instead of relying on metrics which are founded on fact/ground truth rather than opinion.

edit: since people like to spam emojis anyone can fact check the post below mine that reads "There has been zero balance since February 2020" when this is absurd since today is April 11 which means it has been less than two weeks since the March 29, 2022 patch.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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Lots of long text and stuff here, cool that you guys care that much. Unfortunate that nobody from arenanet reads this forum. 


I just want to post saying I'm sad. Right after a big commercial success etc. etc. expansion releases, world vs world died in both tier 4 NA and tier 5 EU. Both tiers became largely inactive and people transferred. 


WvW is great but I can feel it finally cracking under the weight of 2+ years of no significant change. There has been zero balance since February 2020. Alliances have been promised since before then, like 8 times. It's a fhckin joke. 

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