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Remake of Guild Wars 1

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Even if I don't agree with everything you posted. You made me smile and laugh silently. 

...and believe me when I say that it is a very hard thing to do these days... with this heart of stone.

This is why I spend so much time in these forums.

So for that... thank you.


Thanks - I gave your post a "Thanks" emote as well though it seems the GW2 forum people tend to be terribly confused?
Not agreeing on everything is fine. In fact I prefer it, because humanity has never taken a meaningful step forward in consensus.
(I bet that bit confuses a lot of the natives!)

Let me reiterate: Leave Guild Wars alone!


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Bumping because the GW1 trilogy is on sale again through Steam ($15 for the base game + Cantha + Elona). EotN (Shiverpeaks, Access to Hall of Monuments achievements) is sold separately.

GW1 differs from GW2 in some significant ways, but it's set in the same world with many of the same characters and playing it can net you rewards to use in GW2. You can browse through this subreddit thread to read more about the particulars.

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On 6/13/2022 at 12:31 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

Why not?  Because there is no financial benefit to Anet to remaking something that they intentionally put into maintenance mode so that they could provide an improved product.

I would much rather Anet spend their resources on the current game.

I wouldnt say Gw2 is an improved product of Gw1. In fact they have few things in common, and gw1 was much better in many more things, including PvP, challenges, events and even fun in general.

If Anet wanna be a big company they shud be able to work on +2 games at the same time. Im totally down for Gw1 updates, its a unique and amazing game.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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3 hours ago, eyelogix.1654 said:

He was, but at a point he made a post that he had to shift the focus on guild wars 2 so it could be released. So the last Beyond part was scrapped.

Thx. Nice concise answer - Yet it managed to confuse some forumnite? Some of the visitors here seem to struggle with the basics of basic. (They paint a picture of a lumbering idiot-army).
Things already got slightly skewed with the first parts of "Beyond". I am fine without a last (possibly/probably weirder) part.


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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone,

What an interesting post I see here.

I've heard this conversation alot of discords, here and there. From oldschool players to curious players who never tried GW1.
When you think about it, they already updated the game with some """""new"""" skills for the anniversary. Everything could be possible.


People get scared when they read remake GW1, I see some comments saying Anet would make it worst or it would have a heavy cashop. It doesn't necessarily need to be a whole new game. I believe if GW1 actually had a graphic update, animations tweaked to something a little more appealing on certain skills, that would be it to satisfy the small community who plays both games. And maybe encourage some players to explore the roots of the game. A modern GW1 to replay with pleasure for the eyes. No need to touch the content or make it a new game. Just a texture update, a maybe more flashy skills. If a beautiful remastered version of the actual game would come out, I am 100% Anet would get profit from it simply based on the hype and the curiosity of the minority of the community. People love GW1 so much (me included) but some people who never played won't give it a try because of the graphics and oldschool mechanics.

But contentwise, GW1 has much more replay value than games from the same generation. It is still amazing.

Bonus point, I have found on youtube someone who was able to create new skills for fun, it looks amazing. If the game would let players mod some animations, it can look better easily.

Edited by Izan.6359
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On 6/13/2022 at 8:56 PM, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Do YOU think this one guy is enough to shift things for the better? 

A.  You're assuming there's only one competent guy on the staff. This is not only insulting, but shows a bias that makes everything you say circumspect. How many devs can you name? How do you know if any individual dev is competent or not. How many can you say with certainty are incompetent.


B. You assume that things are really bad because you personally don't like them. Surely you're not alone, but then guys like me aren't alone either.  People have having fun with this game, even vets that I play with. The fact that you're not having fun isn't necessarily an issue. 


C. Your entire premise that Guild Wars 2 is somehow worse now than it's ever been, when I feel it's better than it's been is pretty telling. But that's simply an opinion. I know there are people that agree with you. It's like when you're in a relationship for 10 years the cracks start to show. The same with games. Very few games I've ever played can compare with when I first started playing them.


