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New elite specs are disgusting.


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Honestly lets be real, its a total unfair advantage, why are the new elite specs allowed into pvp? they are so broken and so unbalanced, they need mega nerfed, but until they get that, they shouldnt even be allowed into pvp or wvw. Its not fair to the players who gave anet money for a game that they can no longer play cause the balance is so terrible. a engi running the new elite golem spec just 1v5'd me and several others, after killing two, he got away free because he has powers that allow him to teleport miles away and then back then miles away again. so we cant even punish him for bad positioning. its just truly disgusting, it shouldnt be allowed and its not fair to the rest of the player base.

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Every single one of them is degenerate. People freaking out now because war and ele should be nerfed when bladesworn and cata are just as stupid as pre-nerf vindi spectre harb willy... Cata has perma 25 might stab prot resolution and more aoe spam than old scourge or symbolbrand. BS is just too stupid to describe with words, it almost rivals vindi for the worst designed class.

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1 hour ago, Bast.7253 said:

Untamed and Bladesworn need their sustain nerfed. 

Herald needs a damage nerf. Builds like blind and immob spam have no place in this game mode. 

Those are just to name a few.

I’m pretty sure if you just fix the bugs on bladesworn, it’s competitiveness would be dramatically lower. That alone would probably be enough. Obviously impossible to tell without play-testing, but the bugs it capitalizes on are pretty impactful.

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10 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

a engi running the new elite golem spec just 1v5'd me and several others

when someone manages to get a 1v5, its not proof that the build is overpowered, its rather proff that those 5 were terrible or have no clue how to fight the build that the opponent was using.

Ever thought about the possibility, that, when you are really looking at it.... you have no clue what the new specs can do? Ever thought about the fact, that you have no clue how their hardhitting skills look? that you have no clue how their CC looks like? that you have no clue in what windows they are vulnerable? that you have no clue what their weaknesses are?

and you therefore cant make the right decisions when fighting them?  ever thought about that?

YES! they are strong... i agree... but when someone manages to 1v5 you.... Thats 100% on you.

the only EoD-specs currently "overperforming" in my opinion are Specter and Bladesworn.

Specter 3 should not apply 4 diffrent conditions over and over again, making it borderline impossible to reliably cleanse for most professions. 

and Bladesworns "tactical reload" should not refill their shouts. as this is resulting in incredible ammount of sustain.

The other builds are pretty much in line with what others can do...

Yes harbinger is strong, yes cata is strong, yes mechanist is strong but so are "non-EoD" specs like Reaper,Deadeye,Tempest,Herald,yada yada.


i highly believe that alot of people simply have no clue what the new EoD specs do and what skills to dodge or what to look out for and instead of asking "hey any tips on how to fight X-spec" they start threads like this one right here. I have seen so many people just completly blowing their skills into Virtuosos blocks and then claiming its overpowered.....   BROOOO you just wasted 5 skills into the same block.... THAT WAS YOUR MISTAKE! Thats the same as someone blowing their whole kit into the shield block from Warrior and then crying that warrior is overpowered.... but people have had alot of time to learn how to fight the older specs... in what windows they are blocking, and in what windows they are most vulnerable.

But the EoD specs are new... so alot of people dont know whats going on, and they then blow their whole kit into the same Block... and cry that its overpowered.

Same with mechanist.. they just see alot of "pew pews" coming their way and they prematurely blow 2 dodgerolls... then their CC comes, they get CCed and melt.... Crying how overpowered it is....

(no i dont play mechanist or any other EoD spec.) i just invested the time, i asked people for tips, i created all of them one after another and learned what they can do, i learned what CD´s they have, how they cleanse, when they are the most vulnerable....i simply learned how to deal with them.

tip for mechanist: it is 100% projectilebased.... and it has close to 0 cleanse.....  think about it... what can you do to counter them? Just one or two p00py applications of weakness can completly shut them down... Weakness also works on their mech..... use a reflect during their dps and watch them melt in 2 seconds... or simply load them up with condis and run away, spamming /laugh.....    

Guys... ASK FOR HELP, Rather than asking for nerfs. seriously... youd be surprised.

ps: watch me farm confused for the fact that i said that EoD-specs have counters. 🤡


Edited by Sahne.6950
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12 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

Honestly lets be real, its a total unfair advantage, why are the new elite specs allowed into pvp? they are so broken and so unbalanced, they need mega nerfed, but until they get that, they shouldnt even be allowed into pvp or wvw. Its not fair to the players who gave anet money for a game that they can no longer play cause the balance is so terrible. a engi running the new elite golem spec just 1v5'd me and several others, after killing two, he got away free because he has powers that allow him to teleport miles away and then back then miles away again. so we cant even punish him for bad positioning. its just truly disgusting, it shouldnt be allowed and its not fair to the rest of the player base.

How they will force ppl to buy new expansion, if not doinf that? They cant make spvp interesting, they cant balance game or even add a single new thing to the entire mode, it is the only way they can make some money

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12 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I’m pretty sure if you just fix the bugs on bladesworn, it’s competitiveness would be dramatically lower. That alone would probably be enough. Obviously impossible to tell without play-testing, but the bugs it capitalizes on are pretty impactful.

