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Just spent about 100 bucks on this game getting all the stories unlocked and such.  Only a week later I have uninstalled it.  I really enjoyed leveling up to 80, but the story quests were far too buggy, with one forcing me to get right to the end then disconnecting...4 times on 2 different alts.  I thought it would improve but it only got worse in season 2.  I finally finished the buggy fight with the boss in "Cornered" only to bug out yet again and unable to finish without restarting.  (It took me over 2 hours to get to end and beat boss)  


I asked for refund but highly doubt that will happen.  I'm not sure why I'm posting this.  It probably helps no one.  I suppose complaining to empty space makes me feel somewhat better about wasting 100 bucks on a game I only played for a week.  

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Sorry mate. It's true a lot of old content hasn't been touched up / polished like... at all. And can be a buggy mess sometimes. The game is fun and if you were having fun outside of the buggy mess of the story missions i would suggest you try and break up doing the story missions a bit so you don't get overly frustrated. Open world content is fun, try running some fractals or something. Hunt around for some achievements, work on yer fashion game. Just break things up and bite off a little bit at a time here and there. If you decide to give it another try. 

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2 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

DCs during story cutscenes can be avoided by setting content streaming to max.

Dear god, that is such a good tip if this works. Disconnecting in story instances is so easy compared to normal instances, it's just stupid and I did have my fair share of it...

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I've also heard that you can avoid this issue by constantly jumping or drawing/stowing weapon during cut scenes - to keep the connection to the server alive.(but I have no experience with that)
One thing I've observed that has helped is to (right before entering the offending instance) quit the game and restart your PC/laptop. I used to do this before entering any major instance, though it has been far less of a problem with newer instanced content.

Edited by Elden Arnaas.4870
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If you purchased within 30 days, you will be afforded a refund. (Unless you purchased the Ultimate Edition and spent the Gems, of course.)

There are a plethora of tips and workarounds for storyline disconnections in the thread, 'Storyline Disconnects - Merged' found in the 'Bugs' forum.

Good luck. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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1 hour ago, Izzy.2951 said:

I have played all story including LWSeasons, did all with no problem, encounter barely no bug and never, NEVER was unable to finish one mission.


Sorry but it seems your playing a different game than me mate.

Same. Never had a disconnect or any issues in a story mission. 

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1 hour ago, Elden Arnaas.4870 said:

Just because you personally haven't experienced a particular issue, does not mean that issue is not real.

If there was a bug or like OP says mutiple bugs in lots of living world missions or story, i guess i would have encounter any of them no? and i would have been unable to finish the mission. Instead i have done all with no problems, so i just cant understand how some1 is asking for a refund cos he cannot do the story while i have done it. Makes no sense to me.

And i can say it in other words, if there were bugs making people unable to do story or LW there will be a thread on reddit with 2k points and it will get fixed imnediatly. Its something that they are not gonna let it stay like that.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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3 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

If there was a bug or like OP says mutiple bugs in lots of living world missions or story, i guess i would have encounter any of them no? and i would have been unable to finish the mission. Instead i have done all with no problems, so i just cant understand how some1 is asking for a refund cos he cannot do the story while i have done it. Makes no sense to me.

And i can say it in other words, if there were bugs making people unable to do story or LW there will be a thread on reddit with 2k points and it will get fixed imnediatly. Its something that they are not gonna let it stay like that.

Oh, really? 

Seems hundreds of players don't agree. 

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3 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

If there was a bug or like OP says mutiple bugs in lots of living world missions or story, i guess i would have encounter any of them no? and i would have been unable to finish the mission. Instead i have done all with no problems, so i just cant understand how some1 is asking for a refund cos he cannot do the story while i have done it. Makes no sense to me.

And i can say it in other words, if there were bugs making people unable to do story or LW there will be a thread on reddit with 2k points and it will get fixed imnediatly. Its something that they are not gonna let it stay like that.

I'd say you're very lucky.  I've been playing since the end of 2015 and have experienced numerous bugs like the OP describes.  I've also helped many players with story episodes and found these types of bugs to be quite common.  In fact, I'd go as far as to say not experiencing bugs that force you to replay story episodes is very much the exception and not the rule.  You can find plenty of evidence of this on the forums going back years as well.

And that's a big problem!  The story is a central driver of content in this game.  All of the DLC is structured around it and it's an important part of all of the expansions as well.  I'm not sure why this game has so many persistent issues with their story content.  It's not a common problem anywhere else in the game.  But for some reason, in story content it always has been an issue and they've never been able to do much about it.

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30 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I'd say you're very lucky.  I've been playing since the end of 2015 and have experienced numerous bugs like the OP describes. 


Same here.  I actually stopped running the storyline because of it.  I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to playing online and when I find a sizeable chunk where I can do a chapter, and then it DCs at the end without giving credit, it's a waste of my time.

