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I'm sorry but toxicity is least of PVP problem


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You know how it feels to keep going in same cycle over and over.Because matchmaking should put you in %50 winrate.You know even you put a good fight beat to enemy  in fights but losing because people afk at base from start and you losing with objective points.

I'm sorry but I'm sick of people telling toxicity is bad for games.İf you bully them yeah thats true.BUT some people really deserve what they get.If you are being a dumb kitten low life sabotagin your team from start by staying afk.I  had right to call you dumb asss lowlife because this is what you are.People saying being toxic effect to teammates worse.Dude they are only benefit to enemy team and all of your efforts goes to trash because of them.

What do you think a bad matchmaking makes people toxic or toxic people makes to mm bad?Games made for fun but if you coming to ranked  and all of your efforts and time are wasted bc of afk,trolls.Also how healthy to push your frustration over and over?

I'm a honest person İF you are acting dumb that means you are a dumb.And there is no benefit of being wholesome to afk and trolls.

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I have to disagree with you. Making the environment worst is not a good long term solution. Who should deal with AFK and wintraders etc is Arenantet. They should have systems in place, like the report system to solve these issues. 


But you bashing on them will only create more tension. I agree with you  people that regularly AFK at the start, or leave the game as soon as they deemed love, simply deserve to have their account banner from any team mode.It does not give the right to a player to make justice by themselves and just bash them in the chat system. 


As for trolls, i no doubt that there are some. But i am sure there are players so bad at the game they simply have no clue what they doing and are just really bad at it. But for being bad at the game you should not be flamed. I have been flamed when i started learning the game, and when someone just insults you for being dumb does not learn to anywhere. I did not improve from it and it discouraged me. 

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18 minutes ago, zonias.1083 said:

I have to disagree with you. Making the environment worst is not a good long term solution. Who should deal with AFK and wintraders etc is Arenantet. They should have systems in place, like the report system to solve these issues. 


But you bashing on them will only create more tension. I agree with you  people that regularly AFK at the start, or leave the game as soon as they deemed love, simply deserve to have their account banner from any team mode.It does not give the right to a player to make justice by themselves and just bash them in the chat system. 


As for trolls, i no doubt that there are some. But i am sure there are players so bad at the game they simply have no clue what they doing and are just really bad at it. But for being bad at the game you should not be flamed. I have been flamed when i started learning the game, and when someone just insults you for being dumb does not learn to anywhere. I did not improve from it and it discouraged me. 

And this is a good environmment?Yeah let them ruin your game and waste your effort and time and you stay silent and push it.PLEASE I heard your words so many times please be good to them ı'm sure A-net gonna suspend them.Dude A-net forgot wtf even pvp is.Pvp so unpolish you can even enter inside of walls.And all focus goes to PVE.Did you read my message ı'm talking about afk and trolls.Why I dont have right to call people waste of space morons if they are  waste of space morons.Yesterday a people come to my game and said "Im gonna defend to base" and stay afk in base entire time.He will stay there and you gonna lose points because of that.Even you do nothing at least you lost 5 mins.And he did same thing next match.

I'm telling people if you are new in pvp PLEASE GO TO UNRANKED.But nope they see SPVP as material farm and thanks to A-net encourage people to ruin pvp with "The Ascension" achievements.Even tho you never played other classes you must because you need to win 10 matches with 4 classes.What long term?Worse than that 0 pvp population but its not possible because reward tracks,easy gold and legendaries.So yeah keep that frustration inside of you for losing bc of one afk and troll pos.İ'm sorry but toxic people can't block your progression in pvp only you can.You can block them and move on.And as long they are playing you have chance to win even they are toxic but if they are afk and trolls?

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I get your point, but toxicity does not help anything but venting your emotions. AFK player won't even read your chat because, hey, they're AFK! And trolls just want you to react to their trolling. Don't feed the trolls. Report. Block and take the loss. These are real problems but they are affecting your team as often as the enemy team.


And the rest are just players who don't have the skill level, insight that you desire. Don't blame them. They're doing their best in their own way and if they're bad they should get a skill rating accordingly. Say an underperforming player is bronze or low-silver. You can't blame them that they are put in a team with a platinum to compensate. They are just casually playing pvp and they are fully welcome to do so. It has been ArenaNet's well-thought over decision to mix players of different skill ratings whenever this is needed to keep queue times acceptable. If this is not being done, say hello to 20-30 min queue times.


