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say it with me: buff spellbreaker


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Spellbreaker deserves to be nothing except a shout support build. Warrior is a cool class and I'd probably have played it the 2nd most if not for my vow to only ever play Necro in PvP back in early HoT. But Spellbreaker is lame as hell both thematically and gameplaywise.

Berserker > Baldsworn > Core > Spellbreaker

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buff warrior overall.

and bladesworn needs a redesign because this design brings nothing new to warrior and relies on pure healing to survive..which is bad..and gimmicky..


berserker stance after resistance change becomes garbage and is still 40 second cooldown when signet of fury is basically the same thing now only has 20, same goes for revenge counter.

literally 70% of warrior skills/traits are unplayable and garbage at this point and i feel i'm being generous here


Edited by Lighter.5631
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44 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

buff warrior overall.

and bladesworn needs a redesign because this design brings nothing new to warrior and relies on pure healing to survive..which is bad..and gimmicky..


berserker stance after resistance change becomes garbage and is still 40 second cooldown when signet of fury is basically the same thing now only has 20, same goes for revenge counter.

literally 70% of warrior skills/traits are unplayable and garbage at this point and i feel i'm being generous here


This. 💯

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4 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

The instant Anet makes it good, Warrior mains are going to destroy the mists like Goku emerging from the hyperbolic time chamber. 

It's not about making it good; it's about making it functional.


There is just so much about warrior --weapons, utilities, and traits/whole trait lines-- that just doesn't work.


Warrior is underpowered right now, true, but it also sorely lacks the tools and build diversity to compete with other professions.


I don't think anyone is asking for War to be OP. We just want it to be competitive.

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27 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

It's not about making it good; it's about making it functional.


There is just so much about warrior --weapons, utilities, and traits/whole trait lines-- that just doesn't work.


Warrior is underpowered right now, true, but it also sorely lacks the tools and build diversity to compete with other professions.


I don't think anyone is asking for War to be OP. We just want it to be competitive.

yea, warrior is way too simplistic that it should not be viable..specially bladesworn

the moment it became meta through overtuned numbers but as is..it will just destroy everything else without effort...no matter which elite spec..which is bad..


and anet seems to not allow warrior to take any utilities at all..the moment warrior take utility either it stop doing damage, or it stop living at all..no warrior can surivive now without stacking a trillion sustain skill..and they don't want warrior to be anything but a solo side noder that annoys enemy.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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1 hour ago, Lighter.5631 said:

buff warrior overall.

and bladesworn needs a redesign because this design brings nothing new to warrior and relies on pure healing to survive..which is bad..and gimmicky..


berserker stance after resistance change becomes garbage and is still 40 second cooldown when signet of fury is basically the same thing now only has 20, same goes for revenge counter.

literally 70% of warrior skills/traits are unplayable and garbage at this point and i feel i'm being generous here


Makes sense now doesn't it?

Anet nerfs resistance to "kill" a build like Condi Herald. It hits warrior too. Warrior has been known to be the biggest necro counter.

And what happens when warrior lacks the tools to srurvive against condi? Cele Harbinger remains unpunished. If we still had resistance, sure it wouldn't be the buff that would allow warr to dominate every meta, but it would keep those nasty necros in check. But anet seems to know where the money is at.

If people wanna play necro more than warrior, why give necro meaningful rivals? Cull it's enemies and you have happy necro enjoyers pouring money and time in the game cause for them, it's balanced. No body should care about 100 warrior mains right?

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54 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

The instant Anet makes it good, Warrior mains are going to destroy the mists like Goku emerging from the hyperbolic time chamber. 

I don't think this is the conclusion you're drawing but to people that are thinking this but not saying it directly:

 this doesn't justify keeping them nerfed either by proxy or directly. They chose to struggle with an objectively weaker class, and any... *clears throat* "splash damage" that may occur as a result of making their class not weak at baseline is a result of them putting in that work.

Dont be scared

Let them out

there's no bad blood I promise they just wanna talk

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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General buffs for warrior as a whole should be -
-Reworking  and improving Defense Line(Reworking 300s ICD traits that should've been reworked years ago.)
- CC skills doing some damage (based on the impact type and wind up, and non critable unless specifically stated otherwise)
- Buffing/reworking utilities such as Berserker Stance, Healing Signet, that have otherwise been thoroughly abandoned/nerfed into the ground to near uselessness.
-Buffing most weapons for for melee centric sets(I wouldn't include axe)

-Spellbreaker Specific Buffs imo ( not ones that should all get implemented because you know people gunna QQ about suggestions)- 

-Buff Loss Aversion's damage (Boon rip is pretty integral to Spellbreaker, focus more into it)
- Dispelling Force should be removing boons on landing connected CC skills, not actually hard ccing people.
-Dagger AA end chain should remove a boon. 
-Off Hand Dagger needs a damage buff on Wastrel Ruin(it's single target, and maximum value requires disable or no skill use enemy, and outclassed by offhand mace which hits 3 targets along with might gain and vuln application per target and doubles on CC'd foes)
- Pure Strike (Major Adept trait) - In addition to its current effects reduce Meditation Cooldowns by 20%
- Revenge Counter (Major Grandmaster trait) - Add Resolution
 -Sight Beyond Sight - grants blind immunity for 1 attack instead of removing blind
-Imminent Threat - Increase taunt duration and range, and include prot.
Full Counter-  Give it back like 400 base damage and 0.65 power coefficient for pvp and wvw

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2 minutes ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

General buffs for warrior as a whole should be -
-Reworking  and improving Defense Line(Reworking 300s ICD traits that should've been reworked years ago.)
- CC skills doing some damage (based on the impact type and wind up, and non critable unless specifically stated otherwise)
- Buffing/reworking utilities such as Berserker Stance, Healing Signet, that have otherwise been thoroughly abandoned/nerfed into the ground to near uselessness.
-Buffing most weapons for for melee centric sets(I wouldn't include axe)

-Spellbreaker Specific Buffs imo ( not ones that should all get implemented because you know people gunna QQ about suggestions)- 

-Buff Loss Aversion's damage (Boon rip is pretty integral to Spellbreaker, focus more into it)
- Dispelling Force should be removing boons on landing connected CC skills, not actually hard ccing people.
-Dagger AA end chain should remove a boon. 
-Off Hand Dagger needs a damage buff on Wastrel Ruin(it's single target, and maximum value requires disable or no skill use enemy, and outclassed by offhand mace which hits 3 targets along with might gain and vuln application per target and doubles on CC'd foes)
- Pure Strike (Major Adept trait) - In addition to its current effects reduce Meditation Cooldowns by 20%
- Revenge Counter (Major Grandmaster trait) - Add Resolution
 -Sight Beyond Sight - grants blind immunity for 1 attack instead of removing blind
-Imminent Threat - Increase taunt duration and range, and include prot.
Full Counter-  Give it back like 400 base damage and 0.65 power coefficient for pvp and wvw

Y'all keep ignoring berserker and I won't stand for it honestly 😭

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