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How is it possible anet that you still haven't added tattoo options for humans.

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43 minutes ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:

Don't the norn have tattoos? just make a small one and pass it off as a tall human and wish granted.

I'm pretty sure I've tried this before and it doesn't really work, at least not to my tastes. Even at the smallest height, they are still big and they've got that slow motion looking clunky walkstyle. If I could give them the human walkstyle, I could probably fool myself, but I can't so...

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I don't get these "Why hasn't Anet done This" or "How has there not been that in X number of years" threads that have been popping up lately.  They act as if its inconceivable that that their pet issue or feature hasn't been implemented already or that Anet is going in a different direction then what these OPs want.  In regards to tattoos, Arenanet made the design decision to make tattoos specifically and exclusively a Norn feature to fit with the cultural influences that they are based on, and to date they've stuck with that, due possibly in part to adding tattoos to human character customization would likely be a hassle that probably isn't worth the effort.  Notice that they've never added new tattoos to the Norn, nor new fur patterns for Charr, nor skin patterns for Asura and Sylvari. 

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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On 8/14/2022 at 2:40 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Wow the mental gymnastics u guys go through to defend anets silly designs, this one included. Really is a simple basic body customization these days that human models shouldnt be excluded from imo, but glad u guys are ok with it. I mean why ask for improvements emiright lol.


Everytime someone comes up with a question /suggestions /request , here comes the prophets and scientists making a storm out of a glass with water.

It's almost a job in itself trying to justify something that it is a mere attempt to try improve the game to appeal to a wider "audience".


Anyways, OP, This HAS been requested a lot; especially in QoL thread... me included.


A Norn is a Norn, Not a Human.

Completely different fruit basket. 

So why tattoos are merely exclusive to Norn, I don't know.

So in some people's prospective is either play a norn or stop complaining. 

That really isn't the way fowards, but hey.


To keep it simple. Yes I agree humans should have tattoos too.

Asura and Charr have their patterns.

Sylvari have 2 colour leaves.

Humans have a plain empty canvas.


I want tattoos for one of my warriors,  since it's a RP character based on a human demi God, Norn just does not fit the role.

(Character is now a Charr)

Anyways, OP. I hope we get tattoos for humans too; and also human hair for Sylvari, even though the second one is highly unlikely to happen.


Good Luck.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Anywaya, here I am having to justify reasons why I... WE request what we request, because trolling.

I haven't seen any of the replies in this thread actually troll op. Disagreement with an idea and trolling are two very different things. But I suppose branding those who disagree as trolls allows you to ignore valid criticism of an idea / suggestion / request. 

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It's 2022 and the dev still didn't do that small arbitrary thing that doesn't really influence gameplay, how is this even possible?!

2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Wow the mental gymnastics u guys go through to defend anets silly designs, this one included.

No tattoos = silly design now?

Never change, gw2 forums.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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You rarely see skin anyways.

But in general, anet doesn't really put any focus into character creator. I wish they would.

They obviously have a cosmetics team. So why don't they ever make a new hair style? Do we really need more ridiculous armor with butt capes and spikes everywhere? And even that, they only roll out one or 2 new sets a year.  I know modeling is hard but wow that's unproductive. 

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7 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

How is it possible?  Well, it is possible that this is a design decision made by Anet to keep the races aesthetically separate and give them unique, visual characteristics.  You don't appear to agree with that decision, and that's fine. 

Good luck.


Thanks for wording this in such a concise way.

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1 hour ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

I haven't seen any of the replies in this thread actually troll op. Disagreement with an idea and trolling are two very different things. But I suppose branding those who disagree as trolls allows you to ignore valid criticism of an idea / suggestion / request. 

It's not an irrational request.

When you disagree with something feasible just because you don't like it or have no real argument, it becomes trolling. 

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1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

You rarely see skin anyways.

But in general, anet doesn't really put any focus into character creator. I wish they would.

They obviously have a cosmetics team. So why don't they ever make a new hair style? Do we really need more ridiculous armor with butt capes and spikes everywhere? And even that, they only roll out one or 2 new sets a year.  I know modeling is hard but wow that's unproductive. 

They made new hair styles when PoF was released, so to say they haven't ever done so is a tad disingenuous.

They have also said it takes about 9 months to make an armor set, so 1-2 sets a year isn't unreasonable, nor unproductive.

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57 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

It's not an irrational request.

When you disagree with something feasible just because you don't like it or have no real argument, it becomes trolling. 


I never said the request was irrational .


You're doing the same thing here though. Disregarding people's arguments in a "I don't agree with that therefore it doesn't count" kind of fashion.


It being a trait of the norn race is a completely valid argument. Just because you don't recognise or agree with that doesn't change the fact it is valid. Trying to paint this as "you don't like this or  have no real argument" just shows the dismissive attitude.  It comes across like you don't want to understand people arguments because you want something. 


"There is no reason not to"  isn't a reason to do anything, especially when there is reason...you just don't like / understand/ recognise them. 

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1 hour ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:


I never said the request was irrational .


You're doing the same thing here though. Disregarding people's arguments in a "I don't agree with that therefore it doesn't count" kind of fashion.