And as long as rewards for unranked are far worse than ranked I advise all players to play ranked in most cases. Even in the bronze league you get far better rewards (and achievement progression) in ranked than unranked. So unranked should generally only be used for testing a build and learning a new map. Or when you want to micromanage your rank by selectively playing ranked/unranked.

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6 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:


I'm telling people if you are new in pvp PLEASE GO TO UNRANKED.

New players can go unranked and face 5-person teams who will stomp them so fast they have no time to learn anything.

New players can go ranked, occasionally get stomped by queue dodgers, but also get a bunch of matches against people with similar skill level in which they can learn because they have time to see their mistakes.

Even if ArenaNet decided to allow league tickets and Ascension achievements in unranked, there'd be a very good reason for newcomers to keep queuing ranked.

7 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:


What do you think a bad matchmaking makes people toxic or toxic people makes to mm bad?

Bad matchmaking doesn't make people toxic. It gives toxic people the feeling that they are justified in being toxic.

6 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:

...Pvp so unpolish you can even enter inside of walls.And all focus goes to PVE...

...Did you read my message ı'm talking about afk and trolls...

...Why I dont have right to call people waste of space morons if they are  waste of space morons...

...I'm telling people if you are new in pvp PLEASE GO TO UNRANKED...

It seems you have a lot of complaint about a lot of different people. ArenaNet, Afkers, Trolls, "Morons", and Newbies. And they're all, in your opinion, worse than "toxic" people who are just venting their legitimate anger.

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The playerbase would probably be less "toxic" overall if the game had any value.  As it stands, the reason why everybody gets so wound up over winning and losing is likely more to do with the fact that everybody gets a "skill rating" despite an algorithm's attempt to force a fixed win-loss ratio upon every player.  Ditch the ranks, fold unranked/ranked into one pool, and give blanket rewards for all matches played; then you'd probably see less people get upset about GW2 PvP being downright, objective trash and then all the people who want to delude themselves into thinking that mastering a babby-tier metagame can start up their own discord in-houses and private competitions. 

You'd really get a much better picture into how truly big (tiny, anemic, etc.) the GW2 "competitive scene" is by removing the rank system.  You wouldn't retain the people farming baubles to sell and you probably wouldn't retain the people who only cared about the numbers which never meant anything in the first place.  You'd probably only have the people who legitimately want to try to have some fun, but there likely aren't that many considering how GW2 gameplay is so brutally binary and shallow.

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Being toxic is is one of the only options we're left with. Match manipulation/idle player reports don't get read, and the freebie rewards encourage people to keep on doing it.

Really the only options you have are either:

A) Scream at them

B) Block them(since that's basically the same adding someone as a friend) to see where they are and then queue-dodge them

or C) Ignore them


It definitely doesn't help that nearly every aspect of sPvP encourages us to hate and resent one and other, or that the top players treat this game like a college fraternity, schooling their audiences to take this game as seriously as they do; which is a lot when you consider they're willing to pay up to $900 for virtual titles within it.

You would be surprised just how much this ego-driven clout-chasing mentality has bled through into sPvP's playerbase. I'm fairly convinced that 90% of all rev mains are already infected.

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8 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

New players can go unranked and face 5-person teams who will stomp them so fast they have no time to learn anything.


New players can go ranked, occasionally get stomped by queue dodgers, but also get a bunch of matches against people with similar skill level in which they can learn because they have time to see their mistakes.


This right here I think is the main issue for PvP from someone new to it.  

I started PvP this past weekend and was fully expecting unranked to be people that had no idea what they were doing, whether that be decade achievement only people, new steam accounts, new accounts in general.

Oh boy was I wrong, and to put it very shortly--ranked couldn't come fast enough.  Now the games are actually fun.

Unranked is a nightmare and I dare say either needs to go or they need to have it be sub-bronze only players.  If you play well enough to place, then you go to ranked.  

If someone wants to test builds or something they have arenas for that--unranked should be the newbiest of newbs.

