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Well, Steam complaints are starting to flood in...


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1 hour ago, Matthius.9104 said:


This is why the game is getting bombed. It is 100% justified

I have 9000 hours over 8-9 years of playing this game, primarily PvP/WvW but also a good amount of PvE.<br><br>Where to begin when 
the entire game is a dumpster fire... <br>The GW2 community is the 
most cringe, insecure MMO community I've ever seen and all you'd have 
to do is browse /r/guildwars2 or the official forums for 5 minutes. 
<br><br>First of all, the devs have done their upmost, and I mean upmost 
best to neglect the best parts of this game for many years. 
The game receives abysmal PvP/WvW balancing so if you're starting the 
game as a pvper, just move on because there are many better alternatives.
 Eventually the balance was dictated by "prominent" streamers/content 
creators who banded together with devs in a secret discord server. 
These content creators would defend every bad balance patch simply for 
the reason that they had influence over some of the changes. 
One streamer publicly defended the patch, which notoriously nerfed all 
the damage in the game, and thus blamed it on players not being able to 
adapt when people complained. A year later he himself would complain 
about the state of the game being "stale" and how most pvp matchups were 
now stalemates. <br><br>The (arguably) best game mode in this game has 
been neglected for years. In 2018, the devs promised a new WvW alliance 
system that would "revamp" World vs World. 4 years later, they have 
failed to even ship the system to live servers. Not to mention the fact 
that the system does not actually solve any real problems the game mode 
has, it's just something new that players anticipated. Many players quit
 after that announcement as ArenaNet once again showed they have no idea
what they're doing. The few remaining veterans are just people that have
 invested too much time to quit. <br>SPvP is extremely boring and 
unbalanced. SPvP has one main game mode called Conquest that has been the 
meta for the games entire lifespan (10 years lol). The "top" pvpers in 
this game consistently win trade for rank, sell pvp tournament carries 
for $$$ and are even in on it with some of the devs who turn a blind eye. 
Ranked SPvP is also filled with bots and matchmaking is a joke and 
players will be mismatched based on elo because the player base is so
 thin.<br><br>The PvE in this game is mind-numbingly boring after a 
certain point. Repetitive, unskippable, badly written dialogue. 
Everything is so easy because the game is casual as hell. 
I'm still using the same PvE gear I crafted in 2014. 
Raids are super boring. There are more people selling carries than 
actually playing the game in the lfg menu because it's so dead. 
The community consistently praised the devs for their Living Story 
episodes which were an hourish, extremely boring, PvE stories that you 
zoomed through in order to play the new map released with it. The 
community acted like these episodes and maps were the greatest content 
they'd ever seen. So the devs took this praise and abandoned all other 
aspects of the game for a few years to pump out Living Stories, which 
eventually led to the same community getting bored and asking for 
something new.<br><br>Class Specialisations. Class specs are by far the 
laziest way ArenaNet pushed "content" to the game. With each expansion 
comes new class specs which adds skills/traits to each class. ArenaNet 
purposely nerfs the meta class spec at the current time in order to 
guarantee sales for their new expansion which will include the very 
overtuned new class specs. The design and development behind these 
specs became lazy and very dull after the 2nd expansion. Obviously the 
old class specs are neglected as a result.<br><br>So many other 
little things I can say:<br><br>- Cosmetics/Outfits that are beyond 
horrible.<br>- If you play as F2P you will get slapped by people 
who have purchased expansions with the latest class specs.<br>- 
Lootboxes with lootbox only loot.<br>- PvE focused community.<br>- Same 
boring holiday events that when you've done them once, you'll never want 
to do again.<br>- The worst inventory in any MMO, so much junk/trash 
items and you have to buy bag slots per char.<br><br>Find something else 
to play. This game offers nothing if you are looking for anything 
remotely challenging. So many big streamers picked up the game and 
dropped it within a week because they realised how boring it is. 
The best thing this game has is its combat and how you can use it 
to outplay other players. Unfortunately, when you have devs that 
have no idea how to balance the game, it's becomes irrelevant.
<br>Obviously this game has some good parts otherwise I wouldn't have 
played for so long but those parts were either neglected or changed. 
The gradual decline of this game was sad but inevitable when you realise 
who leads ArenaNet, how they laid off 200 employees at a single time and
 how the original dev team quit a long time ago to move onto other 


You thought pvp people would not revolt after being ignored and kitten on for all these years?

How is it any more acceptable to give fake positive reviews? You are trying to kitten new players with this toxic positivity.


edit: the link didnt work take the div i copied since i cannot copy from steam either...  sorry for the kitten copy

TOXIC POSITIVITY, LMAO. This literally made me laugh out loud. So now positivity is toxic, ahahahahaha!

Yeah I can't relate to it. If you don't like a game, then you don't play it and move on. You don't stick around for so many years only to flame it into oblivion.


