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Tired of my server that doesn't like fighting - Im a roamer, sell me a new server


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please. I want out but idk where to go 🙂

Edit: it seems I misunderstand what roaming means. I enjoy solo fighting but what this post is for is searching for a server that enjoys small scale fights. There doesn't seem to be any guilds that do that on GoM.

Edited by Skergx.7562
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I'm linked with GoM at the moment and there is more apprehension than other links we've been with, but that's understandable since they're not stacked. Any tag that tries to get something rolling will have a lot put on them and likely under Outnumbered for much of the night.

That also means there should be plenty of people and stuff to hit up across all of the maps. I normally only see maybe one enemy camp taken when I log on and I'd expect there to be greater numbers of that side casually walking around their corner of the map and we do get a lot of probing into our corner, but that's around evening prime time. 

The servers we've matched with for the last few aren't dead or pushovers so there should be plenty of action and challenge for you, unless you're actually looking for a fight guild or usual group to float around with.

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GoM/Nsp is pretty weak on guilds tbh, mostly mid sized ones. Some of those guilds throw bodies at a boon ball and hope to win somehow. 🤷‍♂️


If you're a roamer looking for fighters, in other words nearby gankers around you when you fight, then the obvious answer is Mag, but they're full, so maybe FA, but they're full. Everything else might just be a toss up. Or just think back in previous matches which server had a lot of gankers after you, that's where you probably want to go...

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I suspect the issue is more that OP is roaming and the other players on their server that are running away are pip-farmers...aka players who are in WvW only to get either legendary armor and/or Gifts of Battle but hate the actual WvW game-mode...so they flee the moment any enemy players appear.

I was on SBI (for the previous 10 years) and unfortunately we had a lot of pip farmers join the server over the past few years so I moved to HoD.  We have a good amount of roamers and smaller havoc-type guilds that might suit your play style.

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2 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

I suspect the issue is more that OP is roaming and the other players on their server that are running away are pip-farmers...aka players who are in WvW only to get either legendary armor and/or Gifts of Battle but hate the actual WvW game-mode...so they flee the moment any enemy players appear.

I was on SBI (for the previous 10 years) and unfortunately we had a lot of pip farmers join the server over the past few years so I moved to HoD.  We have a good amount of roamers and smaller havoc-type guilds that might suit your play style.

I can only agree with the HoD choice. We have a nice amount of roamers cooperating with each others to generate contents, fights and to take objectives. HoD is very fine/fun atm for roaming 🙂

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10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I'm on IoJ and we have a fair bit of roamers. From prior links SBI also had a fair share of roamers who were fun to play with.

I'll let others chime in with which of the NA servers they found to have decent roaming scenes.


lol, as an SBI roamer/Havoc this makes me a bit concerned, but thanks? <looks around> have I got too many cats!? Am I a crazy cat dude!? OMG! HELP!

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5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


lol, as an SBI roamer/Havoc this makes me a bit concerned, but thanks? <looks around> have I got too many cats!? Am I a crazy cat dude!? OMG! HELP!

Been a while since I played with SBI. Can't vouch for what's happened to their scene since then, just saying that the roaming scene when IoJ was linked with them was decent. Of course that could have just been the IoJ roamers carrying their weight 😜

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On 9/8/2022 at 2:41 PM, Skergx.7562 said:

Gate of Madness - EAST USA

I'm not trying to slander but It's frustrating having the majority of your team retreat every fight. I would really appreciate a fight focused community.

It's not that GoM doesn't want to fight, it's that GoM pop is pitiful compared to other servers

I'm GoM too, last night, we capped SMC for the first time since the beta ended, and just two hours later did we lose it to the same people who had it since reset, Eredon Terrance, aka red. The ONLY way we were able to cap it was cause a guild got on and formed a densely packed blob of 35, 40, of course they didn't have a tag though cause "join muh discord".

GoM has a pop that feels like a European server with how it compared to the servers it faces, we're always outnumbered, and we can never cap SMC, even during PEAK HOURS, and it sucks. I'm thinking of transferring,, we got matched with Maguuma a bit back and it was hellish, we were always outnumbered.

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55 minutes ago, SamuelW.2685 said:


It's not that GoM doesn't want to fight, it's that GoM pop is pitiful compared to other servers

I'm GoM too, last night, we capped SMC for the first time since the beta ended, and just two hours later did we lose it to the same people who had it since reset, Eredon Terrance, aka red. The ONLY way we were able to cap it was cause a guild got on and formed a densely packed blob of 35, 40, of course they didn't have a tag though cause "join muh discord".

