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Unsoloable X years old open world content should be made soloable

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1 minute ago, Jirian.7512 said:

let me get this straight: when exactly was that content new? a month ago or 3 days ago? that's my personal experience, and I'm quite sure if I go there now I will see plenty of people again.

Yeah, doing other things, ignoring that this event is up, which has been the case for the last 3 hours.


My god you're obtuse.


This has to be the most unfriendly, unhelpful community I've seen in an MMO so far. Flat out denial that there's a problem. Zero attempt to understand that maybe because you had it easy, that it doesn't mean there's not a problem. If at any point waiting 3 hours, or leaving to do other things are even on the table that is a sign of a problem. 


Just unreasonable suggestions. "Come back later" or "reroll" or "try a different build" all of which aren't feasible on a whim, the latter two I'd never do for the sake of fighting one mob. The entire point of the post is me stating that I'm being arbitrarily slowed down because I'm dependent on the presence of others for a solo collection in open world pve content, which is by and large the most trivial part of the game and that it shouldn't be that way. 

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2 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

Yeah, doing other things, ignoring that this event is up, which has been the case for the last 3 hours.


My god you're obtuse.


This has to be the most unfriendly, unhelpful community I've seen in an MMO so far. Flat out denial that there's a problem. Zero attempt to understand that maybe because you had it easy, that it doesn't mean there's not a problem. If at any point waiting 3 hours, or leaving to do other things are even on the table that is a sign of a problem. 


Just unreasonable suggestions. "Come back later" or "reroll" or "try a different build" all of which aren't feasible on a whim, the latter two I'd never do for the sake of fighting one mob. The entire point of the post is me stating that I'm being arbitrarily slowed down because I'm dependent on the presence of others for a solo collection in open world pve content, which is by and large the most trivial part of the game and that it shouldn't be that way. 

Well if you are the same in game as in this forum thread then no wonder people dont flock to help you mate.


Just out of curiosity what class and build are you trying to solo him on?

Maybe this awful community  can figure out what to tweak so you can complete it.

Edited by Linken.6345
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1 minute ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

Yeah, doing other things, ignoring that this event is up, which has been the case for the last 3 hours.


My god you're obtuse.


This has to be the most unfriendly, unhelpful community I've seen in an MMO so far. Flat out denial that there's a problem. Zero attempt to understand that maybe because you had it easy, that it doesn't mean there's not a problem. If at any point waiting 3 hours, or leaving to do other things are even on the table that is a sign of a problem. 


Just unreasonable suggestions. "Come back later" or "reroll" or "try a different build" all of which aren't feasible on a whim, the latter two I'd never do for the sake of fighting one mob. The entire point of the post is me stating that I'm being arbitrarily slowed down because I'm dependent on the presence of others for a solo collection in open world pve content, which is by and large the most trivial part of the game and that it shouldn't be that way. 

You might be unreasonable yourself, you know?  You're the one demanding the game change for you and because not everyone agrees with you they're unreasonable? 

I happen to disagree both that there's a problem here and I especially disagree with your solution.  I like that there is difficult solo/small group content in this game.  It's not a big thing in games that treat open world like an afterthought.  Your suggestion would completely ruin that part of the game for me.

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1 minute ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

The entire point of the post is me stating that I'm being arbitrarily slowed down because I'm dependent on the presence of others for a solo collection in open world pve content, which is by and large the most trivial part of the game and that it shouldn't be that way. 


Well, you see, we simply do not agree that a person with insufficient skills/improper build/gear should be able to solo faceroll any and all content just because they wish so. Because the problem is not "you and this boss", the problem is you have the wrong build/gear for pve and that's why things are not working. So ANET (and ours) expectation is you adjust the stuff you got wrong, and not they tune everything down to your level.

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24 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

Read the post. Enough of the "just change builds" crap. I am not decked out in legendary armor trinkets and weapons to just magically swap builds to kill one mob and leave. 


23 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

Increasingly clear the forums are a toxic cesspit.

Clearly you are the toxic one here. You have been given quite a few solutions besides the "change build" ones. And yet you ingored all of them. 
If you dont have 10g to get full set of exotic gear from TP (for example a set of dire gear for ele works wonders for soloing bosses and it costs about 10g), then its not communities or games problem. 

18 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

They disagree with me because they aren't affected by the issue at all. They did this when it was MUCH easier as there were dozens of people helping them. They have no experience trying to do collections that are half a decade old in zones that are totally deserted. 