There is a game for everyone out there, but people expect for all games to change just for them exclusively. It's like me going to WoW forums and complaining "OMG WOW HAS NO HORIZONTAL PROGRESSION, I DEMAND THE GAME TO CHANGE FOR ME!!!"

The problem isn't the game, it's entitled people that think they are the center of the universe and cannot accept that not all games are made to fit everyone. And what do they do if a game does not want to change 180 degrees only for them? They review bomb and sabotage the game, of course.

Edited by Crono.4197
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19 minutes ago, Crono.4197 said:

TOXIC POSITIVITY, LMAO. This literally made me laugh out loud. So now positivity is toxic, ahahahahaha!

Yeah I can't relate to it. If you don't like a game, then you don't play it and move on. You don't stick around for so many years only to flame it into oblivion.


There is a game for everyone out there, but people expect for all games to change just for them exclusively. It's like me going to WoW forums and complaining "OMG WOW HAS NO HORIZONTAL PROGRESSION, I DEMAND THE GAME TO CHANGE FOR ME!!!"

The problem isn't the game, it's entitled people that think they are the center of the universe and cannot accept that not all games are made to fit everyone. And what do they do if a game does not want to change 180 degrees only for them? They review bomb and sabotage the game, of course.

What they are talking about is, in fact, toxic positivity: people flooding the game release on steam with faux reviews that are just them being big fans of the game, so people will think it's a good game. A review is supposed to give something a fair look, for better or worse, taking it for what it is and being honest about what the experience has been like.

And now we have steam flooded with reviews from people who aren't giving it a fair look, but are just pushing a hate or love narrative. It's also (probably more importantly) not the place for them to be posting. It looks really odd, a ton of <10 hours players saying they are vets who have played for years.

Toxic positivity is basically a form of denying that anything bad is ever happening and saying it's all fine and dandy. I don't know where people get the idea that such an approach to anything is healthy. On a group-wide level, it makes a group look like a cult.

And yes, when people are miserable and badger anyone who tries to enjoy themself, that's not healthy either. It goes both ways.

But right now on steam, it's looking the toxic positivity from people who need to back off is way more of an issue than people who have a bone to pick with the game.

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14 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

The game just launched on Steam and the Steam forums are full with people that are:


- trying to sabotage the game by telling others to stay away from it because it's "pay to win" or other kind of lies

- people that don't understand that the Free to Play factor is only a trial and they expected full access to the game

- people that complain that 100 dollars for a full collection is too much and that "muh favorite MMO is not priced so high", completely ignoring the "no subscription" factor

- people that call the game pay to win after only logging in for a few minutes in it

- people complaining why Living Stories aren't sold separately

- people that complain about wanting regional pricing


Yep, what a great start. People complaining about things they don't understand and don't even wanna try the game first before coming to a conclusion.

I guess that's Steam and mainstream "gamers" for you.


i expected people complain why they cant transfer their guild wars 2 account to steam version but this is worst

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2 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

What they are talking about is, in fact, toxic positivity: people flooding the game release on steam with faux reviews that are just them being big fans of the game, so people will think it's a good game. A review is supposed to give something a fair look, for better or worse, taking it for what it is and being honest about what the experience has been like.

And now we have steam flooded with reviews from people who aren't giving it a fair look, but are just pushing a hate or love narrative. It's also (probably more importantly) not the place for them to be posting. It looks really odd, a ton of <10 hours players saying they are vets who have played for years.

Toxic positivity is basically a form of denying that anything bad is ever happening and saying it's all fine and dandy. I don't know where people get the idea that such an approach to anything is healthy. On a group-wide level, it makes a group look like a cult.

And yes, when people are miserable and badger anyone who tries to enjoy themself, that's not healthy either. It goes both ways.

But right now on steam, it's looking the toxic positivity from people who need to back off is way more of an issue than people who have a bone to pick with the game.

God forbid players leave good review for game they like, right?

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2 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

What they are talking about is, in fact, toxic positivity: people flooding the game release on steam with faux reviews that are just them being big fans of the game, so people will think it's a good game. A review is supposed to give something a fair look, for better or worse, taking it for what it is and being honest about what the experience has been like.

And now we have steam flooded with reviews from people who aren't giving it a fair look, but are just pushing a hate or love narrative. It's also (probably more importantly) not the place for them to be posting. It looks really odd, a ton of <10 hours players saying they are vets who have played for years.

Toxic positivity is basically a form of denying that anything bad is ever happening and saying it's all fine and dandy. I don't know where people get the idea that such an approach to anything is healthy. On a group-wide level, it makes a group look like a cult.

And yes, when people are miserable and badger anyone who tries to enjoy themself, that's not healthy either. It goes both ways.

But right now on steam, it's looking the toxic positivity from people who need to back off is way more of an issue than people who have a bone to pick with the game.

