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9 minutes ago, myun.6395 said:

I'm on eu.

Good job if you are top 50 with core ele soloQ only, but I don't think you are allowed to cry for nerfs when you are clearly playing a suboptimal build.

It's like going in a car race with your grandma car and cry because your opponent ferrari or lamborghini goes faster than yours because has a better engine. Nonsense.

well the forums are for crying and I feel like there is lots of stuff to cry about right now.

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2 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

I don't think you are allowed to cry for nerfs when you are clearly playing a suboptimal build.

Yeah right, cause I cant compare fighting the new builds to fighting the old ones. Even on a suboptimal build I can see what is stronger and gauge if its too strong...

Or what, your argument is to play the OP crap to not feel its OP and dont complain? Great way to ensure many more dead builds and even less variety.

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2 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

I'm on eu.

Good job if you are top 50 with core ele soloQ only, but I don't think you are allowed to cry for nerfs when you are clearly playing a suboptimal build.

It's like going in a car race with your grandma car and cry because your opponent ferrari or lamborghini goes faster than yours because has a better engine. Nonsense.

It's okay, as a fellow kitten sapiens I've given him permission to write on forums to speak his mind about various things that concerns the game, be it balance or content or whatever he desires.
Well, memes aside, he can play whatever he wants and he can write whatever he wants, since he's a player of GW2.
You also put a "base" of expectations on wrong things, though your flawed logic right there:
Elementalist should be put as your base and then you should compare everything with it, after that you'll understand that everything else got powercreeped into heavens.

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1 hour ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

It's okay, as a fellow kitten sapiens I've given him permission to write on forums to speak his mind about various things that concerns the game, be it balance or content or whatever he desires.
Well, memes aside, he can play whatever he wants and he can write whatever he wants, since he's a player of GW2.
You also put a "base" of expectations on wrong things, though your flawed logic right there:
Elementalist should be put as your base and then you should compare everything with it, after that you'll understand that everything else got powercreeped into heavens.

I don't know what are you saying here, but we are playing an mmo, and since this genre is born, there are metas.

It's not a fps with everyone running the same weapon.

So not every profession, not every build can be meta, even more in this game where the balance is pretty bad.

If you play off-meta builds you are handicapping yourself and sorry, but you can't cry gor nerfs. Nobody is stopping you to play meta as well.


The point of this post was Untamed needed nerfs. And my answer was that untamed is not even a meta build, other things like mechanist and support guard needs a serious tune down at urgency, they are meta, but they clearly overperform.

This being said, powercreep will always exist, meta will always exist. He plays core ele, a suboptimal build, he is a good player if he did reach top50 with it, gratz to him, but don't cry if there are better builds out there that powercreep yours, because it's an mmo and not fortnite or cod.

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6 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

I don't think you are allowed to cry for nerfs when you are clearly playing a suboptimal build.

yoU aRE nOT spaMmInG BunKErMeChaNiSt, sO yOuR OpiNIoN doeSnT maTtEr🤡

What the duck XDDD

Even from just watching  you can see what is performing well / overperforming. You dont actually need to play the strongest class to have a opinion...  just letting you know

Do you really think that you only can have a opinion that matters if you are playing the best possible build!?  for real!? 

Let me ask you one question! Are you spamming Bunkermechanist or Supportguardian?  If not please get the duck🦆 outta here, you are playing a suboptimal build and are not allowed to have a opinion.

i dont say i agree with nerfing untamed. I just want to point out that your way of arguing is completly nonsense and disrespectful even.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

I don't know what are you saying here, but we are playing an mmo, and since this genre is born, there are metas.

It's not a fps with everyone running the same weapon.

So not every profession, not every build can be meta, even more in this game where the balance is pretty bad.

If you play off-meta builds you are handicapping yourself and sorry, but you can't cry gor nerfs. Nobody is stopping you to play meta as well.


The point of this post was Untamed needed nerfs. And my answer was that untamed is not even a meta build, other things like mechanist and support guard needs a serious tune down at urgency, they are meta, but they clearly overperform.

This being said, powercreep will always exist, meta will always exist. He plays core ele, a suboptimal build, he is a good player if he did reach top50 with it, gratz to him, but don't cry if there are better builds out there that powercreep yours, because it's an mmo and not fortnite or cod.