My wife did her clear of the DM map a few weeks ago and killed all of the required bosses including shroom one with 0 problems. There were always people to help (oh yeah, she did actually asked for help in map/lfg/guild to get it done, instead of calling everyone toxic and demanding to change the game for you preference). 
Surely you are a special one, and experience the game as no one else is atm, its not like GW2 isnt having a lot of new players every day that do the same events/achievs as everyone. 

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Just now, soulknight.9620 said:

My wife did her clear of the DM map a few weeks ago and killed all of the required bosses including shroom one with 0 problems. There were always people to help (oh yeah, she did actually asked for help in map/lfg/guild to get it done, instead of calling everyone toxic and demanding to change the game for you preference). 
Surely you are a special one, and experience the game as no one else is atm, its not like GW2 isnt having a lot of new players every day that do the same events/achievs as everyone. 

You obviously didn't read me saying multiple times that I have asked for help in map and lfg and no one has appeared. 

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4 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

You obviously didn't read me saying multiple times that I have asked for help in map and lfg and no one has appeared. 

tbh if your communication skills are anything like your forum posts, I'm not surprised you've received little attention or assistance.

You're forgetting this is an MMO not a solo RPG. If you're struggling with content, see if you can ask in your guild or around for help. You should also be aware of the time of day - as mentioned before some maps get busier during peak times. Just because AB meta was on a full map does not mean that it is peak time or all other maps are going to be full also.

Also, calling people toxic isn't really original but if it makes you happy, go ahead and call me that XD

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Just now, disco.9302 said:

tbh if your communication skills are anything like your forum posts, I'm not surprised you've received little attention or assistance.

You're forgetting this is an MMO not a solo RPG. If you're struggling with content, see if you can ask in your guild or around for help. You should also be aware of the time of day - as mentioned before some maps get busier during peak times. Just because AB meta was on a full map does not mean that it is peak time or all other maps are going to be full also.

Also, calling people toxic isn't really original but if it makes you happy, go ahead and call me that XD

Not in a guild. I've had zero positive interactions with anyone since I started playing again. My friends from the last time I seriously played (2016) have quit, other friends from other games have no interest in GW2. 


You'll say that's because I'm toxic, but honestly I've not really seen opportunities to converse. It feels like people are relatively anti-social in this game. The most extensive thing someone has said to me is thanking me when I rez them and some guy in spvp saying my damage was good lol. 


If I sound angry it's because I'm genuinely sick of being in this zone. I've been at this champ for 4 hours with LFG and map chat every time it's up. Sorry if it's off-putting. 

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55 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

It's not a map boss. Of course people do the zone-wide meta legendary mobs. I'm talking about an obscure champion located in the middle of a spot no one frequents because there's no other objectives there other than him, and he only has value for one collection and nothing else.

I have been talking about those other ones as well. The mushroom emperor is often done - and announced in the chat. Same as webby mother. (That one seems the one I see most often in the chat.) And the other thing ... stonehead or what it is called. (A bit more rare than the others. Still done often.)

At least on the EU servers. Don't know ... maybe in NA there are less players. Of course if you play only in the middle of the night and never have time in weekends ... then it might be harder as well. Map on daily rotation and at the weekend or evening in EU server and european time  zone - and there should be no problems.

If you can - cause of reasons (job/work or other reasons) only play durign times where most people are asleep ... then you might feel that you have a lot of problem with other content as well. Basically everything that can't be soloed ... even if it is newer content.

Edit: And this community is far more helpful than the communities of other MMORPGs (most annoyingly are the ones of gear treadmill games like WoW.) But of course there is a bit of difference in the reactions and in the tone ... if the person asking something acts like a lil kid just starting to get angry cause others disagree.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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2 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I have been talking about those other ones as well. The mushroom emperor is often done - and announced in the chat. Same as webby mother. (That one seems the one I see most often in the chat.) And the other thing ... stonehead or what it is called. (A bit more rare than the others. Still done often.)

At least on the EU servers. Don't know ... maybe in NA there are less players. Of course if you play only in the middle of the night and never have time in weekends ... then it might be harder as well. Map on daily rotation and at the weekend or evening in EU server and european time  zone - and there should be no problems.

If you can - cause of reasons (job/work or other reasons) only play durign times where most people are asleep ... then you might feel that you have a lot of problem with other content as well. Basically everything that can't be soloed ... even if it is newer content.

Yeah but Webby mother is literally next to the waypoint. I think after the lava worm it's the most commonly known event champ on the map. 