Writing positive reviews is now toxic? Wow that’s a new level of nonsense. 

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11 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Writing positive reviews is now toxic? Wow that’s a new level of nonsense. 

I think toxic positivity is basically defending a company to the point of "They can do no wrong" and invalidating actual criticism because "Not MY ArenaNet!" 

Honestly, this thread alone is making me want to go back to FF14. Even the forums are better. 

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13 hours ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

 The GW2 community can at times be overly helpful and enthusiastic to the point that it can be detrimental and annoying. The equivalent of as soon as you step into a store a store clerk appearing out of nowhere to spam you with if they can help or help you find what you are looking for. The intention is always good but the execution is not. Some people just want to shop at their own pace so to speak. Same applies here. 


People can be so wrapped up in trying to get people to enjoy the game they like that they do not see they can be a cause of negativity and detriment.

You know, that's a very good point. I bet what's going to stifle any Steam Growth will purely be people who already play GW2 doing it without even realising they are. Just like the fake positive review spam by 0.1hour players, or overcrowding them in game. In their enthusiasm, it could actually be a massive detriment. 

Really, for the best results everyone currently playing GW2 should have stayed off steam, but that obviously has not happened, and the steam charts will never truly reflect how many players the game gained or lost. 

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Personally, I'm very bothered by the fact that there is no seamless integration from old account into steam. Sure, you can do the whole add string method but that prevents you from using your Steam wallet and buying expansions. Does that mean that we need to keep two versions of our accounts so that we can add xpacks to our accounts? 🤔


When SWTOR went to Steam, your old account was integrated and  some time later, the game even removed updating through the launcher, it now does it through Steam directly, which is much faster. Why can't Anet do this? Don't say it's because of the 30% cut because that's a cop out. Why move to Steam if you didn't want to give the platform a cut? They will gain a lot more new players so it doesnt make sense. 


TLDR: Any benefit of existing accounts moving accounts to Steam beyond playtime tracking?

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I mean honestly i use a fair bit of steam, and outside of steam playtime tracking, and a built in steam community fourms and artwork / review zone for the steam hub, it has quite a fair slight bit of resource bloat.

It's usually faster to play games without the bloat and it'll save you like 0.5-1gb ram, not much but nice. I think most of the people looking at the steam release were explicit in looking for regional pricing. Which can be hit or miss since it lets people play or at least expecting a path of fire launch sale on the anniversary. 

I think there is some command line -portal method or something, that allows you to play your main account on steam, but dlcs purchased from steam will apply to the special steam's account, not the normal gw2 account. There's not a lot of reasons to play on steam if you were playing already other than the free advertising or trickle. But keep in mind 60 gb is still a big download. Maybe people are just still downloading it(?) 

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16 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

The game just launched on Steam and the Steam forums are full with people that are:


- trying to sabotage the game by telling others to stay away from it because it's "pay to win" or other kind of lies

- people that don't understand that the Free to Play factor is only a trial and they expected full access to the game

- people that complain that 100 dollars for a full collection is too much and that "muh favorite MMO is not priced so high", completely ignoring the "no subscription" factor

- people that call the game pay to win after only logging in for a few minutes in it

- people complaining why Living Stories aren't sold separately

- people that complain about wanting regional pricing


Yep, what a great start. People complaining about things they don't understand and don't even wanna try the game first before coming to a conclusion.

I guess that's Steam and mainstream "gamers" for you.


79 negative and 439 positive reviews hardly seems a flood.

Also, funny that to some people positive reviews are fake, because they aren’t really Steam players, but they ignore that many of the negative reviews so far are also from GW2 vets.

Forums gonna drama.

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peeps are calling it "pay2win" cause they log in and see all the needed unlocks to play it comfortable like all the inventory slots and bankspace, build templates, unlimited harvest and salvage tools etc etc.

As I posted in some other thread already: New players are not little year 0 babys who cant read, write and are not able to count 1+1 in this case.

they directly realise that the offer "complete collection" for 100 bucks is way not the end to spend and therefore everything else but "complete".

now all the white forums knights can arise and say "you dont need anything further to play story etc."  but if you guys are just a little true to yourself you have to admit that playing all expansions and living story makes it impossible to just play with 1 bankslot and that little inventory you are given as you are looting and getting all kinds of story items permanently into your inventory alone.

people are not dumb they see what happens here. "no subscription fee". The restaurant to enter is free but if you order food you get plastic fork and knife that directly breaks. want to eat comfortable? buy real fork and knifer for 20 dollars but beware you cant resell it, what you buy stays with you accoundbounds...  


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5 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

peeps are calling it "pay2win" cause they log in and see all the needed unlocks to play it comfortable like all the inventory slots and bankspace, build templates, unlimited harvest and salvage tools etc etc.

