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The lousy state of T1 (video of mass feeding and collusion to avoid t1)


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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

On Gandara, i now even wonder what is a link server. Because i don't remember seeing any in a long time.

There's two other "Full" servers that don't have a link either, and Baruch Bay never has a link.

Having a full server but underperforming in ppt could just mean you have a lot of players who play a lot of hours but don't actual do much, like sit in objectives "scouting" or afk for long periods of time. Not sure what you all expect to get out of linking with a smaller server...

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On 6/11/2022 at 8:00 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

There's two other "Full" servers that don't have a link either, and Baruch Bay never has a link.

Having a full server but underperforming in ppt could just mean you have a lot of players who play a lot of hours but don't actual do much, like sit in objectives "scouting" or afk for long periods of time. Not sure what you all expect to get out of linking with a smaller server...

you should also try the beautiful experience of two months without a link, indeed in rotation I would try it to all the servers in NA, not to be bad or resentful, just because so you can understand what you are talking about so as to have a vision probably common as EU and NA players.

really I'm completely in favor of gandare , this week then it's incredible, you can also control k + d of the three teams in t5. the flow of gandara and therefore gandara players are inferior by at least 3 vs 1 constantly.

to be clear even if you try to put together a team of 10 players you find an opposing team of 30.

and this fantastic experience you say is due to 15 or 20 players playing too much time? mmm maybe if I say that there is a problem with how he is working or the calculation logic in the team building system I may have interpreted your thinking better. avoiding talking about the transfers of the next day.

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Yes, the same Magumma that bandwagons themselves and tanks to grief and feast on low-pop servers and unsuspecting pve players!

"Mag needs Indo just like the Joker needs Batman. " -- And right there is why I stopped reading. The Joker, unlike Magumma, is an interesting and well-written adversary that inspired a lot of rip-offs and copycats.

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On 6/13/2022 at 3:05 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Yes, the same Magumma that bandwagons themselves and tanks to grief and feast on low-pop servers and unsuspecting pve players!

"Mag needs Indo just like the Joker needs Batman. " -- And right there is why I stopped reading. The Joker, unlike Magumma, is an interesting and well-written adversary that inspired a lot of rip-offs and copycats.

Wait..  so you put Indo as Batman??!  🤔🧐🤣

Edited by Strider Pj.2193
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On 6/13/2022 at 6:38 PM, Mabi black.1824 said:

you should also try the beautiful experience of two months without a link,

Rookie numbers. 
Ask the Riverside-players from like ~1 year ago, when the whole server went for multiple relinks,  without getting a link while sitting in T5 permanently. 

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I mean, it's true... TC and SBI? tied once in T2 just so we could kitten-block Maguuma from getting away from SOS and dropping to T2. As an added bonus, we didn't have to fight Mag.

Nobody wants to fight Maguuma. They did this to themselves.

Edited by Bristingr.5034
Better grammar in my post.
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guy is talking as if maguuma had commanders... u made us chase u into any keep or stonemist at any time with any squad size, just to fight a magqueue blob that only clouds, with like maybe two 15ish groups


at reset night even. and zero response when you got asked for OS blobfights instead of this clowning party. @jul.7602


t1 is worthless. be it on EU or NA, the tier means nothing but that u have the highest day and nighttime population coverage


EU is become like NA is yet, a big cloud and ppt /ktrain fiesta with degradingly less proper groups. clouding is just too easy these days and many supports aren't that good at handling this, the recent nerfs and _still_ lacking rewards surely don't help about this fact


so idk ... i don't understand u ppl

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40 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

guy is talking as if maguuma had commanders... u made us chase u into any keep or stonemist at any time with any squad size, just to fight a magqueue blob that only clouds, with like maybe two 15ish groups


at reset night even. and zero response when you got asked for OS blobfights instead of this clowning party. @jul.7602


t1 is worthless. be it on EU or NA, the tier means nothing but that u have the highest day and nighttime population coverage


EU is become like NA is yet, a big cloud and ppt /ktrain fiesta with degradingly less proper groups. clouding is just too easy these days and many supports aren't that good at handling this, the recent nerfs and _still_ lacking rewards surely don't help about this fact


so idk ... i don't understand u ppl

I would like to make a consideration of how I sometimes see judgments of how other players organize themselves or how they prefer to play. I often see this speech come back to judge t1 as useless.

I do not understand it, we have transfers completely out of control, it is normal that many players who no longer have or have lost a logic of belonging to a team, will continue indefinitely to stack up where they see more flow, where they see the game easier.

as a result you create a series of squads with many players and a lot more flow than the others, and consequently end up in t1.

so it doesn't make sense t1 as it doesn't make sense t5. after so long after many years, we should know well that the problem is right there in its foundations. if you do not give me the same team and if we do not decide how to manage the speech 24/7 (I have repeatedly given some new idea, but all intelligent ideas are welcome) and if we do not solve the transfer issue ........... arguing that t1 is useless compared to t2 really I think it has no meaning.

I did not mention alliances because alliances alone will not solve the concept of ''healthy competition or competition with equal weapons''

one day maybe when we have this ''gender equality'' you can come back to this forum and argue that your guild organized on voice etc etc can be more effective than any other construction, and we can in fact verify it on the battlefield, only then can you say that someone and I first will be useless.


with this I do not want to take away the word from anyone, it is right that everyone can express their thoughts. it is only my consideration or rather my personal desire.