And yes part of when I'm able to play is at inopportune times for others. That's just how it has to be, not really something I can resolve or will resolve for the sake of a game. I'm usually not able to play past 4 PM. 

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47 minutes ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

Being forced to wait 3+ hours to do one champion, while the map chat is silent when I announce its up and no one appears, is unreasonable. 



Join a guild.  Or is that suggestion considered troll-ish to you as well?

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1 hour ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

So not only should I change my build, I should reroll to a new class entirely, a class I certainly don't have the gear for?

If ANet follows through on this new direction and you can afford to wait long enough, perhaps you won't need to roll an mechanist at all - ideally ANet would work up a similarly effective low intensity build for whatever you like to play, and it won't take a huge new regearing effort to reach it.

That being said, it's an "ideal" outcome. If the June 28 patch and ANet's general balance history means anything, they'll drop the ball again and leave most classes behind. Hence my recommendation.

I didn't offer that suggestion to dismiss you as a player. I'm actually going to visit Draconis Mons with my zerk mechanist today. If I can solo it as easily as I think I can on that setup, I'll gladly subsidize a set of exotic gear so you can do it too. I'd throw in a set of 80 tomes of experience if I could, but sadly I can't, so I can't take all the friction out of the process.

Note that I'm not saying this situation (outdated content isn't popular enough to readily get help, and some classes can just faceroll what other classes can't pull off even with great skill) is acceptable. I'm just interested in solving your individual problem, is all.

As for your initial contention that old less-easily-soloable content should be made more soloable, I've already expressed my disagreement with that. My disagreement there doesn't mean I like leaving some people in the lurch, which is why I'm going to DM today even though I have no other reason to.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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1 hour ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

They did this when it was MUCH easier as there were dozens of people helping them. They have no experience trying to do collections that are half a decade old in zones that are totally deserted


Pretty sure many people have started playing the game and finished collections well after the release of DM, but perhaps I'm wrong and these wild generalizations are totally valid.

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1 hour ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

I'm finding your words equally hard to believe. If you read the post you wouldn't have suggested asking for help in map chat, which I've done for 3 hours and had no response. 

In your OP you stated that you mentioned that the event was up in map chat, not that you asked for help. Those are two very different things. If someone mentions that an event I have no interest in is up I ignore the message. If someone asks for help with the same event I will almost certainly help.

Have you asked your guild for assistance?

I am not saying that the event shouldnt be changed, or that it should for that matter. But I would need to see more than, "I cant solo this champ with my current build," to be convinced.

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EDIT: turns out OP managed to get the kill a half hour before I whispered them in game. Congratulations!

I just soloed it on my rifle mech. It was marginally harder than I expected, but I didn't go down and managed to get it done within a few minutes.

I didn't account for the stupid area goop that the emperor puts down, and my mech died once. Of course my signet brought it back again instantly, so... yeah.

28% percent of my damage came from completely passive sources (aim assisted rocket and orbital command strike procs), with another 13% coming from rifle autoattacks. The rest is a mixture of a few other button presses, mostly my cc moves to lock down the emperor and rifle 5 area damage to get away from/eliminate adds.

So again, with regard to your original point, I think rather than making encounters easier, ANet is going in the direction of giving every class at least one low intensity option to solo this stuff. I said it last time and I'll say it again - ANet has a track record of failing to extend such benefits equally to all classes, so it'll likely leave perennial losers (elementalist, warrior, ranger in particular) in the dust. But at least on paper, if every class gets a ranged kite build that is reliable as rifle mech, I think it can resolve the issue of outdated content without making said content easier.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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The thing with the time (not playing at an opportune time) - should have been mentioned earlier. Might have helped to avoid some trouble in the discussion.

I understand the suggestion to join a guild - also the problem that some people (I am one of those players) do not want to play in guilds with others. Maybe for such cases joining the other region (EU/NA) ... might be possible? Though 4PM ... there should be people that play. Not as much as at prime time - still ... this is not the middle of the night.

And it seems for the other champs people joined as well - the emperor is also not that far away from the waypoint. If people are enough to do the one at the waypoint ... they will join for the other one as well. According to the post above me - it seems now that this has worked.

The only other option left - besides joining guilds or region transfer - would have been to gather a small group of friends (where there are no requirements as in guilds) - to just help each out every now and then as needed. Or ArenaNet could have changed the things to scale down if less players are online. (Since this was meant to be done as a group though some nowadays can solo it.) That would have been too much work to implement such a thing though. (And people might try to abuse it - some people really try to abuse everything. Like leaving the map and having 1 person start events/champs - then joining to 1-shot them with 5 people or so lol. Of course not for this one - it starts automatically. But if they made such a system in general ...)