It doesn't matter if abc is meta or not, if it outperforms in anyway it should be fixed, I don't get that kitten lack of logic here, like come one, it's 2022 I expect bare minimum at this point.
Even though he plays offmeta build, he still have eyes to see unbalanced things and how it affects the overall gameplay, it's not rocket science in gw2. Using core class as a base he pretty much can nail that everything else is powercreeped and needs heavy shaving, I say that he does pretty good with his logic.

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42 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

It doesn't matter if abc is meta or not, if it outperforms in anyway it should be fixed, I don't get that kitten lack of logic here, like come one, it's 2022 I expect bare minimum at this point.
Even though he plays offmeta build, he still have eyes to see unbalanced things and how it affects the overall gameplay, it's not rocket science in gw2. Using core class as a base he pretty much can nail that everything else is powercreeped and needs heavy shaving, I say that he does pretty good with his logic.

  1. Trapper dragon hunter then would need to be nerfed
  2. Harbringer and necro in general would need to be nerfed
  3. engineer overall would need to be nerfed
  4. ele overall needs to be nerfed
  5. Guardian needs to be destroyed
  6. Renegade needs to be nuked

And why? (These are only some examples) Because they outperform other builds and classes in some form. By your logic everyone should be 100% the same; So lets just give everyone the Stick from SAB and remove states. This way its just you with a stick and everyone gets the same three abilities that work identically, with the same stat allocation to ensure its "fair". 

Don't be ridiculous. There are builds that out preform and have been since the game and this genres inception.

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27 minutes ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:
  1. Trapper dragon hunter then would need to be nerfed
  2. Harbringer and necro in general would need to be nerfed
  3. engineer overall would need to be nerfed
  4. ele overall needs to be nerfed
  5. Guardian needs to be destroyed
  6. Renegade needs to be nuked

And why? (These are only some examples) Because they outperform other builds and classes in some form. By your logic everyone should be 100% the same; So lets just give everyone the Stick from SAB and remove states. This way its just you with a stick and everyone gets the same three abilities that work identically, with the same stat allocation to ensure its "fair". 

Don't be ridiculous. There are builds that out preform and have been since the game and this genres inception.

Yes, they should be the same, the same powerlevel, always.
If a class has a total of 100 points to spend on offense/defense/utility/support or whatever and it spreads it equally 25 for 4 categories then it's fine, but when the class has total of 100 points and it's somehow capable of: 75 offense/25 defense/25 utility/25 support then something is wrong here and it needs to be fixed asap.
A-net needs to go back to drawing board and clearly write down what each class will excel at and what will be their weaknesses, because at this point with flawed e-spec system that stopped existing in 2015.
It's fine if classes are capable of specializing in certain areas, but they should have weak points in others to balance it evenly.

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8 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Yes, they should be the same, the same powerlevel, always.
If a class has a total of 100 points to spend on offense/defense/utility/support or whatever and it spreads it equally 25 for 4 categories then it's fine, but when the class has total of 100 points and it's somehow capable of: 75 offense/25 defense/25 utility/25 support then something is wrong here and it needs to be fixed asap.
A-net needs to go back to drawing board and clearly write down what each class will excel at and what will be their weaknesses, because at this point with flawed e-spec system that stopped existing in 2015.
It's fine if classes are capable of specializing in certain areas, but they should have weak points in others to balance it evenly.

No what they need to do is take things back to their core design and fix the mess they've made. Some classes just don't work period and no amount of shenanigans can fix that. Some classes don't even do their roles well anymore; This is the issue with elite specs I do agree and all of the specs should've just been their own classes... (outside of maybe the first E-spec, so you'd have a sort of awakening variant of your class like BDO ) 

But what you're asking for this studio will never be able to accomplish, A-net have no clue about what their classes are and what they're meant to do. Which becomes clearer every patch in my eyes. 

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2 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

It doesn't matter if abc is meta or not, if it outperforms in anyway it should be fixed, I don't get that kitten lack of logic here, like come one, it's 2022 I expect bare minimum at this point.
Even though he plays offmeta build, he still have eyes to see unbalanced things and how it affects the overall gameplay, it's not rocket science in gw2. Using core class as a base he pretty much can nail that everything else is powercreeped and needs heavy shaving, I say that he does pretty good with his logic.

