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Elementalist: Meteor Shower


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I was having fun with weaver since few weeks, and at one point i got curious about the staff. And i was wondering is it still viable after this heavy huge nerf on it? (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meteor_Shower)

Viable in a sense of protecting strucure from siege. Or is it absolutely trash after the nerf, and i shouldn't even try the staff?

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After maining ele since beta versions the meteor shower and staff has been completely unusable for years! ele as a viable class for dmg has been nerfed so hard due to the boonblob zerg whiners dying to it.
so in true ANET fashion instead of balancing it they nerf it to the ground doing diminishing damage to the same target while only hitting 3 targets. ITS A NUKE kitten UR NOT SUPPOSED TO STAND IN IT, with a 1 min CD its beyond useless 

Grow up ANET

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If you're standing in a enemy shower I'm pretty sure you dont want to hear the words "I was just curious about the staff" but anyway it does "enough" damage to be effective against larger groups. The point is wide area suppression to keep hp down and its the best skill there is for that.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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23 hours ago, Choyacute.8591 said:

I was having fun with weaver since few weeks, and at one point i got curious about the staff. And i was wondering is it still viable after this heavy huge nerf on it? (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meteor_Shower)

Viable in a sense of protecting strucure from siege. Or is it absolutely trash after the nerf, and i shouldn't even try the staff?

You will do better with a scepter...staff ele is pure trash at this point, some will sacrifice everything for few mins of glory on youtube when they manage to get off a well placed meteor storm...that one time out of 20 times they tried already, the time you waste looking for that, it's better spent playing tempest/catalyst aura share..you will get  3-4× time the amount of bags, in terms of fun factor and overall better for your allies. If you insist in doing dmg with ele from range, use scepter, dragon's tooth does like 1.5x more dmg that a wasted meteor storm, you can crit people for like 7k dmg...where meteor does 3k dmg when lucky, also scepter offers better survival when paired with focus and it's overall less time wasted trying to get the best positioning 

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theres three points I think haven't been brought up yet about staff ele in wvw


1. Has to be 100% dps traits and gear


2. Doesnt work well in small fights


3. Doesnt work well against comped groups in open field, chokes and inside structures its well enough


Theres no room for anything other than fire/air/x (weaver or Catalyst) traits, and have to run zerk/scholar/force/x (bloodlust or Absorption)


If its a fight smaller than 15v15, staff ele just doesnt preform well in 99% of likely scenarios.


Peram stab/prot/high resistance uptime comped groups in open field are not gonna take much damage in true open field fights unless your group is significantly larger and or their driver is terrible, your also the #1 pick target and enemies have so much space to gank/kite you.


For defending lords room etc staff ele is the easiest way to get top damage though, it really does well in the right encounters.


Dont use marauder, bad people use marauder for staff ele, zerk/scholar/force/air/fire all the dmge modifiers and might possible

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