Bladesworn was already used by winning team of Mota and monthly without abusing the bug, good bs actually charge dragon slash over using bug for lower cd, unless they need quick interrupt. So either way unless a nerfs come bs will keep ruling rank.

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1 hour ago, youle.5824 said:

Bladesworn was already used by winning team of Mota and monthly without abusing the bug, good bs actually charge dragon slash over using bug for lower cd, unless they need quick interrupt. So either way unless a nerfs come bs will keep ruling rank.

Why is bsw being used by winning team a problem, are all the other classes on winning team a prob to, are all classes that are on winning MAT teams a problem? I see this over and over the " it's op as it was on winning teams in the tournament, even funnier it's a class that hasn't even seen competitive play for how long now?

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6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

when someone manages to get a 1v5, its not proof that the build is overpowered, its rather proff that those 5 were terrible or have no clue how to fight the build that the opponent was using.

Ever thought about the possibility, that, when you are really looking at it.... you have no clue what the new specs can do? Ever thought about the fact, that you have no clue how their hardhitting skills look? that you have no clue how their CC looks like? that you have no clue in what windows they are vulnerable? that you have no clue what their weaknesses are?

and you therefore cant make the right decisions when fighting them?  ever thought about that?

YES! they are strong... i agree... but when someone manages to 1v5 you.... Thats 100% on you.

the only EoD-specs currently "overperforming" in my opinion are Specter and Bladesworn.

Specter 3 should not apply 4 diffrent conditions over and over again, making it borderline impossible to reliably cleanse for most professions. 

and Bladesworns "tactical reload" should not refill their shouts. as this is resulting in incredible ammount of sustain.

The other builds are pretty much in line with what others can do...

Yes harbinger is strong, yes cata is strong, yes mechanist is strong but so are "non-EoD" specs like Reaper,Deadeye,Tempest,Herald,yada yada.


i highly believe that alot of people simply have no clue what the new EoD specs do and what skills to dodge or what to look out for and instead of asking "hey any tips on how to fight X-spec" they start threads like this one right here. I have seen so many people just completly blowing their skills into Virtuosos blocks and then claiming its overpowered.....   BROOOO you just wasted 5 skills into the same block.... THAT WAS YOUR MISTAKE! Thats the same as someone blowing their whole kit into the shield block from Warrior and then crying that warrior is overpowered.... but people have had alot of time to learn how to fight the older specs... in what windows they are blocking, and in what windows they are most vulnerable.

But the EoD specs are new... so alot of people dont know whats going on, and they then blow their whole kit into the same Block... and cry that its overpowered.

Same with mechanist.. they just see alot of "pew pews" coming their way and they prematurely blow 2 dodgerolls... then their CC comes, they get CCed and melt.... Crying how overpowered it is....

(no i dont play mechanist or any other EoD spec.) i just invested the time, i asked people for tips, i created all of them one after another and learned what they can do, i learned what CD´s they have, how they cleanse, when they are the most vulnerable....i simply learned how to deal with them.

tip for mechanist: it is 100% projectilebased.... and it has close to 0 cleanse.....  think about it... what can you do to counter them? Just one or two p00py applications of weakness can completly shut them down... Weakness also works on their mech..... use a reflect during their dps and watch them melt in 2 seconds... or simply load them up with condis and run away, spamming /laugh.....    

Guys... ASK FOR HELP, Rather than asking for nerfs. seriously... youd be surprised.

ps: watch me farm confused for the fact that i said that EoD-specs have counters. 🤡


Tried rifle mech and virtuoso in PvP and very much found this. I could destroy unaware players in seconds, but experienced ones use reflects, wait out blocks, and know when to dodge virt shatter.

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4 hours ago, youle.5824 said:

Bladesworn was already used by winning team of Mota and monthly without abusing the bug, good bs actually charge dragon slash over using bug for lower cd, unless they need quick interrupt. So either way unless a nerfs come bs will keep ruling rank.

There are several important bugs that you don’t have the option of abusing or not. For example, Dragonscale defense having no ICD. The cool down bug is one of the less impactful ones imo. 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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14 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

Imo EoD brought about to much projectiles into the game/match. As well as to many teleports. 

Yeah ~75% of popular builds are heavily projectilebased right now. Thats why reflects and mainly Tempest is so strong right and considered meta all of a sudden.

We just kind of have to let the meta settle.

There is alot of projectiles -> people pick alot of reflects -> to many refelcts -> people will gravitate towards meele or "non-projectilebased- range".....

we just gotta wait a few weeks, and we will see the return of alot of builds we havent seen in a while.

I am starting to see condirevs again for example. but why? Tempest support is UBERmeta right now, you see it in every second game.. and Condirev is tempests biggest counter. A build that can reliably shutdown the enemy support is very usefull... even if its condirev 😄

The meta is already evolving.... give it a few more weeks^^


Edited by Sahne.6950
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