You got no logic at all, you are playing an mmo, not a fps.


He plays core ele, he has eyes to se what's overperforming, got killed by an untamed, untamed needs to be nerfed?

Why he didn't say anything of mech? Of sup guard? If he asks for untamed nerfs he clearly have zero vision even tho he is top 50 like he stated.

Never heard a single top player who thought untamed is too strong or needs nerfs.


And again, I asked him to point out what's the problem with untamed, is it teleport? Is it the damage? Is it the sustain?


He asked for nerfs and left, without arguments. This behaviour it's typical of crying babies who got killed by a spec and rage.

A real critique would be saying in details what's wrong with the spec.

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19 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Untamed doesnt need nerfs. Tail swipe I think does too much damage and thats about it.

The only professions who need more shaves would be mech and possibly spectre.

Games with too much sustain is boring and games with too much dps usually means a snowball match. You really need an environment where damage builds dont over benefit from sustain options and there is enough damage to not have supports carry a match.

Bladesworn absolutely needs sustain nerfs

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1 hour ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

Bladesworn absolutely needs sustain nerfs

it doesnt tho, if you looking at healing numbers alone sure, it's healing is a lot

but you look at sustain overall, a lot classes are harder to kill, given if you landing your damage properly.

healing doesn't scale with enemies, often bladesworn just get deleted easily in a coordinated attack in a team fight. or just by any one good willbender or harbinger burst.


and the healing is the only thing that allows bladesworn to be played at all.

tho i would total trade some healing for more evade frame instead of just aegis and lower teleport cooldown with longer range and maybe faster charge time on dragon trigger.


but i can already foresee bladesworn healing getting nerfed without proper compensation and just made it a useless spec in like 1 months without being actually meta. as it is fate for warrior for years and history likes to repeat itself.

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46 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

i'm patiently waiting for the nerf bladesworn thread. war mains will nuke the thread with copium bombs and it'll be funny to watch all the flawed logic they produce. premium content inc

It heals too much -and- is boring, as a substitute for mechanics that wouldn't get a non-healing-oriented bladesworn killed. They can nerf it if necessary, but they're going to need to give warriors another excuse for sitting in Dragon Trigger and eating damage for an attack more telegraphed than a B movie plot twist, because it doesn't work in pvp outside of tactics spam. 

Anet needs to fix spellbreaker and berserker. And, if they're going to adjust bladesworn so it heals less, theyll need to rework/rebalance that too. 

There will definitely be pushback if no effort is made to buff spellbreaker/zerker before an effort is made to nerf Bladesworn, though. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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7 hours ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:
  1. Trapper dragon hunter then would need to be nerfed
  2. Harbringer and necro in general would need to be nerfed
  3. engineer overall would need to be nerfed
  4. ele overall needs to be nerfed
  5. Guardian needs to be destroyed
  6. Renegade needs to be nuked

And why? (These are only some examples) Because they outperform other builds and classes in some form. By your logic everyone should be 100% the same; So lets just give everyone the Stick from SAB and remove states. This way its just you with a stick and everyone gets the same three abilities that work identically, with the same stat allocation to ensure its "fair". 

Don't be ridiculous. There are builds that out preform and have been since the game and this genres inception.

No, you are absolutely right. Asymmetric gameplay is doomed to fail from a balance perspective.


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On 4/19/2022 at 7:27 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Right lets not nerf something because it wasnt played in the finals of the 1 mat that happened pre-vindicator and spectre nerfs even though its obviously too strong in every other situation. I guess according to you people like boyce and rom are just gold/silver players who dont know what they are doing.

WTF are you even talking about?

Boyce has like 10,000+ hours of sPvP alone. That's more than a year of his life in front of his PC playing exclusively sPvP. Of course he's going to perform well with almost any class and spec. It's not representative of Untamed's average performance whatsoever. Pretty much the same can be said about ROM.


Either way, the general consensus is Untamed feels terrible to play and is in need of a significant revamp, regardless of its potential performance, hence why you barely see this spec being played if at all.


The spec is also carried by drake damage and the niche burst it does.

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After playing about 100 games so far this season.  I would like to see some ranger nerfs, guard nerfs and necro nerfs. 

