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[Arenanet] Is that actually the Dev´s playing WvW?


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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

If its the real Anet, the players will have a unique red icon in the name (ie the Anet logo). Yes, they do play WvW from time to time. 

they will probably play WvW more than you might think. You just simply won´t notice most of the time, as they seem to tend to not enable their ANet-Tag or represent the ArenaNet Guild (so basically, just playing incognito without anyone realizing they are actually there). 
But yes, it it is the ArenaNet Guild, and they have the ArenaNet Icon next to them, that´s definitively an ArenaNet employee playing. Note: this doesn´t necessarily mean that it is a WvW-dev, someone from the balance team or whatever. It could literally be ANY employee playing WvW. In other words: this also could mean nothing (in context of the  "does the balance/dev-Team for WvW actually play WvW"-rant that frequently comes up)

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1 hour ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

Isn't is sad that players are surprised to see the devs in their own game? Pretty telling isn't it?

Devs playing their own game and interacting with people this way is one of the rarest things, even in online games, so it's pretty normal for people to be surprised.

At least of all the online games i played, mobas, shooters, mmo's, etc, i have never seen Devs playing the game, let alone having ingame achievements requiring you to interact with them, GW2 was a first for me.

I know some games have GM's, but 99% of the time these aren't devs, so it's not the same.

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9 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

We were roaming on EBG when we noticed that Stonemistcastle was claimed by a Guild with the tag [Arenanet].

is that actually the devs playing WvW?

It could be, but not necessarily.

Any Anet employee may choose to rep, and they are not necessarily part of the WvW team. They may also be playing in their own free time.

Although there is a hidden achievement for killing them.

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23 hours ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Devs playing their own game and interacting with people this way is one of the rarest things, even in online games, so it's pretty normal for people to be surprised.

At least of all the online games i played, mobas, shooters, mmo's, etc, i have never seen Devs playing the game, let alone having ingame achievements requiring you to interact with them, GW2 was a first for me.

I know some games have GM's, but 99% of the time these aren't devs, so it's not the same.

Used to be very common in Everquest back in the late 90's early 2000's. You would regularly see Developer/GM lead events, quizzes, escort/protection events across massive zones like the Karanas.

We once had a problem with an idiot training us with creatures in Velious. Sent a report and within 10 minutes we had a well known employee talking to us. When we asked where they were, they tolds us they were invisible and stood next to us and to keep playing normally so they could see the disruptive behaviour themselves. Sure enough the idiot did what they had been doing and ran off. 

He got summoned back to the spot by the Dev and perma-rooted to the ground. I suspect he got a good telling off and he then disappeared. We were told he had got a short ban from the game for his behaviour.

On another occassion I was having problems staying online due to some issues. The Community Manager read my post on the Official forums and when I logged into the game took the time to interact with me directly suggesting various solutions through four or five disconnects until the problem was resolved.

Cannot beat old fashioned customer service.

Edited by Andy.5981
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It was most likely just kind-hearted dev that felt bad about ignoring WvW so they played it a few hours so any WvW related questions from playerbase doesn't bother them.

Based on my personality analysis, they will most likely be back in a few years.

It is just difference of between being able to answer "I also play WvW sometimes but I do not have opinion on the matter" and "Sorry, I do not play WvW" while being honest. First one just sounds better.

Edited by Threather.9354
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3 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

There are several devs that regularly play wvw.  The problem is that they only play on blobbing worlds and usually only play during those worlds blobbing hours, so they think everything is fine and stacks ktraining everything is how it should be.

Well, to be fair, the Anet tag is an instant magnet for hundreds of mouth breathing clickers, so be more understanding. 

And unfortunately you are wrong. Plenty of them run tagless so they can play with some peace and quiet, and not constantly be harassed. 

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21 hours ago, Andy.5981 said:

Used to be very common in Everquest back in the late 90's early 2000's. You would regularly see Developer/GM lead events, quizzes, escort/protection events across massive zones like the Karanas.

We once had a problem with an idiot training us with creatures in Velious. Sent a report and within 10 minutes we had a well known employee talking to us. When we asked where they were, they tolds us they were invisible and stood next to us and to keep playing normally so they could see the disruptive behaviour themselves. Sure enough the idiot did what they had been doing and ran off. 

He got summoned back to the spot by the Dev and perma-rooted to the ground. I suspect he got a good telling off and he then disappeared. We were told he had got a short ban from the game for his behaviour.

On another occassion I was having problems staying online due to some issues. The Community Manager read my post on the Official forums and when I logged into the game took the time to interact with me directly suggesting various solutions through four or five disconnects until the problem was resolved.

Cannot beat old fashioned customer service.

Oh man those were the days, when GM's were still like DM's of AD&D. Before WoW and practically every game after started using out of game gm's.

Speaking of EQ, I use to play an enchanter, probably why I like mesmer so much 😆

Edit: oh man I got a confused emoji, kids these days, they're all confused.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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On 4/21/2022 at 12:55 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Oh man those were the days, when GM's were still like DM's of AD&D. Before WoW and practically every game after started using out of game gm's.

Speaking of EQ, I use to play an enchanter, probably why I like mesmer so much 😆

Edit: oh man I got a confused emoji, kids these days, they're all confused.

yeah someone even "confused" on my initial question xD i think i know who it was:D dont worry about it.

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On 4/21/2022 at 12:55 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Edit: oh man I got a confused emoji, kids these days, they're all confused.

Its sad that its impossible to see the total count because then we had a score for how many people we antagonize enough to make them bother with so-called confused emotes.

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On 4/20/2022 at 7:49 PM, Andy.5981 said:

On another occassion I was having problems staying online due to some issues. The Community Manager read my post on the Official forums and when I logged into the game took the time to interact with me directly suggesting various solutions through four or five disconnects until the problem was resolved.

wow this is a real customer service. it's really this thing that makes the difference very often. even if your product has a number of necessary issues/updates, stages seeing close and present towards your customer really makes the difference between a good product and a bad product.

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