As I posted in some other thread already: New players are not little year 0 babys who cant read, write and are not able to count 1+1 in this case.

they directly realise that the offer "complete collection" for 100 bucks is way not the end to spend and therefore everything else but "complete".

now all the white forums knights can arise and say "you dont need anything further to play story etc."  but if you guys are just a little true to yourself you have to admit that playing all expansions and living story makes it impossible to just play with 1 bankslot and that little inventory you are given as you are looting and getting all kinds of story items permanently into your inventory alone.

people are not dumb they see what happens here. "no subscription fee". The restaurant to enter is free but if you order food you get plastic fork and knife that directly breaks. want to eat comfortable? buy real fork and knifer for 20 dollars but beware you cant resell it, what you buy stays with you accoundbounds...  


Terrible, a company has to make money. How dare they. Some here really live in a dream world it seems. Nevertheless, GW2 is not pay2win. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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5 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

peeps are calling it "pay2win" cause they log in and see all the needed unlocks to play it comfortable like all the inventory slots and bankspace, build templates, unlimited harvest and salvage tools etc etc.

As I posted in some other thread already: New players are not little year 0 babys who cant read, write and are not able to count 1+1 in this case.

they directly realise that the offer "complete collection" for 100 bucks is way not the end to spend and therefore everything else but "complete".

now all the white forums knights can arise and say "you dont need anything further to play story etc."  but if you guys are just a little true to yourself you have to admit that playing all expansions and living story makes it impossible to just play with 1 bankslot and that little inventory you are given as you are looting and getting all kinds of story items permanently into your inventory alone.

people are not dumb they see what happens here. "no subscription fee". The restaurant to enter is free but if you order food you get plastic fork and knife that directly breaks. want to eat comfortable? buy real fork and knifer for 20 dollars but beware you cant resell it, what you buy stays with you accoundbounds...  


The limited inventory is a bad idea.

I wish they would have scrapped that, because it causes a first impression that gw2 is just another korean p2w game.  There's no good reason to restrict free players to less inventory while also giving them less ways to unload useless loot.

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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2 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

It may surprise you but Anet is not a non-profit charity. 

everybody knows that but where are your arguments that the current design has to be that way?

what arguments do you have for the little developement over 10 years while making so much money like they do?

anything else but personal attack attempts?

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28 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

peeps are calling it "pay2win" cause they log in and see all the needed unlocks to play it comfortable like all the inventory slots and bankspace, build templates, unlimited harvest and salvage tools etc etc.


Sorry for the snip, but this is as far as I could get w/out falling out of my chair laughing.  Fair point, you're going to need to get some inventory and bank space.  However, harvesting and salvaging tools are available in game, for in game currency, and they're not all that expensive to keep.  How do I know?  Because I don't own any of the unlimited versions, and I'm not on in game welfare.  I also don't have any other build template slots than what we were all given.  So, nice piece of fiction here, but paying for conveniences like bank space and inventory, or even build templates and tools isn't P2W.  Now, if the only place to get the harvesting and salvage tools was the Gem Store, you might have a point, but it's not, and "stretching the truth" to support a narrative doesn't do a lot to support the narrative...

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9 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

Sorry for the snip, but this is as far as I could get w/out falling out of my chair laughing.  Fair point, you're going to need to get some inventory and bank space.  However, harvesting and salvaging tools are available in game, for in game currency, and they're not all that expensive to keep.  How do I know?  Because I don't own any of the unlimited versions, and I'm not on in game welfare.  I also don't have any other build template slots than what we were all given.  So, nice piece of fiction here, but paying for conveniences like bank space and inventory, or even build templates and tools isn't P2W.  Now, if the only place to get the harvesting and salvage tools was the Gem Store, you might have a point, but it's not, and "stretching the truth" to support a narrative doesn't do a lot to support the narrative...

you know exactly that there are alot people who not always want to stop playing and rerun to some trader to rebuy tools. also toolslots ony for 1 character. want to use the tools on another character you need to use your low bank space to transfer stuff or buy shared inventory slots to do it quicker...

will you stay in a restaurant which gives you breakable fork and knife so you need to rerun to the waiter all the time during your meal?

the tactics is to make it uncomfortable so people pay and that is not a "complete collection" and not entertainment.

and with a view on anet dont doing anything in most gamemodes with the cash they make with these cheap tactics its absolutely normal people now vent to make their new steam bubble a nightmare.

think omg think 


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1 minute ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Pay2win.  You keep using that term, but I don't think it means what you think it means.

i only described what the people on steam understand with pay2win.

people nowadays call everything pay2win they need to pay extra in a game. having an account with minor possibility to play comfortable and need to unlock stuff for gems is what they call pay2win cause the term pay2playcomfortable has never been established.

stop trying to make the impression others not understand what happens here, can keep your gaslighting for yourself.

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