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Just now, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

I still find it strange that players don't fully patch before playing.

I don't think it is related to patch downloads. I have always let patches fully download before going into game, but I still used to experience DCs during cutscenes. Changing that setting worked for me. I don't know why it doesn't default to max.

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7 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

I have played all story including LWSeasons, did all with no problem, encounter barely no bug...

I primarily do the story episodes with my brother, and sometimes also my daughter, and we rarely have issues. Yes, it has happened, but not enough that I would complain about. Three separate households in the USA, in 2 states and 3 cities, all different internet providers.

Before that, when I was running solo, still didn't have enough crashes to complain about.

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I don't doubt that people have problems, DC and crasesh playing the game. (you need to play Runes of Magic, after that, you will understand how blessed you are to be able to play gw2)

For the post about Balthazar, the date is 2017..... (i don't think he/she even started POF story)

Sometimes, a crash can depend on your computer and sometimes, can be a totally random thing that noone could fix until you do a totally random action that magically fix it for you.

Some years ago, i had random crash with the game, on map change, even in istance, nothing would fix it, not the new patch, not changing options, nothing. The game was 100% downloaded, all ok, new patched done, but problems persisted (even after a restore of windows). I like to check around info and i find a post where one player told to use the "repair" function if your pc had a restart caused by tension loss and similar, because someone couldn't see an item in the game after a similar occurrence. Did that "repair", restarted PC, all was good, no more problem. I use APC, no tension loss or other problem, and never get a BSOD on windows during all that time, so i really don't know what have started all the crash problems, the thing i know is that doing a "repair" resolved it.

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6 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

If there was a bug or like OP says mutiple bugs in lots of living world missions or story, i guess i would have encounter any of them no? and i would have been unable to finish the mission. Instead i have done all with no problems, so i just cant understand how some1 is asking for a refund cos he cannot do the story while i have done it. Makes no sense to me.

And i can say it in other words, if there were bugs making people unable to do story or LW there will be a thread on reddit with 2k points and it will get fixed imnediatly. Its something that they are not gonna let it stay like that.

There have been multiple such threads here on these forums that the devs have merged so that players can share workarounds. ANet seems to consider it a valid issue.


OP: if you can get one of the workarounds to work for you it might be worthwhile giving the game another shot. That said, I, my wife, all of my RL friends that play, and many of my guildmates have experienced this problem to the point that we keep tips listed on our guild discord. The issue persists to this day including current content.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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I'm all for spending money however you want to spend it, provided it's yours. However, $100 is pretty mindboggling when you only played for a week.


That said, I've been playing ever since 2015, and I NEVER had a problem with the personal story. I even completed it twice on a Reaper and somebody else. I make an elementalist to serve as my new main, and now I'm stuck on Forging the Pact. And the only time I got Trahearne to move, I got downed by a Risen Abomination that was somehow already at 23 stacks. Still, I can't just chalk to my computer since a new bug was introduced to the POF storyline, yet it ran fine when I did it.


So, if you want to return, all I can say is check the forums and hope for the best. I would also focus on other content because even if you don't run into any problems, you can only play through so much story. And that's even with alts.

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Same issue here, returning player after years...  fresh install bought all expansions, love the game but it's really frustrating. I hope the streaming setting fixes it ... Annoying spending over an hour on a really long story mission only to get kicked at the end because of a cutscene. It's happened way to often Zhaitan got kicked 3 times after killing him. Then again last night doing last mission for first living world.  It's been a known issue for years that they won't or can't fix it. Look up story disconnect (merged) ..... Lots have the same problem. I tried every "fix" , vpn, spamming moves during cutscenes, port changes, deleting files , everything except the streaming options. If it doesn't work I'm uninstalling ... Good luck to OP ... Thanks to this forum for all the fix options that Anet doesn't seem to care about. 

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Storyline disconnects have been a long-standing issue. Newer missions have had more checkpoints to mitigate this problem but as others say: Old missions usually don't have much of this. This does not mean that these disconnects are consistent. I usually never have them. I think a lot depends on your location and now the quality of the connection is between your ISP and the Amazon AWS data center where the Guild Wars 2 servers are hosted.


In case you happen to have used WiFi: Try using a direct network cable connection to your router instead. WiFi tends to be congested, especially in cities where many WiFi signals interfere with each other. This leads to dropouts and if you're playing GW2 during such a dropout you will be disconnected.

What I don't understand: Guild Wars 1 had a feature called reconnect after disconnect. If you disconnected or your computer crashed during an instance it would keep the instance open for you to reconnect to for 10 minutes. After logging on it would prompt if you wanted to continue to your instance and nothing was lost. It was an elegant solution to these problems. Why was this never ported to GW2?

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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