It being a trait of the norn race is a completely valid argument. Just because you don't recognise or agree with that doesn't change the fact it is valid. Trying to paint this as "you don't like this or  have no real argument" just shows the dismissive attitude.  It comes across like you don't want to understand people arguments because you want something. 


"There is no reason not to"  isn't a reason to do anything, especially when there is reason...you just don't like / understand/ recognise them. 


Why shouldn't humans have tattoos then?

Because you say so?

Who says your argument is valid just because it's your oppinion... doesn't make it valid.

I am however suggesting that ANet could make money out of this.

Players would start buying total makeover kits.

That is a valid argument.

You saying no because it's a norn thing it's not valid. It's your oppinion. 

I am presenting logical facts that could be a potential new income for ANet, and give more options for customisations. 

You, apparently, don't want ANet making money, because it's a norn thing... so humans shouldn't have tattoos. 


Yeah. I can feel the realness in your argument. Jesus. 

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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35 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Why shouldn't humans have tattoos then?

Because you say so?

Who says your argument is valid just because it's your oppinion... doesn't make it valid.

I am however suggesting that ANet could make money out of this.

Players would start buying total makeover kits.

That is a valid argument.

You saying no because it's a norn thing it's not valid. It's your oppinion. 

I am presenting logical facts that could be a potential new income for ANet, and give more options for customisations. 

You, apparently, don't want ANet making money, because it's a norn thing... so humans shouldn't have tattoos. 


Yeah. I can feel the realness in your argument. Jesus. 

Are you then going to ask for invisible chest armor skins so you can look at your tattoos?

Not sure that would go well with the age rating and the human female meta going around.

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Why shouldn't humans have tattoos then?

Because you say so?

Who says your argument is valid just because it's your oppinion... doesn't make it valid.

I am however suggesting that ANet could make money out of this.

Players would start buying total makeover kits.

That is a valid argument.

You saying no because it's a norn thing it's not valid. It's your oppinion. 

I am presenting logical facts that could be a potential new income for ANet, and give more options for customisations. 

You, apparently, don't want ANet making money, because it's a norn thing... so humans shouldn't have tattoos. 


Yeah. I can feel the realness in your argument. Jesus. 


Nothing is because I say so. It's how they are designed to differentiate and also feed into the lore and the culture of the race in the game as made. It's one of the things that clearly set humans apart from the norn.  Earlier you said a norn is a norn, not a human. And you know what adds to that, tattoos. 


I mean this has all the hallmarks I eluded to. 

Your opinion is somehow fact, not an opinion, making your argument valid. Whereas my opinion is only an opinion that runs counter to your, therefore invalid argumentation, despite the actual fact norn have tattoos and humans do not due to the culture of the race...


Is it a fact that if they introduced it ,it would add revenue or is that more of an opinion you hold due to confirmation bias as you would remodel your character? I mean Anet could remove the limit on cultural armour, give everyone the ability to have horns , a tail, or plant growths etc. More customisation, more revenue streams, and of course "why not" right? Saying no because humans don't have horns or tails and it's a char thing is not a valid argument! Clear differentiation and uniqueness between the races in an opinion and not a valid rebuttle! 


I mean sarcastically you say you can feel the realness in the argument that it's a norn thing. Yet that is somehow less of an argument than "why not"..Whether you like or recognise or or not tattoos being a norn thing so they shouldn't be on humans is a completely valid take to have. 


Also, saying essentially "if you disagree with me you clearly want Anet not to make money and the game to fail" is one of the flimsest arguments to back something up yet it always seems to appear in topics where people can't fathom the fact that their "universally great idea" isn't so universal and there are some who don't think it so great.


There are other things Anet can do to generate revenue without diluting and sullying their in game races unique characteristics and feel. 


Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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6 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

They made new hair styles when PoF was released, so to say they haven't ever done so is a tad disingenuous.

They have also said it takes about 9 months to make an armor set, so 1-2 sets a year isn't unreasonable, nor unproductive.

They added 3.

And 9 months to design a model. That's pretty unproductive. It's been 10 years, this should be cookie cutter for them.

I'm not going to tell them how to do their jobs, but such a long timeline does suggest there is a fundamental flaw somewhere that they have to keep working around.

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23 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

I don't get these "Why hasn't Anet done This" or "How has there not been that in X number of years" threads

Not adding basic customization options like tattoos (or facial hair/horns/skin patterns) after a decade in a game that people often refer to as Fashion Wars 2 is understandably weird. That's why these threads exist. And the longer these things go without being added, the weirder it is.

Barely any cultural pieces, one-off masks made to look like scars/makeup in the gem shop that never get iterated on, no new skin/fur tones in CC since launch, and an incredibly stingy application of new faces and hairs over the years is right up there with 'huh, kinda weird that we didn't get any Kurzick/Luxon tats with End of Dragons even though NPCs are wearing them everywhere'.

They must be aware that giving us new cosmetics and ways to customize characters is a great way to sell character slots, matching mount skins, weapons, skiffs/fishing poles, gathering tools, and gem shop armors, so seeing these threads seems perfectly normal to me.

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