GoM has a pop that feels like a European server with how it compared to the servers it faces, we're always outnumbered, and we can never cap SMC, even during PEAK HOURS, and it sucks. I'm thinking of transferring,, we got matched with Maguuma a bit back and it was hellish, we were always outnumbered.

This might be the most Outnumbered link we've been with and NSP isn't high pop itself, but it's not a bad server to run around with. At least when I get to log on, one of the few tags I see a lot will have rounded up most of the pugs to go pull agro, then hopefully one of the hidden tags hits up something somewhere or joins in. 

I think GoM pugs need to remember to remain pugs and alert when squads and zergs show up if they're not actually going to join that squad. If that squad gets melted then almost all of our numbers get cleared out and it's too hard to cover anyone fast enough once it's a cascade like that. They don't need to crash into a zerg and kill them all at once, they just need to catch a body here and there until the other side obviously starts feeling their composition get shaky and they have to scramble for every move. Then the cascade might go the other way.

There have been some fun fights and I like hanging out with their pugs and a few of their small squad tags for how they move with a team and how they map travel, feels like old NSP pug life sometimes. 

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19 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

This might be the most Outnumbered link we've been with and NSP isn't high pop itself, but it's not a bad server to run around with. At least when I get to log on, one of the few tags I see a lot will have rounded up most of the pugs to go pull agro, then hopefully one of the hidden tags hits up something somewhere or joins in. 

I think GoM pugs need to remember to remain pugs and alert when squads and zergs show up if they're not actually going to join that squad. If that squad gets melted then almost all of our numbers get cleared out and it's too hard to cover anyone fast enough once it's a cascade like that. They don't need to crash into a zerg and kill them all at once, they just need to catch a body here and there until the other side obviously starts feeling their composition get shaky and they have to scramble for every move. Then the cascade might go the other way.

There have been some fun fights and I like hanging out with their pugs and a few of their small squad tags for how they move with a team and how they map travel, feels like old NSP pug life sometimes. 


I had pulled this for another thread but yeah, GoM is all over the place time wise. https://www.gw2matchup.com/matchup?id=1-3 That said not under all the time but to the OP, it might be the time zone. For the GoM forum goers, is GoM more PST time frame?

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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SBI: Dead/people die so fast that i think the wind killed them
FA; AFK wall corner runners
HOD: Decent amount not great in terms of fighting with, they go down fast but nice people
TC: we get off walls?

DB: Look at TC comment but add more salt

YB: No one alive

Mag: Best in terms of roaming but be sure to run first before they leave you behind

AR: Decent

Ioj: Decent and nice people when linked

BG: Roaming is 10+

NSP: I dont know but living is not there thing
FC: Bad fighters but god kitten they will have ~10 show up for a camp, honestly not a bad choice when looking for other roamers that will help
SOS: Timezone dependent
SF: I dont know
CD: Bad fighters, might as well be alone
SOR: Frig i know, maybe a pulse
ET: Remember some but been a bit
DR: Dead
BP: not really

GOM: Forums says some but random

Missing others but got bored writing it all out but think you get the point. With roaming being always run away classes when the one shot does not work or the 4 pcoket support to one dps, kitten where ever you go

Edited by Twilightzone.7452
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Ok, so first off, if you keep running off and getting killed, then you need better communication and/or awareness. People aren't running away when you go in alone and explode before anyone can even cast a res skill. (And who runs a res skill solo?)

Secondly, as Twilightzone implied, there's a ton of reasons why roaming is kinda unfun and why many players choose to either ignore it or run with a few people. It's just kinda garbage running as a solo when you have people running mini boon balls, and balance patch when? Never.

And third, hey TheGrimm.5624   SBI has roamers?  Actually I guess. It's just balanced out by some really awful players that are very salty and I have no idea why they're playing the game. Honestly @ Ronin.4501  those weren't pvers. They're just some really bad veterans that have learned to run instead of being a rallybot but hey that's an improvement-- they're just being smart.


HoD was pretty good when linked with, though I think it was more of the havoc sort.

I gotta say, I do notice some servers turn up much more in roaming montages. (It's like, always CD or DB). This is probably because those are lower tier servers and there must be more roaming there. On the other hand, I've been linked with them and dear kitten. This game can no longer support 4 tiers.

But dw, SBI (my server) isn't very good either. On my alt account, I would usually prefer them as targets. Also, I mean, I'm on it too. I don't know if roaming is going on since I already teleported away. (WB ftl). The worst part is there are some persistent trolls we have to constantly apologize to the host for)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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