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Instead of nerfing willbender, buff spellbreaker

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Some old school spellbreakers would clean up the willbender act real quick.💢


Buff up full counter with more base damage. Give it duration of cast resistance.

Make it remove a Boon base form.

Revenge counter should transfer conditions, not just copy.


Let's get it more like the anime. And magebane tether should remove stab on hit if target is below 50% health. Bane means death. 

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42 minutes ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:

Some old school spellbreakers would clean up the willbender act real quick.💢


Buff up full counter with more base damage. Give it duration of cast resistance.

Make it remove a Boon base form.

Revenge counter should transfer conditions, not just copy.


Let's get it more like the anime. And magebane tether should remove stab on hit if target is below 50% health. Bane means death. 

bump ❤️

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On another note, please make daggers useful too?

Dagger trait main hand dealing 10% more of all outgoing dmg if enemy has stability.

Dagger OH heal reverted to 10%, dagger 5 OH itself unblockable blind on enemies.

Otherwise, make sure to visit the warrior forums anet, we are a welcome bunch! 😁

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No thx....I'd rather fight a legion of willbenders rather than Full counter...pretty kittenous mechanic to fight.

It sits at 4th place among most kittenous mechanics in this game, I don't care if they'd give warriors, things like : perma quickness,  invulnerability and oneshot potential or whatever you may desire.....but Full counter is pure kitten that I'd rather delete

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4 hours ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:


Some old school spellbreakers would clean up the willbender act real quick.💢


Buff up full counter with more base damage. Give it duration of cast resistance.

Make it remove a Boon base form.

Revenge counter should transfer conditions, not just copy.


Let's get it more like the anime. And magebane tether should remove stab on hit if target is below 50% health. Bane means death. 


The pvp community needs to continue to adopt this line of thinking. Stop removing….. Start building and adding to the game mode. 

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31 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Arheundel.6451 would you then also delete necro staff 5? Cause litterly same Effect and you do not even need the enemy to hit you to cast it. xD

Not everybody plays a monkey class concept like necro...literally after only 12 hours on necro after creating one...I was trolling a warrior from [CAKE] guild with a minion master build not knowing what half the skills could do.

Mechanics like Full Counter that goes off regardless of you actually hitting the warrior ...it's a kittenous mechanic and I couldn't care less of what war mains think, for all I care they can give stealth, barrier spam, grenades, clones, pet.....so kittening kitten to fight a spellbreaker inside a group fight, remove the kitten aoe effect then you can start asking for buffs or whatever

The CC stunlock is already asinine in this game as it reward monkeybrain spamming..on the contrary of clever designs like we had in GW1 where you can't logically kd a target that is already kded, daze what is already dazed

Willbender cries are just loads of Hocus Pocus, it's still a guardian ...it's not a herald..good at +1 and nothing else, couple of linear dashes and 1-2 short ranger teleports  and people cry like not tomorrow, meanwhile herald has shiro Elite, glint elite, staff knockback, sword evade and kittening elemental blast....yeah I'd rather fight a legion of willbenders....at least you don't become like a pinball fighting multiple willbenders

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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@Arheundel.6451 tho people dont cry about willbender cause of its ports they cry cause of blinds, aegis, and too short CD on virtues.


Also I dont get ya why you see a obviosly big tell aoe 1 sec daze more annoying than that what willbender allready does.... just blinds, aegis ports and hart damage in one. All a fullconter damage buff would bring is a way to at least counter spam classes that careless spam aoe fields under your feed. And yes obviosly it would counter guardian, actually it Should counter it but it doesnt cause it dont have enough damage to do but thats something Else.

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2 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

No, just nerf willbender

Your line of thinking is killing this game mode. Constant reduction with out additional building around other professions will continue to bottle neck options. 

when you reduce something there will be a build that was once inferior that now is ahead. It’s literally magical nerf chairs. The numbers will just constantly adjust. Reduce something and by default something else is inflated. Its a loop that’s destroying PvP. 

We need to enhance the options to allow more counter play. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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9 minutes ago, Aktium.9506 said:

Full Counter is lame and so is Spellbreaker.

I'd rather see Berserker get unblockable and boonrip added to all primal bursts. Maybe some barrier gen to Eternal Champion to top off the sustain a bit.


Nah. Spellbreaker should be THE sidenodder/bruiser for warrior and needs the ability to shut down the roamers/dps.


Now berserker needs something that provides sustain but reinforces its role as a dps/spike damage. Probably a variation of that willbender traits that makes willy immortal when it kills during f3, but actually good. Hell with a trait named eternal champion, doesn't it make sense to make something similar for berserker? Maybe something that gives a heavy chunk of hp+some sort of damage reduction when a warrior scores a kill/down with a primal or rage skill.

