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GW2 should finally add "inspect gear" ability to examine other players' cosmetics

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10 hours ago, Xerxez.7361 said:


Rather not have someone have the ability to chew me out in WvW for wearing my Raid setup when I have full Legendaries and don't feel like swapping because I'm going to be there less than an hour.

What do you mean by "chew you out"? They can't kick you from a wvw map as opposed to a raid squad.

Edited by Susy.7529
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On 7/12/2022 at 5:29 PM, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

 I remember clearly the devs saying that GW2 would have no "inspect" ability for looking at other players' gear, specifically to avoid elitism and gear gating of other players in endgame content (dungeons back then).



You have the answer^. Accept it and move on.

Edited by Blude.6812
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I've been wanting a feature like this a lot as of late. The times where l notice someone has a cool item l want for myself, it's in a town where they're idling and l'm about to log out. Am I supposed to send them a whisper, then idle around with them until they come back? There's the risk they get kicked for being AFK too long, after all, thus meaning l alt-tabbed back and forth for an hour for nothing. What's more, a map chat might push my message off screen, so l have to wait for that to end and re-send my whisper and hope the person doesn't have map chat disabled, thus making it look like l spammed whispers at them!

The wiki isn't a big help for this, either, because I have little way of knowing whether what l saw was an outfit or if it was light, medium, or heavy gear. And even then, when l try combing through every skin in a category, l still never find what l'm looking for. But with an inspect feature, I can see what the name is, then look it up proactively and directly. Though if some people don't want others inspecting their gear, that should be as easy as toggling it as Friends Only, Guild Only, Party Only, or Private. I'd have to fall back on asking in that case, but options are important to have.

But for now, I guess I'll have to wait until l see someone else with blood around their mouth or who's transformed into a giant fire imp with a purple icon border, and hope they aren't idling for the next hour.

Edited by Smoky.5348
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4 minutes ago, Smoky.5348 said:

But for now, I guess I'll have to wait until l see someone else with blood around their mouth or who's transformed into a giant fire imp with a purple icon border, and hope they aren't idling for the next hour.

Or you could just ask somebody here. The blood around the mouth is the Lunatic Noble Mask (which has a bloody version), and the giant fire imp with a purple icon border is a Legendary Imbued Shaman transformation from the Endless Fractal Tonic.

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3 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Or you could just ask somebody here. The blood around the mouth is the Lunatic Noble Mask (which has a bloody version), and the giant fire imp with a purple icon border is a Legendary Imbued Shaman transformation from the Endless Fractal Tonic.

But if l ask here, then everyone will know l'm interested in those things! ......which no one likely cares... B-But at the time, it felt like a really scary thing to ask!

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11 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

But if l ask here, then everyone will know l'm interested in those things! ......which no one likely cares... B-But at the time, it felt like a really scary thing to ask!

I mean, if you have that crippling of a social anxiety, are MMOs the smartest choice in the first place? 😜

Edited by Veprovina.4876
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1 hour ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I mean, if you have that crippling of a social anxiety, are MMOs the smartest choice in the first place? 😜

Nope! That's why I don't prefer to play instanced content, WvW, or PvP. Yet, the general gameplay style of GW2 is why l'm playing this and fell off MapleStory.

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3 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I mean, if you have that crippling of a social anxiety, are MMOs the smartest choice in the first place? 😜

Actually yes. MMOs like this are a pretty good choice for people with social anxiety because there's so much they can do without social interaction being required, while still being around other people. Social anxiety is not the same as wanting to be a hermit. It's a debilitating condition that makes it hard to seek out social interaction and build and maintain professional relationships, friendships, etc., the way the average person would. It doesn't inherently mean the person wants more or less social interaction one way or the other. You can want it little and be socially anxious or want it a lot and be socially anxious, or anywhere in-between.

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5 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

Nope! That's why I don't prefer to play instanced content, WvW, or PvP. Yet, the general gameplay style of GW2 is why l'm playing this and fell off MapleStory.

I was joking, hence the - 😜

3 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Actually yes. MMOs like this are a pretty good choice for people with social anxiety because there's so much they can do without social interaction being required, while still being around other people. Social anxiety is not the same as wanting to be a hermit. It's a debilitating condition that makes it hard to seek out social interaction and build and maintain professional relationships, friendships, etc., the way the average person would. It doesn't inherently mean the person wants more or less social interaction one way or the other. You can want it little and be socially anxious or want it a lot and be socially anxious, or anywhere in-between.

Exposure therapy huh? 

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4 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Social anxiety is not the same as wanting to be a hermit.

Yep. Common misconception.

28 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Exposure therapy huh? 

Not exactly. Social anxiety doesn't mean you don't want to (or can't) be around people, and so it's normal for those who have the condition to play MMOs, visit forums, and go out in public, it just means they're not as comfortable with direct interactions as most people are. So, comfortably running around maps, browsing threads, and going out shopping with other people nearby (but not directly interacting with them) is perfectly in line with social anxiety. I often liken it to wanting to visit the pool or the beach on a hot day but not being interested in swimming.

That said, there are two non-interaction options for people to browse cosmetics (In-game wardrobe, out-of-game wiki) and several minimal-interaction options (asking directly, asking community, asking friends/guildmates). A gear inspect feature would be another non-interaction option which, while fine to request, doesn't seem necessary or like something that'd be well-implemented. I wish I still had faith in their feature designs, but I do not.

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46 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Exposure therapy huh? 

In some sense, I think it can be like that depending on how the person uses it, though I certainly wouldn't want to try to speak for everybody who has it. When I was in college, having grown up pretty isolated and been very shy and going to a commuter college, I joined an MMO (not this one, older one) determined to meet some people that way, since it would be less intense than in-person. I had some success with that and it did help me a little bit in the long-run with confidence, tho I'm not sure how much of a dent it made in my social anxiety overall. Something that helped more with that was some time I spent doing acting workshops, which occasionally included some improv. I think improv is healthy for people with social anxiety because it's a safe environment that gets you into the "yes, and..." mentality where you are pushing forward and not worrying about if everything you say is just right. So it's like exposing you to something kind of like social interaction as a form of play and you are encouraged to go with the flow of it rather than overthinking.

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The only way I would accept something like that would be if I had to consent to it and I had the right to reject someone's request to see my gear etc.

It's just a simple matter of courtesy, and any violation of that is something I really don't care for.

Which is why I really dislike when people use mod software to gear check other players, it's a violation of their account privacy..
You have no right to gear check someone without their permission and there is no valid excuse you can make to justify doing it without their permission and against their will.

So yes, I would support a gearcheck system being implemented but only if players had to consent to show their gear.

Edited by Teratus.2859
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For people whining about account privacy, stop being snowflakes. Toggle on and off option would be nice for those people. All mmo games I have played had this option and it's a good option to have. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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26 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

The only way I would accept something like that would be if I had to consent to it and I had the right to reject someone's request to see my gear etc.

It's just a simple matter of courtesy, and any violation of that is something I really don't care for.

Which is why I really dislike when people use mod software to gear check other players, it's a violation of their account privacy..
You have no right to gear check someone without their permission and there is no valid excuse you can make to justify doing it without their permission and against their will.

So yes, I would support a gearcheck system being implemented but only if players had to consent to show their gear.

The request is for the ability to see the name of the skin. The skin itself is already visible to everyone, the OP just wants to know its name.

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15 minutes ago, corwin.3495 said:

For people whining about account privacy, stop being snowflakes. Toggle on and off option would be nice for those people. All mmo games I have played had this option and it's a good option to have. 

Don't mind me, i'm just curious what you have in your house.

Don't be a snowflake, i'm only browsing. 😛

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