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When was the last time you had the skill swap position bug?


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41 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

I've been constantly swapping builds lately, over and over in the same day and I don't recall having to correct the skill order in weeks. Anyone else? Is this bug finally addressed?

I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this.  I usually found it to happen when going in and out of Renegade build swaps but I haven't had skills realigning in recent memory.

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  • Telgum.6071 changed the title to When was the last time you had the skill swap position bug?

  A week ago. The simple reason due is happening less to me is becasue with 3 Rev characters instead of swapping builds across the same character in different game modes I'm runing essentially the same build for a given character in every game mode and when I want to swap the gameplay I just change to another character.

   But if I juggle with my main with 6 gear loadouts and 6 trait loadaouts and start to cross them and jump between different game modes starts to happen as oftenly as ever. Did you ever ride off from Unrelenting Assault teleporting you inside a wall or a random place? The game code is a truly spaghetti mess so far and Rev is full of unfixed bugs which have been with the class since HoT release. If ANet wasn't able to fix them with 450 workers you'll have hard time to convince me that they are improving having below 200...

   See how even when they have nice ideas (contrast cursor) they are actually unable to execute (the tip of the cursor doesn't match the tip of the icon).

Edited by Buran.3796
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Today ,multiple times. But not via switching gamemodes. Not from switching builds ,legends or from/to water. 


If being transformed ,like "Branded crystal in jahai" or the Water-buff in Tarir, and you then switch legends, the skills get messed up. But so far its the only way to reproduce the bug.

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I haven't seen it lately either, but also I haven't been switching templates any often since I permanently moved to renegade and switching would remove boons.

What I haven't seen for a really long time and it's very good is my whole build being reset either on logging in or simply moving maps. Rev has been the only class I've ever seen that happen so I ended up saving those builds to restore them.

My guess is both issues were related as they reset something for revs.

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  • 1 year later...

I havent seen it in a long long time. I have 5 builds on my rev and switch constantly and play all 3 modes (3pve, 1 wvw and 1 pvp/wvw roaming build). And use custom setup on glint, shiro, dwarf and demon. 

I did see it in the past but not that much.

Maybe a thought for those still encoutering it. I imagine these settings are local. Maybe try to clear cache.

Edited by Cuks.8241
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