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lotta wanna be GvG'ers complaining about clouding.. instead of complaining that your getting farmed in WvW go meet up with a guild on their discord and "get organized" for some easy to follow fights where everyone listens to your made up rules.

Edited by displayname.8315
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mabi u dont understand at all what we talk here about. maguuma is kinda what the FoW/arbo link was last linking, just on one server and qualitywise like 80% worse. but NA is far more casual overall and has only 3 tiers so its kinda easier to maintain


your equality ends #1 at numbers #2 at numbers on one spot #3 at individual player skill ... u cannot buff weaker players who cannot even win 50vs20 ... thats also the maguuma issue. they are all medicore players with maybe few tryhards, and farming stonemist/ebg whole day, but they are horribly wiping to any squad. and apparently very salty about it lmfao


the tiers are easiest to break... #1 ppt goes t5 and the #1 and #3 from t5 rise tiers (in EU)


NA kinda shows that four tiers work sort of better, but creates the problem of full ppt linkings with massive player numbers who do nothing else than queuing up maps and feeding


@displayname.8315 why did u even make that post, its just some empty rant about 10 players stealing your lunch money lol


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9 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

mabi u dont understand at all what we talk here about.

hi kamikharzeeh,

I try to explain, I wrote it already in this post a little further back. I simply read the data of last week's mag game, they had more than 40% flow and therefore players. so I used it as an example. when you have an enemy team that surpasses you in number so much, the concept of competition is missing, so as you say it makes no sense.

it doesn't make sense t1 as it doesn't make sense t2 every time the enemy has almost twice as many of your players.

you will agree with me that when you are lucky enough to find a week with 3 numerically similar teams, the game mode becomes much more interesting, much more engaging and consequently much more fun for everyone.

as long as you have out-of-control transfers you will continue to see enemy teams with twice as many of your players.

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Logged on my TC alt last night and who I see in the alpine bl? You guessed it, it was the eu crew blobbing at dead hours on alts, as expected they were 70% minstrel supports, doing laps to kill singles, and were still getting their kitten pushed in on T3 by a few reds, funny stuff.

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20 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

How do explain a servers activity going back up when it's a easy week of fairweather farming?  Does the "flow data" give any usable excuses for that or it just terribad farmers going back to cheevo some PvE maps.

hello, there is no theory, just read the data. I use gw2 mist but you can do it where you think best. you just have to do k + d

I don't even care if you have a positive or negative k/d what you are interested in is adding k and d. if your team has a tolare of 40,000 and your opponents are at 20,000 it means that your team has a double flow so it has twice as many players available.

it wouldn't even be your fault, it's just a fact.


When you log in and start playing this mode, you can only do two things: either kill someone or die because someone killed you. this is all k + d no theory just a fact.

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On 6/19/2022 at 6:43 PM, lotus.5672 said:

Logged on my TC alt last night and who I see in the alpine bl? You guessed it, it was the eu crew blobbing at dead hours on alts, as expected they were 70% minstrel supports, doing laps to kill singles, and were still getting their kitten pushed in on T3 by a few reds, funny stuff.

u realize what weird stuff u write there? barely anyone of us plays at crazy offhours there, we are yet up very late when we play your early prime and primetime (its 4am for most here)


and there was never anything close to a blobsize, not even zergsize of sheer EU players on kaineng online bro, we help the server out with mostly like 10-15 people at best. so wtf are u on there... i'd recommend taking less pills

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On 6/10/2022 at 2:18 PM, Mabi black.1824 said:

the problem is not in the TEAMS of the EU or NA or ASIA. the problem is not playing against the server that has a policeman commander or has indo commander.

any commander or server I encounter or clash is not really a problem, if we had the guarantee/prospect of playing with equal weapons. in europe if you do not have a link and if when you play you constantly have that little icon at the bottom always active '' numerical inferiority '' you will continue to play and find some way to have fun, but that logic of healthy competition is missing. and this in the long run is the problem. 

of course I take it for granted that this pvp mode should be a competitive mode.

this week mag players outperform their opponents by more than 40%, you don't need goals this week, you can pretty much do anything you want with those numbers.

It may be fine for you people on Desolation who only need to suffer the no link purgatory every other relink (more or less, probably less), but there is no fun in being outnumbered in T5 almost every day, definitely every weekday, at every time. And of course one of the 3 unlinked servers on EU is Baruch Bay, the only Spanish server which does not have any sort of limit to numbers and is permanently open with hordes of north and south American players every night of the week. 

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8 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

It may be fine for you people on Desolation who only need to suffer the no link purgatory every other relink (more or less, probably less), but there is no fun in being outnumbered in T5 almost every day, definitely every weekday, at every time. And of course one of the 3 unlinked servers on EU is Baruch Bay, the only Spanish server which does not have any sort of limit to numbers and is permanently open with hordes of north and south American players every night of the week. 

hi karagee,

you can write me all the baddest things you want, but at this moment I stay on your side with gandara . I know very well the free difficulties you are suffering (we have been in the middle for 6 months)

I don't even know how to write it anymore ......... I want teams that are the same, identical, specular, twin, = , that are the same size.

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