Edited by Kuya.6495
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14 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Nah. Spellbreaker should be THE sidenodder/bruiser for warrior and needs the ability to shut down the roamers/dps.


Now berserker needs something that provides sustain but reinforces its role as a dps/spike damage. Probably a variation of that willbender traits that makes willy immortal when it kills during f3, but actually good. Hell with a trait named eternal champion, doesn't it make sense to make something similar for berserker? Maybe something that gives a heavy chunk of hp+some sort of damage reduction when a warrior scores a kill/down with a primal or rage skill.

That would make sense, and we've made suggestions to that effect, but it seems that they don't read the warrior forums except to find ideas for other professions.

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6 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Mechanics like Full Counter that goes off regardless of you actually hitting the warrior ...it's a kittenous mechanic and I couldn't care less of what war mains think, for all I care they can give stealth, barrier spam, grenades, clones, pet.....so kittening kitten to fight a spellbreaker inside a group fight, remove the kitten aoe effect then you can start asking for buffs or whatever

Lol and you somehow magically evade everything else in a group fight? Yet FC you cannot?

Well since I can get everything else and it will be fine (why are you not a balance dev I wonder)... Give arcing slice 450 range, make its dmg equal to the 50% threshold dmg and gain resistance on using it (right after the use, not after the cast). Make dagger burst a teleport with 600 range, make it prioritize stability, make it also grant resistance. Double MMR healing. Double might gain on magebane tether and make it remove a boon on pulse. No FC buff and I'm set.

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have to agree full counter is toxic mechanic.

it's not skillful, it's just CC spams. annoying and unfun

i'd rather have the daze removed and actually do damage.

or like give a f3 skill and like vindicator gs 4, the more hit you block with f2 full counter, the higher damage f3 skill is.

Edited by felix.2386
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12 hours ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:

Some old school spellbreakers would clean up the willbender act real quick.💢


Buff up full counter with more base damage. Give it duration of cast resistance.

Make it remove a Boon base form.

Revenge counter should transfer conditions, not just copy.


Let's get it more like the anime. And magebane tether should remove stab on hit if target is below 50% health. Bane means death. 

I fully support warriors buff, but this is bull kitten. Warrior needs damage and some sustain buffs. Not buffs to boon rip.

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3 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Your line of thinking is killing this game mode. Constant reduction with out additional building around other professions will continue to bottle neck options. 

when you reduce something there will be a build that was once inferior that now is ahead. It’s literally magical nerf chairs. The numbers will just constantly adjust. Reduce something and by default something else is inflated. Its a loop that’s destroying PvP. 

We need to enhance the options to allow more counter play. 

I hear what you are saying, but what you have to understand is that anet are incapable of balancing, any buffs to spell breakers with how anet balances will most likely make it to next fotm and I’d much rather deal with willbender than spellbreakers.

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9 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Not everybody plays a monkey class concept like necro...literally after only 12 hours on necro after creating one...I was trolling a warrior from [CAKE] guild with a minion master build not knowing what half the skills could do.

Mechanics like Full Counter that goes off regardless of you actually hitting the warrior ...it's a kittenous mechanic and I couldn't care less of what war mains think, for all I care they can give stealth, barrier spam, grenades, clones, pet.....so kittening kitten to fight a spellbreaker inside a group fight, remove the kitten aoe effect then you can start asking for buffs or whatever

The CC stunlock is already asinine in this game as it reward monkeybrain spamming..on the contrary of clever designs like we had in GW1 where you can't logically kd a target that is already kded, daze what is already dazed

Willbender cries are just loads of Hocus Pocus, it's still a guardian ...it's not a herald..good at +1 and nothing else, couple of linear dashes and 1-2 short ranger teleports  and people cry like not tomorrow, meanwhile herald has shiro Elite, glint elite, staff knockback, sword evade and kittening elemental blast....yeah I'd rather fight a legion of willbenders....at least you don't become like a pinball fighting multiple willbenders

Imagine hating on Warrior in 2022.


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Without the daze, even as a 1/4 sec interrupt, SpB would see too much if a nerf in potential boonrip and baseline boon removal on FC would be something anet wouldnt want i believe. 

Especially given how CC boonrip lacks synergy with the main mechanic of SpB. 

Sure its not very skillful to jump into dmg and evade/cc/dmg, but at this point if you dont know how to counter FC idk. 

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3 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

I fully support warriors buff, but this is bull kitten. Warrior needs damage and some sustain buffs. Not buffs to boon rip.

Honestly for wvw give me more/better boonrip, I will live with the rest of spb. Boons there are absolutely out of  control (like in pve).

1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Imagine hating on Warrior in 2022.

Well it was a reaction to adding dmg to FC. Technically its not hating on war, its hating on what spb could become.

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