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Toxicity in a game is never a problem.
IF X flames, mute them.
If Y trolls report and ban them.
If Z holds games hostage / abuses bugs, fix them.
Its always the developers fault one way or another.
And the problem is
1 people dont get banned. People wintrade for years with nothing stopping them, sell titles etc. Nobody gives a fudge.
2 pvp has gone to kitten steadily by kitten and unfun balance, dead gamemode.

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I lost the caunt how many times I got flamed in private chat long after game ended. Mostly by one who go afk after first lost fight in mid.  My rank is low and get flamed by felow low rank player is ridicilous. I do not want to play ranked pvp and I would play unranked but then I dont get rewards.

The solution is to not play pvp at all. Not because of unbalance and what not. People are crying about that since 2012. But because of players. Toxic players like you ruined gw2 pvp not Anet. I rather play with bots. They atleast don't give up and not spaming chat. 

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Nope, toxicity isn't the problem. The problem is:

- Long queue time

- Queue pops, someone declines

- Queue pops, someone decilnes

- Queue pops, two more players decilne

- Queue pops, everyone accepts

- Its Eternal Colliseum for the 20th time this night

- Two go far at start, I check my rank to make sure I'm in high gold and get confused

- Someone goes AFK

- Someone gets stuck in the terrain (sometimes both in the same game!)

- Player on our team targets me because I'm the support after they didn't get rezz from dying too far out

- Tell the enemy team its 4v5

- Another player on my team says "stop typing and play", maybe an insult or even a slur

- Enemy team comes to farm our spawn using pulls to grief us instead of chilling

- Tell them to let us 1v1, they keep farming

- Someone on enemy team says we suck, maybe a slur

- Lose game and lose a lot of points for a game we never had a chance in anyway

- Queue again

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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2 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Nope, toxicity isn't the problem. The problem is:

- Long queue time

- Queue pops, someone declines

- Queue pops, someone decilnes

- Queue pops, two more players decilne

- Queue pops, everyone accepts

- Its Eternal Colliseum for the 20th time this night

- Two go far at start, I check my rank to make sure I'm in high gold and get confused

- Someone goes AFK

- Someone gets stuck in the terrain (sometimes both in the same game!)

- Player on our team targets me because I'm the support after they didn't get rezz from dying too far out

- Tell the enemy team its 4v5

- Another player on my team says "stop typing and play", maybe an insult or even a slur

- Enemy team comes to farm our spawn using pulls to grief us instead of chilling

- Tell them to let us 1v1, they keep farming

- Someone on enemy team says we suck, maybe a slur

- Lose game and lose a lot of points for a game we never had a chance in anyway

- Queue again


 Forgot the games in which there is 3 or 4 enemy focus on you, to avoid being dead on 5 secs you have to go off node and you are chased for more than a minute and a teammate starts insulting you because you are off node or because you are not fighting enemy sidenoder with a support. Off course after one minute of your team doing 4 v1 against someone not moving from node they are not able to kill that person, but they even feel entitled to insult and say stupid things like asking the support to 1 v 1 the sidenoder.

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3 hours ago, Skorpis.4372 said:

I lost the caunt how many times I got flamed in private chat long after game ended. Mostly by one who go afk after first lost fight in mid.  My rank is low and get flamed by felow low rank player is ridicilous. I do not want to play ranked pvp and I would play unranked but then I dont get rewards.

The solution is to not play pvp at all. Not because of unbalance and what not. People are crying about that since 2012. But because of players. Toxic players like you ruined gw2 pvp not Anet. I rather play with bots. They atleast don't give up and not spaming chat. 

I think it is quite the opposite. Not toxic players ruined PvP it was Anet. They are responsible for game design, match making or how to handle (or not handle) reports. Everything that is a problem today is by no means because of toxic players. It is mainly a result of resources spent elsewhere.

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On 8/30/2022 at 1:44 AM, Carnage.6751 said:

I'm a honest person İF you are acting dumb that means you are a dumb.And there is no benefit of being wholesome to afk and trolls.

UwU I know you didn't meannnnn it. GG all! I had fun with this match! Especially with the two Specters, Bladesworn, Herald, and Catalyst hunting me down! Thank you for the glorious matchmaking, I hope you all have a great day UwU.