More specifically ranger could use some damage nerfs from core all the way to untamed. Being hit with a single attack from a gs shouldn't do 13k damage when the toons I play have 11k hp to start with. That seems overly Amped up. And now that they have a teleport to cheat threw objects I feel it's way overturned.

Guard gs also seems to be pumping out enormous damage as well. Honestly it wouldnt be so bad if teleport bomb and teleporting threw walls with no line of site wasn't a thing.


And as far as necro/harbinger goes that also needs a damage reduction. Getting hit with 13k damage from one skill seems a bit overwhelming.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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21 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

After playing about 100 games so far this season.  I would like to see some ranger nerfs, guard nerfs and necro nerfs. 

More specifically ranger could use some damage nerfs from core all the way to untamed. Being hit with a single attack from a gs shouldn't do 13k damage when the toons I play have 11k hp to start with. That seems overly Amped up. And now that they have a teleport to cheat threw objects I feel it's way overturned.

Guard gs also seems to be pumping out enormous damage as well. Honestly it wouldnt be so bad if teleport bomb and teleporting threw walls with no line of site wasn't a thing.


And as far as necro/harbinger goes that also needs a damage reduction. Getting hit with 13k damage from one skill seems a bit overwhelming.

Don't play zerk ele then :@

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6 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

And again, I asked him to point out what's the problem with untamed, is it teleport? Is it the damage? Is it the sustain?

Unnatural traversal needs a casting animation so you cant precast hiltbash/maul into tailswipe for 15k+ damage. Also reduce the size of enveloping haze aoe and nerf tail swipe damage.

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6 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Unnatural traversal needs a casting animation so you cant precast hiltbash/maul into tailswipe for 15k+ damage. Also reduce the size of enveloping haze aoe and nerf tail swipe damage.

The skill fails to activate a good 50% of the times just to point it out.

You know the combo is slower than power mirage oneshot burst? Stunbreak and dodge avoid 100% of it.

River drake Tail Swipe is a sitting duck when he cast it, if you move even 240 range it won't hit your hitbox.

And you are top50 dying to untamed combo xD players skill level dropped this low serious, kitten.

If you die to untamed full combo and you have all cds, you belong below gold2, maybe that's a more accurate ranking for you, but because there are so few people playing you managed to get to 50 probs.

If you have no cds, you are dead to any profession and build, no matter what.


Crying for untamed teleport combo who has to press 5 buttons in succession and a single dodge negate all the damage, when right now we have double willbenders with 10 times more teleports and dish 5x times the damage of untamed combo without having to combo anything, just click skill off cd, whirling light and gs2 already do more damage than a full untamed combo. Clearly you deserve to be top50 yeah.

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9 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

After playing about 100 games so far this season.  I would like to see some ranger nerfs, guard nerfs and necro nerfs. 

More specifically ranger could use some damage nerfs from core all the way to untamed. Being hit with a single attack from a gs shouldn't do 13k damage when the toons I play have 11k hp to start with. That seems overly Amped up. And now that they have a teleport to cheat threw objects I feel it's way overturned.

Guard gs also seems to be pumping out enormous damage as well. Honestly it wouldnt be so bad if teleport bomb and teleporting threw walls with no line of site wasn't a thing.


And as far as necro/harbinger goes that also needs a damage reduction. Getting hit with 13k damage from one skill seems a bit overwhelming.

There is no way on earth that a Ranger has hit 13k maul on you with a real build. You can play Beastmastery/skirmishing/soulbeast and get close to that damage, but your only cleanse will be Bearstance and Sigil of cleasning.. aka YOU MELT.

Also Harbingerhitting 13k ahhh that was before the nerf, and before they fixed that bug. Nowadays you hardly ever get hit by more than 8k.. which still is alot, but no where near 13k. im sorry.

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12 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

i'm patiently waiting for the nerf bladesworn thread. war mains will nuke the thread with copium bombs and it'll be funny to watch all the flawed logic they produce. premium content inc

There already was a topic in the war subforum to not nuke shouts as bladesworn sustain gets nerfed (we know its coming and its fair).

Any war player will tell you we want dmg not bunkering. But nerfing shouts instead of bladesworn synergy with them will delete core war.

Also wars that post on the forum dont like the spec anyway, I doubt many will defend the crap gameplay.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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