On the other hand, the legendary armory alone is something that changes the game for me.  And that's one single update. The game didn't start with the ability to preview, it has that now.  The new strike missions, particularly the CM modes seem to be well accepted by hard core players, certainly the ones I know. The easier strike missions are a decent stepping stone to harder content.  Much needed tutorials have been added.  Season 1 is being readded so the story will finally be complete.


I'm sure you have issues and I'm sure you think your issues are serious but from where I'm standing, I play with a whole lot of people that are busy enjoying the game.

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On 6/14/2022 at 1:23 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

They could implement jumping, but I don't think that's necessary for GW1.

The reason why there's no jumping in GW1 is that the maps are 2D. Now you might say, well, I see buildings and rocks and trees that are 3D, but the maps really are 2D in the sense that there is no Z-axis for movement. They already made jumping possible but only up and down in town and only straight up.

The work it would take to add that Z-axis to the entire game and adjusting all the maps to it, is just a monumental task, aka it's not going to happen.

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Time and manpower constraints aside, I'd prefer they leave GW1 as is, but do a special retrospective instance within GW2 for Pre-Searing GW1.  I'd love to see it in a newer engine with better visual everything, but otherwise unchanged (none of that obnoxious crap they do in 'Hollywood' to almost everything good from the past).  Even just a fair portion of it could be awesome.


Several years ago I built a portion of pre-searing in Skyrim, though there was a huge amount left to do before I gave up due to my own time issues.  But just the visualization (very heavily graphically modded 'rim) of the immediate areas outside Ascalon City down to the area outside Ashford Abbey (inc the wurm fields and the Lakeside County village area; I really wanted to tackle the Abbey and catacombs but never got there) was really nostalgic.   I can imagine how cool it would be right here in GW2, but, yeah.

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I don't understand the idea that everything needs modern graphics to be playable. I know newer graphics can look nicer if they're done well but the way some people talk it's like they think anything with older or simpler graphics is unplayable.

Admittedly I'm kind of at the other extreme. I'm currently playing 2 games from the early 90's (Lands of Lore and A Link to the Past) and I frequently skip between decades, formats and genres. It's been a while since I played a game older than the late 80's but I wouldn't rule it out and I've played several text based ones without any graphics at all.

But still I don't see why a graphics overhaul is necessary to make a fully functional and still available game playable, or how that on it's own justifies a re-release.

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GW1 had 3 'campaigns' which functioned as stand-alone games but also linked together and are commonly called expansions by players; Prophecies (originally just called Guild Wars), Factions and Nightfall. It also had one 'true' expansion (Eye of the North) which required at least 1 campaign to play.

Before making Eye of the North they were working on a 4th campaign which had the working title of Utopia. That got scrapped when they decided to make GW2 and instead they made Eye of the North to tie into GW2: it introduced the norn and asura, the first hints of a change in charr society and the possibility of a truce with humans, the first hints of the Elder Dragons and a teaser for the Pale Tree. It also added the Hall of Monuments which let players save some of their items and achievements to unlock bonus items in GW2.

Later they did a series of free updates called GW: Beyond which wrapped up storylines from GW1, helped set the scene for GW2 and gave players some more to do while waiting for the sequel to be released.

I'm not sure why exactly they decided to make a new game. They said at the time they kept finding things they wanted to do which GW1 wasn't capable of doing. I suspect one of those is dynamic events and players actions changing the status of a map. It's such a big part of GW2 I think it must have been one of the core ideas, and also they'd experimented with changing maps based on your progress before, it was especially noticeable in GW: Beyond where some enemies could be completely replaced. I think they also wanted to add jumping and other benefits of having a Z axis, but I suspect that was more "if we're going to make a new game we should make sure it does this" than an incentive to make one.

I've heard the book which came with the collectors edition of GW2 has more detail on this, but I've never gotten to read it.

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