And I can't see them tuning those champs down permanently (regardless oft the time and amount of players playing) - would be too easy then ... if more players are online. (Then some really might have to wait for the event - instead of doing other stuff and porting there once it is up - if it was too easy someone would have solo spiked it down before anyone could join and you would have to wait only.)

On a side note: The Draconis Mons and Ember Bay always seemed easy to me - cause of the frequent restarting of the events. In season 3. Found the Lake Doric most annoying - where you have to plan for like 3 bosses and their timers. + the map seems played the least (lowest amount of players) - getting to the north east (if you can't solo stealth to there and staying alive) ... to that POI and other stuff required there (also an event for achievement and mastery point I think) - should be the hardest thing in the season 3 maps.

I got lucky when someone suggested to farm leather there ... and then doing that centaur boss there.

And yes: The engineer rifle (not only with mechanis combined) - is great ... for the CC. With the mech as pet - even better. Always loved the rifle 4  that 1-shot the cc bar for core map champs almost all of the time. 😄 (or at least took away 90 percent of it). Nice short cooldowns + ranged ... really great.

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Last time I played this game Berserker gear was the "meta" so that's all I got.  Berserker Chronomancer!  When I need to solo something tough I have a set of Soldier's exotic armor.  Toss that on, tinker with a few build traits.  And usually good to go.


Plus I've never had it fail where I just go "/map Champion here <link area> can anyone help out please?".  I always get someone.  Always.  Every time.  No matter what map it is.  Currently almost done LWS4.

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3 minutes ago, MSevenR.4081 said:

Last time I played this game Berserker gear was the "meta" so that's all I got.  Berserker Chronomancer!  When I need to solo something tough I have a set of Soldier's exotic armor.  Toss that on, tinker with a few build traits.  And usually good to go.


Plus I've never had it fail where I just go "/map Champion here <link area> can anyone help out please?".  I always get someone.  Always.  Every time.  No matter what map it is.  Currently almost done LWS4.

A secondary gear set, even if only exotics, is an excellent (and generally inexpensive) way to adapt to the needs of an encounter.

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10 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

A secondary gear set, even if only exotics, is an excellent (and generally inexpensive) way to adapt to the needs of an encounter.


Like isn't that the point of legendaries? 😛

I always thought you're supposed to keep multiple sets of gear in your bags that's why there are things like invisible bags.  Then the build tabs just reinforce that idea.  Legendaries just free up bag space!

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There is actually a super obvious and simple solution to this general problem or multiple solutions depending on how you want to count them.

1. Friends! This should be self explanatory.

2. If 1 is not an option then at least join a guild

3. Got some commitment issues so 2 is not an option either? Eh ... at least have some people on your "friends" list that are known to be willing to help. Different from 1 because those would be people you know and interact with.

3 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

So again, with regard to your original point, I think rather than making encounters easier, ANet is going in the direction of giving every class at least one low intensity option to solo this stuff.

So what you are saying is "don't make it easier, just make it easier".  There is not much difference between making all enemies easier and builds that make all enemies easier. Changing enemies has the advantage of not forcing people into specific builds and not reliant on the whims of the balance team.

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3 minutes ago, MSevenR.4081 said:


Like isn't that the point of legendaries? 😛

I always thought you're supposed to keep multiple sets of gear in your bags that's why there are things like invisible bags.  Then the build tabs just reinforce that idea.  Legendaries just free up bag space!


Since finishing my last set of legendary armor I still have at least three extra weapon sets on each character.

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1 minute ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

So what you are saying is "don't make it easier, just make it easier".  There is not much difference between making all enemies easier and builds that make all enemies easier. Changing enemies has the advantage of not forcing people into specific builds and not reliant on the whims of the balance team.

Exactly, which is why I've stated pretty much every time that ANet's solution is highly questionable. I wasn't going to get into an extended discussion about it, since OP was triggered/salty/unequipped as it was, and I didn't feel like making things worse on purpose. Even if ANet can successfully implement such a build for each class, it would still be a bad idea; however, given that the entirety of the studio's history suggests they will completely fail in that task, that makes it even worse.

There's not really any point in keeping this thread open. I spoke with OP in game, and they got the kill earlier today. (Nonexistent) problem solved.

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