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No it is not the toxicity. It is the garbage MMR that decides before the match starts which team should win and which one should lose with a near deadly accuracy, just to enforce an idiotic 50:50 win rate.

As long as your system targets a win rate, this game mode is unplayable.

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Your feelings are one thing, but you can control your mouth, and certainly can control your typing.  You add nothing to the game by bad-mouthing people except more hate.  They won't change, so it's not worth the anger.


The flip side is that I completely agree with you about these parasites.  I would be happy to see a GM ban someone for an hour, day, week, forever from PvP for this behavior (each ban successively worse).  But seeing as this problem has been going on for the entire game's life, I don't believe this will ever be a priority.


Truth is I tried PvP eons back and stopped for precisely this reason.  I can't stand parasites, and won't abide a game mode that allows them to AFK and ruin other people's experience.

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Ok bud, OP...listen...YOU need to cool it and relax. Remember that it's just a game.


Look...I can take the p-rhymes-with-hiss out of this stupid matchmaking system and that whole clique and gaggle of win-traders and AFKers and Anet's incompetence or willful pvp ignorance until the sun goes down. But here's the thing: at this stage of the game, structured pvp is a walking carcass. It's dead. It's got nothing in it. Certainly no competitiveness or anything even resembling simple fun. There's no point in getting so irate about it .Much less trying to actually DEFEND toxicity and hate lmao. It's one thing to be toxic in a match, it's entirely another thing to sit there and defend this behavior unironically with a straight face. Come on man...Because at that point you're no better than the AFKers...

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SPVP has had ZERO new content since 2019. It has been toxic since 2014 when damage output went crazy. It's been ten years and they wont cancel a match that start as a 4v5. Reporting literally does nothing until you youself get banned when you tell toxic loser to suck a fat one.

Grouch used to be king of pvp, cared even. Crazy how little focus is allowed when pvp was a 'pillar' of guild wars 2. Absolute shame.

Edited by Hollowperspectiv.3047
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I got a bad one when I started ranked pvp. He spent the whole match complaining about me asking if we should cometely ignore the catapults in Kylo (as I imagined it would be the case).


He spent more time bitching about me than answering the question. Then he said he reported me and I should not be playing ranked.


My reply to him was simple: Anet requires PvP rank 20 for ranked pvp. I am rank 20. Therefore, kitten. 


P.S. I just figured out what kitten means. I kept asking myself what type of slang was that. It is just weak kitten, kittened up, kitten, Anet language control.

Edited by angrax.1372
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21 hours ago, Hollowperspectiv.3047 said:

SPVP has had ZERO new content since 2019. It has been toxic since 2014 when damage output went crazy. It's been ten years and they wont cancel a match that start as a 4v5. Reporting literally does nothing until you youself get banned when you tell toxic loser to suck a fat one.

Grouch used to be king of pvp, cared even. Crazy how little focus is allowed when pvp was a 'pillar' of guild wars 2. Absolute shame.

Yup. Now they're just COASTING. COASTING on gw1 and its reputation. (Yeah, I said it...)

Nah sorry, Anet. (And other mmorpgs ...) Y'all LOST the market to MOBA, FPS and RTS games long ago...

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On 8/31/2022 at 2:38 PM, Skorpis.4372 said:

I lost the caunt how many times I got flamed in private chat long after game ended. Mostly by one who go afk after first lost fight in mid.  My rank is low and get flamed by felow low rank player is ridicilous. I do not want to play ranked pvp and I would play unranked but then I dont get rewards.

The solution is to not play pvp at all. Not because of unbalance and what not. People are crying about that since 2012. But because of players. Toxic players like you ruined gw2 pvp not Anet. I rather play with bots. They atleast don't give up and not spaming chat. 

Toxic players like me right?Oh yeah ım sorry for facing you what you are .You are coming to game nothing but rewards .Fricking reward tracks and materials .You are legit leeching from pvp players.Not bc of me pvp died ,bc of absolute weight of leechers like you.Because we gonna waste time to get a pvp build, we gonna taste them in unranked,watch guides and get better and you just gonna drop to spvp and  farm materials by being absolute dead weight.Yeah please play with bots.I'm sick of playing with them.As long we have unhealthy material farmers like you this  game will stay dead.İts not different than Riba content for people like you.

Edited by Carnage.6751
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